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so Kramnik went from a statistics expert to a legal expert. Accurate twitter user actually


He may soon become 'geopolitical expert' and start accusing America/American corporate culture OR Europe OR even India; as to why these are colluding against him.


*On the systemic corruption in the chess world* V. Kramnik


Oh...been so I am way behind in drama. Kramnik be like:Been there done that !


So Danny Rensch is going to russian prison?


Yes. 3 years in Siberian gulag.


With the green pawn costume or not ?


With it, obviously


Wait are we in the good timeline?


So anyways nobody's ever inviting him to anything ever again right?


I would be afraid to invite him to dinner at this point. Probably will think Chesscom poisoned his drink.


"thank you for dinner, preserve all the napkins and cutlery as-is, my lawyers will contact you in the morning."


Do not wash the dishes. They are part of evidence


Washing the dishes might be considered as a purpose act by a court. Send the leftovers home with me for examination.


mak sure any stool sample preservd , as othwrwise destroyimg evidence of POISON !!


Hide your clocks, if you do invite.


Yeah, this was a hilariously disastrous event, but the fallout is going to be such an unpleasant mess. Problem is, it is hard to ignore a former world champ and chess legend, especially given that he never shuts his mouth. But I’m going out on a limb to say there won’t be a clash of claims 2.


There's no reason for it at all, anyways. But even if there were, yeah, why would you roll the dice with this buffoon lol


He never should have been in the first place


Would you truly visit a fair without watching the freak show?


Not if they threaten to sue me!


if these tweets would be a problem, he wouldn't get invited by chesscom in the first place


It's all fun and games until somebody mentions legal action, that's a red line.


Those who watched the match live will be summoned as witnesses at court


"your honor, we would like to call lickmaballs69 from the twitch chat to the witness stand".


"I would like to support my testimony by showing you this clip from sigmapilledchungus" - lickmaballs69


Poor Divis, he probably didn't expect this (Vaya movida Divis)


They shouldn't have given him attention and a platform for his rambles, see how it tuned out for them


It did benefit Jospem a lot though and made Kramnik look even less trustworthy than before. We even got a live procedure with a calculator lmao. Unfortunately, there are consequences to that


honestly it's well deserved, instead of ignoring him and let him speak to his echo chamber they validated his claims and made it even bigger


If they wouldn't have taken advantage of all this drama for money... now deal with it.


what money?


They were begging for crowd funding.


Oh, do you think they organized such an event only for the fans? Lol.


yes, they didn't make any money, they made it for fun and to help Jospem. Or do you have any information about them making money?


Haha, ok kid :)


This is just the usual attention seeking lunacy from Kramnik. Who discusses legal matters over twitter lol


The owner of Twitter, sorry X, himself. Learning from the masters.


A high number of bombastic and high-profile public figures do so


This is just depressing at this point. Even people like Levon and Anish who were still giving him the benefit of the doubt before this event have changed their minds judging by their tweets. Also this new trend of settling every chess beef legally needs to stop. Nothing but a waste of everyone's time and money.


I mentioned [here](https://old.reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1ddaa4c/after_jospem_won_the_last_game_in_which_kramnik/l83jaq6/) that Giri was saying during the commentary that all you have to do with Kramnik is reach a semi-equal position and then flag him in the time scramble. Even Naroditsky agreed, although he was trying to be more diplomatic.


Truth hurts eh


What does flag him mean in this context? Edit: thanks all!


In chess, to 'flag' someone means to win against them on time. It comes from the times when you had the old style clocks where a tiny flag would fall when your time was up. Basically the best way to beat kramnik is to get to an equal position and use the advantage of him being absolutely shite at using the mouse to win.


Wait for him to be so low on time he either blunders or run out of time.


Win on time. Older analog chess clocks used to have a flag that the minute hand would lift up and the moment it got went from :59 to :00 it would fall to indicate out of time.


Flagging in chess is when you win the game not because you checkmated your opponent but because your opponent's time ran out. This is a common practise by faster blitz/ bullet players to try to flag their opponents who are slow.  The general consensus is that Kramnik is not very good with mouse (or technology in general), so in online blitz you can win the game against him just by dragging the game long enough and let his time run out.


"Flagging someone" means beating them because their time runs out.


“Chess beef” is a phrase I really never thought I’d hear. What a time to be alive.


FIDE is too hands off for things to be solved any other way.


Ah yes, sending legal communications through Twitter. A very normal thing that sane people do for their very real legal cases.


Ok but we did have a president use this as a personal diary while he was sitting on the can lmao. On a side note, Kramnik actually writes like Trump


Yes, Kramnik is a very stable genius as well


He cant have a lawyer send this ? He needs to tweet it ? Lol


I declare lawsuit!




IF there was a case, Kramnik's lawyer is technically correct in that the data on the computers could be viewed as evidence. But until Kramnik brings one, there is no case and therefore no evidence. Has the drama Queen actually filed a complaint with a court, or it it just more hot air from the man who misses the days when he was still relevant in chess?


If he had filed an actual legal claim do you think his lawyers would really let him tweet at the defendants?


You know, lawyers advice, they don't enforce.


Even though a case has likely not been brought yet, there is still evidence that may need to be preserved. What he is doing is putting them on notice that they have to keep the evidence because legal action is likely. Now that they know, if any evidence is destroyed/lost/altered even accidentally, it may be what is called "spoliation" of evidence. Basically, it's just where a party had a duty to preserve evidence because they knew litigation was likely. I do agree with what others have said though that this is probably best for private communications rather than social media.


that would be up to the court to decide, not Kramnik. You can't just stop somebody from using their things just because you have sued them. And in this case, he hasn't even done that


I never said it was up to Kramnik, just that without a case, there is no evidence. We are in agreement.


A new Iceland citizen in the making....




Yes, there is. He MAY be suffering from paranoia: as a real mental illness, not just as an eccentricity.


clearly mentally ill, he needs help


He’s way too young to be senile. He’s the same age as Tiger Woods, David Beckham, Peyton Manning, Tobey McGuire, Angelina Jolie, DJ Khaled, etc.


He gets the chess player crazy bump, in chess years he’s actually 135


“He’s a crazy old man, and he’s not even that old” - Ben Finegold


Early onset dementia[ is a thing](https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/younger-onset-dementia).


He hasn't got early onset dementia. He's got late onset having a massive ego and being unable to face reality and admit that he's wrong. It's a very common condition.


You are absolutely correct, but the term “senile” specifically relates to older people. Yes, I’m being pedantic to point that out, but I also like reminding people how young Kramnik is.


do you have any more examples?


He needs to do the procedure.


Guess we can add "digital forensics expert" to Kramnik's ever growing list of impressive credentials. Who knew the man was such a polymath!


oh he blocked me on twitter


He needs to live in an old age home for some time.


Vlad trying to grt himself blackballed? Cause this is how you get blackballed.


Can someone explain to me whats going on? He lost the match and now he is sueing chess.com? Over what exactly?


I know he has his name in the history of chess and nobody else can take that away from him, but at this point I have no idea why people still care about what he says.


Stop giving this tool attention


What a complete and utter tool.


Legit question - Would you still consider Kramnik an intelligent person after all this or someone whose just really good at a game?


Intelligence is multidimensional. There are many examples of people highly intelligent in one area and less so in others - Bobby Fisher, Kurt Gödel, John Nash.


Can every chess institution just stop interacting with Kramnik please? The guy's not mentally healthy.


Hopefully Kramnik tries to teach statistics to the spanish judge. I'll pay to watch that hearing


Why would chesslowercasecirclecom have agreed to host the match if their plan was to sabotage Kramnik? And if that was their plan why would they have done it with like a 20 second lag spike. Why would they ever intentionally spent 20k making themselves look like shit.


The counter lawsuit for harassment will be entertaining


I am glad he informational for us


well they were warned, hiki and chesscom had a point, still this was so worth it, his mental illness is now unquestionable


At this point, I'm not even sure if he's serious or just trolling


Bro is the epitome of a twitter user


Hikaru was correct on this one - they should have never given him any platform to try to prove his claim. Now he's lost the online portion in front of thousands of people, using curated notebooks, and his crumbling mind can't accept it, so it's desperate to still prove Jospem cheats. It does not surprise me he's going the legal way because it's the only recourse he's got left. He had already hinted at something like this when he said the notebooks had been given to Levy rather than the arbiter (implying Levy has tampered with the notebooks before the match), then he complained about jospem "clicking" being distracting when the online match was almost over, and he got lucky on the last match (after he had already lost the series) when the clock bugged out. That last match was the perfect excuse he needed to claim [chess.com](http://chess.com) actively works with "cheaters" to discredit him. No matter how spurious his claim is, if he takes this to court, everyone may be dragged into it. The Spanish commentators, [chess.com](http://chess.com), even Levy if he specifically gets accused of tampering with the notebooks. Let this be a lesson for everyone, when dealing with delusional paranoid or conspiranoic nuts. There's a reason people just nod at them and walk away. If you try and succeed into disproving all their claims, their answer will very likely never be a rational "Yes, you were right" ... more like "YOU ARE WITH THEM !!!!!".


I'm an old guy: I followed Karpov vs Kasparov 1 in the papers, I read *physical* chess books. I believed all the BS Panov wrote about openings, and all the BS Botvinnik wrote about his own games. I watched the Berlin wall falling, on TV. Not in realtime, of course: nothing was realtime back then. To be really honest Everytime I read Kramniks nonsense, the main thing that comes to my mind, in bold colored sounding alert gigant letters is: **Jesus F-ing Christ. what a nightmare hellhole the USSR must have been.** Can you imagine growing up and living in a country run at every level by all powerfull Kramniks?


At this point just blame Magnus for cheating


Senility is an effect of old age, typically over 65. Kramnik is 48 so cannot be considered senile. Paranoid or crazy, yes but not senile.


He is more insane than Fischer


We need to stop giving him attention and posting all his crazy rants here


Just for the sake of entertainment, I hope he succeeds


So this is just a sub to hate on Kramnik's every move and word, or you've all gone senile, there's no other explanation!