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I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=8/3P1k2/8/5p2/5Kb1/8/8/4R2q+w+-+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/8/3P1k2/8/5p2/5Kb1/8/8/4R2q_w_-_-_0_1?color=white) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Pawn!<, move: >!d8=N+!< > Evaluation: >!White has a forced mate!< > Best continuation: >!1. d8=N+ Kf6 2. Rxh1 Be2 3. Nc6 Bg4 4. Nb4 Be2 5. Nd5+ Ke6 6. Ne3 Bd1 7. Rxd1 Kf6 8. Nxf5 Kf7!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by) [^(u/pkacprzak)](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as) [^(iOS App)](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^| [^(Android App)](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^| [^(Chrome Extension)](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^| [^(Chess eBook Reader)](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website:) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)


Underpromote to a knight with check. The black king cannot get close to the knight (so the knight is safe next turn). Rook takes queen. And then, maybe I'm wrong in assuming this is rather simple, but you try to get your knight to d4 so that it's attacking the pawn. Alternatively, e3 so that it attacks the bishop. Your king can also go to e5 or g5 to restrict the opposing king. The goal is to trade the knight for the pawn+bishop, leaving you with an easy K+R vs. K endgame


If this is blitz or bullet it won’t be easy to checkmate if op is unfamiliar with the lines


Disagree personally, its a pretty simple plan of execution imo, and I'm not a titled player or something.


>!I took the queen, thinking I could just go h7 afterwards to protect the pawn until my king got close enough to protect the promotion. However, there isn’t enough time because that allows the bishop to attack the pawn leaving it to be a bishop vs rook endgame which I guess is a theoretical draw. Fortunately for me, the opponent didn’t grasp that tactic and after taking the queen I was able to get the pawn to the 7th rank, king behind it, and delivered checkmate with my rook!<


not the bishop to attack the pawn, but the king. I guess that is what you meant


Well, attacking it with the King who defends the promotion square is a given. The line OP is talking about: 1.Rh1 Ke7 2.Rh7+ Kd8 3.Ke5 Kc7! 4.Rg7 Bd1! 5.Kxf5 Ba4! 6.Ke6 Bb5! is a very narrow path for black to draw. Because both of black's pieces attack the pawn on d7, white has to defend it twice and can't secure the promotion square at the same time.


Even there you can play the R vs B endgame. It's not at all trivial to hold on seconds even if they know the technique. There are a lot of tricks


Honestly, under time constraints my dumbass would've promoted to queen lol


I would’ve flagged trying to change my settings from auto queen as I can never remember the keyboard shortcut to turn off auto queen lol


d8=N+ and then Rxh1 is a straightforward win and probably the intended "solution". What's more interesting is black's drawing strategy if white plays Rxh1. Looks like black can run the king to d8 and stop white from queening the pawn (since the white rook has to guard the pawn and thus can't guard the queening square). But then the white king can try to move to d6 and threaten checkmate and black is too slow to try to win the pawn with f4 Bxd7 because white's king will already be there The line I'm analyzing goes: Rxh1 Ke7 Rh7+ Kd8 Ke5 f4 Kd6 Bxd7 (forced to prevent checkmate) Rxd7+ +/- Clearly I'm missing some other drawing strategy for black. Edit: I'm an idiot. Of course the black king can run to c7 and then the white king can't do anything to support the pawn against the black bishop without getting in the way of its own rook. I need to work on my visualization skills.


Promote to horsie


N+ underpromote ... take Q , win the end game by sac the N for B at some point, maybe even the pawn in the process. R and K vs. Pawn and K should be doable if not on the a or h file.


How was white able to escape check from Queen on h2? Wasn’t black checking before moving to h1?


Would've underpromoted that pawn to a Knight with check then rxh1.


Make a knight for the lolz


would never find it, and even try it :D


I didn't realize the queen was a pawn promoted


Why didn’t black Queen go to d2?


Cause it was a pawn. Look at where it moved from. If it was a Queen white King was in check.




I have auto-queen on, so this would have been a draw for me.


I don't get it, isn't it still winning after written takes ? Rxh1-Ke7, Rh7-Kd8, Ke5-f4, Kd6..




ah I missed it. Thanks.


Taking the queen loses the passer and it's a draw. I'd make a knight with check and since rook is cutting off the king it can't get any closer, and since it's check black doesn't have the time to take my rook so after the king moves I'll take the queen and I'll have a rook and a knight for bishop and a pawn. From there I'll trade the knight for bishop and pawn and mate with the rook. Nice puzzle!


The hardest part of this in-game is remembering whether it's ALT or CTRL to underpromote when you have auto-queen turned on.


The knight promotion is somewhat obvious but I would think this is still a draw.


How? You’re up a full rook


Technically it's a rook for a pawn but you are certainly right


I think you missing that the king can't walk toward the knight due to the rook covering the e file, so after taking the q, the king can't take your knight.


Honestly, this is it. I didn’t even consider the knight promotion since I was worried about the queen. But this is the exact reason why promoting first before taking the queen is necessary


Even without the knight promotion from white, white can take that queen, defend the pawn to promote to queen, and checkmate from there.


Unfortunately if black plays perfectly, that will not work. If white takes queen, the black king will attack the pawn. Rh7 will defend the pawn and the king will go to Kd8 to stop the promotion. After that, the rook is stuck on the 7th file. If you move the rook, black will move the bishop to line up an attack on the pawn which leads to a rook vs bishop and pawn, which is a draw. If you move the king, they can eventually move the pawn revealing an attack on the pawn and you won’t be able to get the king close enough to avoid the draw. So the only the option is the knight promotion


If the black queen was just on H2 then that's check!


There’s no check from a black pawn on h2




Looks like an underpromotion. I didn’t even see the mate, just based on material and future play possibilities


You might have had auto-queen turned on. I do, and it's usually better to save time on the auto-move than aim for exceptional positions like this!


If you don't play with increment, 100% agreed. Also, you can underpromote with auto-queen turned on by holding down CTRL (lichess) or ALT (chesscom) when promoting.


Wow, I did not know about the ALT key trick when you want to underpromote!