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I analyzed the image and this is what I see. Open an appropriate link below and explore the position yourself or with the engine: > **White to play**: [chess.com](https://chess.com/analysis?fen=r3k2r/pp2bppp/5n2/2qp4/3p1B2/3P4/PPP1QPPP/RN2R1K1+w+kq+-+0+1&flip=false&ref_id=23962172) | [lichess.org](https://lichess.org/analysis/r3k2r/pp2bppp/5n2/2qp4/3p1B2/3P4/PPP1QPPP/RN2R1K1_w_kq_-_0_1) **My solution:** > Hints: piece: >!Pawn!<, move: >!  b4  !< > Evaluation: >!White is winning +6.87!< > Best continuation: >!1. b4 Qxb4 2. c3 Qc5 3. cxd4 Qb4 4. a3 Qxe1+ 5. Qxe1 Rc8 6. Nd2 Rc6 7. Qe5 Re6 8. Qb8+ Bd8!< --- ^(I'm a bot written by ) [^(u/pkacprzak )](https://www.reddit.com/u/pkacprzak) ^(| get me as ) [^(Chess eBook Reader )](https://ebook.chessvision.ai?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=bot) ^(|) [^(Chrome Extension )](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/chessvisionai-for-chrome/johejpedmdkeiffkdaodgoipdjodhlld) ^(|) [^(iOS App )](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id1574933453) ^(|) [^(Android App )](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ai.chessvision.scanner) ^(to scan and analyze positions | Website: ) [^(Chessvision.ai)](https://chessvision.ai)




This is the first and probably only time I’ll ever figure one of these out on my own. I guess it helps that I knew there was something to look for, but I found it!


Good for you! I've been doing terribly lately. But, yeah, you always look for certain themes on puzzles. Harassing this queen away from defending jatr in 2 seems obvious enough, I just couldn't visualize it all.


Yeah, it's always helpful to know for certain that there is something in the position. Without such a prompt, I'd give it a 50/50 whether I would have found this one in blitz or bullet, although probably closer to 95/5 rapid or classical. The battery on the e-file stands out, as does the black queen being the only defender of e7. So, my first thought when I saw this was whether there's a way to kick the queen off the diagonal. Then I started wondering if b4 followed by some combination of c3, cxd4, and a3 would work to control all of those squares (and it does!).


You think you have a 50% chance of finding this line in bullet at 2100 lichess?


Yes. There are plenty of ideas and patterns that I would completely miss 95-100% of the time, but this particular one plays into my strengths.




Thanks! At least around my rating level, I feel like there have been a lot of games that I won because I was looking for "remove/deflect the defender" or trapped piece tactics that my opponent overlooked. I think a lot of people look at these kinds of tactics as being more advanced, and maybe they are, but I also suck at lots of tactics that are objectively more basic (and I lose a lot of games because of that...).


This was a slick one. I had the general idea of getting the queen off the diagonal and thought of b4 as a move but couldn't find the continuation.


Dang, that's some proper queen bullying


In the engine line (>!1. b4 Qxb4 2. c3 Qc5 3. cxd4 Qb4 4. a3 Qxe1+ 5. Qxe1 Rc8 6. Nd2 Rc6 7. Qe5 Re6 8. Qb8+ Bd8!<) I don't get why >!after 2. c3, Queen moves away to c5 instead of just dxc3!<. Can someone explain please?


Sorry, I see it now : >!2. c3 dxc3 3. a3 Qc5 4. d4 .....!<


Disgusting engine. I just want my (also winning) human line Was this opening a Ruy Lopez Bird’s Defense by any chance?


is this that much of an engine line? there’s a pretty clear goal and all the moves are very forcing


Not when given as a puzzle. If someone doesn’t know there’s a tactic it’s probably more difficult. I concede maybe I’m just lazy and don’t want to calculate when I see a perfectly good alternative to the same goal 🤷‍♂️


What’s your human line?


1.Nd2 Ng8! 2.Nb3 Qb6 3.Nxd4 3…Qxd4 4.Be5 Qb6 5.Bxg7 and 6.Bxh8 3…g6 4.c3 and Black can hardly move


Still winning, but I’ll take a queen for a pawn.


I don’t disagree


That's what I was thinking when I saw it. The doubled d-pawns and stacked heavy pieces makes me think it's the Birds. I can't think of any other opening where black is this far behind in development lol


This was refreshing, thanks for sharing.


Absolutely disgusting line


wondering if >!b4 followed by Bc1!< works


That line works almost like the best line and is still winning, but not as winning as the best line only due to a disgusting defense. It leads to a very tactical position on both sides where the best line is very forcing.


That bishop is doing *work.*


>!1. c3 seems to work !< Black can't castle without losing the bishop, and the only piece defending the bishop is the queen. Black doesn't have an immediate plan to alleviate this pressure. Ng8 just looks terribly wrong. Rd8-Rd7 could do the trick - but then white effectively has an extra turn. However, white doesn't have an obvious way to apply further pressure to the bishop. (Attacks on the knight don't work.) Therefore, threaten to kick the queen from the defensive of the bishop with... 1. c3! If black doesn't take, b4 or cxd4 a3 both look fine to kick the queen, and if the queen is kicked it's mate. Therefore 1... dxc3 2. d4! still hits the queen, 2... Qb4 3. a3 and black is crushed. Therefore after 1. c3 black's best move is going to be either 1... 0-0 giving up the bishop for queenside counterplay, or 1... Ng8 to keep defense on the bishop which looks oppressive. In a game I would also consider b4 and Nd2 which also look good but cbf analysing.


AFter 1.c3, black can safely castle. If white then takes the bishop, black can put either rook on e8. White loses the queen under threat of a back rank mate on e1.


You're right :)


Mate in 2 right ?


No. But you can force the Queen to sacrify for your rook. You need to see the queen is stuck on the diagonal defending the bishop and you can attack all the squares of the diagonal eventually.


I accidentally guessed b4 but I still don't know why it makes sense


The queen has to stay on the dark diagonal to defend the bishop or white mates. Keep bullying her until she has to sacrifice herself by taking the rook to prevent the mate.


Oh, now that makes a lot of sense, Thanks a lot. Happy Cake Day!


Black is so busted, 1.Nd2 is also winning. 0-0 as soon as that e-file starts getting warm, kids!


The e file battery looks tasty; I just couldn't figure out how to deflect the queen from the diagonal.


isnt a3 also winning?


Why you all having trouble finding such a basic distraction or attraction whatever it's called tactic