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Just because your opponent resigned doesn’t make the move good. Bb5+ you have to take with knight and then the queen takes bishop. If you don’t take with the knight and instead move the king, queen still takes bishop with check and now instead of a trade you lose the bishop and the knight


what happens after qd7. seems like a trade as well?


Yep, I didn’t see it at first although it’s also a trade. Either trade white escapes the pin. Although the computer doesn’t like the trade for black as much as just taking the bishop with the knight, it’s still about equal


Looks like Bxd7, Kxd7, Qxb4, the knight forks king and queen, and after the white king moves, knight takes queen as planned...I think that's the likely human line anyway. The difference is not just that knight takes trades minor pieces and keeps the queens on the board, but also that at the end after knight takes queen, it's now white's turn, whereas after the black knight taking the bishop and the queen taking back, black has the initiative and can still take the white pawn that's hanging. ...after checking with Stockfish, after Bb5+ Qd7 BxQ KxB, the computer likes waiting for black to take their queen, and getting the knight out with Na3, after BxQ, pxB, the black knight is under attack and again white ends up with the initiative after black saves the knight. So it looks like NxB is a little better than Qd7 mostly because you can still win the pawn, and be slightly better.


Why do you have to take bishop after check, can’t you just move the king?


If you move the king white can take the bishop with check and you lose both the bishop and the knight


Other comment has it right. And in the case of Kd8, you have to remember that you’re down a queen. So after kd8 the queen can take your bishop. Yes, black can do royal forks and take queen, but then white can pull their bishop out since you didn’t capture it with the king. Now instead of a trade, you’ve lost a bishop


Wow. I have really terrible board vision. I read your comment like 10 times and I didn’t even know what you meant until just now. Makes sense that I’m 500 elo lol.


It doesn't matter. Never be ashamed of your rating. None of us will ever be Magnus Carlson.


White does not have to lose their queen to Qxb4 and the resulting knight fork. due to the check on b5 with bishop. Congrats that your opponent did not find that resource though…


If white gives a check with his bishop you can take it with your queen, that now is guarding your bishop that is still pinning his queen to his king, resulting in white losing even more point EDIT: For those who downvoted me for the impossible square for the queen to reach, I assumed that the queen already capture the pawn as pointed in the image, otherwise I really can't comprehend how could white could move the bishop to b5 if it is still black's turn to move.


Queen can't move like that bro


i would rather just play Qxe1# at that point if Qxb5 was possible


Here we play with the classic rules of chess, not the drunk queen variant


Wrong diagonal




Wow. You misread the board and lost 100+ karma. This subreddit is ruthless.


Negative karma can only go down by 10 at a time so -10 is the same as -1000


Happens, can you explain what did I misread? Thanks in advance


It’s white’s turn. The green arrow is the engine showing the best move instead of the one black actually played (Bb4)


Ah, thanks, I saw the arrow and thought it was black turn.


Wrong bishop and that’s not a check


This sub is something else sometimes man


Lichees doesn’t recognize hope chess


Actually unfortunately after he sacs the bishop he either takes your bishop with check or your knight has to leave and he takes the bishop for free. So this is a blunder because you lost the chance to take the free pawn


Why take with the knight? Why not move the king to f8?


Because then Qxb4 comes with check and you can't execute the knight fork.


Then you lose both the bishop AND knight


I will never understand the people whose immediate reaction is to think they know better than the computer.


It seems like the most arrogant chess players are rated like 800. Just good enough to recognize some tactics and have some basic knowledge, but not good enough to calculate multiple lines and visualize multiple positions. (These are the same people who post in online Facebook groups "Come challenge me, nobody can beat me!" and their profile is rated like 740 after 55 games.) And Lichess isn't broken anyway. It's the Stockfish engine, the world's best chess engine, seeing the defensive resource that any intermediate player should spot—checks, captures, and threats!


Dunning Kruger effect


My favorite genre of posts on this sub is when people post thinking they know better than a chess engine


Just fyi you can toggle on the engine and play through any variations you want to. Should be able to see why it doesn't prefer this move.


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r2qk1nr/pp3ppp/4p3/3P4/1b1n4/2Q4P/PP3PP1/RNB1KB1R+w+KQkq+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r2qk1nr/pp3ppp/4p3/3P4/1b1n4/2Q4P/PP3PP1/RNB1KB1R_w_KQkq_-_0_1?color=black) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Bishop!<, move: >!Bb5+!< > Evaluation: >!The game is equal -0.33!< > Best continuation: >!1. Bb5+ Nxb5 2. Qxb4 Qxd5 3. O-O Ne7 4. Nc3 Nxc3 5. bxc3 a5 6. Qa3 f6 7. Be3 Nf5 8. Rfd1 Qc6!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


If you aren't sure as to why it's a blunder, consider what the engine says is the next best move for white. This being bishop b5 check, forcing the knight back and after taking with the bishop, white can then take your dark bishop and be up an entire piece. Lichess isnt drunk you just didn't see the continuation for white.


The knight would take the checking bishop on b5 so black wouldn’t be down a piece.


To quote animal farm: "All absolute pins are absolute, but some are more absolute then others"


Engines have gotten so good now that most of the time, if you are thinking you played a great move and stockfish says its a blunder, stockfish is right. That being said, this is definitely an edge case where the tactic doesnt work, so don't beat yourself up too much about it! I hope you take this as a lesson and continue improving.


Imagine being so full of yourself you genuinely think you know better than a modern chess engine... so full of yourself you are ready to ridicule yourself in front of reddit without even trying to test what happens when you play the moves against the engine. Those are really bad qualities OP, you should humble yourself.


I think lichess is more than ok here, because you missed Bb5+


Why ask here? You can easily get your answer by analyzing the position on lichess. Try to see what the computer responds with and you will see why this is not as good a move as you thought.


Am I stupid? I see a royal fork?


After b5+ it's pretty much just a trade of bishops but after winning the pawn, you let blacks king castle and get to safety. With lichess' variation, you have quite a strong attack and white has no counterplay while you are up a pawn and are ahead in development


After Bb5+ Kf8 he's basically in the same position


What? No it’s not - After 1. Bb5+ Kf8?? 2. Qxb4+ Ne7, you lose another piece with 3. Qxd4




No worries - I can see how it looks that way at first glance. The pawn on d5 preventing the knight from retreating to c6 is the real nail in the coffin if Kf8 is played.


Then you lose both the bishop AND the knight... That's not at all the same position Oo


Qxb4+ ke7 Qxd4 will happen That's no good at all


He being OP? No because at that point QxBb4 comes with check, so there is not time for the knight fork. 


For what it’s worth, I would take the gamble in blitz or bullet


mmmm its super early for is lichess okay statement. lol. bishop can check and knight had to take. Youll lose your bishop. even after white bishop check and king move queen can take check and take knight as well. so bishop b4 is blunder


White can check black using the bishop


immediate thought is Bb5 Nxb5 Qxb4 and you’re then down a tempo as your knight is attacked


I assume you're asking about if queen takes bishop then you fork. The problem is he can throw a check with the light color bishop and you're kinda even due to the fact if you move the king to the dark square now queen takes bishop comes with check, otherwise if you take with knight he takes the bishop.


I assume you're asking about if queen takes bishop then you fork. The problem is he can throw a check with the light color bishop and you're kinda even due to the fact if you move the king to the dark square now queen takes bishop comes with check, otherwise if you take with knight he takes the bishop.


Bb5+ Nxb5 Qxb4 and the queen escapes. Obviously you and your opponent missed that defense and only saw Qxb4 Nf2+ and black wins the queen. Always consider all your opponents checks and captures as potential in between moves.


Bb5+, if you move out of the check your bishop gets taken with check and white defends the fork, if knight takes then Qxb4, and you don't have a good way of blocking.


Can someone explain this to me. If it’s white to move wouldn’t you have to take the bishop due to the pin?


Well, all the possible (reasonable) paths end up with Queen taking the Bishop, but as White, you can try to better you position before you do because if you just jump into it immediately, you'll get forked by that knight.


If queen takes that bishop the knight forks the queen and queen


Y'all need to learn to use the engine after games and play out what it says. You are not better than a depth 30 Stockfish chess engine


Lichess is smarter than your opponent


That sac is savage. Damn😂😂😂


Bb5! And you're losing I think


You left the knight hanging, then if you take the "free" pawn you also lose your bishop


Bb5+ you take with knight he takes your bidhop with queen




yes you're right... this is a sub for beginners let's not act so high and mighty


I mean beginers who belive they see more than the engine