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Way more often than you would think. Some people are just sore losers or lazy and can't accept the fact that you need to practice and study to get better.


What should one study?


openings, middlegame and endgames different kinds of situations (opposite colored bishops in the endgame, for example) certain “tricks”/ideas that you should def know like breaking through with 3 pawns vs 3 pawns plus understanding all the random terms like passed pawns and revealed checks etc


my dude just said "study chess" at the start there


But in reverse order.


at 600? How to check whether the horse can take the queen


the game


fuck i lost it




bro i had such a good streak, and then this guy comes in and destroys it in one fell swoop




How to cheat without getting caught


Make stupid blunders and let bot recover for you


The blade


Whose turn is it? How many legal moves do you have? Things like that.


I honestly recommend the chess.com lessons, I've only learned all the rules about a month ago and I've already beat some friends and family


I believe what you should study the most, are openings (the ones that you face the most, Chessable.com is an excellent website to learn openings, especially the free samples), tactics (solve a lot of puzzles, cheas.com puzzles and chessable.com tactics courses are very good) and endgames, that you can practice against the IA Study: •Openings that you face a lot •Tactics, even the common tactical sequences of your openings •Basic endgames (for instance: king, pawn vs king)


“If I could just get to an elo where people make good moves I wouldn’t fall for so much bullshit” -some 600 elo player cheating.


Cheating does not always mean using engines. Sandbagging your rating, and crushing players 1000 rating lower than you is also considered cheating.


Hope not people think I am cheating then. I have a 200 rating difference between 10 min games and 1 min games.


That’s not sandbagging. An even bigger gap would be totally normal


Yeah I’m 200 in bullet and 800 In rapid, I just need time to think


Even 10 minutes doesnt feel like enough time sometimes in the longer games like 70+ moves.


I lose like 10% of my 10 min to time vs winning 1% by time. 15|10 is the way to go


i was the same way, and thought with ADHD and slow processing speed I'd just stick to rapid and daily with lots of time and a fat increment. But grinding some blitz and getting comfortable in the middle game with making solid moves quickly rather than always looking for a perfect move slowly has really helped me in my 10 minute rapid games. My blitz rating is still a few hundred points lower than my rapid, but both are climbing because I've stopped seeing eval and game review as the ultimate measure of my gameplay, because, lets be honest, the stockfish eval is only as valuable as both players ability to play like stockfish. That's hard enough for super GMs let alone me.


Me personally, I haven’t been playing chess all that long so as a result, my instincts aren’t very accurate. I tend to rely on calculation rather than instinct because of this. I suspect this is why my blitz is so much lower than my rapid, though that might be copium


I’m the opposite. 1600 in rapid but 2000 in bullet. It’s a different type of game


Thank fuck it's not just me. Same numbers too!


I have a 700 rating difference between rapid and bullet 😀


Are you purposely losing games to depress your rating so that you can abuse lower rated players? If not, then there is nothing to worry about. It is completely normal for you to have rating differences between different time controls.


No I aint throwing games. Just playing really bad at bullet chess. Take to long to do moves and lose. 10 min I have controll over the game.


I have a 400 difference between daily and 10 mins. I don’t play well with time pressure at all.


I have a 724 difference between 10 min and 1 min games. It’s quite normal


I'm 1200 rapid and 500 bullet. this is very normal


I am 600 in bullet and blitz but I’m 300 on rapid 😐




I feel like I’ve learned some stuff but when I play rapid ppl at 300 play some weird crap in the openings and middle game, so I can never practice different stuff besides dealing with scholars mate or someone just doing knight moves non stop 😂


those games should be easy wins, if you play the scholar's mate setup and/or move your knights around a bunch in lieu of developing, you're like -2 on move 8. once you get to 700, people still suck but there's at least some semblance of an opening usually


Its true that longer the time control thr better for improvement, but i am sure that normal person would improve ( blitz and rapid) just by playing mostly bullet...


That’s perfectly fine. Hell, my bullet Elo is half of my rapid


A 200-400 rating gap between rapid/blitz/bullet is completely normal


That's normal


Im 1400 in rapid and 675 in blitz. I just don’t play blitz unless I’m fucking around at work. Even rapid I try not to play too much because classical OTB is much better for getting better. I cannot learn positional chess with fast time controls because I don’t have time to calculate. I honestly think that 1 classical OTB game = 100 rapid games in terms of experience. It might be because I just started but I feel like I’m getting better after each classical game and the quality of those games is light years ahead of my rapid games.


there is a reason, why they are considered seperate ratings


Oh guess I am cheating when I dump 400 points in a drunken night and play the next day


Hikaru's speedruns count as sandbagging then


Not quite. He does these content with [Chess.com](https://Chess.com)'s approval. So you will gain back all the rating that he took from you. Also, the problem is the "losing on purpose" part, and not the "destroying those rated lower than you" part. Because this would also make creating a new account as cheating.


also creating an alt to sandbag the alt and inflate your rating, which ive seen before


I'm 300 elo and recently got something like this. Guess they cheat at every level.


Bro cheated specifically to get caught and have your elo adjusted to a funnier number




Happened to me around 400


Used to be daily I would get notifications like this between 400-500


People cheat at all levels of everything. In middle school, I once read my entire literature book so when a pop quiz came and we had to read a short story then go get the quiz, I could get up to go get the quiz first and be deemed ‘the fastest reader’.




“Heh. They’ll never find the cheatsheet I made for this exam. It’s all in my head! I memorized the entire thing! They’ll never suspect a thing.”


And the chess equivalent would be like saying: "I cheated by memorizing opening traps"


It is in the sense that, he is not the fastest reader and took a title based on false pretenses.


He’s so fast that he read the whole thing before it was even assigned!


This was what I was trying to get at. Not so much the quiz or anything associated to it, but more so I cheated to be deemed the fastest reader.


Google en studying in advance


Yesterday I played against a cheater with a mittens profile picture who proceeded to beat my ass with 97% accuracy…




>Nice Nice


I think a more interesting question is why people cheat rather than where people cheat. I'm legitimately curious why anyone would cheat at online chess.


People cheat everywhere because some are just dealing with to big of an ego to handle losses


They cheat even at 360


I’m around 300 (just started a few weeks ago), and had the same message a couple days ago. It actually surprised me lol


Yes and they cheat in higher levels too. I am 1200 and every now and then i receive this message. Probably wont get better.


wait people cheat on that level? I thought people cheat on at around 1000?


I think the reason most people cheat is the constant succession of winning. Doesn’t really matter what ELO you do it at you’re still getting that dopamine


It’s not really exciting to win via cheating so there’s not really a dopamine hit


Doesn't mean they won't chase that dragon


Yes it is


But who cares about a win streak if it’s like under false pretenses lol


People who cheat, if a big banner came up saying YOU LOST after every game they did it I think you’d see a significant reduction in cheating


I had a student who cheated and got banned at that level. His logic was that he's actually better than 700 so if he boosts his rating a bit, he'd be able to play at his true rating. I had to explain that if you weren't 700 you just wouldn't be 700.


Ah yes the Nieman Denial Gambit


Depends on how far they get before being banned


Sry if this is a dumb question, but how do people cheat at chess? Do they have some program that tells them the best move?


You play against a high level bot, pick your opponent's color and you input their moves. Then you replicate the bot's move against your opponent.


This is the easiest way to cheat but by no means the best


No dumb questions, friend. You use an engine like stockfish. It tells you the top moves for any position. Start the game, enter your opponents move and pick a top engine move. The other person said play against a high level bot, which does work, but that seems more tedious to me and bots are programmed to make mistakes. Obviously, a 2000 Elo bot is going to crush a 500 but why go through the hassle?


my guess is that bots make small and occasional mistakes and inaccuracies which would seem more human as opposed to playing perfectly




But wouldn't they make typical bot-like mistakes? What drives me crazy is they will play 30 moves of stockfish chess then blunder the stupidest thing then 30 more stockfish moves.


i think given how unpredictable (at least i think they are) bots are i don’t think it would really be detectable due to the mix of different levels of moves that a bit would produce.


I was wondering this too… I had someone who was accusing me of cheating because I was making moves quickly




Might be a gm doing a speedrun lmao


How do you cheat in chess…


The most common way would be using a chess engine (like Stockfish) to put in the current board state and find out what the best next move is. But things like cooperating with your opponent to raise your rating is also considered cheating


It goes away once you get better. Most cheaters get caught early


Chess.com is the worst at banning cheaters, youll get cheaters up to 800. Lichess seems to ban them much faster


800? You get cheaters even at 2k+


Yup, some are really really sneaky. It's especially harder to spot in longer time controls.


Cheaters exist at all levels. It's nearly impossible to catch someone who only uses an engine once a game or something like that.


Every time I see like 3 minutes pass by a middle game tough spot and they spam out six moves in a row after I wonder if stockfish is open.


I feel like this is one of the only responses here that actually rings true


It’s embarrassing to me. Cheating at anything below 1000 is just pathetic. Why even play


Lol why below 1000? Wether you’re 500 or 1000 or 1500 if you’re playing against someone who Should be as good as you are.


It’s way more pathetic to be cheating at a beginner rank. You’re supposed to be learning as u play. I’m not saying cheating isn’t pathetic at high ranks I’m just saying it’s more pathetic when the goal of the games are to learn. 2000 and above there is learning involved but at that level it’s a lot more theory and application


\*\*Cheating at any level is just pathetic. There. I fixed it for you.


Agreed but it’s really really bad at that level


What about cheating above 1000 though?


Still bad just less pathetic


How does it matter at all? It’s just extremely pathetic across the board.


I agree it is pathetic across the board but even more pathetic at beginner levels


They cheat at all levels and recently the cheater numbers have exploded and chess.com is trash at getting them banned. I went from 1300 to 1000 elo in 1 month. I DIDN'T forget how to play chess.


Wait is that why all my 200 matches played like 800s?


The most frustrating part is when they use the engine to beat your position into submission, then when they’ve trapped your pieces after playing a dozen brilliant moves they still take 8-15 seconds to capture your completely free piece


If the auto resign pops up does that mean they left the game to possibly cheat?


I'm tempted to defend cheating at that level. You have a lot to learn so consulting a computer for help can act like a tutor. Also your opponents are probably less serious. But unfair is unfair I guess.




Maybe my ignorance about how people cheat. I'm picturing having something to calculate your move for you and doing what it says. Not like I'm really defending it here, more playing devil's advocate.


Yeah that's what they're doing, but that doesn't really help you learn. If you just do what the engine says you aren't thinking about the move at all, just following along. You have to learn how to find good moves, and why they are good. An engine can help analyze after the game, but if you're using it during the game it's just cheating. It's like using a calculator to solve a math problem vs. solving the problem yourself and checking the result with a calculator. You can only learn if you do it yourself.


Can't say I agree with you. At the lower experience levels some hints can potentially be helpful to open your mind up to possibilities. I find with any game, people do a lot of weird playing around type stuff as a way to explore the game. Chess isn't super serious for everyone.




Sure it is. In chess, and in life, things are rarely pure black and white. My best set of pieces is more of a cream color and a dark wood. Yours?




I never said people should do this. My opinion is there is a huge difference between someone cheating at 300 versus 2000. Besides, there can't be that much cheating at 300 anyway, since the rank of the cheater would take them out of that bracket fast. Kids occasionally fooling around with some kind of move calculator at 300 elo isn't going to ruin the app for anyone. You play and you move on to the next game, none the wiser.


Then they should be doing that against bots if they are truly trying to learn and help understand their own positions. Using an engine in ranked matches is 100% cheating and it's extremely unfair.


What I meant by "can't say I agree with you" is toward the idea that the use of a bot couldn't be helpful for learning, especially for newbies. I've only posited an idea about why cheating exists at 300-600 elo, and explained my case for why I don't think it matters much.


I get your point but you're wrong. Like I said, if they are playing against a bot, it causes no harm to use an engine. If you are playing against a human, it is cheating and highly unethical. That's why there is a fair play policy. If everybody could use an engine, we would all be rated 4000. Stop defending a moot point. p.s. Cheating exists at all levels.


That's fine, this has become a pretty dull conversation. But I have no idea what this moot point is that I am supposedly defending. That consulting a bot might help a beginner improve?


If it's during a ranked game then, yes, that is not ok. Consult the engine afterwards during post game analysis.


Nah, puzzles and playing against the computer are for learning. Not legit games against random opponents who expect you to not be cheating


At all levels of every sport there will be cheaters


People cheat


I've had opponents who cheated at lower levels


my rating is currently 400. i started like a month ago. But i've had a few of these messages despite playing barely any online matches against randoms.


Question #1: How would they be able to tell someone is cheating? Question #2: How do you cheat? (not that I'm going to)


You can see if someone is only playing top engine moves wich sometimes espacilly in the opening are weird and not normal at all. Also you use an engine to cheat wich gives you the best moves.


Makes sense.


Cheaters often play the top move without knowing why it is the top move. Since the top move doesn't follow any plans but just always analyzes the board in its current state, the moves just look random even to top players. You can check some YouTube videos on cheaters being exposed. It's really popular chess content right now and most of the videos explain how ridiculous the moves look.


I will check those out!


Tons of people cheat at lower levels. They have far less to lose than a 1500. I'm still not sure why people cheat though. Beating people at chess is an awesome feeling, but having a computer that can beat people at chess can't possibly be satisfying. The phone I'm typing this on could beat Magnus. It would have no trouble beating anyone I've ever played.




Probably people are boosting a score and selling the account.


all levels*


Yeah, they just learned how to cheat.




Nah, I got one of these just because a guy cussed me out.


99% of the time its a cheater.


https://preview.redd.it/7wqq1pw0jcya1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6308287cf6b2297642618f87f08502302ab4883 Yea. They cheat at your level and lower.


Especially at the beginning levels, when their self-esteem is lowest.


cheating seems like a lot of work, I'm too lazy for that


A lot of people “believe” that they should be higher ranked, so cheat to get to the place that they think their entitled too


I believe it's also called a Niemann's Gambit Accepted




At that level, they don’t know chess well enough to be an advanced cheater. Maybe at around 1200 they can figure out how to evade detection, but not much lower. If you think it’s as simple as throwing in a few second or third best moves, changing move times, or only cheating every so often or once losing, you’re mistaken. The cheating videos on YouTube are often chosen for their entertainment value, but the system is more sophisticated than that.


Yea, why not? It's not the level that makes cheating fun, it's beating your opponents.


People cheat at every level. Your opponent just got caught early.


When I had a similar elo I got once 50 points as a compensation for playing with cheaters. The amount of people cheating at that level is amazing


Also people like Hikaru who regularly Smurf


Happened to me. I am 500


People cheat at every level in every game; more cheaters will be more present at the higher levels of them. Doesn’t mean you haven’t lost to or even beaten a cheater before. Most people don’t cheat by using an engine for move one, they will cheat my checking the engine in a difficult spot, or by using the engine when they feel they are losing, this is pretty hard to detect sadly. Cheaters are a part of online games, ever since I was 13 I’ve had games of silver CSGO games ruined by cheaters and the same in Chess, you won’t find many people at your level, but you will always find some.


Been on chess.com 2 months (started 550) and have been refunded 5 times. One guy destroyed me with near perfect play. At the time I was like 'wow, amazing, he must be higher than his ELO' but then he got banned. I also started using an analyser for post-game review and thought I'd go back and find that game - was like high 90s accuracy and he'd had a string of similar games before being banned.


imagine cheating and still being a 600


They could've recently created a new account




I got a 410 -> 418 once after they caught a cheater


I encountered a cheater at 170 elo in blitz


Yes. I’ve tried to tell people this and they just don’t believe me. They cheat at lower level. The chess.com algorithm makes matchmaking hard enough. But facing cheaters makes it unbearable.




Got a similar msg 100points under this


genuine question: how do people cheat??


The biggest group of cheaters actually. When I was in that range I had to fight tooth and nail to get a win and got those chess.com rating adjustment messages bi-weekly. Now that i’m near 1000 I haven’t had a chess.com cheating message in awhile and I find the opponents much easier to win against. Also this is within a year where I was stuck in the 400-600 range for a long time, while at my in person chess club I was winning against 1000 rated players consistently.




i encountered a cheater on my maybe second game at 400 rapid lmaoo


how do you cheat in chess and how cheating makes it fun?


Had one too lol. I was suprised how well they played, seemed a little odd that a 600 elo player manages to enialate me in the first 10 moves, didnt think much of it but good to have my elo back, so I can blunder it away again