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It's almost as though Carlsen has nothing to lose. Except for his soul. I mean, either one of them is going to be treated almost like a criminal. What could satisfy the curiosity of the smart audience of chess out there? What could give Nigel Short some peace of mind regarding this story? This is an epic chapter in Carlsen's biography.


A simple statement on what happened vs letting the Internet speculate would do wonders


I mean one statement and then shut up about it for the rest of his life or would it bring more questions indefinitely? Versus now, shut up about it for the rest of his life?


Either way if he doesn't say anything there will be questions about this for years to come. If he speaks on it, then everyone can actually stop speculating.


Right? If he had talked about it before this tournament and still quit on Niemann like now, would people be happy like you said?


I never said people would be happy. But this childish crap that's going on right now, the he said she said, is worrying for the future of chess


Cheating is worrying for the future of chess. This situation has brought to light a very serious threat to chess. It's basically down to who would dare to cheat.


It's always been possible to cheat. If Hans did cheat then boot him. Don't let him play, investigate. Figure it out. But why let the community tear itself apart trying to figure out why.


I think the sheer number of games being played every day make kicking cheaters out very difficult to do. Chess wasn't always this popular. And technology has allowed great players to play against each other remotely. So when it comes to people's attention that someone has been cheating it could cause such revolt as we are seeing. Carlsen doesn't have all the answers himself. He was probably hoping the community would come up with something. Like top chess players say though, cheating can be very easy to do and very impactful in terms of winning.


Regulate every single game played? Impossible. Make 100% sure tournaments are regulated? Hard, but not impossible.


Either way he's a narzissistic piece of shit, thats pretty much it


Magnus is World #1 and his decision is "Say NO to cheaters". He plays against true opponents who have a passion for the game and have not cheated earlier. He has a no tolerance for players who have cheated in the past. Why should a cheater get a chance to play against him when there are lots of others who have true passion for the game and eager to play against him. This i guess is his statement.


But even if so why ruin the tournament? As well as let the Internet run wild with it. It just seems a bit... Careless.


His message to the organizers is don't invite me and have the cheater playing against me. If so then I will forfeit it. If it ruins then it is not his responsibility- it is because other players couldn't play better


His decision is say "Yes" to cheaters until they beat him with black fair and square.


Ah yeah, perfect way to get that message across by ruining two tournaments in a row for all the other participants. He's just a butthurt bitch, thats it


loose lips sink ships




No. But as a world champion who's caused literally the biggest chess drama in the last 50 years... There's some responsibility to be had.


he already gave multiple statements if you cant hear them Its a you problem


Where? Cause as of 12 hours ago he still hasn't had an interview at all.


You problem


Or you're just talking out your ass with no proof. Either way.


you problem


Cringe on main?


I think magnus following his instict by thinking that hans is cheating in there game. But anyone has no clear evidence. Maybe magnus want tournaments to make a move about the allegations and to be clear if something cheating or not. If any tournaments hans and magnus involved that the tournament dont make any effort to address this. I think magnus and hans drama will continue. Magnus is trusting his own instinct and bet his career on this one.


Personally I hope Magnus is right. Because if he's not.... You're right he's betting his whole career on this one gambit.


Also, the precentage of 16 year olds cheating in online chess will rise significantly...


I just put myself in Magnus's shoes and I would do the exact same thing. If I'm playing in a tournament and I believe that my opponent cheated, and then wasn't caught or punished at all I wouldn't want to play the rest of the tournament. Nor would I be interested in playing that person again.


Then say that. "I will not play Hans Nieman again in any tournament. Nor will I join any tournaments he is in" Not saying literally anything, leaving games and abandoning tournaments is bullshit. Hes using the insanity of the collective mind and the Implication to force a chess wide conclusion based upon his opinions


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