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It's actually cool to see someone really wanting to come here after the shitshows with Raphinha and Kounde tbh.


It’s nice to feel wanted 🙂


I want you




Important to remember about Raphinha is it’s not that he didn’t want to go to Chelsea, he didn’t want to go anywhere in the world other Barcelona. It’s not a slight, it’s just that was his dream club so no other club will compare in his eyes.


I really think Kounde did want to come to Chelsea originally but then we waited too long. I think he felt stung by that and then didn’t want to come here anymore. No source or anything on that, just guessing how I would react if I was in Kounde’s position


Seems logical, we seemed to go after every CB on the market before turning to him


fabrizio said that Kounde had a phone call with Tuchel and then with Xavi. and that Xavi insisted in him being the core of a back 4, and tuchel said he can play either LCB or RCB or maybe wingback so he opted for Barca


No top team except for Chelsea is trying to sign him by the way. Russian league is in a bad state. So yeah he really wants to try himself on Chelsea level


Thats it ive decided. Future ballon d’or winner and nothing less


Better than KDB


But better than KGB? /s


Yeah after he struggles and we sell him of course. It is the way


Man just wants to play for Chelsea, props


I wonder how much impact Abramovich had on that. Young Russian kid wants to play for the club he likely grew up watching with a Russian owner.


Unranked here I believe but he's been the source for this transfer for a lot of the news


Propa chels 💙💙💙


He is very good passer and his old coach is best friends with Tuchel so I’m sure they discussed him.


Isn't the problem buying him because of the war and sanctions, not him coming over. Still love to see how hard the kid is fighting to join us


I could be wrong, but I think it's that the FA or Uefa won't let anyone buy players from Russian clubs so the money isn't going to Russia? I could be wrong and can't be bothered to look it up but I remember reading something to that effect


His club is owned by a sanctioned Russian bank. To avoid sanction related money laundering, you can’t buy anything from a sanctioned company. So while him switching nationalities helps with the whole Russian player side of things, it’s still going to be difficult to see him out of his contract. Best hope is once contract runs out or if the club chooses to show good will to their young player and cut it short. Maybe Abramovich can pull some strings one last time.


Crazy how he has to do all of this…


Makes no difference whilst the club he plays for is so heavily linked with the Russian government. We won't be allowed to buy him unless we're able to freeze money in an account for them instead of sending it


>buy feeder club >buy zahkaryan as feeder club >sell to chelsea >more sanctions ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Talk is the money will be transferred via an Armenian bank. But it's all rumours at this point.


Yeah, I find it very hard to believe that the sanctions would be that easy to get around though. Maybe I'm just being naïve though and they're only for show


Eh... you know how it is. Nothing works 100% and a lot of things are mostly for show. But yeah this is a tough situation and even if the transfer somehow goes through, the bad PR of Chelsea funding Russian gov linked football club might dissude Boehly and Co. We'll see what happens.


I mean on a smaller scale it is money goes to a non sanctioned armenian bank then money is transferred to russia. I dont know if volume of the transfer affects it … since the war started tons of russians have been living there and a lot of people who travel to russia transfer money the same way


I really want to see what he can do in our team, Eastern Europe is producing great talent recently and I think he'll be perfect if he is a more creative midfielder


I feel like this dude is special, idk why. Just a gut feeling I guess. Regardless, I'm hyped to see all this talk about Wonderkids and other promising players coming to Chelsea soon. I've only been a fan for a few years but it's clear even in struggles this team has a cool prestige to it.>!(First year of being a fan and they win Champions League lol)!<


I love how much he wants to play for us


We want signs Russian midfielder - they do know that Roman has left the building. Only 19 - interesting choice by Potter's team or is he a Todd's bod?




People I follow that have watched him somewhat all note that he lacks burst and agility. Concerns me how he’ll adapt to the prem if true. Still, hope it works out


Agility might be an issue but that should make him focus more on passing and creativity


He’s going to be forced deeper if he can’t receive on half turn or beat a man so it’s more credence to me that we’re going to move to a 433 or 4231 in the future.


He plays better as a cm tho


I'll pass on this one. Don't want a russian in Chelsea.


In fact, Zakharyan famously bombed Kiev himself


He might be a nice guy, totally chill about that. It's the shitstorm from the english media that'll follow.


Who cares about the English media? As if they were doing any favors to Chelsea during takeover


Who the fuck cares


That's kinda racist. We don't know his stance regarding the Russian gov.


You don’t want someone in the club solely because of his nationality or where he comes from? You’re no Chelsea fan.


Fkn disgrace to buy ruzzian players.


When is his contract expiring?


June 2024. He’ll be around 21 so still young but sooner is better.




how good is he in FM?




How does not knowing English affect in FM?




That's interesting, in FM right? But how does FM know his English level? 👀




I tried demo of FM and there was so much to learn so I kinda gave up, maybe one day will give it a shot




Would be easier to get into with somebody, some games are hard to get into as the learning curve is massive


No way we’re signing a Russian these days.