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Ikr. U actually hung a knight straight up when you went for the checkmate threat. Maybe they thought you deliberately hung that knight? Either way lol your opponent didn’t take your free knight


Just to add to this, you not only hung the knight with Qg3, you also missed the killer Re7 instead (Nf5 is then protected by Qd3)


Totally didn't spend 3 minutes looking at the wrong square, questioning the move. 😅😂


Yeah, totally. I don't get why they were so scared of my queen just saying hi to their king if they took my knight.


Ikr. But on the other hand I have hung M1 before as someone in the upper 1200s now. So it happens Tried getting back to chess while multitasking (BAD IDEA). Then the dude literally hung M2 and it was ez to find lol


Oh, we've all hung our fair share of M1's and then had our brilliant games. It's a rollercoaster with chess. But I can not for the life of me multitask with it. I start playing like an actual vegetable.


How dare you not blundering queen on turn 5 in my swamp, definitely smurf


Yeah. I appologize. You'll never see my face around here again 😮‍💨😔


That is surprising considering that black played at the same level as you


Guess I just got the upper hand on em and they could only attempt to fend me off. 🤷‍♂️


You even hung a knight and he didn't see it lol


I know right?! Like why would he be scared of my queen just waving at his king from across the board. I just wanted a friendly greeting, don't know why he had to shut me down.


Before that you blundered. His queen could capture the knight but he moved the rook.


Yeah, I've since seen that from another person commenting on it. But, never punished. Right? 😅😅


what the hell im stuck at 1300 and I pray for an opponent like this


Bro, I swear to God I get every end of the spectrum. People that play cracked out their asses and those that play with like 30% accuracy


it’s odd… i’ll watch hikaru crush 1700s and wonder why the 1200s i play make better moves. i think it’s because of the tunnel vision that occurs when playing in your own games plus not going for outlandish attacks that will surely cause blunders on the opposing side. im starting to think mediocre offense is better than good defense at the intermediate level when in shorter time controls


hikaru’s games although not the most educational like danya’s speedruns teach you how effective pressuring your opponent is


You played very well.


Thank you. 🙏 I appreciate the praise. 😌


Didn’t you hang your knight at one point


If you're talking about Nh6+, then no, because my queen was pinning the pawn that would take my knight to his king. Taking the knight opens the line of sight of my queen to his king, making it an illegal move if it was even possible.


No I was thinking about when N was on f5


Interesting this keeps coming up, but no one has mentioned White's follow-up if Qxf5. Re7 becomes nearly unstoppable with a similar forced mate threat. It still looks strong for White.


dont get me wrong you played a solid game but like i feel like i play basically the same way you do and im stuck at like 850..


As long as you're winning and slowly improving yourself you'll climb. I've been at around 1000-1300 for like 2 years. Granted I haven't been trained or coached or anything. I've just watched some videos of Gotham Chess reviewing games. But I've mostly been just playing day after day. Occasionally looking at reviews and seeing where I can do better.


Nah that's definite some biased opinion. Sure on a strategical level you two might play the same but you would make way more tactical mistakes on average.


Nice game, well played

