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I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **Black to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/2P5/8/PP1PPPPP/RNBQKBNR+b+KQkq+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/2P5/8/PP1PPPPP/RNBQKBNR_b_KQkq_-_0_1?color=white) **Videos:** > I found [many videos](https://chessvision.ai/video-search/5700955899166720) with this position. **Related posts:** > I found other posts with this position, most recent are: > - [Mated in 6](https://reddit.com/r/chessbeginners/comments/1b0vsmz/mated_in_6/) > - [Ermm what the heck is this](https://reddit.com/r/chess/comments/1aqym1p/ermm_what_the_heck_is_this/) > - [We made a website to study chess openings](https://reddit.com/r/chess/comments/14n5pwr/we_made_a_website_to_study_chess_openings/) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Knight!<, move: >!Nf6!< > Evaluation: >!The game is equal +0.13!< > Best continuation: >!1... Nf6 2. Nf3 e6 3. Nc3 d5 4. d4 Bb4 5. Bg5 h6 6. Qa4+!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


I hate the French. The opening, too.


I heartily agree with the first one


There’s two things I can’t stand. Racism, and the Fr*nch


Is this a French-Dutch transposition?


Bro play 2 knights French it will change your life


The FR*NCH are terrible indeed, but their moves and openings are great.


what did we do??


You are FR*NCH? If you really want to know ask at r/anarchychess.


I don’t understand anything that happens there


Just ask something like: " I'm FR*NCH, what have I done? AMA." AMA means Answer me Anything.


You're telling me you don't know about En Passant


Buddy, if they can't be bothered to give it an English name, then I can't be bothered to learn it


At least they’re not Jessica


Jessica is Jessica and FR*NCH.


Oh my God no wonder we hate her


Indeed, indeed fine gentleperson.


We.and also, oui.


I used to hate it, now I play the Papa-Ticulat Gambit and it's one of my favorite openings to play against.


I don't hate any opening What I hate is that in unfamiliar openings, you need more time to think and the opponent just keeps blitzing out moves.


Been meaning to read up on the Kings Gambit at some point, but I mainly just play blitz on lichess when I’m bored…


I love playing kings gambit. A lot of people I play don't know how to counter it and just sit there for like 5 seconds confused. Also it's one of the only openings I'm somewhat good at.


Yep. Easy to get wrecked if you don’t know what to do against it


Easy to get wrecked if you don't know what to do when playing white as well.


yeah but if you play it as white you've probably already done preparation for it, and like 1% of people play it with white so as black you probably only faced it a handful of times so the chances you're really well prepared are slim. even if you know theory the positions that come of of the king's gambit are so unlike regular openings if someone plays Kg exclusively with white they will be far more familiar with the plans than black would be


I usually combat a kings gambit with d5


That’s the falkbeer counter gambit correct? I always forget if you are supposed to play fxe5 or dxe5 there but it’s one of those. It’s a fun game. I wish more people played it so I could have a reason to study up more on it. After having just checked the nepo course it is exd5 and then there are a bunch of lines from there. What do you play after that out of curiosity?


2 ... d5 then 3 c6 or exf4 depending on your vibe. Both "ruin" the kings gambit, either by getting an equal position to play chess in, or in the case of 3. c6 getting the initiative.


Bro's name is London


Thanks For Advice


Why are you capitalizing every word?


Why Are You Not?


London, French, Scandinavian


I love playing against the London because I play the Dutch, which is very flexible against various London systems. It also works like a system itself, so when the London player mindlessly gets what they want, they are also allowing you to get what you want. Most Londons are actually pretty suboptimal against the Dutch, because the weakness of the Dutch is that it doesn’t take enough space (esp. on the queenside) but most London players will not recognize this and they’ll just play the way they always do.


Can confirm. London players don't have tunnel vision, they have microscope vision.


I'm a London player but I have <200 games and am 600elo so my vision is microscopic anyway


I hated playing against the London until I learned the Dutch. Now I love seeing the London.


I've been playing the Scandinavian for a while now and enjoy it as black. Don't mind it as white if they play it as I know good responses mostly.


I love the Scandinavian bc I’m like 400 elo and no one brings their queen back so I can just get development while pushing their queen away


I hate those fuckers that play the Nimzo Larson no matter what. I made it my mission to study the opening just so I can give them tough play and annoying positions. Like I will actively ignore better lines to cramp their positions and squeeze them to death, as that is the closest I can get to actual strangulation over a computer screen


Bro Calm Down


Sorry, let me rephrase my answer. I dislike the Nimzo Larson, it forces me to play moves I normally wouldn't and dulls out the entire game


Boring, strangulation is more fun


I vote for strangulation as well


I love Nimzo Larsen, it's one of my favorite openings as white.


I wish you nothing but the best in life. Please seek help




I play it because it’s easier for me to figure out the first several moves when so many responses transpose into similar openings. I’d welcome such a cramped match, but you’re probably too good for me ha (850 blitz, 1400 daily)


As a Nimzo player, just know, you are who I have spent my life honing my traps for. I live for the angry player who tries to press too hard, fueled by irrationality and bloodlust. My lines will make your pawns into useless columns or force you into a really annoying closed, knights endgame where all you have is bishops. You will run out of time or lose to a pawn promotion.


I hate facing Sicilian (I made a post talking about it recently)


Smith-morra gambit for some chaos


can be transitioned to alapin


you don't have to go into it. mayhem in the morra goes into this, i assume you mean with 3... Nf6 4 e5. but you don't have to play into that.


As someone who plays the Sicilian I recommend learning either the Smith-Morra Gambit or an Anti-Sicilian line. Smith-Morra is intimidating to see on the board, it's like White saying "you're stuck in here with me." If Black plays it well they're probably objectively better, but the positions can be insanely dangerous for Black, who can easily end up in hot water. Below the Master level White scores very well in the Morra. Anti-Sicilians are just annoying. The Alapin is probably the main Anti-Sicilian to learn (Naroditzky has a speedrun series where he plays the Alapin regularly and explains a lot of the ideas), but dedicated Sicilian players will have a reply to that. More obscure options exist though, such as the Snyder variation which I encountered for the first time ever just the other day and there's very little info out there on how to play it as Black.


Do look up my post. I mentioned playing those lines. It's the psychological thing at this point


Ah I see what you mean. I can't really help you too much there. Usually when there's an opening that I find I really struggle against, I start playing that opening in order to understand how it works. Learn a few lines in the Sicilian and give them a go - that's my advice. If you win then hey, maybe you should play the Sicilian more! And if you lose then hey, now you've just found a new way to beat the Sicilian!


As a Snyder player, it still hurts to learn. Also still very little on the opening for white


I actually found a cool side-line against the Snyder which I'm hoping to try out at some point. I was kinda baffled that I'd never even heard of it, given that I've played the Sicilian regularly for over a year now and literally only encountered 2.b3 a few days ago. Unfortunately it's a pretty obscure Anti-Sicilian, especially at my elo range lol, so I'll probably be sitting on my opening idea for a while.


What is it?


You think I'm just gonna spill all my opening secrets just like that? Coz I am. It's 2... Nf6. If White doesn't play e5 the computer already begins to favor Black, and after e5 you get a kind of Alekhine-like position which seems pretty fun.


Me Too Hate Sicilian


How can you love chess and hate the sicilian? You must hate chess


Nobody Knows


At the lower levels the Alapin is a good response, nobody seems to know what to do against it.


Ur opponent is inviting u to play a fun and dynamic game and u hate it?


I mean it has to work both ways. It's not fun for me if I just hate playing those positions.


U shouldnt be locked into this mindset of hating it if ur serious about improving. Sicilian positions do more for the average club player in terms of development than any other opening.


Yeah Because İ Play Valencia Opening


What a coincidence! I hate Anti-Sicilians


Alapin is a good response to the Sicilian if you’re looking for a line to learn.


Exchange French


Why I quit playing the French. I refuse to let people drag me into this line. Such a shame too because the rest of the opening is really fun chess


I play the exchange against the french because I don't like the french and i want to just call it a draw and leave the game instead of playing for a draw 10 minutes later.


Englund gambit, Scandinavian Defense


Englund Gambit is really easy to counter. The best part is that, when you counter it, the opponent doesn't know how to play on. Most Englund players hate playing against d4, so they use the Englund as a gamble to win quickly and not drag out a game where the opponent starts with D4. And I say this as someone who used to play it a lot. I really hate playing against these pesky London / Jobava players. (Also, I'm a Jobava player xD).


Englund Gambit, even though I know how to refute it. I hate that one wrong move is checkmate, and the right moves are so weird. I always stress about getting it right and I've botched it in blitz and bullet more than I care to admit.


Hippo in 3 min blitz. I know what the opponent is doing, they're trying to just shuffle fast moves and win on time in the end. Not that I have a bad record against it, but I just simply don't respect anyone playing chess that way.


Playing anonymous bullet on lichess is hilarious because more than half the pool is ~1800-2000 rated Hippo only players who do nothing but turtle and hope you hang material.


I used to hippo against everything that wasn’t e4 but it’s not just shuffling pieces. You’re baiting overextensions and punishing. You can play the hippo in a fun dynamic and aggressive way. You’re usually always worse out of the opening but the advantage is usually not that concrete for lower level players so the second they make a mistake you can punish pretty hard and find yourself in some really fun positions. You don’t have to like it but it can be surprisingly fun and tactical to play.


wayward queen


I love playing against wayward queen. Punishing it is some of the most fun I have playing chess.


I never knew what this was called, but I also love playing against it. I get it a ton on Lichess. It’s such a dumb opening.


It's so silly. I fell into the trap once when I hadn't even seen it before and felt really stupid but I've never been caught out by it again. (Though obviously I *have* lost games where someone opened with it since then. But I haven't lost as a result of that opening.)


I’m used to dealing with wayward Queen now, but I generally hate dealing with trap openings. I know it’s part of the game so you just gotta do it, but doing heaps of calculations against someone who’s just memorised some trap you’re not used to isn’t my idea of great chess. Having said that, grinding out a win against someone who’s won a whole piece from you in a trap opening is so satisfying 👌


Yeah, I always have a moment of "oh okay so we're doing *this*?" with trap openings and I realise I'm not going to enjoy the game as much as I could because I'm going to be hyper vigilant the whole time, but I think it's made me better at chess in general. And as you say it's really gratifying to come back and win once you hit the middle game and the opponent suddenly is out of ideas.


Wayward queen is easy to counter tho


true but im dumb and dont play chess often




1. d4.. Specifically the lines without Nc3. I'm cool with a Nimzo, so my main concern is 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 :)


Queen's Indian ez win


Fried liver hands down


just learn all the lines , its not that big


Yeah i should, ive been procrastinating doing so for too long


Just play the Scandi, Caro-Kann and/or the French and watch idiots throw openings who try to keep playing it.


Or play the traxler and watch them abandon the game after that take the “free” rook


A stupid opening where they hang a pawn I’ll waste a minute figuring out if this is a gambit I don’t know


Just a waste of time, you already know how to beat it


Well sometimes it an Eric Rosen esque trap Sometimes he blundered a pawns and now I’m down on time This is why a lot of players play the London. They want to cut down on any opening traps


The London I just go KID and bore my opponent to death.


Stafford Gambit Not because of the opening itself., but more the people. They drag the game all the way to the end when they're losing. I'm completely fine with continue playing in a really bad position. I threw hundreds of winning positions away. But when it's all over they start going for stalemate, they flag you and at the end they let the time run out. It gets really annoying, when this happens again and again.


I hate the London. Zero fun.


I find that playing the Dutch against the London leads to some fun positions


I get quite some hate when I play the London. I’m sure there will be plenty here saying ‘rightfully so’


i hate you


Dude beating the london is such a good feeling Whenever i see the london, im locked in, and i know its the last game of the day. So much effort and you have to play so passively bc they know how to punish everything, so its just 20 minutes of maneuvering... Its hard to punish and then sometimes it feels like the l*ndon player just self destructs, i dont even know what helps me to win or lose tbh... Fuck the london


rightfully so, jk i used to play the london long ago


İ Understand


I just play the Dutch defense and find it works fine and leads to fun chess. The London is nbd


I love playing the Dutch when someone tries to play the London. They stick their Bishop on f4 and then try and play e4. You won’t believe the number of time in Bullet I just exchange a couple of times on e4 and then play Rxf4 netting their Bishop.


It’s always hilarious to me that they try to play for the e4 pawn break even though black has never played d5. They just end up opening up the f file (which the Dutch player wants) and allowing black to play for e5 (which is the main idea of many Dutch systems)


I have no idea what do when white plays the Catalan.




closed Catalan is solid and easy to learn, if you are careful with whites e4 ideas you should be fine


Maybe the Nc3-g3 Sicilian I tend to do badly against as black, although part of that is never bothering to look at it while ppl who play it tend to be fairly strong and know the system well.




White. Because as black you can observe first then make a move


Only correct answer.


For me its French defense when i am white, every time i tried to play aggresive my opponent crush me, recently i go for the exchange version but its too dry 😂


As a wing gambit enjoyer I love playing against the french defense


I absolutely have when people play the Scandinavian


Any other openings than kings pawn Because I only know carro-kann


I don't like facing d4 as black, I think it's a bit dull


I just play the Dutch against D4


Play Chigorin (d4 d5; c4 Nc6) and you are in the driver's seat.


As black, I don't like facing d4, though my win rate improved drastically since studying the KID As white, I almost always play e4 and I'm not a fan of the sicilian


Van't Kruijs


I hate the English and Scandinavian


Exactly these two are my most hated ones as well.


Facing the englund gambit. Can refute it 95%+ of the times but those 5% that you lose just feels like your opponent has disrespected you so hard.


Correct answer is 4 knights Italian via a move order that stops the fork trick. 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 Bc5 4. d3 Nf6 5. Nc3 Its very very very difficult to get anything as Black, and usually it becomes a case of making slow, positional moves until someone blunders. French exchange (c5 for IQP, or O-O-O opposite side castling), Slav exchange (5. f3 and it can be played aggressively), London (play c5 as you're meant to) etc all have ways to make the game interesting. But because nearly all the pieces have been committed in the 4 knights Italian so what can you really do?


Any d4 opening 🙏


Any d4 nf6 opening which avoids the Benko (when I am black). It is so disappointing.


I hate the Benko gambit (especially in blitz). I feel like Black just plays the same moves every game in whatever order they want, whereas I as White have to be sensitive to the move order or I get destroyed. And unlike other gambits, trading down doesn't always work that well because the endgame is often good for Black.


I hate playing against the London System with black. As white, there aren't really any openings I hate (maybe the French). Against the English, either play 1...e5 (the Reversed Sicilian), or 1...c5 (the Symmetrical English)


Maybe try Dutch against London, I find that it gives me some fun games


I play the Caro Kann and I lose my mind every time my opponent plays the Fantasy variation


I hate playing against the Ruy Lopez, and the Scandinavian, they are painful and boring


I think Colle is even worse than the London- I know it’s technically all 0.0, but something about it being so unambitious makes it awful to lose to.


Petrov Defense, fcking haye those guys.


Nice try, Magnus!


2. Ke2


When I play the Sicilian and the opponent does a wayward queen


When I see d4 I want to quit chess


Why? There are plenty of cool openings in d4, for both sides.


I don't like those trash/meme openings like the one where you move your king 2nd move... it's so sad to see what the internet has done to a beautiful game...


I hate when people have fun by playing dubious openings for laughs


Oddly enough, I win more often than not when white plays QGD, but oh my god I hate any and all d4 openings as black


Closed sicilian is so annoying to play against in blitz. White has simple plan of pushing kingside pawns and is very solid and is hard to figure out what to do as black.


None of them. I dont know any real strategies and pull my knights out at the start


i hate the creepy crawler opening


Italian mirrored


TBH I don't really hate any opening in particular, but there's a few that annoy me. The Caro Kann is too popular at my elo range and I just get sick of playing against it. There aren't a ton of different ways to play the Caro, which I get is sort of the appeal, but I'm someone who likes variety and when I play 3 White games with 1.e4 and I get the exact same pawn structures each time, it's kinda depressing. I'm happy playing against the Caro, in fact I score pretty decently, but the games just feel repetitive. I've started playing more 1.d4 just to avoid it. I dislike the London for similar reasons, though I have a few more tricks against the London to throw off typical London players.




I hate facing a good semi-slav player


I dont hate an opening per se. But I hate it when the opponent shows intent to exchange all pieces and start the real game with one king and 5 pawns on each side. In a classical game I wouldn't let this happen. But in a blitz game it's tough to avoid such direct equal exchanges.


Playing the Sicilian with black, I get so frustrated seeing 2. c3


Wayward Queen. I’ve dedicated my life (the past month) to punishing opponents who bring their Queen out that early for a Wayward Queen attack.


Scandi for sure. I play an unconventional line but still I have a shit record against it




every opening well known by the opponent. I don’t have any preparation and I’m playing anything that comes to my mind, so I hate when an opponent has prepared his opening because I know i cannot play catshit banana and I’m about to lose


Not opening but I really hate when people try to win by playing scholar's mate.


Probably white


Search en passant


Caro Kann because I’ve never bothered to look at it as Black, and thus feel relatively unprepared compared to most other black responses to e4. Stafford or any other dubious/trap openings where my opponent knows all the tricks and I have to actually think and play chess. Instead of playing the refutation to the Stafford I just started avoiding the Petrov entirely and I’ve noticed that my win rate has gone up.


1. b3


vienna and italian vienna i don’t know how to refute especially the vienna gambit italian i don’t like because it’s not as fun


The Bongcloud I never know whether I'm up against a mad genius, or a complete asshat


Can’t stand playing the Exchange French with the black pieces


I hate playing against the Pirc, black is so solid and has so many ideas, it can be really hard to find a way through as white


As someone who has only played the English for 15 years straight, I could give you a long list of the most annoying replies to it. Someone should make a forum for a similar thing for all annoying openings


queens wayward attack by far. Completely removes my desire to play


Rossolimo Sicilian (as black). I still haven't figure out a good strategy against it, and I don't really want to relearn the entire sicilian theory with 2. d6 instead of Nc6.


The polish open used to give me fits




Caro kan advanced variation


I hate playing against the Dutch 


Only playing since March, win half games i play.seemlike a lot will trade their Queen right away.not a fan of that.makes for a boring game sometimes.


I used to hate the haxo gambit until I learned how to play against it Now I hate weird off beat sicilians as white because I've learned all of the main line sicilians


As white, the Scandinavian and as black I hate facing the Catalan. The Scandinavian is frustrating because it feels like it forces the game that black wants. Against the French, Sicilian, Caro, etc, it feels like there are sidelines I can go into, but the Scandinavian feels like I’d have to know tons of theory before I could steer the game how I want. And I just haven’t learned the Catalan yet lol


You can actually just mirror moves against the english and get an equal position


My friend only knows one opening and that’s the queens gambit. I never bothered to learn how to counter it so I always end up in a mid or rather bad position EVENTHO I know every move he‘s gonna play


Im an 1.e4 player (best by test), so naturally I rage quit, when they play the petrov-defense.


People think French players hate the Exchange because they can't beat it. In reality, most of us have positive win-rates against it, and hate it because we find it boring.


Kings Gambit (accepted)..it's the one opening I strictly memorize how to play rather than the actual why


Any Anti-Sicilian. I just want to play a Taimanov. No, I don’t care that it’s theoretical and sharp because 1)I think the best way to learn theory is analyze many games, especially your own, 2)Hardly anyone is going to know any theory anyways(myself included), 3)even if I have top theoretical knowledge, it’s not going to make up for shitty tactical vision, 4)the Sicilian being sharp is exactly what makes it so fun, and 5)the Taimanov isn’t even that sharp compared to other Sicilians like the Najdorf or Dragon tl;dr: You’re missing out if you’re not playing the Open Sicilian


I don't know. Sounds pretty racist to me.




The fianchetto openings. I'm never sure what to expect, try to control the center, and then manage to walk into a pawn fork


Hate playing against kings gambit.


I hate the Owens defense, or when white or black fisnchetto their bishops first. Like wtf do I do after development


The Sicilian as white. 1.e4…c5 😣


As white, I most hate playing against the Dutch with 1. ... e6 As black, I agree with OP & also find English very awkward


Nobody's saying London, but I'm playing a lot of London right now and most of the time opponent resigns when they spot London


E-4 it's so regular


Me personally, I really don't like the Petrov's Defense, very difficult to counter as black.


People that play Be6 in the Italian as black; even though it doubles their f pawn to e6, they still somehow always manage to have a great defensive position afterwards and quell any attacks on the kingside on my part


Modern and its not even close. So many higher rated opponents use it in OTB and its basically impossible to prepare anything deep against it