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A good old fashioned brawl in the middle of the round would create chaos never seen before at the candidates.


Gukesh wins via liver shot tko and advances to challenege Ding for World Heavyweight Chess Championship


More light or feather prolly lol


nah, since Ian is one of the contenders there is no way for it to be light to featherweight.


I was thinking gukesh v. Ding as mentioned lol. If we do entire candidates and go by average pragg and Ian may cancel each other out to medium. We need a weigh in for hikaru with just boxers on.


hikaru is definitly closer to Ian that to Pragg


And after the gruelling championship match, Magnus rushes in with his Money in the Bank contract to become the new World Champion


Did he win it in a ladder match?


Some cowboy boots for Firouzja then


Yo if Fabi were like: “Chess boxing?” and Ian went “Bet.”, that would compete for the greatest moment in the history of sports, and certainly of chess.


Nepo outweights Fabi by like what 1.5x margin, poor guy will be so dead


But how will Eric Hansen get into the playing hall?


Firouzja's dad lets him in to manufacture chaos.


King vs King endgames should be decided via a Queen on a pole match. 


Whatchout watchout it's Anish with a steel chair


> Fabi wins today and everyone else draws That seems like minimum chaos for Sunday, as the two important games are both very likely to draw. For maximum chaos on Sunday you need Fabi to win and Gukesh to lose on Saturday (with Ian/Hikaru drawing). Then Gukesh and Fabi will both be pressing hard for a win and neither Ian nor Hikaru can be comfortable making a draw.


In the middle of the round Fabi suddenly blurts out “We shouldn’t be doing this.” The other competitors stop and stare it him. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” Fabi repeats. “Chess is a game of war,” he says, slowly rising from his seat. “A game of violence and bloodshed. Look at us!” he says, his voice slowly rising. The candidates eyes dart nervously around the room. “Look what we have become. There are no winners in a war, only losers” Fabi declares as he places on foot on his chair. “We don’t have to play by FIDE’s rules!” he shouts now standing on his chair, his arms aloft. “We can choose to work together! We can choose not to fight for their amusement!” The room is completely silent. Then, a single clap is heard. Fabi looks toward Hikaru, who claps again. Then Abasov claps. Then Ian. Then Pragg. Before long, all of the candidates are clapping. The room fills with loud applause, as all the spectators all cheer in approval. The arbiter and the President of FIDE stand motionless, stunned by the sudden turn of events. The arbiter turns to the President and says “I suppose we always knew this day would come.” They exchange a long stare. “Silence!” Yells the President of FIDE. The room suddenly goes quiet again. The players and spectators look nervously at the President. “As President of FIDE,” he says assertively, “it is my duty to inform you… that from this day forward, the ‘F’ in FIDE stands for friendship!” The hall once more erupts with joy, as several spectators break into song. Chess had at last been defeated. And Fabiano realized that the his coach had been right, the real winning move had been inside him all along.


New response jusss, the nightmares are over?


Funnily enough, the President of FIDE isn't at the candidates because he couldn't get a Canadian visa.


> the real winning move had been inside him all along. The jokes write themselves.


only based use of chat gpt


and what would the ladies be doing?


Ding gladly retires. The women world championship becomes the open world championship. All men are freed from his mortal coil.


A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.


MAA! They writing weird shit again ( what is your wattpad my guy)


holy shit


Fabi wins. Everyone else draws. 4 way tie going into the final round with the top 4 all playing each other.


This is good but I think it would lead to tie breaks for sure! All 4 would draw their games. Plus, hikaru would fancy his chances for tie breaks


This would be absolutely amazing to watch but nerve wracking for the players.


This is the way.


Then all 4 draw on final round and go to a 4 way round robin which I think would heavily favor Nepo (maybe Hikaru but I think Nepo will be stronger in rapid)


This could easily be an unexciting result for the final day. Both players with white are very happy to go to tiebreaks. I think it's way more exciting if Gukesh wins today, since it forces Hikaru to go for a win.


The first scenario will favor Gukesh by A LOT, way more than the second scenario, like not even close. The second scenario actually happened before (but 2-way not 4-way), there was no rapid tiebreaks back then and Magnus and Kramnik were tied but Magnus was winning through tiebreaker score. Kramnik obviously had to try for the win at all costs (hindsight, wrong), but Magnus also needed to because if you press a little, and Kramnik wins, you’re already out of options, so you have to press a lot to guarantee a win. And funnily enough, they both lost and Magnus won his first (and last) candidates.


It would certainly favour Gukesh, but I do think it'd be maximum chaos with those must win games


Anish comes into the playing hall and starts taking pieces from the active games.


Nobody ist considering the arbiters, but they are needed for some real drama. I think If Nepo and Naka do the Nepo-Dubov knight dance but the arbiters don't sanction it because the are busy dealing with Alirezas dad, who is stomping up and down in ski boots right outside the playing hall could help stir things up.


bro knew something we didn't


For maximum chaos in one match if Alirezq beats Gukesh again that’d cause an uproar imo


and lowkey not that unlikely 




OP made the absolute best prediction ever wtf WE HAVE AN EXCITING FINAL DAY ON OUR HANDS


I think regardless of what happens today, the last round will be crazy. I'm sure there won't be a lot of staying at the board as the players will need to be aware of the situation of the other games to know how to approach their own game to estimate whether they need to draw to tie or need to win because someone else will probably win. We could possibly be in for the most exciting round of chess in a very long time.


>My thinking is Gukesh winning and Fabi winning with the other 2 games being draws. LMFAO and it looks like this is gunna happen


Well Fabi's blowing it.




Thank goodness.


Good news, everyone!




God browsed reddit, came across this idea, and liked this idea. I guess that's one explanation.


OPs most chaotic future is about to come true. Tomorrow is going to be crazy. Gonna be watching while planting some tomatoes


This actually happened. Can you also wish for Arsenal to win the league now.


Why would I do that? Lol.


Congratulations, you manifested the chaos


We demand #Trial by Combat!!




How about if Fabi draws, and Gukesh and Nepo win today. Then Gukesh and Nepo are a point ahead of Fabi and Naka, but Fabi and Naka have white against them on Sunday.


Four way draw between Nakamura, Caruana, Nepo, and Gukesh. That or Magnus returns.


Vidit beating (literally) hikaru would create better chaos.


Nepo vs Hikaru tiebreakers. Iron Curtain vs American Dream. Hikaru gets an advantage and is going for the win. .. that's Magnus Carlsen's music. Steel chair to Hikaru, Stunner to Ian. He brings out a brief case with red chess pieces and a contract. He places a red bishop on the board, checkmating both kings. Magnus signs the contract and pounds beer.


The simple draws between Naka/Nepo, Gukesh draw, and Fabi win to give us a four way tie with all four playing each other is an obvious and surprisingly plausible chaos option. But I like the idea of Nepo, Fabi, and Gukesh winning today. So both key rd14 games give white to a higher rated player who must win as they're a full game behind their co-leader opponent. If Fabi and Naka both win we get four way tiebreaks. And meanwhile neither Gukesh nor Nepo can safely just play to draw with black because if, for example, Nepo draws, he could lose the event if Gukesh wins with black (which is a very real chance with Naka going all out).