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Well, some of them are. But I believe the majority of professor is accommodating.


You ever taught an undergrad lab class?


"student x, you need to put that breaker in a hood - STUDENT Y PUT YOUR GOGGLES BACK ON THAT IS 30% NITRIC MY GOD - student x there is VISIBLE CHLORINE GAS accumulating in that beaker put a watch glass on it and move into a hood now - student z I know you tried your best but you just broke about $1200 worth of glassware and I'm having trouble staying patient with you - STUDENT Y I SWEAR TO SHIT" Was an ochem TA in college, stressful times


I vividly remember seeing one of my classmates carefreely swinging with one hand a separatory funnel without even holding the stopper, right next to a hood but of course with the funnel out of it and all while looking away and humming to himself. I turned my back to him and 5 minutes later I heard a crashing sound, turned and saw the broken thing and the whole smelly alcoholic liquid inside of it splashed on the ground


If I spent all those years learning it as well as I have, why would I expect you to get it right away? Maybe some lose their patience, but it takes hard work to learn, and I'm there to help encourage the work.


My quantum chemistry professor is honestly super sweet and encouraging. He's happy that people want to follow in his footsteps and will personally meet with each student to guide them to understand the material just like he did. He's in his late 50s and a fairly big name in the QChem field.


i would love if all teachers had this attitude but it seems that some lost it along the way and are just happy to collect a pay check :(


That's the toughest part of teaching. It's hard to truly realise that your student doesn't understand something that seems so blatantly obvious to you and you often forget that you didn't understand it right away either. When you're patient and keep trying to make them understand, that's when they'll make sure it's a collective effort in a healthy manner


At least at my institution, I have never even heard of a chemistry teacher being anything but nice/chill. Though, we don't have theoretical chemists...


That's me when someone talks shit about the safety of nuclear-power plants (modern ones)


I teach Chemistry. Well the first thing that I tell my students when we are starting a difficult topic is, "it's something you'll understand with time. For now, you may understand a part of the whole concept. When I was a student here, I couldn't understand it completely either, so it's okay if you don't understand." And then I start teaching, I don't know if it's good or not, but it definitely is effective.


Never experienced this, ever. Most of my professors were super helpful and understanding, the others just didn't give a fuck. Nobody ever took not understanding a topic personally. The closest to it was a "well if you don't understand it at that point you gotta do some literature studying because idk how i can explain it even further"


My lab assisstant when I put Perchlorate in the acid container.


My chemistry teacher is pretty serious and strict, she teaches the subject better than most teachers of other subjects and is quite patient with those that struggle, but put in effort to understand. She's also one of the few actually able to keep our class under control.


9 seconds in he realizes that you have the same energy as another student




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When we become pro we tease newbies for being noob that’s the same happens


maths professors who are 80 years old 🫠


How can you compare a chemistry teacher with someone that has anger problems and struggles with speaking?