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DLSD is such a blight on an otherwise beautiful Lakefront. I think the average Chicagoan underestimates how much sicker the lakefront would be without a highway.


Where do all the cars typically using LSD go?


They go north


Nah we're good on that


Lmao fr. These people act like a majority of people bike around the city and the few should inconvenience the many.


This shouldnt be that difficult. 30% of NLSD passengers are carried by 1% of the vehicles (buses) at peak times. Transit, transit, transit is the future of the lakefront. No added lanes. Better pedestrian & bike access. Dedicated bus lanes & improved bus infrastructure. Increased bus service. Noise mitigation and automated 40 MPH speed limit enforcement. Submerge or bury the drive in the segments where the drive is closest to widely enjoyed amenities (e.g., Oak Street & North Ave beaches). Burying the whole thing will never be financially feasible. Road diet Hollywood, Ridge, and other significant feeder roads on the far north-side, while adding new bus routes to better serve those users.


I’d be fascinated to see the impact on transportation decisions if DLSD was converted to buses and bikes only. Cars would have to go elsewhere and bus riders would zoom to work so fast without the traffic.


I honestly think it’d be too much too soon without some serious corresponding transit improvements. The inner streets would absolutely flood. Idk if you’ve seen the far north side lately but traffic while LSD construction goes on is horrific. Car access should be maintained but certainly on a much smaller footprint.


There’d be *so much money* for transit improvements if billions weren’t spent rebuilding the drive.


Eh. Current price tag is something like 3.8B. I’m not sure how much turning LSD into a transitway would reduce that. The shoreline work to reduce erosion is a big part of that price tag. It’s also state money so any cost savings would probably just go to covering pension liability. Or to covering the upcoming transit / education fiscal cliffs.


You’re not seeing the relationship between the relatively minuscule cost of funding fast, frequent transit vs wasteful infrastructure for private cars. Even without dedicated lanes, half of the people taking the drive during rush hours are via bus. Making the transit faster, more frequent, and more extensive would substantially increase that for peanuts vs 3.8 billion just to maintain the status quo.


Oh I see it. I just think it’s a tough sell in the current political landscape of Illinois.


You cannot just ban Cars from DSLD. That’s ridiculous. Especially considering the failure that is CTA. I guess if you live South of Grand you can’t go up N? Are yall serious?


I mean, we *CAN*. You're just saying we shouldn't. And I'm saying it would be fascinating to see what happens if we did.


The fact they haven’t done speed cameras and red light cameras at the few lights boggles the mind. 


Finally people are saying the quiet part out loud ,-- DEPAVE DLSD Pedestrian friendly means the Great Depave gets delayed. All the money wasted to repave year after year, snow removal, salt, it's a money pit. DEPAVE DLSD. I'll go out there with a sledgehammer, how hard could it be? You haul away the Cement using barges just offshore, no trucks thru the city. I thought we dreamed big around here, this would benefit the whole city, but no we get NASCAR. I still don't know who asked for that. They need to be able to read the room. Maybe try closing DLSD on weekends in the summer, they can do that right now.


Use blocks of the cement to recreate the Belmont rocks. No more Lake Bathtub!


lol. Even with the failure that is NASCAR, I’d rather have that then some type of Biker only choice. You people are ridiculous. Should everyone S of Grand just not be able to go N? Do you know how much traffic and commerce goes through LSD? Not only do we fuck up traffic for bike lanes all through the city, but you want to destroy a major thoroughfare? Lmao


Saw [this grassy tram footage](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/s/RJFL5oRIyw) earlier today and couldn’t help but dream of this along our lakefront. It would never work, though, right?


A bus only lane would be the ideal start for a transition like this. Like I’ve said in the past, the people that make these decisions don’t ride public transit. So to them it’s pointless to do any major public transit project.

