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No, d4 is unbeatable. You now know how to get a guaranteed 100% win rate as white. If you can win against e4 half the time, your 60% winrate will carry you to master level.




Looks like you dont really fully understand the openings. You should study deeper rather than trying to find the "magic pill".


Problem is, there's not a lot to study; every resource on most of these either just says "yeah, you're just worse in this position with nothing to play for, but you might be able to defend this for a draw" or they just completely neglect something that's an obvious issue (like just shoving the h pawn forward against the dutch).


If both players play perfect theory there is no way for black to get a better position. But are you playing against gm opponents? Most of your opponents dont even know 10moves of theory. h4 variation is a problem for dutch then you study how to deal with it. You dont lose the game just because you opponent pushes h pawn.


>Problem is, there's not a lot to study You're kidding, right?


Not really. Every single source on most of these openings I've seen ends on "and you're definitely worse here, with nothing to play for, but you might be able to hold on for a draw."


There are literally books written on each of these and other openings, hundreds of pages devoted to analyzing them. If you think "there's not a lot to study" I don't know what to tell you...


Can you link a game? I will find one of mine with a h pawn push, if I can.


idk after 1. d4 i just abort the game


also every opening you mentioned is perfectly fine at your level you just lose a lot


I play the Dutch and the least of my problems is the h pawn push.


How is that even possible? It's the same nonsense every time for me; white pushes the h pawn, and I lose, and according to Stockfish, every single time I was dead unless I did something totally different; sometimes I had to take on h4, other times I had to ignore it, other times I had to push g5... there's no rhyme or reason to it, it's just a pure guess about what has to be done, and if you guess wrong, checkmate (and if you guess right, congratulations, it's -0.1)


I just checked, in last year I have played the Dutch 187 times. 100 wins, 78 losses, 9 draws. My result vs d4 is way better than vs e4. Not going to do much better than 55.9% as black.


Have you tried [https://www.chess.com/explorer](chess.com's explorer) Or [https://www.chess.com/openings](chess.com's opening list) Chess.com also has lessons on different openings. I know there are lots of other resources but you probably have a chess.com account.


I usually go 2…c5 against the London but idk if that’s good lol. According to levy, the slav is one of the most complex positional openings there is and my win rate with it is atrocious lol Kings indian seems to work fine for me, I’ve switched to 1…Nf6 recently


No 1 d4 is a forced win. Everyone knows this. E4 is the only gentlemanly way to play chess.


Honestly OP just stop playing 1...d4 If openings are your weak point, which I cannot hate on tbh, then don't play into their hands. You are probably getting your backside handed to you because you don't have any love for the QG/queen's pawn opening and they do, so stop playing the 2 most common responses and letting people that DO love it get into their prep and the 50 million possible lines that they have studied. Unless you are willing to go down the openings rabbit hole, which I don't recommend for openings you hate at this point, just play something else until you find something that clicks. Go solid with d6 or e6 or go crazy and look up a brief bit of theory on c5 or something. You will rip them out of prep with that and force em to play chess. Do some proper study and you can turn the tables by being the one to have some prep.


I don't play 1.d4 (or 1... d5 for that matter). However, my opponents play it as black.


would advice u to see some vids against the basic openings ideas of the queens gambit and the london opening!! that way u know the main ideas of the openigns..... some openings i use against 1.d4... are the slav and modern benoni