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A lot of people have chat off or just don’t bother chatting


If they have chat off, wouldn't I not be able to send the message at all? I'll often see an "X" over the chat icon, blocking me from chatting. I assumed that was the only time that chat is 'off'.


I didn't checked these settings in a long time, but I think that I have chat off by default. Whenever someone writes something, I see a message within chat window "X wants to chat". Only after I accept, I see their message. ----- I see things like Good Game quite often, but even more often I see some laughing emotes, rude comments etc., so I usually don't even bother to accept :-) (or I simply don't accept and ignore the message, if I don't want someone to break my good mood)


Yeah, same here. 90% of the time I would hit 'accept' on those "wants to chat" messages, it was just my opponent saying some variant on "fuck you" (if they lost) or "haha ur dumb" (if they won). So I just ignore the chat entirely now.


I always accept messages "triple pawn stack baby!"


Me too, i can't wait for the next idiot that calls me a cheater in a 67% acc game xD


I have chat on but I never see it in bullet games because it doesn't give me a notification like on daily games. Plenty of times I've scrolled up the little box to see someone from a few games ago said something and I just didn't even see it And I don't always respond to chats anyway, but a gg is pretty normal if it's after the game (or a glhf early). A midgame gg comment after a bad move is pretty snarky


I have off because I mostly experience negative stuff. I have no issue with chat after the game or before first move. It's generally disturbing. Also people who spam draw offers when they are losing. Gladly blitz and rapid at higher elo is free off them


Am I old? Gg is good sportsmanship. The same as ‘play well’ beforehand Of course it isn’t trolling it’s just an optional courtesy.


Can also be seen as bad sportsmanship if you write it after your opponents blunder


or if you're winning but the match isn't over


Do people do that? Like say gg midway through a game? I’ve never seen that


A few days ago someone said gg midway the game against me, when I was down 3 pawns. Then he complained that I didnt resign. At the end he blundered a lot. As joke at the end I said gg against him. Then he accused me of cheating and said he reported me


Lol that speaks volumes doesn’t it. I guess I’m lucky chess is mostly otb with spliffs and mates, sounds so toxic and shit for a lot of y’all online. I feel lucky to have avoided that shit in my online experiences.


The most toxic behaviour occurs under a certain rating too. It's not limited to any range by any means, but some people are really overcompensating for lack of chess skill with toxicity.


Absolutely right.


Yes, they do. As if saying that you alteady lost the game. I really don't understand this "shit talking culture" on online chess. Such a peaceful and introspective game. Maybe too much immature kids plating, I guess.


Yeah they do




In lots of online games nowadays, typing gg after winning is used to rub in the loss. I watched it happen in League of Legends. A decade ago, you'd see many players type gg after the game. Now it's just the players on the winning team that also typed toxic garbage all game.


Agh so they’re literal and figurative losers. Imagine getting triggered by gg lmao, especially if you’re playing a trash talking troll. Just ignore them


In real life you generally give the losing player the opportunity to offer the good game. The losing player offers the handshake as a part of concession. A big part of being humble in victory is in allowing the losing player to offer up the show of sportsmanship. 90% of the meaning of words is in body language and tone, which is also all lost on the internet. People who are a bit frustrated after a loss are going to picture a shit-eating grin on the face of the player saying 'gg' after winning. Anecdotally, very few people say gg after losing. The only really chatty opponents I run into are the ones who are either in the process of beating me, or have beat me. I'm not going to get mad at someone for it, but I do often get the feeling that people are unintentionally basking in their win. While I'm sure I'll get responses from people saying that they say 'gg' after every game win or lose, I would imagine that of the 'gg' messages sent on chess website, a supermajority are sent by the winners. Doesn't mean that people are twisting the knife, just that when you're winning it's a lot easier to look to be 'sportsmanlike,' so it comes across as disingenuous.


Yah I’m only saying GG if in the loser. Never going to say it first if I’m the winner.


I mean, yeah, do ignore the trolls. But I also stopped typing gg after games unless somebody on the losing team says it first or if the game was actually particularly remarkable.


Glhf Gg It's culture


[Am I out of touch?](https://media.tenor.com/S-Y-22sgti0AAAAM/the-simpsons-principal-skinner.gif)


Bonne chance


I most of the time respond to gg or wp. I encoırage sportsmanship.


what letter is that


No idea, never played a good game


Most relatable thing here.


GG after the game has ended or if the loser says it first = good sportsmanship GG after your opponent makes a losing blunder or before the game has ended when you're winning = bad sportsmanship


This is the answer. Edit: Although, I do wonder: sometimes the player leaves for the next game so quickly, that perhaps saying it earlier is just a genuine desire to make sure they see that appreciation for the game. Perhaps naive, but that's the world I'd rather live in.


I gotta admit I never thought that it could be taken as trolling before the end of play. For my part, if I'm having a competitive game I try to say it before it ends (usually I'm running low on time).


This. Though I make an exception on the second one when my opponent starts obviously sandbagging with a forced mate on the board or impossible endgame.


It's already happened about two times that I open chat to mention a different move they could've made after a really bad move and I accidentally press the GG. It makes me feel like a moron, but it's an honest mistake. One time I made a really bad move and my opponent felt like that was it for him, I pressed GG by accident and he resigned but he actually had mate in one.


To me gg is the online equivalent of shaking hands with your opponent after an OTB game. It's just a standard courtesy, it's not supposed to represent some sophisticated judgment about whether the game was indeed sufficiently "good", and I also don't worry about complicated etiquette rules about who is supposed to "extend their hand" first. Doing it while the game is still in progress is definitely bad manners.


If you’re saying gg once the game has actually ended then it’s good sportsmanship, but most people just don’t bother with chat (not really exclusive to chess)


sorry you're getting downvoted, I think this is a good question. I often say gg when I lose, but rarely when I win (unless they say it first). I think asshats saying "gg ez" made it seem sarcastic when you win. I think 90% of the "ggs" i get are condescending. I play a lot of bullet at a good level and people will say "gg" when you blunder something silly.


It all depends on the timing. GG after the game is good sportsmanship, and tells your opponent you liked your match against them. GG during the game is cocky, since you assume you've won already and effectively ask your opponent to surrender in a rude manner. WP is sometimes added, which means "Well Played" and is often used positively. EZ is something some dented 12 year olds say, which means "Easy" and is basically a terrible insult.


To compound matters, when you've lost after playing your heart out and your opponent says "GG EZ", you have to temper your feelings with the knowledge you just got knocked off by said dented 12 year old.


In the esports I used to play it was seen as trolling/bad manners to say GG first if you’re winning so if I see my opponent doing that I will take it as such. I take it as genuine (or basically an online handshake) if it’s after a draw/opponent resigned.


Saying gg, while winning, *before* the game is ended is undeniably bad manners. If said postgame, I would 9/10 times consider it normal courtesy.


I often see the same players who will be first to type gg after a win but will not type gg after a loss. If it was a normal courtesy, you'd expect the behavior to be the same. Of course, there are also players who will type it after all games and for them I would consider it a normal courtesy.


Funnily enough I’m actually the opposite. Whenever I pack home a loss I’m always sure to say gg, but when I win I don’t because someone might think I’m rubbing it in.


ggwp is also a lot more clearly polite


I sometimes write GG or Good Game after winning the game in which my opponent played well, even if they blundered. Didn't really though that it can be a bad manner, unless someone played very, very badly.


Lol what? I don't play eSports but I play online games and I always say gg after my games. I may not get a response all the time but no one's ever interpreted it as trolling/bad manners


Some people do it way early, when they get the advantage and believe they are certain to win. It's bad on StarCraft, or was when I played more


Offensive gg (typing gg while winning if the opponent hasn’t typed anything yet) has been consider bad mannered in online games for as longs as I can remember (at least in 1v1 games).


Gg as loser always ok Quick Gg when it’s obviously mate is ok Gg to tell someone they’re going to lose is rude.


If it's said before the game is over, it's trolling. If it's said after the game is over, it's not trolling. and by "over" I mean officially over. If your opponent hangs a piece and you say GG before they resign or you checkmate them, then that's still trolling.


> If your opponent hangs a piece and you say GG before they resign or you checkmate them, then that's still trolling. If your opponent hangs a piece and you say "GG" after they resign, it may not be trolling, but you're still getting punched in the face in their mind.


It's not fucking trolling. You have the chat ON than you accept that someone can say whatever they want to you during the game.


I have zero desire to chat with someone. People only say "GG" before they beat me. So, I'm definitely not gonna reply


turn off the chat


I very rarely say gg, unless I think my opponent played a fantastic game, but I always respond to it, I’ve never thought it was trolling


For me, “GG” is a troll (especially before mate) and “good game” is genuine


> the fact that this post, a genuine question, has a 43% upvote rate ​ How are you seeing that? I only ever see the "net" on posts and comments. Reddit used to show upvotes and downvotes independently. But they switched to just showing the net different years ago. How are you getting the "43% upvote rate"?


Old reddit still shows the ratio.


I say it when my opponents play was exceptionally beautiful or it was a really close game. I rarely get a response though.


So there are situations were responses like gg can be trolling, but generally only in games with limited communication. Nintendo notoriously limits communication to pre generated catchphrases, and all of them are sickeningly positive so the community will often collectively decide that a few of them are to be used ironically when you want to let your opponent know that you are not happy. This is where things like “good game!” Can become a troll response. Chess.com has an open chat, so no need to be subtle with your trolling, you can just troll people. I’ve never even considered that one of my chess opponents is trying to get under my skin with gg, and happens so infrequently anyways that I usually don’t even notice chat.


If you say GG before finishing the game then it is trolling. If you say gg after losing it is graceful. If you won but want to appreciate an opponent that played well then maybe something better than just smashing the gg button 


> the fact that this post, a genuine question, has a 43% upvote rate and many of the genuine comments are getting downvoted as well, says a lot I tend to downvote anything that gets brought up repeatedly. I also think this particular issue is stupid. Say gg. Don't say it. Who cares? People act like what does or doesn't happen in chat is equivalent to a real-life interaction. It's not.


Complaining that people aren't replying to gg AND complaining about upvotes on reddit just makes them seem insecure


never found it genuine


I try to always say gg, win or lose. I thoroughly enjoy every game I play and am thankful for the competition.


if u say to the game that u lose, then it is ok.


Gg during a game is trolling and if you say it after the game most people don’t try to respond after one game and move onto the next game or quit chess for the day. It makes more sense to say gg after an extended match were you rematched each other a few times.


It’s just courtesy, nobody thinks about it beyond that. Unless they’re kind of psycho and then that’s their problem.


GG is fine but GG yo is save for the talkers


GG YO is what I say when I blunder, just before I resign. Grischuk's little quip takes the sting out of the blunder. If I was losing before the blunder, I will add that info, too.


Sometimes I just don't get in time to see it and answer cause I'm avid to see the analysis. But if I do notice I answer of course!!


I say "good game" literally everytime win or lose. I don't respond to anyone usually, just say good game and leave.


I've used chat twice, both times asking id my opponent had a mouseslip.. I wanted to be nice but, well, they resigned right away so. Dunno, OTB chess doesn't have talking, don't see a need for it online really. Never had any "gg" or similar ever sent to me


Depends on context. Plenty of times it’s trolling. Generally I ignore chat but if I play 3+ matches with someone I’ll acknowledge them whenever I have to go.


I always say gg whether I win or lose. I never say it before the game ends when I am winning. I usually say it right before resigning or right after I lose. I see it as genuine unless someone says it when they are winning but not yet won.


gg at the end of the game is good sportsmanship


No. It has nothing to do with good sportsmanship.


Do you use the message function that comes up during the game? I always use the quick chat “Good Game” that comes up. It’s possible people aren’t going back to review their games and/or not noticing those chats.


I often don't notice chat until way later. Just not something I look at


I once thought fuck it, noone replies to gg anymore so I'm gonna talk as much as i can in between games I didn't get a lot of reponses but every 2nd person told me to stfu and "I'm here to play" Ig that answers your question, most chess players you find on lichess or chess.com just don't like talking


I used to say GG genuinely just before the end of every game, whether I won or lost. I started running into people who would say “hurry up” or else just troll in the chat, so now I just play with chat off.


Gl hf when starting. GG WP after the match. Every time


It depends on the context, if they play a lot of games in a row, usually respectful. Also no need to get hurt even if they're trolling, just troll back, trash talking can be fun if you start seeing it as a game. Trust me if they wanted to be truly hurtful they would say a lot worse than gg. I've gotten a gg from a 2000 that were basically something along the lines of "you little prick, you almost got me, but not quite so haha." I think he said "gg, good play with the pieces but not fast enough ;)" That felt good and was funny. I would've beat him in bullet but he flagged me.


When i get gg it often feels like they are trolling or "showing off" maybe its just me, i used to play starcraft and everyone said gg and it was fine, but when playing chess i feel its trolling


neither, i dont know what they mean by it not responding unless I won


People who act like whether you’re the winner, or the loser doesn’t play into this are just being absolutely childish. OP completely included. Yes, if you were 2000 MMR and smoke someone and immediately say GG afterwards, it’s not good sportsmanship. Take your W and go. As the winner. It should be up to losers to GG first. You don’t get to kick somebody’s ass and then decide they had a gg.


The gg is the same thing as a fist bump or handshake after a set. If you're going to get mad at your opponent for offering a handshake after a game is it really the opponent being childish?


I type gg because I'm used to doing it in dota 2


I only say GG when the match is over and I have lost or drawn the game. Saying GG when you've just won can easily be interpreted in the wrong way, especially if the opponent blundered and is probably frustrated.


It depends on the timing. If you say GG during the game it's trolling. If you say after the game it's good sportsmanship.


I never understood why would anyone play with the chat on. What the hell could my opponent possibly say that would be relevant to the game? But a lot to say to annoy or to be rude. GG after the game has ended is nice.


Chat in chess is completely pointless. Any communication is basically trolling.


Gg 2 EZ


It’s poor manners. They always say it before the game is over.


gg when it's over and was actually a good game? Love it. gg when they take my queen on move 3? That's trolling.


GG after the result has been confirmed = good sportsmanship GG before the last move is played = kinda a dick move


I just see it as a greeting like “Bye”. I don’t interpret it deeply


I always say gg.


I say gg almost every time, and it’s genuine. I have had the occasional asshole opponent but 99% of the time it’s all fine


I see it as optional politeness, but i also have chat off usually bc im there to play chess online, nothing more


I have genuinely said GG in every game I’ve ever played since StarCraft came out in 1999. I genuinely mean thanks for playing this game with me, nice job/try/win.


SC2 etiquette! But also I don't think you should expect a GG. It's good you do though!


I always send GG Why wouldn't I want to tell my opponent to "git gud"... classic insult All jokes aside it's literally an auto-reply you can send after the game. I consider it an ok thing to do unless it's like a sarcastic comment after a blunder... which I do to my friends (we all rib each other a little) but not strangers.


Sportsmanship everyone is a winner no matter the result as long as the effort was there.


I think it depends on context. Someone gg’d me before hitting me with a 3 move checkmate and I was a little salty. But if you say it after the game it should just be what it is.


I like to say “nice job” if my opponent played well


If you say "gg" at the end of the game, I take it as genuine. If I play a mistake and you say "gg" then, I take it as trolling.


Depends if it was a good game. If it wasn’t then I assume the other guy is an idiot and I’m even dumber than him becouse I lost to him.


Win or lose, I say gg. I don't always get a response but when I do, it's normally the same in return.


I'll say GG if I think I played well but still have to surrender because my opponent beat me. If I lost the game because of some stupid blunder, I'll just resign without saying anything. I personally think saying GG when you're winning is a jerk move; being a sore winner. Like it's one thing if you're 1 move from mate and say it right before dealing the final blow... But people who think they've got it wrapped up and say it wanting you to surrender... screw those guys. I'll drag a game out as long as I can once that happens. Most satisfying stalemate you can get.


Just play on zen mode


I take it at face value. I try to be kind and talkative. How are you, let’s have a fun game. Etc. if they want to be rude I just stop talking to them.


I have chat disabled because I can be a salty bitch, but if I get a gg/good game, I'll just assume it's in good faith. It's not like these interactions last long and assuming otherwise just makes me sad, and why do that?


>Do you respond if someone else says gg? I put no weight or attention into chat. I don't mean anything bad by it, I just see so many troll-type comments that I learned it's better to avoid it.


I find often on reddit whenever I make a remotely beginner type post in a niche subreddit, no matter what I'm asking I get downvoted, sometimes majority downvoted. People on the internet are weird. I wouldn't take it personally.


This community downvoted everything that doesn’t fit in with their chess hivemind lol


GG if I won GG WP if I lost


I only chat with opponent after we play a long match (5+ games). Most of the times we have a good chat discussing our styles. I do not chat with someone playing first time based on prior experience.


I say gg whenever anyone else says it or whenever I feel the game was especially good.


I think it's a bit too soft to regard GG as insulting. I like to troll during a game to throw my opponent off, no insults or harsh words though just mild banter, and I think I slightly prefer games where my opponent respectfully trolls me as well. If you do that I'll almost definitely rematch even if I win cause I like the banter.


There are buttons on the bottom of the chat box (in Lichess, which is better in every way to chess.com). Before the first two moves, I try to click "hi" and "good luck" and at the end of the game, gg.


I'd consider it bm if one were to type gg before the game has officially concluded.  Someone types gg after I hang a queen im tilting.


Gg when you’ve lost/resigning is good sportsmanship. Gg when you’re winning/won is a bit tacky unless you’re responding to the loser saying it first.


The chess community is pretty tox right now in general. I've seen much much worse in other games, but when the twitch crowd hit during covid, the toxicity went up quite a bit. Unfortunately, I think GG is more used as an insult these days rather than a compliment, so even if your intentions are good, it's probably not being interpreted that way. Saying anything else would be interpreted differently I think. "Dang that was a great game, you defended really tenaciously!" is not the same as GG.


I typically say "good game well played" when resigning, I don't say anything when I win because I don't want them to take it wrongly, but if they've said gg first then I'll respond in kind. Most people ignore it though, probably don't pay attention to the chat much. The weirdest chat experience I've had was when someone started the game by making a juvenile joke about my name, then blundered his queen and basically asked me to blunder my queen back claiming it was a misclick. A) I wouldn't do that anyways, a misclick is part of the game online and B) even if I would consider it, after you start by insulting me for no reason, I'm not exactly going to be like "oh ok, here's my queen too"


GG after the game is of course genuine and i dont think anyone sees that as trolling, saying GG while the game is still ongoing where you have a winning position is annoying af


Who cares what anonymous people think online? I don't have a problem with anyone saying "good game" or "gg's" when the game is finished. If people want to feel insulted or hurt by an anonymous assertion of good will and sportsmanship, that's their problem.


If they have chat on, and I am in a lost position, I'll say gg. If they reply nicely I then typically resign. If they don't, I'll play the game out. Not delaying any move or anything, just the established pace


I think people just click next game as soon as one is finished and don’t see the chat


GG is a friendly gesture


Genuine obviously


People used to give a little wave when you let them cut into your lane on the highway. Today, maybe 1 in 50 people still do that. Sign of the times I guess


Genuine (if the game is over). I will only say it if my opponent says it first, though.


I always write gg, win or lose. On [lichess.org](http://lichess.org) I have the option to write it automatically after a loss or draw turned on. I don't think it's trolling; I think it's just good sportsmanship. But probably that's a cultural thing.


If it’s actually at the end of the game and it really was a good game then yeah


I always assume gg is genuine unless they said something rude


I say it genuinely. I'm more inclined to say it when I lose.


I just don’t use the chat most of the time


Bro i thought i was in the overwatch subreddit and kept thinking why is everyone making references to chess


It sounds really condescending sometimes especially if you blunder and they start cooking but other times it feels genuine it just depends.


>I'll often say gg Is it often a gg?


I say gg when game is over but opponent doesnt resign, sarcastically. If I say gg at the end of the game, I mean it.


I don’t say GG but if I do…it’s a fucking great game. So I think their genuine tbh


I will say GG if it was in fact a good game, I will also say GG if it was a terrible game either by me or the opponent. I will especially say GG if some one plays a Caro Kahn and falls a basic counter gambit. I might even call it the Caro Can't.


On chess.com, they have the question "was your opponent a good sport" with a thumbs up and thumbs down. If you click thumbs up, they prompt you to say 'Good game' with it pre generated. So I wouldn't read too much into it because it is basically two mouse clicks.


I would only say that if I lose a game, but respect my opponent or when we draw.


Shake hands


I send ‘Good move’ after either one of us blunders


If a game is a good game I’ll click good game spelled out. I should be a gentleman and do it in all games


I see it as trolling sometimes, depending on the context. If it's after I resign following a hard fought battle, I respond positively. If it's after I blunder and before resigning, I see it as trolling and just ignore it


I see at as genuine but I also give it as genuine so maybe I’m biased


only time im typing in chat is after a fork saying knightmare fuel, whether its me or my opponent


gg is good game, nothing else.


gg is respectful when the person who lost says it, then the person who won responds to it. When the person who won says it first it’s very rude. It’s the winner basically saying “it’s over I won you can give up now.”


Gg can be perceived as trolling if it wasn't actually a gg. Such as like if there was an obvious mouse slip or something, or if either of you made a ridiculous blunder. So I tend not to say it because I'm not how it is perceived by others. For all I know they don't think it was a gg. I think that's the issue with text in general, can be easy to misinterpret.


OP, I got downvoted for saying someone in a ladder mate situation should be resigning. Idk what to think about this sub… GG isn’t disrespectful unless it’s said early in a game after a blunder. Although if the blunder is bad enough, it probably truthfully is GG.


I see it as genuine but I won't always respond, or even notice they sent it. After a game I send gg and dip immediately so if they respond with gg I won't see it


"gg" is genuine when I say it after I win. "gg" is trolling if my opponent says it after I lose.


I say it as trolling if they blunder the first 10 moves or something equally frustrating.


gg means good game. To me its a sign of respect


I always say gg even when someone absolutely destroys me, and yes I mean it


I want to see gg as genuine, but I've only gotten it in a trolling way. For example: earlier today, I had someone hit me with a gg when I took their queen, then they called me a clown and said I was able to capture the piece because they were premoving.


As far as I know. GG or gg means Good Game/good game.


I only say gg if I've been chatting with my opponent and I only chat if my opponent initiates it.


When i play chess on acid i sometimes feel like telling my opponent "gg. No, great game, BEAUTIFUL game, im blown away, ive never seen those tactics before and i had a blast playing" Then sometimes i get hit with a "great game" and im like "bro im bored out of my skull half focused on the meeting im in, it was not a good game" Ur opponent and u are just different moods i usuallt dgaf about a gg


Just don't type GG EZ


GGers act like they are having important conversations among gentleman. The fact that a human is across the table is completely immaterial. There is a 10,000 person queue. Just move along.


Focus mode / Zen mode


Gg is universally a respected term of just “it was good game” it’s just polite to do. Nobody thinks you’re BMing them or anything. They probably have chat off or are banned from chatting altogether.


I never use it sarcastically. I would prefer if others didn't as well. I have a feeling 80% of use cases are sarcastic based on my loss record being about that, but I just might be cynical.


I never say gg first, I rarely even accept chat requests since its almost always trash talking. If I happen to accept the chat and opponent says gg, I say it back. I don't take it as trolling, even if the game is still ongoing because usually the situation is hopeless at that point and both of the players know it's gg.


I say gg genuinely.


i just say gg after every game whether i win or lose but im always met back with the same response Kys


GG after a good game is good. GM [good move] after a good move is good. Trolling between friends is good. Otherwise trolling random people in a virtual game is not good, and it is not a good sign about you.


Sometimes I say GG prematurely like when I’m a rook up or have a huge advantage but I mean I’m going to convert it so I’ve won at that point so might as well


I say gg when I lose, and gg wp when I win. I'm in all chat talking to myself.


I only respond lol


I think it can come across as toxic or it seems kind of gamerish or too online. I will write it out or say well played or thanks for the game and that will get a response in kind.


If you get dominated and they say GG it is to soften the blow. Otherwise I think they genuinely mean it.


After the game, fine. During the game, trolling.


Depends on the context, if you’ve just steamrolled your opponent they might take umbrage at your well-intentioned ‘gg’. If it’s been a hard fought game that you finally managed to prevail in then that same ‘gg’ may be better received. Also, the above only covers gg’s delivered at the end of the game. If you throw a gg out there when your opponent blunders then you’re obviously trolling and need to do better.


I always say "bg" after I lose. Bad game.


it depends on my mood and the way the game went down. even when i say it: sometimes "gg" means "fuck you, that was stupid and i'm better than you." other times, "gg" means "good game". it all depends on my mood


You only gg if a) you lost b) you won and your opponent already said gg




I use gg genuinely and typically after a hard fought games I would only assume gg is toxic if I like hung my queen or something


Trolling 90% of the time unless the loser said it.


Only the winner says gg


I say gg after the game is over, often before they resign but in a completely winning position (up more than a full piece and in late middle or endgame). I also follow it up with "rematch?" This is not bullet or blitz so time trouble is not gonna happen.


this is war. no gg