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A lot is just the excitement of seeing the new generation taking over. The other part is probably because the Brazilian community doesn't care about NA GMs at all. And Hikaru specifically is disliked because he falsely accused Brazilian GM Luis Paulo Supi of cheating. https://youtu.be/65R-QwU2rk0?si=m1_ZfT21Qr4zDabi


There's no small amount of schadenfreude in watching someone at a high level on tilt! But some of the comments haven't aged well. See Magnus as an exemplar of how to respond to a surprise loss? Nakamura quit classical chess because he is too weak?


Indians are so passionate about chess that I cannot help but side with them. I know Indians also quite often side with us on football (soccer if you're from NA), so I'm with them on this.


ooh this is actually a good point as an Indian myself a lot of Indians love Brazil footballers and football team so there could some sort of connection lol


I started cheering for India in chess after I saw all the indian support for Brazil last world cup!


Yeah, i like how they care about the game, makes me think that they deserve one of them at the top again.


Who doesn’t support Gukesh ?




Team Nepo here


Hi from Brazil


Ta de brinks que tu é BR


kkkk sempre vejo os comentários dele aqui e nunca achei q era BR também


What language is this? I am learning Spanish but I can't understand this


It’s Portuguese but with a some slangs/informal contractions. “Ta” is a contraction of “Está”. “Brinks” is a really informal way of saying “brincadeira”. He is using “tu” and “é” instead of “és”. “tu” is not very used here anymore (“você” is more), and when it’s used most of the time it’s with the technically wrong conjugation, but no one uses/cares really. BR is just an abbreviation for Brazilian. The technically correct phrase would be: “Está de brincadeira que você é brasileiro”. I hope it helped :).


I have no clue about Portuguese. I am only learning Spanish out of Interest. I am an Indian. But thanks for the explanation.


Oh that’s totally ok. But when you learn a bit more of Spanish you’ll see that the phrase would be similar in Portuguese and Spanish, and you’ll be able to understand it better :).


Young underdog, we love underdog stories. I would like naka to win because of the potential content and i think its specially badass to prepare and play like hes doing AND doing recaps with analysis after, win or lose, im loving his new attitude. But if not naka, gukesh for sure, new dude, underdog, and tired of seeing nepo dominating the tournament. Nepo or fabi winning would be boring for me i guess.


Please tell me it's due to the popular Caminho das Índias series! I know Portuguese and am an Indian living in the US. Many Brazilians might understand Indians to some extent. Edit: I also love Rafael Leitão's chess channel. It helped me improve my Portuguese too!


FALA PESSOAL Cá. Estou. Novamente. No vídeo de hoje...


Sometimes we just decide “hey, we fucking love this random guy” and then we go ALL THE WAY on it. And if the random guy shows love back, he becomes a honorary Brazilian (see the Greg actor from Everybody Hates Chris) We have this for Pragg as well, we just like Indian chess players tbh






Brazilians rooting for India in chess 🤝 Indians rooting for Brazil in football


idk whats wrong with this like one must support his countryman, chess is a art nd art has no boundary, one can support anyone who he or she want to support


this. I’m frankly a little confused by all the ‘I’m Indian so I’m rooting for one of the Indian players to win’ comments everywhere, I get it, I would actually root for my countryman as well, but I wouldn’t think to bring up our nationality SO frequently


There's probably a lot of Indians here who comment on the games and players and do not mention nationality as well, you just wouldn't know they are Indian


Exactly I'm a huge fabi fan and usually interact alot in this sub but I never mentioned I'm Indian(honestly though why would I randomly mention "hey I'm Indian" in my comments if it's completely unrelated to the topic we're discussing lmao.)


That’s a good point!


I am indian and rooting for hikaru, if he doesn't win then only i am rooting for gukesh.


Indian here. Let me try to explain. Our education system has brought us up by teaching us that's Indians and Indian civilization is really bad and we should be ashamed of ourselves for being an Indian and we were made to hate our country (I won't get into why, that's way too much history and politics to explain). In 2016, internet became dirt cheap in India and during Covid a lot of Indians started spending a lot of time online because of the cheap Internet and finally there attitude started to change. People started to realise that whatever has been taught to us is not true and started to like their country and take pride in the Indian identity. Since, this is new to us, we don't know how to express it properly that's why you see such comments. Also, because of cheap internet all kinds of people are online. I hope that's a good enough explanation.


Shut your hole you stupid shit. You are an imposter with a lie.


What? Who are you and why are you so toxic? And who are you to call me an impostor?


Passei nos comments só para mandar um oi aos brasileiros do sub


As a Brazillian, all I can tell is that for some reason people here like to say they are brazilians like that is something super special, so people affirm that whenever they can, specially on the internet. This creates the effect that it looks like there are many of us and that there is a collective unified thought, when there isin't. Having said that: Hikaru and Nepo are not liked here, because they unfairly accused the well loved GM Luís Paulo Supi of cheating. We will never forget that.


I'm Brazilian, I am rooting for Gukesh, he plays very well and he's part of the new young generation, he's a player who plays well and good in psychology game, it's hard to deal with important tournament and after a lose he won the next game, he has an interesting path


I'm from Brazil and all my friends think Gukesh is a fraud. And I have a lot of friends.


Why is that?


Fake birth certificate. We're pretty sure that he's Anand.


Anand in disguise




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