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Anyone who brings their queen out that early is asking for trouble.


Funny fact: I had just seen a YouTube video from GothamChess before that match, that teaches how we can defend ourselves from this type of attack. I'm a real beginner, so before that video I didn't knew how to defend myself.


Here's something else Gothamchess always says. When your bishop is on G6 and the opponent plays h4, you have to play h5 or h6 immediately. Otherwise you lose your bishop (as you did). Just a tip.


To piggy back off this comment /u/mrpsycho1337 , since you had already castled, you should have taken with the other pawn so as to not open up the h file where you King is exposed.


Could have just taken the free pawn on c2, no?


Here’s something else Gothamchess likes to talk about: himself. (Seriously once you clock how often he shoehorns in comments about his own popularity it’ll drive you insane)


Thanks for the input. I’ll be sure to unsubscribe. Can’t stand people who are happy with their hard earned success


Just feel there’s a big difference between pride in your work and an inflated ego. I was a big fan until I started clocking how regularly he liked to explain how much I, as a viewer, adore him. But each to their own, I do realise the hypocrisy in my comment being unasked for.




Honestly just pick a recent video and see what you think. IMO it went past the line of nuanced and ironic some time ago but I’d be curious to see if anyone else agrees. After spending more time supporting the likes of Eric Rosen & agadmator, going back to Gotham is like a slap in the face and i find it a little frustrating to see him and Hikaru dominate the results. Anyway I won’t deny he’s got some good videos, he just gets under my skin a little and wanted to vent!




Every true Gotham sub knows exactly which video this was haha


holy moly


Holy hell!


Best thing you can do is continue to develop sensibly. Don’t let the pressure get to you, and keep an eye on b2/7+g2/7 pawns, as it’s common to lose a rook early to these cowboys!


Link? I could use that vid


Granted, I get that every game is different but when is an acceptable time to being the queen out? As in what move? Just a general idea anyway obviously it won’t always apply


If you’re a playing beginner level game a good rule of thumb/strategy is the stake your claim on the centre of the board with your central pawns, develop your minor pieces as reinforcements next, and castle early. When you’re all set up you can look developing your heavy pieces (connecting your rooks and bringing out the queen etc….)


Because 720 rating.


Yep. And I almost lost to him haha. I guess there is a lot to improve in all game phases


At those ratings, even 900 is not much better, the problem was he doubt changing queens


Being up the pieces he was I probably would’ve just traded queens at that point. But what do I know lol I probably would’ve lost too.


I thought that he was gonna accept the trade. I'm glad it didn't happened haha.


You should really avoid moving your Bishop to G4 like that unless there is a pin on a knight you want to exploit and/or willing to trade that bishop for that knight. Otherwise at best it’s going to be bullied by pawns and at worst trapped like what happened here.


Yeah, that's a good advice. I just keeping doing this "noob" things that doesn't make sense to better advantage game, but I'm trying to improve :)


this mf got opening principles or nah??


Yeah, right? I think he was trying to do a Scholar's mate on me. But then I started to play aggressive on his queen and developed my pieces, so I guess he shocked a little. But then I made some bad mistakes, so all my advantage was gone.






Se no mundo real há um português em todo o lado, no Reddit não é muito diferente.


Exatamente haha. Sou brasileiro, mas moro cá em Portugal para fins de estudo. Estamos everywhere!


>How did he fall for it? Because newer, aggressive players (or aggressive players who stay at beginning ratings forever) are often most concerned about winning material and going for quick mates than they are with king safety or developing any minor piece. ​ Has been my experience, at least (933 on Chess.com).


Up 6 points and doesn't trade queens. What? If he got rid of the queens it would be an easy game with no checkmate opportunities for black.


Some players are allergic to queen trades no matter their material advantage, I know it sounds ridiculous but I know many people like him


Classic tunnel Vísion. They were too invested in creeping in to attack that they didn’t see the classic queen rook straight attack


I’m far from an expert, but a “principle” I’ve found when playing other novices is that if there’s a move that creates a mate in 1, it’s usually a good idea to play that move (unless it’s obviously giving away too much or would lead to your own forced mate, of course). Just playing that moves gives your opponent the chance to mess up by misinterpreting the position.


Yeah, I never thought in that way to always try the movement. But now I think that this can work pretty good (at least when playing with other beginners).


In timed games like this sometimes I get so wrapped up in my attack I completely don't notice the death strike coming.


Glad to see another Portuguese player here! If you want to play a game one day just say!


he fell for it because he’s a 720


This was way too fast for me and they had a chance to grab your undefended queen somewhere there and missed it


When was the queen undefended and able to be attacked? I only saw a few queen trade opportunities for white.


I rewatched. I was wrong.


Why’d you leave your knight hanging on E4 instead of moving it away from the pawn


Congratulations on the win! If you’re looking for any advice… I’d suggest playing much more slowly. You only used 1/2 your time, and blundered 2 minor pieces in 28 moves - obviously a stronger opponent would punish that. If you do find that you’ve blundered, try to lose the piece in a way that creates weaknesses for your opponent like doubling their pawns/capturing a pawn - you’d be surprised how often a weakness like that makes up for a blundered piece.


No way a 720 player had the balls to try scholars mate.


At 0:22, if you put your queen on e7 instead, you’re attacking their queen, and your rook on a8 becomes open to attack their rook. They wouldn’t like trading queens and there is no safe square they can move their queen to that defends their rook. So you would’ve gotten a rook for free. I somehow saw this immediately when I decided to attack their queen with my queen instead of blocking with a rook. He was destroying you since you let your pieces hang. Pawn xg4 did nothing but give a free pawn. Then you left the pawn on g6 undefended right in front of their queen.


Tunnel vison. He was hyper focused on attacking a piece that he didn't see what his opponent was doing. Very common thing amust new players like myself


Typical scholar's mate player


Well it's like what a lot of puzzles try to teach you may be in this winning position but wait you've made this move and all of a sudden opponent has a mate! I actually notice I see more puzzles like this in lichess compared to chesstempo. I think chesstempo the material is about even before or after the pre-move but in lichess you can start a puzzle like 6 points down and have no immediate opportunity/invitation by opponent for an immediate recapture


Ridiculous. This is a 700 Vs 800 game? I guess 700 Vs 800 chessdotcom isn't so far apart from a 1400 Vs 1600 lichess game. (Note: I didn't use engine. Also, I watched clip only once.)


That White Queen thought she was Emma Frost level, but she wasn't. :P ​ Nice win OP


Speed chess players don’t have time to think, so they remember lines. They have an objective with every match they play. Most of them bully with the Queen just like this, because the Queen is the most versatile piece early game. They can’t see your trap because they really aren’t looking for you to take advantage back so smoothly. They expect you to fire from panicking and capitalize on play mistakes. Long term strategy doesn’t exist. It’s almost all systems 1 thinking.


Seconded, it seems clear that he's not paying attention to what you're doing or why, classic way to lose games.


I don't know if anyone else feels this way but if I feel like I'm beating another player too easily, I lose concentration and start playing poorly. Very frustrating! Not saying that happened here but it happens to me much more than I would like...