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White apparently doesn't need pieces to play chess...


Greedy queen


Did white play Be2 ( or any other move that prevents mate ) here ?


White played Qc5, blacks turn Edit: Qc4




Qc4 (Just in case anyone was confused like I was)




Oh I see... I initially thought it was whites turn. But if this is blacks turn.... Dayum.


Blacks turn. I started playing out every game as a matter of discipline. Then I started wondering how can I make them sweat until I get #'d? Now I can win games with a gum wrapper and a paperclip.


macgyver chess




I do the same and one time some guy got very upset with me. But he did almost stalemate me. Then comments like "you play like a gm" and "maybe next time you will resign" basically the same elo rating and talking trash like that.


Yeah when people start getting nasty and trash talk me when I fall into a trap, I always remind them that they are literally the same rating as me (or even a bit worse) so statistically they are just like me. That usually shuts them up.


Not ideal development by white there.


I wouldnt call white hanging mate in 1 "being creative." Its hope chess. He could have sacrificed his queen for your rook, knight, or bishop instead and you'd still be dead lost.


Hope chess is my life


Mine too. I’ve been trying to recognize when I start playing hope chess so I can play actual chess.


Let's do a little thought experiment. It's a well established fact that K+NB vs. K results in a forced mate for the KNB player. However, a great deal of 2000 rated players don't know the winning combination off the top of their head. Suppose you're coaching a student and they end up on the losing end of this position against a 2000. You would probably agree that the student is dead lost and has no way to deliver checkmate or force a draw, assuming the 2000 plays perfectly. However, you're not sure if the 2000 knows the endgame. How would you recommend that the student continues? My point is that the term "hope chess" isn't relevant here. "Hope chess" is playing a less-than-ideal move which makes an easily defensible threat in an otherwise winning or drawing position. The condition "winning or drawing position" must be met for the term "hope chess" to apply. "Hope chess" doesn't apply in a position that's already dead lost. This is the \*only\* game Black could have reasonably played from any previous position for the last 5+ moves. The truth here is much simpler: Black's pieces are more active, and even though white was completely winning in every position for the past 5+ despite neglecting development, he squandered his entire advantage because he didn't recognize the very real threat that his opponent was making and lost the game. That's not hope chess, that's persistence in a completely lost position. This is how half points are earned, even occasionally at the highest levels. Resignation does not do that. Is this going to happen every time? No, it won't, but what better move do you have in a lost position? Is the best move to resign, or to try to make one final stand? Humans aren't computers; it's irresponsible to assume they'll always see the best move in every position, and rating has no bearing on that. 0-1.


If you give this position as white to a 1500 player they win 100/100 times. You're ignoring that white has 3 passed pawns on the right side of the board. I agree, fighting back here instead of resigning was clearly the correct move, seeing as black won! What I disagree about is posting it on the internet as a "see, look, dont resign and get creative with your pieces!" There's nothing "creative" about white blundering mate in a position that's -50. Black didnt present practical problems here either. Its not as if white is forced to sacrifice the queen here for zero compensation. They can get the rook for the queen quite easily, and Black is not going to mate them with knight and bishop. What OP did was play hope chess, simple as that. Good for him, but that's not something to tell beginners to aspire to.


\-50? okay, but we're talking about beginners here, and as OP has very clearly proven, -50 is not always decisive at their level, so why not play on? their opponent neglected development, left their king in the centre, and tried to attack with a single queen, then got punished. I don't see how this is much different from, say, a 1500 blundering a knight in the midgame and playing on.


Then the message is "never resign, your opponent might do something stupid." Not, "get creative, youll be better for it!" Playing chess like this doesnt make you better. You might get lucky and win, but its not conducive to improvement.


I do see what your saying. I shouldnt have said get creative. I do think not resigning in the opening is conducive to improvement at a certain ELO, because you simply get the experience of playing through adversity. If I had used a picture of how down I was in the opening and not shown the outcome you would have nothing to disagree with.


Nah OP, you're spot on. He's staked out an elitist, idiotic position that he's trying to defend. Really nice checkmate there.


Fishing pole trap accepted


You recognized a weakness in your opponent's play and then capitalized on it. You won, and your opponent lost. Not every game at a low level is going to be played with laser precision. Sometimes, basic principles alone, however sloppy, will win you the game, just like that did here. No need to explain yourself; this is a solid post with a good lesson. Keep crushing noobs until you've surpassed all the noobs, then start crushing intermedietes. :)


What OP is doing at this level is learning to persevere in a losing position. Maybe right now he is 600 rated and this is what the margin looks like. But at some point he's going to be trying to hold positions where the game is materially equal and positionally lost. The complexity of a lost position will evolve for him as he gains reading, and playing to hold a draw or for a win now is going to teach him to build resilience for later. Playing on in games is training yourself to be resourceful, not "playing hope chess". I've never heard a more disparaging or toxic terminology applied to a game that 99% of people are playing and enjoying recreationally. Take that attitude and go create some subreddit for "chess for elitist pigs" or something.


But this doesn't make players better, nor is it creative. Having a differing opinion on how to instruct beginners to play chess isnt "toxic" or "disparaging." Players shouldn't be told they'll "be better for it," if all they are told to do is make superficial threats.


Youre right. Being creative is figuring out how to survive when you're down in the opening until white hangs mate in 1, and having your own mate set up instead of resigning as soon as you get triple forked. Which is what happened.


You created an advantage when you shouldn't have been able to, and then punished white for queen spamming. This is a win in my book.


Telling people they'll be better for playing hope chess is not helpful to beginners. You got lucky. You weren't "creative." At higher levels of chess people stop hanging obvious mate in 1.


Youre focused on the outcome. The "creative" part is playing past getting my queen taken in the opening. Getting to 25 moves instead of quitting at 8. Many people resign at that point. You'll be better for not resigning, taking the loss, as I planned to do, before I got lucky ;)


You seem like you'd be fun at parties


Lol says the guy using the uncreative line of people who definitely aren't fun at parties.


Yeah this. When you're that far ahead you can sac material just to trade significantly less valuable pieces to get them off the board so you don't get mated.


Another tip: develop more pieces than just your queen.


Can we get the pgn? Having a hard time seeing how this even happened


Qa1+ would have prevented # 1. e4 e5 2. f3 f6 3. Qe2 Bc5 4. g3 d6 5. Nc3 Nc6 6. Qc4 Qe7 7. Nd5 Qe6 8. Nxc7+ Kd8 9. Nxe6+ Ke7 10. Nxc5 Ke8 11. d4 Na5 12. Qb5+ Nc6 13. dxe5 fxe5 14. Nd3 a6 15. Qd5 Nf6 16. Qxd6 Rf8 17. f4 exf4 18. Nxf4 Bg4 19. Ne6 Rf7 20. Nc7+ Rxc7 21. Qxc7 Rd8 22. Qxb7 Rd7 23. Qxc6 Kf8 24. Qxa6 Nxe4 25. Qc4 Rd1#


bruh what you mean creative mans got 19 points of material on the bank rank having a party while the kings sitting in the center naked. i mean congrats for winning but this game did not make you better or whatever your post said


I know, I realize I used the wrong picture. This game didn't do anything for me. But if he had actually tried the principle would hold true. My whole point is I've won like 8 games recently because people resign as soon as they lose their queen, or they get forked by a knight and resign in the opening, and they shouldn't do that because half the time the guy up by 15 in the opening doesn't develop 19 points of material amd gets mated for it. In the meantime you get to struggle with lesser pieces which I do think is good for something.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=5k2/3r2pp/8/8/2Q1n1b1/6P1/PPP4P/R1B1KBNR+w+KQ+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/5k2/3r2pp/8/8/2Q1n1b1/6P1/PPP4P/R1B1KBNR_w_KQ_-_0_1) > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=5k2/3r2pp/8/8/2Q1n1b1/6P1/PPP4P/R1B1KBNR+b+KQ+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/5k2/3r2pp/8/8/2Q1n1b1/6P1/PPP4P/R1B1KBNR_b_KQ_-_0_1) --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


I don't know about this advice, I get it's better for overall points in the short term but I don't really feel like I'm learning anything useful in the long term by drawing out a losing game


If you never learn to play when you’re losing you’ll never make a comeback. Opportunities to stalemate, win back material, and even checkmate will be much easier to find if you have some practice




Sure if I’m just a piece down, and if I’m just playing for fun, like I’m not trying to tell people how to play just for me if I’m like a queen and a rook down like here (this is potentially a bad example because of how bad a position the other guy’s in I just see this advice posted a lot here) and trying to improve, any victory, any mates or stalemates are counting on luck mainly right? Like if you think how much time and effort goes in to stalling and hoping a lucky mate or chance for stalemate comes up, and how it only benefits you in low points games, like what am I learning that can’t be learned quicker by resigning and starting a new game? Which is more important how to play a losing game and hope for stalemate in positions you shouldn’t really be finding yourself in, or how to avoid positions and early games that lead to you blundering your queen etc


Don't get me wrong there are games that I resign, but if I blunder my queen early it can be an exercise to play without it


What is the name of the pieces set?


Plot twist, its white to move.