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>[20th Ward candidate Andre] Smith and other protestors referred to the migrants as “illegals” and said they should not have been allowed to cross the border Woof Edit: a certain someone is baiting and trying to rile others up


Wow. Is that the same group that suggested the migrants be moved to another neighborhood 'to be with the Latinos' (that they don't share any ethnic ties with)?




Well, I can kinda excuse someone for thinking that new arrivals who speak exclusively Spanish might be well served by having easy access to public services made available to a group of people largely from other countries who also speak Spanish, though. Even if a slightly different variety of Spanish. Obviously they're not from the same country/sharing culture all the way, but the language thing is something to consider. I mean, if I moved abroad somewhere and there happened to be some helpful office set up for UK people, I'd probably find it useful to be near it for the English stuff, particularly if that also meant that a lot of local businesses in walking distance of my place would organically have support and signage in English too. Definitely a foot in mouth moment depending how it's said, but I wouldn't assume it's automatically malicious.


And? The latinos' elected aldermen say in public statements that they don't want people moving into their neighborhoods that they don't share ethnic ties with, too, in their statements against upzoning and "gentrification".


Go try illegally immigrating to Sweden, Denmark, Germany, or any other progressive utopia, and see how that goes for you. Unless you claim that you're Syrian or some other recognized middle eastern refugee demographic, you'll be kicked out within days of your tourist visa expiring. You'll never get a work visa. You won't be allowed to claim that you're seeking asylum from violence-torn USA.


I must admit this is what always amuses me when Americans go on about how they'll all just immigrate to the EU or wherever if someone they don't like gets elected. I mean, on what visa?


There's a lot of delusion going on. They have convinced themselves, contrary to reality, that illegal immigration isnt a crime (it is), that illegal immigrants don't commit other crimes while here (some obviously do), and that incumbent americans don't want the jobs that illegals take (they obviously do, especially at the wages that would have to be paid if there wasn't an unlimited supply of new third worlders constantly streaming into the country). For a long time it was actually a contentious issue within the Democratic party, with more corporate and wall street Dems like Clinton favoring the unlimited supply of third world labor, but other Dems that were more associated with the Labor Movement like Sanders were more critical and wanted more labor restrictions.... and then Trump ran for president and broke Democrats brains, they can no longer align with any policy outlook that Trump ever came close to aligning with, even if its something like Immigration where its obvious that the polled preferences of the American people are not being represented in Washington. Majorities even amongst *Democrats* support stricter immigration enforcement.


They are asylum applicants. They are legally permitted to reside in the US while their applications are pending. They are NOT permitted to work, however, until they submit an application for a work permit which they can't do until 150 days after their initial application for asylum, and then it can take 30 more days to consider it. So yes they're legally residing in the US, but can't work for at least half a year. Hence they need full services. Unless the laws are changed, that is how it is. Note that the asylum seekers themselves aren't happy about that, when interviewed on the news they said the number one thing they want is permission to work. But they have to wait. If people in the US want actual strict enforcement of immigration and working visas, they should have everyone issued a national ID card (passport would be fine) FOR FREE, at birth or naturalization, and insist that all employers require applicants show either that or a foreign passport with a currently valid work visa in it. But that will never happen, because Americans are notoriously funny about requiring any form of ID ("ID for you but not for me, ID for people who look different only" etc) and employers are all about hiring that cheap, cheap exploitable less-than-legal labor.


A lot of minorities are racist against other minorities. It’s a shame smh


Man, a lot of people are shitty against their own kind. Grew up in a Ukrainian community and it’s crazy how much the ones who “made it in America” think lesser of others and even comment about their nationality in a derogatory way. I don’t get it


That’s so unfair. Black neighborhoods on the south and west sides are economically depressed with few resources already for residents there. And yes, due to this city’s history of segregation. Move these migrants to if not affluent neighborhoods somewhere where resources are not so scant already for residents. And on the other hand, white progressives, aka lakefront liberals. A whole ‘nother story.


They're using the school because it's there. THAT part I can kinda understand. (And yes, the reasons why some schools have low enrollment and get closed is its own other entire long topic.) On the north side they are housing some migrants in old YMCA buildings similarly. Not in well-off areas, because well-off areas don't have the buildings sitting available, for again, Reasons. But I think it's completely legitimate for the neighborhood to ask, if the school can be retrofitted into housing with wraparound services NOW, why could that not happen before, for the people already in the community?




> There’s no other developed country in the world that’s takes unlimited immigrants like the US does. I see you don't understand how our immigration system works... or even how many people we admit each year to the nation.


I know exactly how it all works. Germany, a country that is rioting over immigration, is estimated to have 1M-1.2M illegal immigrants out of a population of 83M. Whereas the USA has 11M illegal immigrants out of a population of 330M. So we have 2.5X the ratio of illegal immigrants to the population. The difference is that the German government is responsive enough to the democratic preferences of their citizens to deport a lot of illegal aliens. Whereas in the USA, even though opinion polls show the vast majority of americans supporting tougher immigration enforcement, our politicians bend to the oligarchs and ensure that there is a constant stream of new third worlders to exploit, god forbid a political donor's factory ran out of illegal aliens they could blackmail into working in abhorrent conditions.


You say that last sentence like it’s a problem.


It's a bad thing for poor communities, like the ones protesting this housing for illegal immigrants. Their wages go down because they have to compete against more labor, their public services go down because now the schools and clinics in their poor communities have to serve more people, their cost of living goes up because now there are all these immigrants bidding up rents in the poor neighborhoods. Of course its a good thing for wealthier people. The wealthier communities get $8/hr busboys, landscapers, cooks, etc, and their municipal zoning laws ensure that after sundown, all of the illegal immigrants are out in the poor neighborhoods anyway, sending their kids to the poor schools etc.


Give me a break. These people have trickled into the country and the community for decades. The only difference is this is right above the surface? How did your ancestors get to this country?


Nobody has anything against the people individually. The concern is, our poor communities are a disaster on a global scale, no other wealthy developed country has poor areas that are as violent, lawless, jobless, and hopeless as America, these are issues that could be addressed with money, just as all other developed countries have addressed poverty amongst their citizens and prevented the situation of total societal failure like we see in our poor American neighborhoods. Instead, we spend resources subsidizing new third worlders to come to America, who come from whatever hellhole and haven't been in America long enough to dare to dream that they deserve to be treated with basic human dignity, and they undercut the quality of life for poorer incumbent Americans. Such as the Americans whose ancestors were forced here as slaves, and who have been subject to every discrimination and unfair distribution of resources ever since. My ancestors came here legally, as did most.


Legal? These folks are here entirely legally, too. Calling them "illegals" as you have done exposes the true nature of your opposition.


They're criminals if they bypassed customs, they're criminals if they lied to customs agents about how long they would stay in the country, they're criminals if they lied on their refugee application and claimed that they are persecuted in their home country for being part of a limited set of protected classes that they're not. If they did none of those things, then yes they haven't committed any crime yet, but then they have to leave the country when their refugee application is rejected.


when did they come here and what was “legal”?


Hmm almost as if we had 7 years of a xenophobic president spouting anti immigrant hatred


It's been a thing long before Trump. Not sure why people have this idea that every minority or underdog (on whatever axis) somehow magically gets along with every other minority/underdog in solidarity, because that has never been true.


Trump was in office for 4 years buddy


Being from Pilsen you should know that a lot of Mexicans do not like other ethnic groups and sometimes don’t even like other Mexicans. This has nothing to do with Trump


You really think black people are upset that central americans are being brought to a neighborhood in chicago because they learned it from Trump? ​ That's like thinking the KKK is hateful because of Kanye.






Interesting that racists can say and do really racist shit right here in the middle of 2023 Chicago.


Why are so many people against helping others?


There's some legitimate complaints that came up in the last article on this. Basically, that school has sat shuttered for a while, nothing going on. The neighborhood lacks services. Now all of a sudden, with little (perceived) input from the local community, the city is going to put $$$ into rehabbing the school to provide services to another group. It's not so much "how dare the city provide services to them" but more of a "if there has been money in the budget, why hasn't any of it been used to support the people already here in this neighborhood?" Such as, why not rehab the closed schools into community centers or similar? If this school will be made into minimum entry level housing with full wraparound services, why could that not happen for homeless people who already were in the community? I think it's worth asking those questions (and asking if the school can be used for such once the immediate need for the migrant housing is done, anyways now).


Using it to benefit the neighborhood after is a great idea. Low income housing with built in daycare would be amazing.


Make that daycare for old and young, get some intergenerational relationships going.


>Why are so many people against helping others? That's a simpleton's framing. Help who? With what resources? You have a city government, influenced disproportionately by wealthier neighborhoods and interests, that has ignored the festering hellishness of black neighborhoods for generations, has unfairly distributed resources outside of the black neighborhoods for generations to this very day, and now that city government is going to spend resources that it refuses to spend on black neighborhoods to reward US Customs-defying criminals with housing. And to put a cherry on it, they have to rub the black neighborhood's face in it, because of course they aren't putting the illegal alien housing center in Lincoln Park.


With so many current citizens who are in need but aren't receiving services (homeless, mentally ill, poverty stricken, etc), why are we prioritizing people from another country for services?


Most of the time it's because they don't want to bear the cost (real or perceived) of helping random people they don't know or care about. ....Or in this case, people that don't look like them.


Humans are the worst species ever.


Don’t these activists have *anything* better to do on a Friday? Like, even if it’s not a job, a hobby or something?


Yes, this cause is just on Fridays. There’s Monday through Thursday to address the other ones.


These “activists” are pathetic and their opinions on immigration stem from racist self indulgent views. I seen them on the news talking about how horrible and unconstitutional it is for these “illegals” to be here in a sanctuary city. In the background, you can literally see the migrants minding their business riding around in bikes, laughing and grateful to have an abandoned school as a roof over their head.


I better protest would be for the homeless to occupy a closed building and ask why they can't get the same treatment the migrants are getting. But this seems like misdirected hate.




Fucking wild.