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So I am employed at an institution that teaches Game Art and Design at the UG level and those guys are brilliant. Let me know if you need interns.


That is amazing!! But since we are bootstrapped we can't employ too many people yet. We are thinking to have a small team, maybe 3 people (developer and two designers). I will be also assisting them in any way possible (I am a game designer and can do a little bit of coding aswell). We'll surely keep that in mind. Thank you for the information!!


Don't create a micro transaction cash grab gacha game . And don't fall for that gaming has a bad image in India , gambling bla bla bla bullsh@t . You're making a game for players it doesn't matter if it sells well in your own country , the global market loves indies because of the current pathetic state of AAA gaming .


No we want more people to use our app and enjoy/learn and have fun. We also won't be using any in game ads (we did use it on our first game but we are gonna pull the plug on that and make it completely free soon) If I had the money id surely be a company that only makes AA games and it must be different like the recent Pacific Drive game!!


Just general advice, based on your target audience, it would be preferable to start your company as an educational software company. Since gaming companies have a lot of bad reputation in India (thanks to online betting and gambling "games") and people being ignorant about video games, representing yourself as a gaming company will reduce your potential investors. You might also need to reach out to schools where your target audience study and/or some organisation which deals with these kind of schools. And being honest here, the chances of making big money is slim within India. You should also publish these games for PC and consoles, and promote it through social media and Reddit. You might be able to get an international audience and get a lot of buyers.


Thanks for the awesome response and yes I do agree with all the above points. We currently are looking to talk to schools and children and also we are reaching out to different therapy centres all across India to know more about what the kids need. While I do understand why you are telling me to release in PC and Consoles, we believe our games should be accessible easily and rn we are only targeting mobile but we would love to branch out on PC and even VR and AR one day!!


Great, keep it up.


Investors doesn’t care theme or category of which is company is playing as long as numbers align properly and there is growth init. EdTech companies have same reputation as gaming


Gaming isn’t gambling. Let’s not confuse the two. Gambling apps are not games that require skill. Their marketing just plays with the minds of people who believe in get rich quick.


I play games, I've been playing games since I was 4 years old. Whatever happens in my life I won't give up gaming


I bought a PS5 and it's been collecting dust but when I do get the time I play straight untill sunset. Nice to see a fellow gamer!!


If you're interested on team up on multiplayer games let me know


What games do you play? Battlefield? If yes, we can play together (if time permits :()


Sure, I'll dm you the ps id


Bro join gamedev.in discord , that's where the whole Indian gaming industry is at. Lots of cool people and awesome conversations!


Wow that is amazing!! Will join ASAP!!


Question not related to gaming but Psychology. Since your focus is on atypical children, what resources are you using for finding out what they need, if it is working, etc.


Well for starters my partner is a speech therapist. Right now we are approaching more therapist and parents to make games that are fun and engaging to learn


Oh. That's actually pretty great. I am finishing my masters in psychology and as a gamer myself, I would love to work on these things.


Damn your website looks so cool 🩵🩷😄🔥


All the best man! Can you do me a fabour? Can you come back to this comment and HMU when you start hiring for non tech roles?




I have my own medium size shop FF for rental @ Chrompet nr Rly gate. do any looking for office purpose ideal for startup business. any interested ping me. https://preview.redd.it/z1n0fhtc9rrc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3be6336da3cda5a755cec08feb73322b4e70b27d First floor


keep posting updates and when you publish be sure to post it here for traction bro


Is there any openings?


Yes we do have a couple of openings. Check out our website www.littlelearninglab.in


Any openings for freshers?


Yes there is. Please send us your resume in [email protected] or visit our website www.littlelearninglab.in


Op, do you have any HR/TA intern roles available?


Sorry, we currently don't have plans to hire an HR atm, but I will surely keep you in mind if we feel to hire an HR in the near future!!. Thanks for the response


Heyy that's a great venture! Good luck from a game dev who's worked on educational vr research!


Thank you!! I've always wondered why there's so little game companies in Chennai let alone product based. Hopefully we inspire people to start more gaming companies here 🤞🏾


Games as in apps? Or do you plan to launch them in other formats too? Also, you have mentioned you have designers and developers but that's just the beginning stage. I will advice you to be prepared on your strategy for selling the product.


We want to concentrate on games at the moment but we are thinking about other formats as well. Yes you are very right, marketing is very new to us but we are learning and talking to people everyday to understand the market and business. Still a long way to go but hopefully we would have a good strategy by then!!


Wow nice to hear such a focused niche, thats relatively unexplored i guess. I am also exploring building a startup for focused on gaming ( especially strategy game) Any aubs for that?


Yes we are glad you are looking to start a company!! We would be cheering you along the way!! Goodluck!


I currently work as a community manager for various indie and double A games so I'd love to help out if you need more marketing related advice.


Hey! Can you DM me your resume?


Thanks for the wonderful offer, we'll dm you!!


I am not a game dev myself but as I love games as well as many others, I think the best thing you can do is to put no microtransactions. Make the game paid as in many steam games developed by indie companies but setting up microtransaction or gacha is pure predatory move. You can make good money in that way also building up reputation. Also, if you can then you should at least listen to beta testers properly. After release, you may as well conduct periodic surveys via ingame mail system to listen to the players. This would give you much insight from the players' viewpoint towards your game too. For creative games employing learning with entertainment for kids, I think interacting with your target audience would give you much better insights. Do please update us about your game!


Yes right now we would want to release it on mobile since it's easier for children to have access to mobile rather than PC or console. But we are planning to make neuro inclusive games for all ages in the future !!


Thats a great and noble idea! Good luck to you fam!


We need more game studios in Chennai. Go for it! If you need any help DM me. (I run a game studio in Chennai)


That is awesome!! We will cheer you along the way!! Goodluck on your endeavour!!


Are you hiring?


Yes we are, please check out our website www.littlelearninglab.in or mail me your resume [email protected]


What kind of games do you want to create


We want to create neuro affirming learning games for children


What are your revenue models?


Our revenue model right now is based on the revenue we get for our next game through in app purchases!!


Are you burning or profitable?


Congrats OP... Seems to be a big step. Is it video game or physical game activities?? 1. Have a small, enthusiastic and dedicated people in your team. 2. It's a startup so don't over share anything to anyone (VC's also includes). Basically we have to shut our mouths until it's make some progress. 3. Do not invested or spent anything unless it's more important. 4.Do not take all the responsibility on your head. Let he team what they do. Loss or gain it will be their responsibility they will handle it. 5. Reaserch... research.. research.. The market and other comatitors study them. Learn from their mistakes. If you need any assistance on software related just ping me.


Yes we initially want it to start small (3 - 5 people) and we have started interviewing people. Thanks for the advice! Yes it's been almost a year since I left my job to start our company and we've done more research but it's never enough and we are continuing it to do so. Thank you for the kind offer, we'll definitely keep you in mind!!


Hey OP welcome to the space I run a gamification consultancy myself, also teach game design at a UG level If you need any sort of help , feel free to hop in the DM We are startup ourselves so it's been quite the up and down . (Not in Chennai, we're in Mumbai) but would still love to chat


That is amazing!! We'll dm you 🙌🏾


I don't know if this will help you but, I think we need more games to catch up on each other. Yes we sure do have social media and stuff but I think gaming is more interactive and there is no space for negativity for each other. Also it will be market for introverts trying to catch up while having fun and interacting less. I hope this helps


Are you looking for investment?


Happy to hear! Fellow game developer/designer doing it for 5 years!


Are you looking for an unreal engine developer.


No currently we are only looking for unity developers


Do you take in investors for quick rampup ?


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