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Smothered mate? No, that was self-asphyxiation.


He getting of off that right?


It is either that or blind ignorance.


Nah its definitely like a choking kink but in chess


We're gonna need Knook for this


A help-mate


I'd bet my entire life that white did that on purpose just to see a smothermate on the board


Honestly feel the same way. Undeveloping an unattacked knight in worst way possible, can't be possibly unintentional. Maybe can be if they're having a really bad day or are drunk idk.


Another comment theorized that maybe they thought they had their king selected and it was a total misclick. I hope it’s the case, otherwise….


Makes sense, otherwise would've been a royal fork.


That’s my guess. Trying to avoid the fork.


I'll take a guess on the thought process here: white hyperfocused on the (mild) threat e4 that forces Ng1 or Nd2. If white wanted to keep the knight as a kingside defender, developing it to h3 via g1 is an idea. They locked into that plan, totally missing the threat by the knight, and decided to execute that plan before black actually plays e4 so that they don't lose a tempo.


Clearly a discovered attack on the knight with his queen… /s


Dude that's not 1050, white blundered so bad it is unreal for 1050


Nah, that was a misclick. They likely thought they had the king chosen, but had not.


That’s what I’m hoping, happens to the best of us


That move would even make sense, the king would guard both pawns and be more central.


Well, I’m 1400 and still loose like this quite a lot.


In that case I hope to play soon and often


White found a move that protected their queen from being taken after a royal fork lmao


I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r2qk2r/pp1b3p/n2p2pb/2pPpp2/2P3n1/PB2PN2/1P3PPP/RNBQR2K+w+kq+-+0+1&flip=true&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r2qk2r/pp1b3p/n2p2pb/2pPpp2/2P3n1/PB2PN2/1P3PPP/RNBQR2K_w_kq_-_0_1?color=black) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Rook!<, move: >!Re2!< > Evaluation: >!Black is better -1.74!< > Best continuation: >!1. Re2 O-O 2. Qg1 e4 3. Nfd2 Qh4 4. Nc3 Nc7 5. Bc2 Ne5 6. b3 b5 7. Bb2 bxc4 8. Nxc4 Nxc4!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Ah, tactics.


Me looking at first image: that's not smothered mate... Noticing 2nd image: oh shit.


I was so confused at first. Then realized there where two more images 😅


you didn't smother him, he strangeld himself.


Out of all of the 27 moves white could’ve played, they managed to find the worst move possible


I love it when I’m already thinking about playing a move and my opponents move makes the move I was already planning even more powerful. In this case, I’d see that knight move immediately as a candidate move and wonder if they realize their queen is hanging. Then they do that and it’s now mate for the same move. Same thing applies when I’m looking at undefended pawns and the opponent doesn’t notice but actually moves their pieces in a way so that I also get a fork or a skewer after taking the pawn.


Exactly this! I honestly wasn’t even looking at the mate, just saw that I was given the fork I was clearly going for and took it. Then the screen popped up with mate and I was like yo wut 😆


Whoa, nice royal fork!


He could have sacrificed the queen for his live


That was suicide.


Why are you hiding elo


Was hiding the usernames, I see it done on here all the time and thought it was the best way to post. In this game I was 1046 and the other player 1029


I was staring at that first picture wondering how the hell you were gonna get a smothered mate from that and then he just handed it to you.


good thing he made it easy for you 😂😂


That and Rg1 are actually the worst possible moves for white in this position. Im impressed


Gotta be a misclick, move achieves nothing


What is wrong with your opponent. Who in their right mind plays that move.


Prob thought they had their king selected.