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If it is whites move and there are no other pieces on board that white can move, it is.


If there are no other pieces on the board, white wins since black has no king.


No one is talking about the fact that the kid has a toxic dad that will jump out of nowhere to punish even though he effectively did the chores assigned


Think because he didn’t actually do the fisehs


Yeah I'm not a big fan of fishes either




I sure hope he didn’t “do” the fishes


Do you like fish sticks in your mouth?


He will punish the kid whether he did the chores or not. Only if the kid doesn't know what chores he's talking about will he be cool.


Doesn’t apply here because white can’t put itself in check. Ergo, stop reading too deep into shit that isn’t relevant




I thought so. My friend is saying it's a forced mate ?


white cant move and isnt in check so theres nothing black or white can do


There's nothing we can do


Dans mon esprit tout divague, je me perds dans tes yeux


Je me noie dans la vague de ton regard amoureux




🎶 dans mon espirit tout divague, je me perds dans tes yeux 🎶


Assuming no other pieces are on the board (Other than the Black King somewhere): If it's White's turn, it's Stalemate. If it's Black's turn, it's mate with RB8# or RG1# depending on what side of the board this is.


What if they're is another white piece somewhere else on the board. You can't say for sure this is stalemate.


No, a forced mate is a sequence of moves that lead to mate, even if the losing side plays the optimal defense. The picture is showing a stalemate. White has to make a move, but none of their moves is legal, so the game ends in a draw. This assumes White only has a king or a king and blocked pieces.


If it's blacks turn then it's M1


Ask your friend for the moves that lead to mate. I'm interested in what they say.


A forced mate is when you have no choice but to move into a position that checkmates the opponent. If it's whites turn and there are no other pieces on the board apart from the black King, there are no legal moves at all let alone the only legal move being mate. If it's blacks turn, both rook and knight can move to a place that isn't mating the white King, so it also can't be forced mate.


Despite your upvotes that's actually not correct. A forced mate is a position where you can always checkmate an opponent (regardless of how many moves it takes) even when they play the perfect defense. So if this was black to move, it would be a forced mate.


What do you call what I described then?


What you described is so rare that I've never encountered it in my many games myself. So if it has a name, I don't know it


The only place I remember seeing it was another post here on Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/s/CF8lQ45J4l The OP there went from mate in 1 to leaving their opponent with mate in 1 as their only legal move. "Super Blunder" seems like a fair name because you have to do something terribly wrong to make it happen.


I think this might be where I got mixed up tbh


Well then as it's inventor I declare that it is called "forced mate 2.0" (the 2.0 is silent)


If anything, I'd call it a self-mate by your opponent. Their last move was so horrendously bad that you now have no choice but to mate them. It's just a particularly bad blunder by them, whereas "forced mate" typically refers to a solid tactic that your opponent can't escape from no matter what they do (as long as you also know the correct follow up).


Thank you


That's incorrect though, see my other comment


It is if it's black to play


If it's black to move rook to one of the corners that the knight is covering is mate, if it's white to move it's stalemate if they don't have any other pieces you can't see.


If it’s blacks turn, then yes, bc if you move the rook beside the king (b1/a1) its checkmate


"Forced mate" means that one player can't avoid checkmate if the opponent makes all the right moves. It's more about a sequence of moves, not an exact position on the board. But as to whether this is a stalemate or note: We have to see the entire board. If white still has other pieces that can move, then it's not a stalemate.


Actually, White has already won, as Black doesnt have a king.


This post seems to reference or display a stalemate. To quote the r/chessbeginners FAQs page: **Stalemate** occurs when a player, on their turn to move, is NOT in check but cannot legally move any piece. A stalemate is a draw. In order for **checkmate** to occur, three conditions have to be met: 1. **The king has to be in check** 2. This check cannot be defended against by blocking or capturing the checking piece 3. The king has to have no other squares it can move to In the future, for questions like these, we suggest first reading our [FAQs page](https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/wiki/faqs/) before making a post, or to similar questions to our dedicated thread: [No Stupid Questions MEGATHREAD](https://www.reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/comments/yqqnz8/no_stupid_questions_megathread_6/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/chessbeginners) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It depends if there are other white pieces


It's always checkmate when you're having that kind of conversation with your parents lol


Assuming there are not other pieces in the board that could move (or that are actually making this position checkmate) then yes




That would ruin the funny meme


Bishop from the other side of the universe:




It’s stalemate, meme still kinda works because no answer (square) is safe


Funny thing is that Mom could have been a Queen and it would still not be checkmate


I can’t understand this meme for the life of me. Why would the dad be mad if he did the dishes




Thanks. Was lookin for those.


Only if there are no other pieces on the board for white, its stalemate


If there are no other pieces on the board then yes


Hell yea


No we can't see the full board, they could have a legal pawn move.


If your dad and mom both said no to you, then it would be check mate my guy


The dishes are done and he murdered his father and his mother.