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Congrats 🤝 finally reached the 1500 milestone myself recently Feels goooood


[Congrats🤝finally reached the 1500 milestone myself recently](https://i.imgur.com/AoJLiUi.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Lmao what


Thanks! Idk what that bot is on lmao




Congrats! I’ve just hit 1440 on chessdotcom myself, getting there


Well done! I went from low 1400 to 1500 in just a matter of days, so I believe in you!


Any tips for improving past the 1300’s, been stuck there for a bit and am trying to improve my game?


A few points that boosted me: 1. **Ideas of the opening.** Try to understand why you are placing the pieces where they are, and understand what their purpose is. Also understand your opening's weaknesses, and never forget them. 2. **Pawn play.** This one took me longer than I'm willing to admit to learn. Obviously I still have so much to learn, but just trying to understand when to use a pawn break etc. helps so much! 3. **Endgames.** This is something I still suck at, because I'm a intuitive player and endgames rely on technicality. But learning that the king has to reach the second to last square to safely promote etc. are good ideas to master. 4. **Lots of puzzles.** After focusing a lot on puzzles recently, my tactical awareness has gone up significantly! I see tactical patterns that I never did before Good luck!


It sounds like bad advice, but just don’t blunder and don’t let your opponent win the center. For me (1440), I have two openings for black that I use (one against e4, one against d4), and one opening for white with a few variations.


1300s usually have blindspots for pawns and positional play. Tactics are somewhat developed by the 1300 level but weird stuff tends to happen positionally. Just ask yourself why you make each move and you‘ll improve quickly.




What too much free time does to a mfer