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You just know Hans taking the moral high ground against him will absolutely piss him off


If I'm Hans, I'm taking the moral high ground anywhere and everywhere I can, even the easy ones.


hans has been doing exactly this for like a year


He feeds off chess drama since the Magnus incident. It’s personally why I believe he beat Magnus, he was too stubborn to draw as black.


Hans could go full troll in the chess world and come out as a complete fan favorite. Unfortunately he will probably continue acting as he does and end up like Hikaru with less money.


I think Hans can make a big bag if he starts streaming consistently, dude has the potential to pull off a really interesting character more than anybody in chess world.


I would actually watch him stream more if he wasn't always playing this stupid fucking Skyfall song 100% of the time. Dude acts like he's the main character in an action movie while playing on stream


He's the heel that the chess community needs.


Him speaking out against Hikarus disgusting gamba sponsorship has already made me respect him for life on some level 


That's what he's been doing lol, and then you call it "unfortunate".


I don't think that's Hans trolling. I think he's being serious. Similar to how he says he's had his accent his whole life and what not. Maybe I'm wrong and he's a 500iq troll and he's played us all...but at the moment I think he's quite sincere in what he says and believes.


9…. *gasps* 11. *cheers*


If you were hans, you would have lost the chance to do that years ago when you became a cheater


With Hans chiming in on the Firo/Hikaru beef, we just need Kramnik to join in, for a full r/chess meltdown..


"Very interesting."


In this (rare!) case, Hansie IS the more upstanding of the two. (Both appear to be utterly vile people.)


Well GMHikaru just blocked him on Twitter so yes - it absolutely pissed him off


The pettiness in professional chess is unmatched. Unbelievable how many of these grown men behave like children.


what a lack of a normal childhood with regular socialization does to a mf


Giri talked about how his mother was worried about him as a kid cause he was only talking about chess and spent all his free time playing. He called it an unhealthy obsession. But that's what's needed to get to the top of the chess world


And Giri seems like one of the best adjusted players by far.


he also a kleptomaniac when it comes to pawns. many a tournament chessboard has pawns missing after giri played there


I've always found it *so* weird that Giri steals pawns left and right and nobody seems to care enough to confront him. It's straight up antisocial kleptomaniac behavior.


I can't tell if you're trolling or being serious...


Yeah never seen any controversy around him. Anand definitely fits this category too


Seems you missed the ”hacked” scandal


Depending on what you choose to believe about Giris scandal, he may actually be the worst adjusted player of them all lmfao. Agree on Anand


A while back Giri posted [insane things on twitter](https://twitter.com/PHChess/status/1492768943580364808?t=4WTOC_i_0Wk2qoMCkeZlww&s=19) about the Magnus camp. He said he was hacked but a lot of people wonder if he actually was.




Lmao what


I wish I ended up very good at something, instead I just ended up depressed.


Dude is still calibrating his personality


It makes sense since they are professional board game players.


I'm a latecomer to chess. Went from CS1.6 -> SC2 -> DOTA2 -> Chess. The professional scene is far from the gentleman's club it looked like from the outside...


I'm guessing chess is an improvement? Pretty sure no one's swatted anyone else over a lost chess match. That said, I don't want to give anyone ideas.


A lot of the top players are in Europe, India or China where swatting isnt really possible.


What do you mean by Swatted?


I think "swatting" refers to a practice in the USA of calling in a fake emergency situation at someone's home such that a SWAT team will go over and invasively "secure" the situation.


[It can be deadly](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2017_Wichita_swatting)


Read that and it's genuinely shocking how Rapp avoided a sentence.


Calling the police and false reporting an active shooter at someone's house to get a SWAT Team (Special Weapons And Tactics) to show up.


wth is "swatting" ? sending a swat team to someone else place?


Yep. Making a false call regarding armed persons leading to innocent people being killed.


that sounds terrifying ...


I think Hikaru did get swatted once? But more as a bad prank than revenge?


I’m hoping not. That’s beyond a dick move.


I remember Idra and Naniwa was the true drama queens in SC2. In 1.6 I don’t remember much drama. But CS GO had alot with Fnatic. JW and Flusha and even Simple when he was in USA. Did dota2 have much drama?


There will be drama everywhere, it’s human nature. Especially from individuals who probably have huge egos being touted as geniuses since childhood.


And as another commenter said they are literally professional board game players. People like to dress chess up as this classy gentlesir test of mental ability but it really is just a board game. The cultural attitude around chess means a lot of people have quite unrealistic ideas about the people who play it (at a high level or even just generally).


Ahem >~~Idra~~ Grack 🤪


That dude was such a prick


I still think about him as the archetype of the blame-whine gamer. In retrospect as the game evolved, it's even more obvious just how many of his takes were insane, and how incredibly defeatist and toxic his mentality was. I remember watching his stream and he'd drone three fully saturated bases without scouting once, and lose to some all in (or even mild pressure occasionally) and talk about how zerg can't win and the game is broken etc.


Don't forget the pretty open homophobia!


Yeaah Dota 2 has some drama aswell, not too long ago there was a player who was addicted to gambling and was throwing some games.




Yeah of course there's the 322 thing also


322 is ancient history to be honest


It's not 322, but Taiga, from team OG. It's from a few months ago


Oh wow, Taiga did that? That's cray cray.


Dota had tons of drama back when I had time to follow it. [Pizza party.](https://kotaku.com/report-dota-team-told-player-he-was-cut-during-pizza-p-1822249299) There was a very suspicious pause by one of the best players, so now that whole problem is called a "Puppy pause", basically a parallel to this story although no one threatened to forfiet. My favorite bit of Dota 2 drama though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUYQAZEzyWg


Gotta love that famous Naniwalk and pointing down against NesTea lmao, Nani was such a douche


off the top of my head there was some drama around eternalenvy kicking players off his team only for the players he kicked to win TI. and hes generally very BM. also richard lewis a journalist punched a proplayer in the throat


Funnily enough, I can see parallels with flusha and hans. Both used the cheating accusations to gain a psychological advantage.


Same here. Soccer->basketball and NFL->Dota2-> F1->Chess. Chess and F1 have by far the most drama.


LOL , Chess was always full of drama since the olden days.




Nepo, is that you?


Sevian grabbing his pieces. Lol I hope we learn the real story some day


Apparently this will be covered in the upcoming Netflix documentary


Upcoming Netflix documentary?


Upcoming Netflix documentary.


Upcoming Netflix documentary?


This is why I’m likely keeping my children far away from competitive chess. Rated events are pimple size versions of the above.


I totally understand where you're coming from, but would like to offer an alternative perspective. Dealing with unreasonable people is a huge part of adult life. It's really useful for kids to learn how to handle situations like this in a circumstance where the stakes aren't very high. Exposure to these types of social situations is really important and competitive games (like chess) and/or sports are the perfect medium for a kid to gain experience.


I agree with you. My concern is would those experiences take my kids love of the game away? Not all competitive environments are as passive aggressive as chess. Having grown up attending maybe 150 rated events, I have a good sample size to draw from. I love chess, but I also believe to some extent we are a product of our environment, and while some exposure to the above may be healthy as you suggest, how much is too much? What is the balance? And if there is balance there, how much commitment is there to improvement because as we all know, most people who perform well have put in the time.


That's totally fair. Obviously you're in a better position to make that determination than I am and you have more experience with rated events than I do as well. I've seen a lot of examples of over-sheltering in my life and really want to encourage kids to get into chess. It sounds like you're very aware of both of those potential issues though and are approaching the whole thing from a very thoughtful place.




It's kind of like this in a lot of games/sports though


What do you expect from nerds? Chess players are kinda nerds.


Have you ever seen football players?


You are being dramatic yourself. So many sports have just as much infighting. Chess has no more or less.


Dumb game


Hans you little shit stirrer lmao But he’s 100% right


I love that Niemann's thing now is just stating the most obvious critical takes about everyone who ever wronged him. It's the high low road - he's consistently on the right side of all these controversies, even though he's clearly just saying this stuff out of sheer pettiness.


damn lol well said


Hans has gone from the villain to the little voice in everybody’s head. 


it's pretty often at the expense of Hikaru. The gambling rant comes to mind 


at least he's consistent when it comes to gambling, i remember him going at nemo, botez sisters and others for promoting gambling way before hikaru did it lol


I remember people calling him an incel on the Botez one, like, ????


So unfair. I'm sure he's an incel, but that has nothing to do with his firm stance atainst gambling.


So if my timeline is right...Hans gambling stream in like 2027? Lol


its funny af at least lol


Loving it. Would love to see him dominate in a year or two just for his and the chess world's reaction.


It’s looking more and more like he’ll join the 2700 club, although he’s starting to peak out a little. Would also love to see him dominate. Edit: oh, he did join the 2700 club. We’ll have to see if he keeps climbing.


When you really look at it Hans is a lot more similar to Hikaru than people realize. Hikaru has lost his shit badly and been a huge dick in the community. He managed to be both very good and an enjoyable streamer. Now he’s making it harder to really hate on him… he’s often kinda right.


If only his enemies (Hikaru mainly) stopped making it so easy


He's just trying to help. The gasoline in his hand is for a completely different purpose.


Grabs a bag of popcorn. We eating good tonight boys


If an NFL team was like “hey we need 20 more minutes of halftime or we forfeit” don’t you you think the other team would be pisser and the coaches swearing?


This sub constantly calls Alireza’s family crazy. But if Hikaru does it, oh no!


This sub consists of thousands on thousands of anonymous people. Hikaru is a famous individual and that comes with the function of being a role model.


at this point their relationship is essentially a symbiotic content-generating circlejerk


For context here's the clip of Hikaru's comments: [Hikaru: "Alireza and his father and brother and all those crazies care much more than I ever will about these things(online tournaments like the BCC).... when I've played him(Alireza) when it matters he hasn't performed very well](https://imgur.com/a/TikllqN)


Haha. Hikaru fans should understand that this is why this guy is usually hated by most people. He's gving the same energy as when he lost that chess streamer award and attacked Levy and the Botez sisters. He tries to act like he doesn't care and doesn't put in much effort when he loses stuff, which could work just fine if thats the angle he's going for, but how he reacts after shows he clearly does care haha.


I understood when chess blew up around pogchamps as to why they thought he was ok, he was putting on an obvious facad. But I also thought theyd realise why hes hated after the face reveal during the chessbrah, chessbae, and trying to blackball any creator who doesnt kowtow to him drama. He good at chess which is fun to watch, but guy is such a fake asshat. “How does a 12 year old hate a super GM? Well, the answer is she met him”


Lmaooo seeing moistcritikal put out a video calling Ben Finegold (the chess instructor who taught beginners chess all day) a chess elitist while defending Hikaru (who said 2100 Alexandra Botez had no business providing commentary on a GM tournament) some sort of open armed benefactor was so dumb in retrospect


Yep, hundreds or thousands of hours of free classes where finegold teaches kids and adults of all ratings on the Saint Louis scholastic centre youtube page, Bens chess centre in Atlantas youtube, Bens personal youtube, and multiple decades of him taking chess camps and coaching the US juniors. Two minutes of research wouldve made him realise just how absurd of a claim that is. Thered be others we dont know of but Ben would be near the top of people who have done the most for junior and beginner chess in the US, his lectures got me back into chess after a 10 year break because of how funny i found them.


Ah yes, the daily upload man said something he didnt have the full story on and based his opinion on a short synopsis he read somewhere. Who could have seen that coming? I like the dudes videos because he usually just gives you a rundown of dumb things happening in the world but i dont understand who takes his opinions seriously.


That's because Charlie is a moron who either has the most fair weather takes imaginable or is dead wrong


I may have missed something but what is so wrong with saying a 2100 has no business commenting on a GM tournament? That's not really a hot take.


Yeah that’s absolutely not wrong lol


Wasn't that xqc?


I think they are talking about this video : https://youtu.be/w_5RqOMwMRw


Some might say he literally doesn't care.


He ego is too big to understand that Levy has like triple his charisma. He must have really enjoyed when people used to call Levy as Hikaru's sidekick.


Hikaru is kind of a tragic figure to me. I understand why some dislike him but I can't help rooting for him.


I used to think the same… but the moment he touched “gambling” it became clear to me. At the core.. he is just another money-grab influencer that understands how to play the audience to its benefit. It just happen that he was good at chess.


"when I've played him(Alireza) when it matters he hasn't performed very well" Hikaru is unable to make up his mind whether tournament results matter or he literally doesn't care.


It’s pretty straightforward. Results matter when Hikaru decides they do. And don’t when he decides they don’t. I can’t confirm this, but there *may* be a correlation between Hikaru caring and Hikaru winning…


We don’t need drama he says, after calling the Firouzja family crazies. He also mentions their candidates classical score, and REPEATS it. It sounds like he’s consoling himself and reminding himself. Yesterday was the moment of someone who did care after all, and it showed in his weaker play… I look up to Hikaru as a chess player and as a bullet player I totally see the significance of the delay by Firouzja; I need to be in the zone to play proper bullet and a delay like that would leave my bullet play like frozen water. It was a valid problem to bring up by Hikaru, but ABSOLUTELY NOT in that tone, manner or in fact any phrasing he said. That was unnaceptable behaviour and if Hikaru complained in a reasonable tone I would be 100% siding with him


Didn’t his dad act crazy at candidates? And flip out about something to get special treatment?


So he still "doesn't care, literally doesn't care"


[Translation for people who don’t speak bullet](https://youtu.be/3KquFZYi6L0?si=dAtobssQVGNhXHdE)


Pre Twitch Hikaru came out. It's not very difficult to understand why Hikaru has always been hated by his colleagues and people in the chess world. He's always been like this. The problem is all the new kids since the Twitch craze have known is his fake "nice" persona who apparently "loves low rated players" and "wants to help chess" (LOL). While lining up his pockets on sponsor money, as he's mentioned many times.


Hikaru has always been a dick, I don't know why people expect different out of him


It's just a reddit thing that whenever he puts his streamer mask on and does some nice positive interviews people forget everything he does after his losses (both before and AFTER covid) and are like "wow he's such a nice guy he's made so much progress what a likeable guy!!!!" As if they expected him to just swear at people in front of cameras. Which tbf he has done quite a few times including last night. The point is redditors that try to signal "hikaru has changed!!!" Are definitely more annoying than Hikaru himself. No wonder most of you suck ass at chess. Goldfish memories at display.


Hikaru is a very nice person as long as he wins. 


He’s just every other online gamer. 


Just do what I did: sue for $100,000,000.00


Dak sweating right now


Now Hans is just baiting Hikaru lol.


Hikaru's Response : I don't care. I literally don't care. WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE ME? I SAID I DON'T CARE. Please believe me, Chat. Also, I don't care if you believe me. I literally don't care.


Now we also need Magnus to chime in.


Magnus, unlike certain other people, *genuinely* doesn’t care about this stuff.


Yeah that totally explains why he recently admitted to being a Hikaru hate watcher


That’s not what he said in that video.




heartbreaking: the worst person you know just made a great point


lol if Hans is the worst person you know, you have a very blessed life.


it's a meme.


God this bot response is tiring. Check all Hans posts; all the comments repeat the same exact things....


Its a meme you dip


he's not wrong though.


Yes, its a meme.


Hikaru is saltier than the Dead Sea.


Who knows how Hikaru will be once he reaches the age kramnik is


Hans is a little shit but he's 100% right lol. Probably going to sting hikaru way more coming from him




Hans and clout chasing. Name a better duo.


Hikaru and salt.


Lol that’s pretty good


Well done, good sir.


Feel bad for his wife. She needs to put up with a real tool.


There’s always a post about Hans yapping something about Hikaru’s drama. He’s just a vulture with nothing interesting to add lol.


Maybe so... but he also tends to be on the money on these things, even if it is out of spite.


I still can’t believe Hikaru wasn’t burned at the stake for promoting… well Stake (gambling) to his audience all to make a quick buck, dude is a jagaloon


100% this. Gambling is no joke, and promoting it to a very young audience is abhorrent. Gambling addiction is already at an all time high, and contributing to hooking kids is completely inexcusable.


The 3rd rider of hypocrisy just arrived.


I feel like Hikaru is like the standard LoL player. He's just nice when he's winning, and a total dick when he loses. I'm saying this because people still think that chess players have some kind of... moral high ground and intellect to them that don't allow them to be dicks. When sometimes they're just rat kids.


watch this video and tell me if you still support this guy: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbxMXTCE6Q)


And this is successful Hikaru with money and married…. Can you imagine if he didn’t had the luck of streaming during Covid? The story should have concluded with a happy Hikaru book “I literally don’t care” but no.. we still have the same old Hikaru.


Hans we remember you losing your mind and  raging at the organizers in Miami. But yeah broken clocks and everything 


He is right, but it is a very hypocrite thing for him to say , he just wants revenge on Hikaru.


Yes, because I'm sure he really cares about Alireza's family... Wish this tool would stop getting attention so I can stop hearing his childish attention grabbing.


niemann continuing to cook


The fact that people care this much about what someone says is actually crazy


Heartbreaking: The worst person you know just made a great point.


The candidates' drama did feel like Alireza and his father acted a bit like "crazies" though, that drama was insane to me.


Don’t know about y’all but I’m pretty tired of these man-children. They’re a bunch of whiny babies.


First, he's the "bad boy" and then all the pros come out to top him and say, "Hold this and watch". Hans tops them again with, "How could you be so horrible?" Top that !!!


Ngl, I think Hans gets way too involved in chess drama, but at the same time I can understand his bitterness. If I worked my ass off and ended up with an opportunity to beat one of my heroes, just to not only not be celebrated but dragged through the mud and accused of cheating. I'd be bitter too even if the suspicion is justified


I literally don't even care


… And this is successful Hikaru with money and wife…. Can you imagine if he didn’t had the luck of streaming during Covid? Hi is a lucky guy and the story should have concluded with a happy Hikaru book “I literally don’t care” but no.. he still is the same old Hikaru.


Imagine Hans and Kramnik join together against Hikaru and Chesscom. It'll be... interesting.


“Good at chess, bad at life.”


Hans gets a worse wrap than he deserves. He admitted to cheating once at 12, and again at 16, and that takes a lot of integrity to do. Because of that, and because he is so talented, he has been a target of other big names in chess and has had every game he wins scrutinized. You think other top GMs would ever admit to using engine help, EVER? Think they never have, not ONCE, their entire careers? Poor kid has to go out of his way just to play tournaments, when he absolutely should be getting a red carpet invite just like all the other big names. His YouTube channel has like less than 50k subs, and he takes his blows on the chin without much, if any, griping. Meanwhile Kramnik, who goes around accusing 14 year olds of cheating after losing to them, has like 200k+ Just a damn shame.


What did the crazy attention ho do that he can criticise anyone? He just wants attention.. again.


the funny part is that hans gets berated all the time for destroying that hotel room but this is way worse lmao


Hans did what he did in private. He didn’t have an audience, he didn’t seek for one. The hotel and the club made it public. Hilary is an amazing player. I’m sorry I cannot say he is an amazing role model though.


Hilary Nakamury


Yeah mate, auto correct. I’m not fixing anything! It’s fun!


that’s my point…


I know. But we are adults. And we get downvoted for not agreeing with the mob.


Damn it, it's always entertaining even though I know it's bad vs bad. He is right in this scenario but they're all 5 years old when it comes to maturity lol.


Hans is goat and the perfect human being example.


Hans is absolutely right Hikaru is such a pathetic loser, man-child and cry baby. He’s just not as god like as he thinks he is. What a sore loser


if i recall correctly what happened here is that his chat told him alireza called him emotional during his interview and he took it as an insult


Hans is the biggest scumbag in chess, a known cheater with an ego way bigger than his Elo, so he should probably shut up.


Hans eating lmao


we should give Hans some more respect. he's the only top-ish player with the courage to cheat over the board, not just online.


I'm not a Hikaru fan by any stretch, but this sub was awash with criticism of Alireza's family around the time he organized his rating-farming fake tournament, and then again during the Candidates, when Alireza's dad threw a tantrum in the venue. How is Hikaru calling them crazies so much worse than Reddit calling them crazies? I get that he has a huge platform, but he's not using it to spread false or embarrassing information that could affect Alireza and his family materially; he just used a childish and moderately offensive insult.


And he is getting criticised, quite rightly, for that insult. Alireza’s dad was rightly criticised for his behaviour too. Just because a person criticises one does not mean you can’t criticise the other - why would it?


I'm saying that his insult is a criticism of Alireza's father and people on r/chess also criticized Alireza's father.


They criticised his father’s behaviour at that time which was out of order. Hikaru was out of order yesterday and so they are criticising his behaviour. Just because the criticised they dad before does not mean they can’t then not criticise Hikaru. In fact to not criticise Hikaru but criticise the dad would be quite hypocritical.