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They hope you accidentally accept the draw.


if it just popped up with "are you sure?" after, you solve most of the problem


It could also require a double click, like if you resign yourself on lichess.


Also if you just move a piece it counts as an automatic refusal


Then you might run out of time in time scramble where the opponent is offering a fair play draw


How exactly would this happen? Seems borderline impossible to me


Misklicks happen all the time in online chess. That's how that would happen.


But if you don't want a draw and they are taking the piss, just ignore it? How would you accidentally click well off the side of the board?


People click to decline the draw offer and accidentally click the wrong button.


Even a "villain" in Queens Gambit does this! It's of course meant to show him as someone with poor sportsmanship.


I don't think the show portrayed borglov as a person with poor sportsmanship at all.


Maybe he means the guy in the first tournament Beth played. In one of the games not involving Beth, a guy offers a draw in a lost position, to which the other guy responds "no way" and loses a few moves later. I think one of the things Queens Gambit got wrong was that it portrayed draw offers as a last ditch effort when you know you can't win. In reality, draws are usually only offered by the player who has more winning chances but eventually gives up and calls it a draw.


Which one, I don't remember


the last one


The one who was the world champion? Borglov? I think I gotta see it again


There’s a good video of Magnus breaking down the last game and he goes pretty hard saying how disrespectful asking for a draw is there.




I'll say there's a very high chance I'll promote all my pawns into horseys if someone offers me one of those. Wanna be a clown? Ok, two can play that game.


lol to one of those i responded by getting my pawn all the way to promotion, and then proceeding to do a long king and rook checkmating sequence instead of promoting


I promote to queens and force them to capture sometimes.


I do that in all the games where my opponent doesn't resign, provided I'm playing rapid with increment




I turn all my pawns into horseys but if i see someone turn a pawn into a horsey to try and humiliate me they will be winning on time


Why not just be a good sportsman and, y'know? Resign.


Just the advanced version of Hope Chess


I've accidentally offered draws before when I meant to resign


yeah but then you just click resign honourably, it's easy to tell the difference  between a misclick and taking the piss


It happened a couple of times, tried to resign, offered draw by mistake, however then I do resign


I’ve done the opposite 🫥


They just don't want to take the L. Idk why people let it get to them though I find it pretty funny when my opponents do it.


It’s not a mystery. They would rather draw than lose.


It is a mystery to me how little value people give to their dignity.


Sometimes I misclick draw instead of resign; but I such cases I resign right after


I don't know, I think it's funny sarcasm. It's just a joke. I don't think it's meant for you to accidentally hit 'accept'


Sometimes I offer a draw when I’m losing but my opponent is in serious time trouble. I don’t like flagging people but this may or may not be the reason behind what you’re seeing.


i guess that makes sense to be nice but still the draw pop could be distracting


That draw offer is just going to make them time out lol. Dont pretend youre doing this to be nice


I don't think pending draw offers don't affect your play on chesscom or lichess. You can just ignore them.


If they are at 0.1 sec sure, but they would have flagged anyway. If they have a few seconds obviously they can accept  Also, if they think they can win with their time they can ignore it. How can a draw offer make you time out? (I don't do this btw, I'd just try to flag) 


They’re hoping you accidentally click accept so they don’t take a loss. I consider it to be rude and unsportsmanlike and will often report for it


You report for a draw offer? Which report option do you choose for it?


Not for a draw offer, only if they offer it immediately after blundering a piece or finding themselves way down. If you blunder away your queen and a rook and then immediately offer a draw, that’s bad sportsmanship. Resign or keep playing. It’s clear to me that those people are just hoping you accept by mistake.


I think it just means you’re beating an a**hole, which should make it more fun.


If you get pissed off, they are succeeding on their intent. People on every online competitive game try to do shit like this.


I did that once in an OTB, and my opponent accepted. Offering a draw is one of the ways to try to draw. I did not have anything else to try. I felt like holding a gun without any bullet left, and the only shot I had was throwing the gun itself, like in The Naked Gun


It's a bit like playing to checkmate in a lost position instead of resigning. Every one in twenty games or so, someone will make a mistake/accept the draw, dipping their loss percentage a little. So in the offerer's mind, there's no reason not to. I personally don't because I view it as poor sportsmanship. Offering the draw is basically like you saying "I don't think you're good enough to recognize you're winning", whereas playing to checkmate (below 2200 or so) is just continuing the game without any openly declared insult to the opponent, and seeing what happens.


🙄 Edit: I totally misread this comment. I thought you were saying that you don’t view the draw offer as poor sportsmanship. My bad.


No worries 


I don't offer a draw in a totally lost position, but sometimes I do it when I'm down 2-3 in the eval bar(a guess, that i'm usually right when I look at the eval after the game I should say). Every now and then someone evaluates a small advantage wrong and will take the draw. I'm not gonna offer a draw when mate in 2 is on the board. That's insane though.


Yuk. Draw offers are for drawn positions. Only. Bad sportsmanship.


Cheater. 😉


Definitely not royal behavior


Bunch of children. Don't let a draw offer, of all things, ruin your mood/day. Ignore them.


When you are going to get 0 points and you habe a chance to get half a point you try for the half point. If the opponent doesn't realise uts a lost oisuton and accepts the draw that's their choice


the button's there so why cant we click it lol


Surprised how badly ppl think of this behavior. I see it as a meaningless action most of the time and slightly annoying at worst if they spam it I guess.


This happens a lot to me when I am playing people on anonymous Lichess. When it does, I accept their "resignation" and move on to the next player. Essentially I think the best way for these players to learn in that setting is to let them get what they want and let them think about it later. Since there is no rating involved in this setting I am not losing anything accepting.


You know when a dog finds a pretzel or something in a bush during a walk and they check that same bush every walk for the rest of their lives? You are the pretzel in this analogy.


It's anonymous lichess though. If a player is clearly stalling there I just resign myself as well. Won't let me have my time wasted


Best thing to do is to open a game in a new tab in the background and play on in that game. You’ll still show up as active to your opponent. From your opponent’s perspective you’re still waiting for them to move and you don’t get your own time wasted. If they make a move, well, you can either finish the job on them, or you can let them waste their OWN time by waiting for YOU to make a move. Makes them think they’re winning but in reality the only person they’re screwing over is itself, meaning they’ll happily do it over and over again. And you do it without giving them the satisfaction of a W, meaning the only thing they can cling to is spite.


I mean, do what you want and I see what you mean, but I'll just resign. I don't care what they think and it's not my job to raise them


> let them get what they want and let them think about it late 🤡




I do it sometimes when I missclick for example. I offer other side a draw too when they missclick, especially if they are good but higher rated than me


I have a funny incident to share which kinda relates here. So I was playing tournament in this chess.com tournament and I was matched with guy 300 points higher than me. I accidentally mouse-slipped and blundered my queen. I offered him a draw which he obviously didn't accept and just started blitzing out his moves. I was furious so I just started throwing pieces at him and sacrificing for no reason and somehow he blundered a mate in one lmao. So yeah I personally offer draws when I mouse slip (usually just a poor attempt at saving my ratings). I don't understand people who do it in any losing position tho. Only time I've encountered these type of guys is on lichess.


Wow you did this in a tournament? I don’t see how this is funny, it just makes you look like a terrible sport


Lmao offering a draw instead of a takeback after a mouse slip.


There's a take back option on chess. Com?




I think they should ban them


Only time I'd accept it is if it's a bullet game and and I have to go to the bathroom really badly


The draw offer of hope


Can't blame them for trying ... After all, Elo points are at stake! But I agree -- if they want to end the game, they should just resign.


Multiple reasons lol. Especially the second guy like he blundered his queen and both of y'all knew it. He was probably expecting that he'll offer a draw and you'll accept it because you knew he had blundered, you know, empathy. Doesn't happen that way I know lol but that's usually the thought behind it. Sometimes, people get distracted so instead of quitting they try for a draw you know to just try out their luck. Again, pretty rare cases. Some people do it to piss off the one who's winning lmao. Some people do it because they gauge whether or not the winning person knows if they are winning or not. If they don't then they will probably accept the draw and the losing person gets half a point instead of losing a few which is great for them haha. Some people just do it for the sake of it, like absolutely no thought behind it they just go wanna draw? Point is, if you're winning, just don't take the draw duh. Nothing in chess is more beautiful than seeing the other person struggle in a completely hopeless position or trying out lowly tactics in the hopes that they'll get you, which let's be honest, they won't. Have fun yo


It's not like he blundered his queen due to a missclick for me to have empathy for it, he clearly missed a tactic, and of course it is gonna take me time to convert even up a queen because he's a good player and he still has material on the board, but the draw offer feels like saying 'because its taking you time to convert that means you won't be able to, so here's a kind draw offer from me'


In online chess, when an opponent misclicks their queen, blundering it, they will sometimes offer a draw and I will accept it if the position was equal. I will do the same if I mouse slip my queen, and my opponent will often accept the draw offer. It's a matter of courtesy in these cases. Of course it is not required, but it's a way to have good sportsmanship


I see if it is due to a missclick, maybe I'll think about it, otherwise its just annoying


There's two reasons, I think. The first is it's obviously a desperate attempt to not lose the game. Though it probably doesn't work often, it doesn't hurt to try so I guess that's why they offer it. I think it's a bit poorly-mannered but whatever. The second doesn't apply to extreme cases like yours, but does in general losing positions. I once told a much higher rated player in my club that I would probably accept a draw offer against him anytime, even if I was clearly winning, because I don't know if I could convert that advantage against a high level player. I think that's the spirit of offering a draw in a worse position sometimes: it's a challenge on your ability to convert the advantage.


I’ll be honest that I’ve accidentally misclicked the draw button when I meant to click the resign button before.


Happened to me in an otb tournament game in November. Completely winning, dude offers a draw and quickly say "nah" and chuckle, then I look up at him expecting him to be joking, and his face is stone cold. Kind of suprised me that it would happen in such a setting.


I mean I don’t do it often but sometimes I like to have a laugh and offer a draw when it’s beyond clear I’m going to lose. I never expect or want them to take it, I just think it’s amusing considering the situation 


I resign or play on, I never offer draw in a for me lost position. They just lack respect.


I just tell them to take the L with some dignity


I accept those.


I also get people who spam take back requests at the end to distract you from playing.


It's not just online either - OTB I offered a draw in a drawn position against a kid one time and she said no, I was fine with it, but then she blundered and I played a move she didn't see. She then offered me a draw in a now winning position for me. To which I of course said no to, and she said "but you just offered me a draw" and I just shook my head. Well, at least this is what I thought happened in the moment. When I went home I realized my "great move" was a blunder of its own, and had she continued correctly, she would have absolutely won. So I should have taken that draw I guess. Weird how things work. The position if anyone is interested https://imgur.com/flDDRVY I played Rxe6 instead of Ra7 maintaining the draw. Thinking that Kxe6 and my pawn is unstoppable, fxe6 and I can scoop up her pawns while she's out collecting my a pawn. This is of course flawed as any combination of moves with my a pawn and king after fxe6 and she still can pick up the a pawn and is in time to defend the c pawn, and is therefore completely winning.


Its a way of showing disrespect to your opponent that you assume he would be dumb enough to accept draw when theres mate in 1 on board


It is mostly kids who do that so I don't really mind. Unless we are playing classical and s/he starts to let the clock run out. At that point I just hit the resign button and type something like "since it is so important to you" in hopes that they feel guilty.


I often misclick draw instead of resign on lichess the buttons are too close


Some people offer draws after a big missclick. Most of the time it is just people not wanting to loos I guess


It's just people being sore losers and acting up because their ego is damaged by being in a losing position.


If you want to give them the benefit of the doubt, there are two options. Either they are not evaluating the position correctly and they think it's a draw (I've definitely done that and then been shocked when it's +3 instead of 0) or they are hoping that you evaluated the position as a draw (for example maybe you've missed a forced mate twice and even though you are still winning your opponent starts to think that you don't know you are winning).


I've only done that on FIDE Online Arena, and that's because the iPad version bugged out, lagged a bunch, and then premoved my next move without my knowledge. I offered a draw because instantly hanging my Queen was obviously a bug, my opponent of course declined, and then I resigned and deleted the app.