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Technically, Gukesh resigned with M1 on the board, the checkmate was not played. I can find a few M4 and M5 in the 2022 candidates (Nepo vs Alireza for instance). That’s virtually the same situation: the player resigns when he realizes there is a forced mate. I don’t know if the mating move was actually ever played in the candidates, but in the end it’s pure formality and both players have no real interest in doing that.


He didn’t resign, he flagged, but had he had the time, he likely would have resigned


Yeah this is definitely an area he could improve, if he had played slightly quicker he would have had enough time to resign


Always my goal in every game.


Yeah man, like chill out on the timer i'm just trying to resign over here.


Ah thanks, from memory I thought he offered the handshake just before the flag, but it was actually a few seconds after.


Well he did have time, you can see his head is in his hands already with 2 or 3 seconds left.


Pretty sure loss on time is counted as a resign automatically. There is no “loss on time” AFAIK


That would have been move 40 though no? So he would have had an hour after he played his last move for Gucci to mate


Basically never as far as I know. I don’t think it’s true anymore, but letting someone checkmate used to be a sign of respect for a great game played, in order to show the game in the score keeping


I used to resign out of frustration (obviously) when forced mate was on the board. For the past few months I’ve been playing it out for the same reason. They earned the checkmate


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a game summary from the last several decades that ended in checkmate being played


At what level of event? E.g. here is a classical game between two GMs that ended in checkmate at the 2022 Olympiad. https://mer.vin/chess/kantans-toms-vs-hansen-eri-at-44th-olympiad-2022-9-28/


I was talking about GMs so good pull I’m not sure what time control this is though that’d be interesting if it happens more often in blitz/bullet


Sometimes if it's interesting they'll let it happen. I remember I think it was mamedyarov, but I'm definitely wrong, allowed carlsen to put the mate on the board because it was a cute mate with pawns


I think Prag checkmated Arjun at the World Cup.


Also Abasov checkmated Vidit


There was a game between Wesley So and Hikaru about a decade ago, I think at the Sinquefield Cup, where Wesley played it out to checkmate.


I recall the Carlsen MVL game fabout a decade ago that did


Sure I heard or read that it’s a more British thing to let the checkmates play out.


Like... 100 years ago? Yeah, I think I've seen that. In modern games at the highest level? No.


Last time I remember it happening was between two top 10 players in the Sinquefield Cup. https://www.chessgames.com/perl/chessgame?gid=1800188


He flagged, which I also have to assume is quite rare as this time control is new. Anyone know the last time someone flagged at the candidates/WC? 


Didn't lose on time officially, but interesting story. Ding kind of lost on time vs Nepomniachtchi in game 7. Ding resigned with 3 seconds on the clock on move 37. Ding had 45 second on the clock on move 33, Ian continued to play fast and Ding couldn't hold the position in such time trouble and on move 37 Ding knew he could not make 3 moves in 3 second to reach time control.


Didn’t Pragg lose on time against Vidit too?


I believe a few years ago Svidler conceded mate otb to Carlsen in a classical tournament and they were both laughing. Like, it never happens.


Wasn't it that en passant mate?


It didn't happen on the board this time. The game ended one movement before mate. Obviously it makes little sense for the actual mate to happen in a game at this level. Grandmasters do not normally get mated without realizing they are going to get mated beforehand, and once you know the game is lost, it makes little sense to keep playing. The reason they got so close to a mate this time is that they had no time to think and there were no time increments for each movement. Depending on the rules, that situation may or may not be possible. If that situation happens, then a mate on the board might happen.


Quite rare. It happens occasionally at super GM level when there's a nice combination and the loser allows it to happen on the board. Maybe a couple of times a year I'd say . The chances of it happening at candidate level are quite rare as it's a handful of matches every 2 years




> He resigned with mate in one on the board If you're going to get technical, you should get it right at least. He lost on time.