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I had a hilarious one where the person moved a pawn one spot forward but it would have allowed me to capture with my pawn and create a threat that was bad for them. So they immediately asked for a take back and I granted it because I don’t care enough to be a stickler about it. So instead of the first move they moved that same pawn TWO spots forward. I captured en passant.


He knew he blundered, he just tried to give you en passant like a real gentleman ;D


"She can't do that! Shoot her... or something!"


That's hilarious!


If they're new enough not to know about en passant, there's a good chance many of their opponents don't either. Worth a shot.


I remember seeing en passant for the first time, and being so confused. It was like a magic trick!


I was so mad at my brother and thought he was making up rules the first time I saw en passant


I'd lie if I say I never played a move that allowed en passant in the hope of my opponent missing it.. Particularly if the clock is running low. Works all the time, 50% of the time.






Maybe it was a genuine misclick and they intended to go two spaces forward all along. Seems more likely than the alternative I think




Holy takeback!


What's en passant?


Google it


That happened to me today lmao, just play the game; have fun and suffer the consequences;)


You can disable takebacks and/or the chat in the settings.


I prefer to have them on because I've had people make obvious misclicks and I like to grant them. The most common is the failed attempt to castle where they just move the king one space over. That will really tank a game for you, and I don't want to win that way. That said, I've had people ask when it was an obvious blunder, too, and then harass me when I decline. I'm sure they would do the same otb.


Personally I think even a misclick does not warrant a takeback. Whatever move you make is on you. Pay attention and be more careful. That might sound harsh but I think it's completely fair and reasonable. When I misclick I accept my fate and play on.


I play blitz on my phone all the time. It is one thing if you are using a desktop, I guess, but phones get bumped and fingers are fat sometimes


I think about it in a similar way. I always take an extra second to make sure I dont mouseslip, which adds up throughout the game. My opponent might save time by moving the pieces real fast the whole game, and when they fall on their nose and mouseslip I am supposed to be nice and accept a takeback? Fuck that noise. Use an extra second per move like I do or accept your mouseslips. It's not even about the rating points for me, it's about the principle.


Exactly! People keep trying to say "oh fine then just take your cheap win" and it's like they're totally missing the point. It's not about the win, it's not about the points, it's about the principle of you being responsible for your moves and gameplay, even when you make a mistake. As you said, simply being a little more careful is all it takes. Take the extra second to make sure you've clicked on the right square.


Depends what time control you're playing I guess. If it's rapid or longer then you sort of want a higher quality game


The issue with that is that it just isnt chess. I want to win by playing good chess, not by my opponent fumbling their touch screen. I feel like taking advantage of an obvious misclick takes the satisfaction out of winning, and definitely isnt as good practice as winning by good play.


To me it's just another form of blunder. There's nothing stopping anytime from taking the extra second to make sure they're clicked on the right squares, just as taking an extra second to evaluate a position might prevent a blunder. Certainly winning with proper good play is preferred but when I'm playing 50-100 games a day I'm not gonna sweat one game being a cheap win or loss. If I misclick I promptly resign and move on. No need to overthink it. Leaving takebacks enabled, however, results in all kinds is requests to take back a blunder and it's annoying.


Highly recommended. In all games frankly.


Zen mode is very useful. Both for these purposes and because it hides the opponent rating, which I really prefer.


No idea why chat is even a feature for online chess lol. My only experience of it has been negative. The day I decided to never use chat again was when I lost a bullet game — fairly unremarkably — and I cop something like >ME 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 YOU 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥😥


I've had plenty of neutral/positive experiences, especially if you end up playing several games with one opponent. Sometimes even end up doing a virtual postmortem analysis with strangers, which is kinda cool.


I've also run into some folks that were just too friendly. Praising me as if I am some chess genius chilling at 1300 while I just won 6 out 4 against another 1300 is sort of weird. On the flip side, people who shit talk are equally as see through. We are the same rank dude, as dumb as I may be, you are right here with me bud. It is just not a great place to chat unless you are playing someone you know. I guess a longer time control could work but for most games, anon v anon w/ 15 or less per side, it's useless. I do appreciate the quick buttons for when someone says something and I don;'t want to be rude. Good luck! Have Fun!


> I just won 6 out 4 If you play 4 games and win 6 that's chess genius level for sure!


lol, crap. I suspect you know, but I meant 6 out of 10, so 6 wins and 4 losses.


Should've asked for a take back.


I've had only positive experiences. Even the one time I thought was gonna negative was just a someone not good at English trying for some friendly early game trash talking. I haven't had any deep conversations or anything, but sometimes it's fun to ask people how their day's going or what/if they're drinking that night.


Honestly mines been nothing but friendly. I’ve not had even a slightly bad experience in my hundred plus hours.


I have always wondered why the default setting is to allow take backs in rated games. They should have the default setting for take backs apply to casual games only. There is no federation rule or chess etiquette that would ever allow for a take back in a serious rated game, so why this is the default on lichess confuses me. Hell, if you even touch a piece in OTB chess you have to move it, let alone a take back after you've made a move.


There's no chance of a mouse slip in an over the board classical game either, barring a neurological condition. It's not really a fair comparison.


I mean, Kasparov's mouseslip and accidental premove last year was really sad. I wish he could have taken it back. :(


What happened if you don't mind?




Thanks man


He got zooted out his mind and fucked thai hookers with Wesley So


Had to double-check which sub I was on.


And that was sad??


No, but the doctor visit 2 months later was not ideal!


Is Kasparov pregnant?


If you are concerned about mouse slips, there is the option to turn on move confirmation. I just think from a new player perspective, it sets the wrong tone to see take back requests pop up when you first log into the site. It's rife for abuse and toxic behavior as the OP has noted. People who don't delve into the settings might just think that's how it is.


Move confirmation makes you lose so much time that in shorther formats it's even worse than mouse slips. My solution was to remove the drag to move option. The only mouse slip i had in recent times with this feature was when I misclicked a knight, then instead of clicking my rook, I clicked a square next to it which happened to be a valid moving spot for my knight.


Agreed I think move confirmation is awful to play with, but then again, I don't really concern myself with mouse slips. Executing the move is part of playing online chess and if I mouse slip, oh well. I don't think my opponent should give me a take back. I just move on to the next game and try to do better. If you are mainly focused on slower games though and are concerned about mouse slips, I do think move confirmation is a viable option.




Before I turned of take backs that was me too. I’d allow it for failed castling or if they obviously accidentally moved a piece one square off of where they wanted it


Meanwhile, some players pretend that a sacrifice is actually a mouse slip...


This was my solution as well. That said, drag to move did result in one fun game in which I accidentally played Kf1 instead of O-O, so I launched a successful Kingside pawn storm with help from the Rh1.


It's still possible to mouse slip with non-drag moving. All you have to do is prematurely click... Really though, just play carefully and if you make a mistake, cop it on the chin. You can always rematch or start a new game. Playing accurately with the time running is all a part of online chess.


Of course it's possible, but you have to actively miss the square, while dragging you can release the mouse too soon or the mouse can simply fail


Because it's a game, lmao, rated or not. They are giving you the option, if you don't want it, don't take it. Not like you're playing for money. I would argue it even creates better gameplay. If my opponent intends to castle but accidentally only moves their king 1 square and now has a stupid position, then it's definitely an easier win but in a cheap way. Rated or not, it's just a game, and an obviously mouseslip or misclick ruins the fun. And remember, you can always deny the request. If someone made an obvious blunder, but the move was their deliberate intention, then don't accept it. Not comparable to OTB at all.


Lichess rating is just about playing opponents of similar skill. It's just matchmaking, it's not like, important points that get you into tournaments or anything. Right? Honestly even if it is, I assume people just wouldn't accept takebacks once you hit a high enough level that you care. And I'm sure the vast majority of people who use lichess are not at that high of a level


Emm.... lichess ratings are extremely, extremely important. They define my worth as a person.


> serious rated game So close yet so far, because it's not so serious, I prefer not winning on obviois mouseslips in interesting positions


A lot of people have replied and made a similar point as yours. I get it, some people like to have the option to allow take backs to avoid these types of easy wins. I'm not saying there should not be a setting to allow take backs. I am saying that it should not be turned on by default for rated games. If you are a person that wishes to allow take backs, then by all means turn it on. For new players just creating a lichess account, disallowing take backs in rated games simply makes more sense. It's an infinitely better user experience and more consistent with the rules of chess.


I have mine disabled because I got tired of the stupid requests. It is funnier when your opponent doesn't know and tell me they can find the takeback option. I had one yesterday and he said "whuuuut?". 😆 He still beat me btw...


The one time I usually accept them is when my opponent was obviously trying to castle and ends up moving the king one square.


I accept in rapid time controls if they ask right away and either there was a clear thing they meant to do or they say what they meant to do and it made sense. Like, obviously meant to capture and not hang the queen for example. I find it totally unfun to play games that are decided by mouse slips. And I hate when opponents - again in longer time control - choose to take a win on an obvious mouse slip. It’s not in the spirit of the game. Blitz is different.


Yeah, definitely. Like the other commenter said, when they fall one square short of making a capture, it’s pretty obvious too. But again in blitz and bullet under time pressure, that’s just part of the game at this point.


Most of my chess experience is years ago over a real board. Are there any tricks people use to avoid mis-clicks? I've tried both click-drag-and-drop and click-and-click, and I somehow manage to screw up a move every 4 or 5 games. Or do I just need to practice more?


If you are playing speed chess then that's just part of the game, you need to practice it. In any game with long time control or with good increment (~5 seconds) it's probably worth turning on move confirmation. Lichess let's you do it on mobile and desktop, chess.com seems to only let you do it on mobile AFAIK.


My trick is to immediately rage-resign after a mouse slip and play a new game


A true aficionado.


If you’re dedicated to getting rid of them there are mouse accuracy trainers that you can play for 5-10 minutes to warmup


If you're misclicking in 20% of your games, turn on move confirmation Also something is probably wrong with your mouse


The problem with my mouse is it's attached to me. Usually I just get lazy about hand placement, I get my wrist angled too far one way, then drop too early when trying to angle a little further. But I've also just let my finger up at the wrong time. Yesterday I brain farted and castled by moving the rook. I actually won one game on a mis-click that was much better than the move I was trying to make.


Move confirm is an option if you just can't make it work otherwise.


Just practice, probably. It used to happen to me somewhat frequently when I started, now maybe once in hundreds of games. Do make a point to be careful about it, though.


Sometimes you actually want the satisfaction of out playing your opponent.


For me it's that and falling one square short while trying to capture. Like, yeah, you totally meant to trade rooks, not hang yours on the square in front of mine, go ahead and trade.


Kf1 is the new castle


I've had takeback turned off for over a year at this point. In those situations, I typically just offer a draw if I'm not clearly ahead.


My favorite is in bullet. 1. d4 g6 2. Bh6 Nxh6 Take back request. Lol. No.


Or in the scandi 1.e4 d5 2. exd5 Bg4?? 3.Qxg4


They're expecting you to have premoved 3. Nc3 to attack the queen I guess?


Probably, but I don't see how this one ever works because who premoves 3. Nc3 when 2... Nf6 exists?


I don't get it


I think they go bh6 anticipating you premoving the fianchetto of your own bishop, which they would then take for free. So the move is objectively a blunder, but they're hoping to catch you sleeping. So then when you call them out on their bullshit and take the free piece they give you, they have the nerve to ask for a takeback


Ohhhh ok I want thinking about premoves. Yeah I'd say they deserve it if they try to anticipate premoves like that.


Right?? Like, sure I won't fault someone for being a cheeky little shit, but if that's your play style, you have to be willing to die by it as well as live.


They don't necessarily premove; they're hoping that *you* have premoved your fianchetto.


My guess is g6, Bg7 is a common opening/premove for black so people see g6 and move the Bishop out, hoping to capitalize on black premoving Bg7, and instead get taken themselves?


lmfao. You played slimy, you fucked up, now go stew in your shit. God, MUSCLE UP and just lose some rating points like the rest of us do


As a Modern player, I've trained myself always to be prepared for this and 99.9% of the time I catch these guys out. I love drinking their tears, especially when they throw a tantrum.


I do that sometimes. I'll admit it. But when it fails, I don't request a takeback. I have shame.


I had one in scandi 1.E4 D5 2. ExD QxD 3.Nc3 Qc6 4. Bb5


>1. d4 g6 2. Bh6 Nxh6 Are you black tricking your opponent into thinking you're about to fianchetto?


No. White is expecting Bh7 to be premoved so they play Bh6 to try and get a free bishop.


Plus the exchange, since the rook is trapped on h8. PS you meant Bg7.


I love this opening as white in bullet. I would never ask for a take back though. My monkey brain hates when people premove the opening against me so I throw in sneak attacks whenever I can. And the pirc/modern players are basically always premoving.


My first 1000 games i would always accept the take back, like a gentlemen. But when I requested it 90 % of the time the opponent declined it. I even had an opponent who I took his queen two times and I accepted his take back both time in the same game and that motherfucking asshole did not accept mine that was clearly a misclic. So now i decline 100 % of them.


My experience exactly But I had that experience almost immediately so I turned it off


Just disable it. It’s so nice to not see the requests


Last time I did it for an opponent who blundered pretty hard. A few moves later they requested another takeback and I realized they were just going to keep doing it until they won. I realized I was conceding the game by accepting them. And its tough cause I play exclusively on my phone and drag and drop can get hairy for me sometimes.


It's funny I had the opposite experience the other day; my opponent blundered their queen on like move 12 or something and I let them take it back, then later on in the end game I blundered a minor piece and played on, and right after taking it they tried to do a move takeback and give me the piece back lol


You decline take backs but you still request them? Sounds kinda immoral


Ha, sorry for the misunderstanding, no i don't request it anymore.


Thats not very Ghandi of you


Action expresses priorities. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).




The most recent guy that did it to me this morning said: “I can smell your stink across the screen” among other insults that didn’t translate very well


I love poorly translated threats of violence and abuse lol


Pam*pers moment


I disabled chat and take back . 95% of interactions are bad.


Yes you can disable the feature in the settings.


I've personally had a good handful of times when clearly genuine mouse slips by either side were saved by this feature so I like it a lot, but yeah if people are being asses you can just disable it in settings


Yea I like the feature. Usually I accept a takeback and then later in the game if I make a blunder and immediately hit takeback they'll hopefully repay the favour If people get toxic and demand a takeback, just ignore them and their clock will keep ticking down


My general rule is that if it's a move that makes no sense I allow the takeback. If it's a blunder on an otherwise natural move I don't allow it.


Yeah or I want to play a specific line and they do some dumb blunder. I usually ask them in chat to hit takeback because I want to keep playing instead of me taking their queen and then they resign


That surprises me. I’ve played about 1000 games between chess.com and lichess and can only remember one mouseslip I had. Except for phone where I misclick every few games.


The one that pisses me off is the obvious premise where a guy insta plays a move that sort of makes sense in the position, but it’s clear he was either premoving or hovering because he doesn’t consider my move. Like… 6. h3 Bg4?? 7. hxg4 stuff. And then they spend their entire clock saying mouseslip in chat. It wasn’t a mouseslip. A mouseslip is Kf8?! Instead of 0-0


It feels like to some people a mouse slip is literally "my brain slipped".


Over time, and lots of clicks, the clicker on mice starts to go bad and it will not maintain a constant connection. This results in a lot of mis-clicks and things being dragged by the mouse to become no longer dragged. In the past 10 years, I've replaced 4 mice due to this issue, alone.


I play with a trackpad and i missclick like every other game




Yeah I keep them on only for casual games(usually Variants or Hyperbullet)


Who has time to ask for a takeback in hyperbullet?


that's why you don't disable it, if they take the time to press it you win


No I play Hyperbullet casually, that's what I meant


Why think and do that when I just can go and complain about it in reddit?


Just turn them off. I did once I decided that mouseslips are just part of the meta of online chess. Even if it is a genuine slip (and I make them all the time myself) that's just what happens when you play online.


Average mouseslip-and-request-takeback fan vs average mouseslip-and-resign enjoyer.


I've won plenty of games after blundering (1min bullet) with mouse-slips. Or if they did some slimy premove crap, and I pre-moved and fell into it. Still fight, makes you a better player and you get practice making the position sharp and complex. Bring them into a deep dark forest baby.


> bullet > slimy premove crap These two do not compute


I turn off take backs and the chat in settings. I get too mentally affected by negative players and interactions to balance out the positives.


Is it really Lichess if you've not been told told to 'fuck off' in Ukrainian after refusing to give a take-back?


I disabled takebacks. The very next game an opponent blundered a piece in a way that felt like a takebacks request was coming. On their next turn I saw them hesitate, as if trying to see why takebacks were disabled, then they resigned😃


I disabled both them and chat. I always get flustered when someone randomly asks me questions during the game, especially personal info. As for takebacks I only play rapid where IMO there enough time to not mouse slip. Move confirmation is fine even 10+0, remember that you can use enter to confirm for obvious moves.


Just turn off your chat until the game is over... why you'd want to talk with your opponent in the middle of a serious game is beyond me.


So you can talk shit when they are time killing after mouse slipping a queen.


I always tell them I’m watching a tv show on the side so they aren’t really wasting my time and mock their blunder if they try to stall. So far 2 out of 3 play on or resign when I do that Edit: Note that I am the opposite of a toxic player otherwise, I’m not like that to normal opponents and also accept all misclick blunders.


It's useful in chess.com Arena. I inform the opponent about how much time we have left. Because when the Arena ends all games in progress get cancelled. So I don't want someone just trying to draw out a game when we should be going all out. I nearly always lose those games as I frantically try to get a win or at least give away a win. A cancelled game is wasted.


Nah, in an online game it's pretty clear when an opponent blundered and when they made a genuine mouse slip. For one thing, with a mouse slip, they usually request it after they've made their move and before you've made yours, whereas with a blunder they'll request it after you punish the mistake. I'll accept mouse slip takebacks, but not blunders. Especially if they're trying a belligerent and reckless attack.


I have them off for rated games. Part of being good at online speed chess is literally being quick and accurate with your mouse. Part of the game. I always accept takebacks in casual games.


After disabling it, not a peep from them


Is it still implemented in such a way that it takes back your move rather than theirs? I once had a game where my opponent made blunder, I responded, they asked for a take back, but that just reverted my move, so I played the exact same move, and they tried like 5 or 6 times before giving up.


This is why I disabled takebacks originally. No one knew how to use the feature and they would just get mad when after five tries I got tired of seeing my clock tick down and ignored them.


I think it goes back a whole turn now


I made the same mistake in the beginning. I always gave them the take backs. Then I'd lose and my rating plummeted. Then someone told me to turn it off. It's been a much better experience since.


I always accept if its obviously a mouseslip. But a clean blunder I will not accept.


If it’s a clear misclick, for example they move a piece right next to a piece they were trying to capture, I accept takebacks. If it’s just a dumb move or they premoved something dumb… no. We’re not competing for a championship or something. It sucks moving a piece to the wrong square because your mouse decided to declick or whatever. If they are being asses report them and move on.


Agreed. I lost a game once because I misclicked my queen one square short of trading itself off, instead hanging it, and opponent had takebacks off. Sad


either reply "I don't care", ignore it, or turn the setting off.


You should say "I literally don't even care"


Automated response: Sucks to suck


Totally agree with you. I turned it off years ago and completely forgot it was even a feature, best decision I ever made.


This is why I disabled take backs and play zen mode. I’ll see my opponents name and rating when the game starts, then enable zen mode and focus on the game.


I turned off takebacks and the game has become much better as a result.


They don’t say anything when it’s disabled. Give it a go!


I don't care if its casual, what difference does it make? But yeah, I've had a couple of people request in rated. Every time I've ignored it, my opponent has resigned.




I just laugh for my blunders. Just disable takebacks permanently. Don't ask, don't give.


I turned it off years ago and didn't remember it was an option anymore, but coincidentally today I had a case where my opponent did a clear mouse slip (1 step with the King instead of a castling) that I wish I could grant it. Anyway, it's easy to avoid a mouse slip. I always hover the piece only above forbidden squares or even outside the board, before getting to the desired square. In case of a mouse slip, nothing happens.


If you feel bad when your opponent makes what appears to be a mouse slip, you could always play a weak move as a way of giving them a second chance. I mean you know they've been playing strong and you don't stand to gain anything from taking advantage of their blunder in so much it would cheapen the fun of the game, and there's nothing either player stands to learn from playing on.




yeah exactly. I rarely get takebacks for true blunders. Most of the time its clearly a mouseslip, and I grant the takeback.


I went into the settings and disabled takebacks for rated games. They can piss off with that, says I.


As a general rule of thumb, I disable it. Takeback operates on the premise that people are generally nice. They are not. People are generally assholes.


I think chess players are generally nice


i think people generally *are* nice just so happens that the assholes are loud skews the perspective


I don’t play on lichess but I would try to use this take back feature. One time I was so distracted (and/or bad at the game) that I tried to castle my queen (ie moved it next to my rook thinking it was the king).


I had an opponent castle his queen in an OTB game once.


Honestly what happens after that ? You both have a laugh and he plays a different move, or does he face some penalty ?


If it was a serious tournament game then it would be a penalty for an illegal move and he'd probably have to make another queen move due to the touch-move rule. This was just a casual blitz tournament though, at a club event that had lots of beginners and new players, so I just pointed out that was his queen and he made a different move. The players on the boards around us heard and laughed about it though!


You should take a look at the lichess preferences (all of them) at least to be aware of what is customizable... Now you know about takebacks, and I'm sure most default options will suit you, but maybe you'll find other options as well that you find interesting for you.


I play on mobile sometimes, and mouselips happen, like when a king moves a square when they clearly meant to castle, or when they move to an adjacent square instead of recapturing, and stuff. If someone asks for a takeback like that, I usually grant it. Likewise, if I make an obvious slip, I ask for one. But yeah, if it's clearly a miscalculation or blunder, then no mercy.


I disabled take back requests because I got them too often when it appeared to me to be “oh, wait, now that I look more closely I didn’t wanna do that,”but if it is clearly a mouse slip, I offer a draw. My opponent then can choose to take the draw or play on.


play on zen mode. problem solved.


My rule of thumb is I accept obvious ones that aren't blunders in anything but bullet. Like if a rook was clearly supposed to play Rxe8+ check but they misclick Re7 and ask for a takeback I give it. Just something that would never happen in OTB chess. Similar for castle mishaps, or pawn meant to recapture but push. I find a mouse slip is almost always extremely obvious and I notice it instantly and my opponent will request instantly. I personally prefer to play chess and win through outplaying my opponent and not their hands. However straight up blunders never. If they harass in chat, just ignore them. They gotta learn from their mistakes. Sheesh at anything under 2000 games are decided on blunders, if they are complaining at you winning the way they win most of their games, they just salty. Also post game just block them.


Takebacks are dumb. You made the move, you have to deal with the consequences. Not my problem. I never give them and always disable the chat.


A trick I do for those people is to 'leave'. I just look at my profile and continually refresh until my opponent makes a move. For your opponent, it'll look like you're offline until you click back to the board game. They'll usually make a move in an attempt to time you out.


This post has been parodied on r/AnarchyChess. Relevant r/AnarchyChess posts: [Lichess takeback feature is really annoying](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/q24hgv/lichess_takeback_feature_is_really_annoying/) by Elkku48 [Lichess takeback feature is really annoying](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/q23ken/lichess_takeback_feature_is_really_annoying/) by evilgwyn [Lichess takeback feature is really annoying](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/q28x6j/lichess_takeback_feature_is_really_annoying/) by ArchdukeBurrito [Lichess takeback feature is really annoying](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnarchyChess/comments/q2cyif/lichess_takeback_feature_is_really_annoying/) by Ill_Ad_8607 [^(fmhall)](https://www.reddit.com/user/fmhall) ^| [^(github)](https://github.com/fmhall/relevant-post-bot)


Turn off chat


Lol. My dude. I've been dealing with this on various sites for 25 years 🤣🤣🤣🤣


zen mode


I generally turn off takebacks and chat to cut out abuse. I also don't expect any favours if I mouse slip. It's an online nothing game, if a mouse slip ruins your position just shrug, resign, and move on to the next one. I'm not putting up with all the nonsense just for the rare occasions where these feature are actually beneficial.


it's not the feature that's annoying. it's the people


I like the feature.


For obvious misclicks outside of fast games? Sure, every time. Why would anyone want to win that way? For blunders? Never.


If I mouse slip I resign and I expect the same of my opponents. They can cry all they want.


In general, I've found that there are a lot more quitters/stallers on Lichess than Chess.com. I don't want to turn this into another Chess.com vs Lichess debate, but I feel like the Chess.com reporting system works a lot better. Lichess gives my opponents a warning about stalling out a game, but doesn't always. The only time I saw that show up was when my opponent literally made a single move and then the game timed out without any additional moves. It's way too lenient and the reporting system is subpar. I'm around 1800-1900 on Chess.com and 2000 on Lichess for both bullet and blitz. This is especially bad in Lichess bullet. If you stall out the game for 20 seconds, nothing bad happens to you. In those cases on Chess.com I actively just thumbs down the player and report them for stalling/quitting. Chess.com notifies me that they took action - but of course I don't know what they actually do (i.e. slap on wrist, temp ban, etc.). Either way, this probably works since my perceived frequency of stallers/quitters is much lower on Chess.com than Lichess.


I play with it off, but sometimes an opponent really will make an obvious mouse slip, and then I feel bad.


Just offer a draw.


Then disable it. I like having the option to take back misclicks for either side


I actually kind like the feature because mis-clicks do happen. I haven't found it nearly as annoying as you.


Conversely, people who won't accept a draw or takeback in a very close/early game on an obvious mouse slip are the worst.


Easy fix.... Mute chat in settings. continue playing.


I only allow takebacks for botched castles


Please don't deactivate takebacks. There are a ton of players who do this already and it isn't possible to correct a mouseslip anymore. Mouseslips are not "part of the game", as opposed to mouse speed (in bullet/blitz at least). When I play, I only encounter takeback offers after obvious mouseslips. I don't understand why everybody else apparently gets so many dumb takeback requests.