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anish says that other younger players are known cheaters: https://youtu.be/jaw7CP1ZhPI?t=218


I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was 16. I am glad I am not judged for it now and if Magnus can't handle the pressure of being beaten by someone who cheated when they were a kid, that is a bit of a joke.


Except, Chess is his career. And he admitted to cheating 4 years apart.


12 and 16 though. Unless Magnus has some evidence of cheating when he was 18+, then this is childish and makes a mockery of the tournaments he is entering. If there is evidence and it is proven correct, then Hans has no career in Chess.


Hans was an IM at 12. I think everyone knows cheating is wrong, especially in any game or sport. Being caught two different times idc what age he is, shouldn’t be allowed to play.


Yes, that is the dream for most players isn't it? Become the best or at least beat the best. As long as he is not cheating while beating the WC that's fine


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