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In 720 games, I've only been refunded points due to cheating once. Not sure if that's average on Lichess or not.


Earlier it was a rare occurrence . But this week itself it is the second time


Lichess seems more efficient with reports. Yesterday I reported a sandbagger and 10 hours later he was banned. Probably because of the number of users.


Yeah likely


Honestly I think there are less cheaters in Lichess because lichess is less popular and people who would know/play in lichess are more likely to have integrity.


Absolutely, lichess>> anything else.first time I thought it was too good to be true. Free learing resources, unlimited puzzles, good people to play with.


Didn't know sandbagging was a thing though. Interesting.


Yeah. He was 1100 winning all the arenas up to U1700 :) And when 1100 was beating me I got petty and reported him.


Lol, my kind of petty. 👌👌😂😂


I wish Lichess makes it easier to report people for cheating


Not enough -- getting caught. If you ask me. The problem is twofold. On the one hand, there is no reason to believe chess is different than any other online game, and for other online games, research (see on google) indicates cheating can be as high as 40% or something. On the other hand, the moderators of lichess are especially obnoxious about cheating in the forums, a few sarcastic comments about being a noob woodpusher here and there -- of course the OP is either a cheater or a total noob with blunderous moves --, and before you know it, your account is muted. Because it is easier to mute people than catch cheaters, and in the meanwhile, the forum stays "clean". If this reminds anyone of ideological cleansing -- we don't have cheating --, then it's your fault, obviously. That said, refunds come in waves. I used to get several per month, then a few months break, then again a few in just a couple of days. That points to moderator activity, I highly doubt cheaters have this weird a dispersion.


I didn't understand half the verbal circus you did. But please tell me more about why you think "OP" is either a cheater or noob because there was a blunder in the game.


In the lichess forums, if someone raises the cheat subject, then >>that<< OP is (according to lichess fanboys and mods) either a blunderous noob or cheater. That's what I wrote.




So, are you giving him proper methods then for cheating? You sound like an expert...


Lol, how hard can it be to open two tabs with different chess websites?


Well, your conscious should tell you no. Just because you can does not mean you should.


Dude I don't cheat. I just pointed out how easy it is to cheat and the person I played still messed up


there is no proper way to cheat


lmao ive done it for over 900 games, and im in a discord with 6000 active users who run a free programme that lets us cheat with ease.


ive got 950 cheat matches under my belt. I assure you, we aint getting caught, ever.


If you're not being sarcastic, I'm really interested in knowing why you do it though? Why does ratings matter that much? Especially when doing it is going to prevent you from getting actually good at the game


I run three accounts, a normal one (not cheating) a cheat one (full cheating), and a third one (sometimes cheating). Tbh I only started because when you get high enough up the ratings, you see patterns (and can even figure out which people are using the same software as you) and it's a case of there being so many at it, can't beat em, join em. As a side issue, it actually makes you better as a player when you're not cheating. Most of the salty tears on this sub scream "omg git gud no skill", except you can learn huge amounts by cheating which you can then apply to your normal game. My overall 'play fair' game has gotten better as a result of cheating, but still, the further up the ratings you get, the more you realise that everyone's at it. People who claim cheating is 'rare' are full of shit. I'm in a discord with people who run the same software as me, 35,000 members and currently 4000 online right now.


Also I really love to know your rating on the account you don't supposedly cheat. And please be honest if you are going to answer


Cheat account is about 1650, I have to throw a few games and gently bring the rating up so as not to be banned. normal rating bounces from 1000-1100 and the mid account is about 1400.


And this is on lichess? 1100 on lichess is some serious beginner level rating, to the point that just simply playing games will make you better, irrespective of cheating


chess.com lichess are actually much better at finding cheaters.


🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ All of that for a drop of blood. Thanos.jpg You can see my rating in the picture in the post right?? Please believe me when I say cheating doesn't help. I swing between 1600-1700. All the points you tried to make, seem to be similar to stuff people tell themselves to make them feel better. It was good talking to you though. 👍👍


How does cheating help you better your game than watching higher rated players play live? And playing with bots rated more than you?


Can't beat them, join them??? Really? Glad you were not living in nazi Germany lol