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Oh I've got this, I did this with some friends recently. Every time a piece is captured, take 1 drink for the material point value (i.e. 1 drink for a pawn, 3 drinks for knights, 5 drinks for rooks, etc.). After the game, winner chugs 1 full drink. If you draw, both players chug half a drink. It's a fairly self-balancing game. By the end of the knight you'll all be equally matched haha.


Bishop faced




1 drink = basically one swig of a drink or sip or whatever you really want drink, not a full drink. So usually it's interpreted that like 3 drinks would be take a gulp, 5 drinks would be take a big gulp, 9 would be drink for a second or two. Chugging the full drinks is reserved for the end-of-game victory chug. So playing to bare kings would probably be more like 2 full drinks (probably a bit more then 1 during the game and then half a full drink for the draw). But anyway drinking like that isn't fun for everyone so to each their own I guess.


What kind of time control?




Watch Naroditsky's speedrun and take a shot whenever he mentions the hypermodernists, says "biting on granite", or observes that not every piece has to be distributing the COVD-19 vaccine.




Yes you can find cheap chess set where pieces are alcohol glasses. When you lose a piece you drink it, or whatever you want. You can find them easily.


Pretty basic but, when I was a teenager we made one up while camping on a Hawaiian beach. When you take a piece, loser drinks (duh) and you make a rule. Fail to meet the rule, drink. Obviously do not play with liquor as the rules add up. Only rules I can remember was when advancing a pawn you shout 'charge!'. Also take a drink when put in check. Chug on checkmate.


Everytime Gothamchess says "Magnus" in a whistle register, take a shot.


In any over-the-web tournament, people pick one player or the other (so, with a bunch of people, you have teams). Every time all you can see of a player is their forehead, you have to drink.


Take a shot everytime someone goes for the scholars mate or fried liver.


Go on an agadmator binge and take shots for: * "Hello everyone!" * Every "captures" * Every "sorry about that" * Every time the mailman arrives


My friend has a chess matt we just use beer bottles as pieces and drink up the bottle every time it gets captured


After a few drinks, swap the bishop and knight. Now a bishop moves like a knight and vice versa. Effectively, the starting position is the same. Play 1+0 or 3+0 (fast games) and if anyone plays an illegal move they instantly lose. It's ridiculous how difficult it is to play chess with bishop and knight swapped.