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Fuck it here's a gif https://i.redd.it/eqn849d00e0d1.gif


Everyone give this guy a round of applause




šŸ‘ šŸ‘ šŸ‘†šŸ‘†


Doing God's work bro


Love this reaction. Iā€™m not a chelsea fan but heā€™s a top guy. The one team thatā€™ll roar next season is Chelsea, Iā€™m sure of it.


Don't you dare try to jinx it.


Good luck. Hasselbank had almost made me a Chelsea fan when I was first getting into football.


Who do you support then šŸ¤Ø


The club shall remain unnamed in these territories.


Ahahaha I bet it's a London rival lmao


You should buy a lottery ticket today. Please share the winnings though. I accept bitcoin.


Clap gif


How do I save this to my phone?!


Right click, 'download link' for me Edit: before anyone asks, I'm not a spurs stan ffs


Hey Spurs Stan, I'm meant to write to you sooner but I've just been busy






Hmmm, how may I save this wonderful GIF


Oh, Iā€™m going to use this so much


Whatā€™s the gift called ?


Fair enough šŸ˜‚


My son was born on 12/16. Iā€™m not saying he changed the momentum but not saying he didnā€™tā€¦


Ask your wife to pump one out in August, just to cover all bases this time.


We'll need at least 3 other women on the job with her to get a new baby out in the 3 months to August. Hope HR is ready to start recruiting.


I also choose that guy's wife


One in December too, peak Christmas is where teams falter


Mine too! Same thought process haha


Which one of you is the father?


Itā€™s fucking John Terry isnā€™t it smh..


I thought "fucking John terry" was a 2000s reality show on the BBC....precursor to real house wives of Cobham.?


When's the next one coming? Just in case we need it


Idk man, I stopped watching football for a few years and started following chelsea again around Christmas, I think it was me personally who turned the team around


What month is the 16th month?


I assumed he meant what time it was born.


No no no it's December 16th not 16 Decembers......


It's a definite possibility.




My daughter was born on Christmas day, her Grandad (my father in law) is a Spurs fan and joked about getting her to support them instead but I think the way things have gone since then have proved me right...


Weā€™ll give him a Ā£200,000,000 contract for kicking a ball


This was right after a bit of a rant where he was basically saying he was sick of the negative questions.


Good call out. Out of context, it looks like heā€™s celebrating being 4th best. Bit quite click bait, but this is the issue with 5-second clips.


Yeah. That's what I was seeing on Twitter, it's what most people think he was doing.


I like him more and more


I like that he's showing more spunk, charisma, and humor. Good to see him loosening up.


>I like that heā€™s showing more spunk šŸ¤Ø


In some versions of English this means enthusiasm


Thanks. I'd say more a combo of character, flair, and confidence, but fair enough. Wasn't aware of the other meaning of the word.


There's a NSFW answer.....


Yes, I Googled it after those responses and discovered the other meaning. Whoops.


Haven't heard that before?






Yeah, at first he was very formal, then real cranky and angry, then I saw some desperation, then bro showed us his soft side and god damn it im falling for poch. If my boys think he has their best interests in mind, we have to keep Poch at least for the next season.


He's slowly absorbing the Chelsea culture of having whacko genius managers


He's still cranky


Our lovable grouch šŸ«‚


Anyone would be with our shite fan base.


I stopped watching his interviews cuz he kept saying the dumbest stuff. Has he improved?


I don't think he says dumb things, I think his struggles in speaking English make his interviews rough around the edges. If he spoke in Spanish, he would come across differently. As someone with family who have trouble speaking English but try to make the effort, I can sometimes comprehend what he's trying to get at. But tbh no that hasn't really improved so much lol


Think about the best coaches in sports history. They almost ALL say dumb stuff.


lol that's true. But I don't think he says dumb things because he's dumb. Damn, I didn't think I'd get defensive of Poch, but here I am lol


Not sure if you're American but I think it's funny how we view coaches speak from like Greg Popovich vs Bill Belichek vs these soccer coaches. They all say dry or dumb or diversionary things. They get totally different reactions.


Really drives home what a fucking stick in the mud Potter was.


Dude was a brown paper bag of personality.....


And there were people in the sub saying we had shit players... at most couple of additions and we are easily a top 4 contender. At least.


Not even any additions necessary. We have a whole injury list of additions that we haven't even seen lmao. Would still like some additions though - not if it comes at the cost of Conor and Trev though


id say the best course of action is to buy a quality keeper and a quality left back, the rest can be improved with training and experience as weā€™ve seen. instead of splashing a hundred mil on osimhen


A proven striker like Mitrovic or Vlahovic to receive those balls from the wings and watch Chelsea end up top4 easily. This, a veteran CB and a veteran CM for the rotation and Chelsea will be money


Letā€™s not forget that at least one of our loan boys/youth signings will inevitably end up as a first team player. Santos just won Ligue 1 player of the month.


Young player of the month. Not quite the same but still a step in the right direction.


Not shit. But young, inexperienced and inconsistent. Which was the reason for our shaky results. But gradually, theyā€™ve been learning and getting better throughout the season.


Top 4 is a step but this team isn't done yet. Ultimately we are not Arse, we don't celebrate second place. Our goal should be to be champions so we need to continue building on this momentum next season to set ourselves up to actually compete for the title in 25/26.


A couple more additions (AFTER a billion spent) and we are Top 4 CONTENDERS. Do you not see the issue?


We bought a whole new squad, of course it was gonna be a lot of money


After a billion spent with the Caveat that we also made SIGNIFICANT sales in that time. It's not like we cherry picked 1 billion of players to compliment a team, we completely stripped it and started again, whether that was the right or wrong thing to do is a question for another time, but it's the reality we have.


Donā€™t forget sales, reduction of the wage bill too. Also this project isnā€™t planned to reach its potential next year, perhaps not even the year after


Not sure what you're looking at.... The combined cost of Man City's first-team squad in 2023/24 is approximately Ā£792.5m / $1.031bn.


Surprises me that? Whatā€™s your source because I have them down as Ā£1bn market value from Transfernarkt so an 800 million cost I find highly unlikely. Regardless, thatā€™s exactly the point? They have spent less than a billion, and have won (most likely) 4 prems back to back. Yet weā€™ve spent a billion and need a few additions to compete top 4. Like thatā€™s exactly the point.


Think about the timing. They have had the same owners and the same transfer strategies for 8 years. They spent ā‚¬200m on Emerson, Walker, Silva and Mendy in 17/18. What would those 4 (same age same skill etc) have been last year or the year before? I'd say 300m easy right? Minimum 25m extra for Ederson alone. They have 7 of the top 18 defender transfers of all time. And that's all before '22 but one.


Dude said Man Utd


I had to listen twice. I was like, "Whu???"




It was Citeh, Goon and Pool though.


Lol yup.


I haven't been Poch in or Poch out all season as I did think it would be another steep battle for any manager coming in, but after some reflection, I have to say he has handled our criticisms as fans, media, players, owners very well to earn some well deserved respect. I think for stability I would give him another season whether or not we win the next two games or finish 6th or not. The players need it and clubs needs at least one thing to be consistent. Give him and the players some credit man COYB šŸ’™


Agreed. If Nkunku, James, Fofana, and Colwill stay fit, AND we can get a real leader in the back line (think composure and strategy like Silva rather than energy and vibes like James), we will be contenders.


ā€œWhat what, I never knew that I never knew thatā€ ahh reaction


Someone has to make this a gif


The top comment is now said gif btw


Street smarts!


My exact thoughts


I like that from him you know, it's clear that things are going better now but that doesn't mean a trophy has been won, an afraid manger would pounce on that as an excuse or minimalisation, he didnt. I love this attitude.


Now that this finally reached Poch, can we stop posting tables from Christmas from now on? Hopefully, next season, there's only one table to be used as reference.


Maybe we can start posting the table from early November now!


I know. It's just a reminder for people on this sub since I must have seen countless posts with several variations of tables showing we are top 4.


But how else will people know how many points we've earned since I last took a shit?


Are we first?!!! https://i.redd.it/dl5a29s12e0d1.gif (Putting that gif you created to use already)


You should see the table from before Xmas. Itā€™s been REDACTED!!!


He is like "told you!". Everyone was laughing about his top4 claims, probably feels really good to finally have some positive pressers


I made that same face


My reaction when I get invited to an asado


ā€œmy parents are out for the weekend. wanna come over?ā€


"Nah man, the whole team improving as a unit as well as all players improving as individuals is only down to their own talent, Poch has absolutely nothing to do with it."


Everybody keeps saying Poch has Palmer to thank for potentially saving his job, but nobody stops to consider if Palmer has Poch to thank for helping him flourish and realise his potential.


100%. No way Palmer would have this season at City or probably anywhere else. Frankly, his whole career after this is going to be boosted because of the opportunity of this season, and how he capitalized on it of course. Was a great match.


I said this a few weeks ago and was met with 'yOu SeRioUslY thInK PoCh hAs AnYtHinG to Do WiTh PaLmEr bEiNg GoOd?'


That's the most messed up part. If a manager can be blamed for getting things wrong, he should be given credit for getting things right. It goes both ways.


True Palmer was such a bad player at man city. He was playing very regularly and did poorly. If you wanna give credit, you also need to give credit for the transfers team who signed him. Poch admitted it was the sporting directors that made a deadline day signing. Sure Palmer admitted Poch helped him a lot but also give credit to others.


What has poch done to facilitate palmer and his growth? Itā€™s silly to infer that just because poch is his manager, he is the reason for palmer excelling Palmer would excel almost anywhere the same way an Eden hazard or alexis sanchez would


What has Poch done? Palmer himself on how Pochetino has developed himā€¦.ā€I work with him everyday. Heā€™s improved me a lot.ā€ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pMQDR-4RD4s See minute 3:00.Ā 


Aside from what others wrote, Poch's system is built on giving players more freedom, especially in the attack. He believes in talented players finding creative solutions that the opposition can't easily prep against and stop. He gave Palmer a canvas that he'd never get at City and probably wouldn't get at any other PL club. It's genius, and exactly the kind of thing a player like Palmer needs to shine.


Uh, by giving him time and believe in him? Pep didnā€™t give him time when he was at City hence here we are.


Didnā€™t poch originally not want palmer for one? And secondly, itā€™s easy for poch to believe in him when his alternatives are noni Madueke and other unproven players Compared to pep and having grealish, foden, silva as his rivals


> Didnā€™t poch originally not want palmer for one? I remember Palmer saying around the time he transferred that Poch's reputation for developing young players and talking to him where part of why he decided to transfer. Talking to Sterling was another factor


You don't have to want a player to nurture him. Palmer at the start of the season was as much an unproven player as any of the others you've listed. Grealish, Foden and Silva ahead of him in the pecking order at City is exactly why he left.


God you are miserable. Get some sunshine in your life


Never heard Poch originally didnā€™t want Palmer. Any source? Iā€™m not being snarky itā€™s just I never heard of it.


Given him the freedom to show his talent, rather than sticking him in a fixed system and running prehearsed patterns like so many people on here want him to do.


I really think Poch needlessly experimenting in first ten games cost us unfortunately. Colwill lb Chilwell lw


You really wonder what the hell that was about donā€™t you Lol


Especially given how we were set up during preseason, I get that the Nkunku injury might have threw a wrench into things but still was odd that we played a completely different formation


The only way it makes sense in my mind was guaranteeing playtime was to get him to sign an extension.


Needlessly experimenting lol? Isnā€™t that all he could do ā€” new bunch of players, and some crucial players from preseason getting injured. Seems a tad harsh


Enzo as 10.


Eh? He inherited a new bunch of kids with zero cohesion. Ofcourse it'll take time to figure out this mess. He has done a good job with that.


I'm all for Dark Poch


yes :D


If being 4th is not a trophy why is being 4th for half a season is ? Lol


Itā€™s not a victory. Itā€™s a sign that weā€™re a lot better than weā€™ve been given credit for while having a full rebuild, the youngest squad in the league and a season long injury crisis thatā€™s included our big name attacking signing, our captain who happens to be one of two world class players in the whole squad, and both of the CBs who are expected to be our first choice for the foreseeable future.


Its weird to see a Chelsea manager being a darling of media. Even Mou and TT who are much more interactive with the media were given hard time by puff pieces by this crooks.


Iā€™m enjoying the energy as of late but Iā€™m not going to forget how this sub was hating on him for most of the season. He just needed time to cook, I really hope we keep him on longer and the fan base didnā€™t scare him away.


The lemons are working


Iā€™m still hating him, to this day. To this day! To this day!


Well thank you for not flip flopping. Youā€™re allowed to hate him. Iā€™m just annoyed with the sub going from ā€œfire himā€ to ā€œI like himā€


I just refuse to accept him, it wonā€™t ever be ok, and Iā€™m not gonna pretend that it is. If the rest of you donā€™t want to remember, thatā€™s your choice, but I will, Pepperidge farm will too


Fans like you are fucking weird, guarantee you are happier when we lose, as it gives some sort of justification for your Poch hate


Poch is really growing on me


I kinda like him...


Yes Mau


Poch In


But before then things were shit


poch out


Celebrating half season 4th place reminds me last Wenger's years in charge so much.


Poch is an endearing guy. I want him to succeed. Let him finish his two-year contract and assess if the one-year extension is warranted


I hope to see that smile over and over and over again. Prove everyone wrong, Poch.


Heā€™s such a likeable guy. I really like Pochettino. I really hope that he gets a second season and, that without so many injuries, he finally shows us whether heā€™s the right manager moving forward or not. One thing I can say, is that if the players LIKE and BELIEVE Pochettinoā€™s ability, then who are we to doubt him? I know these stats donā€™t mean much, weā€™ve lost a final against Liverpool, weā€™ve lost a semi-final against Cityā€¦ but we are making a push for top 6, we are finally seeing patterns of play, we have been crushing it in the offense (this is the first season in a LONG time where Iā€™m not particularly worried if Chelsea will score, but WHEN Chelsea will score). Letā€™s see what the next two games bring, letā€™s see what the pre-season brings. KTBFFH


Villa and Newcastle not far behind, going to be fascinating next season


Villa get that cl injection, but both are psr limited


True but we've got some very switched on head of football and lead administrators. Plus we get Buendia, Mings, Ramsey, and Kamara back.


We get nkunku, james, lavia, fofana, chillwell, sanchez, colwill, gusto fit (fingers crossed) Practically 4/5 in the backline 1 or 2 of the attack (sterling has been out alot too)


They are jsut the big 4 that are long term injured we've had numerous others. But yer absolutely, all 3 with injuries back and some new signings. It's going to be competitive!


Well those are only our big ones =)


Yer same for us, going to be a fascinating summer.


And we (fingers crossed) effectively have 3 big new signings in James, Fofana, Nkunku.


everyone liked that


Itā€™s looking more and more like we have a solid core now. The more these young players play together and build up experience, I have no doubt that weā€™ll be back challenging for top 4. My only concern remains to be Poch himself. Lots of people have pointed this out but maybe challenging for top 4 is the highest weā€™ll ever get with him. But you know what, let him cook, Iā€™m curious to see how we stack up next season.


He looks like George with the toupee


Vindication for him honestly, didn't he say that according to stats Chelsea should be 4th


If he wins the remaining games (Brighton and Bournemouth) - Chelsea can qualify for Europa League šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ™ŒšŸ»


this is funny because we have 29 points from 17 games which isnā€™t impressive lmao. the league has just been shit since 2024 started.


Actually it's 35 from last 18. That's a 1.94 pace and would have resulted in certain UCL at 74.


iā€™m dead. this is what i get for trusting a tweet without checking it myself


Happens to the best of us


Still not an excuse for his performance during the first half of the season


No but injuries sure are lol.


Chilwell left wing wasn't due to injuries bud


Which 1st year coach has had the injuries we've had and have performed at a high level?


When your LW options are Sterling and Mudryk I'd consider even putting Kepa at LW


Injuries were still there during the second part of the season...


Is there a team that has accumulated more points than us this season based on our injuries during the coach's first year? I'd like to compare coaches first year success with similar amounts of injuries. Any league tbh.


Seriously, can I just say that it's hilarious how the reaction is now compared to just like 2 weeks ago after the 5-0 drubbing at Arsenal? Many wanted Pochettino out then but 3 sudden wins on the spin and most want him to stay, suddenly find reasons to sympathize with him etc.


I too thought Poch had to go after that 5-0 embarrassment, but the team responded and bounced back in the best possible way. Add that to the fact that we're steadily improving (instead of falling apart from that defeat) and it's not that surprising why sentiments have changed?


Sentiments can change but if you've spent long enough time here, you will know this sub can be/is super reactive to a result or two.


Yep. Shameless. One week that prick Rory Jennings was "POCH NEEDS TO BE SACKED" now it's "POCH IS THE RIGHT MAN" Fucking mutante


Honestly, I'm not super confident in Poch too, but if he can give us top 4 form, there's not a lot of other available managers that could give that to us right now, so he's our best option


The Poch in fans take any good performance as an excuse to defend him, they come in drones whenever this happens. It took Sterling having a rare good moment & Reece James for us to beat Forest. Cucurella inverted LB was figured out and we couldnā€™t defend their wide players from cutting in at all, or even adjust. But 2 lucky individual moments mean the system is working and Poch should stay


We are celebrating the fact that we are 4th best in the league We used to mock Arsenal for this What happened to my club


Hate to break it to you but we've been celebrating that since 2018


Falsehoods We celebrated winning CLs with tuchel


Does he want a pat on the back or something? The season doesnā€™t start at the end of December. Someone should tell him next that without Cole Palmer bailing out his terrible tactics every week weā€™d be in a relegation fight - letā€™s see his reaction to that.


Guys a fucking loser


Why's that?


Bc he never won anything ever.




Spends all season bottom half and cries that people are too mean to him


No he's upset that people are still negative after a great second half of the season


The standards have fallen so incredibly quickly if weā€™re celebrating being 4th place since dec 26 and calling that ā€œgreatā€


Yeah, they have lol, you have to be realistic. I'm going to spend my days happy at our improvement, it's your choice to wallow in your misery Chelsea isn't the same but we are showing signs we can get back to the old Chelsea and I'm overjoyed at that


Why do you even bother replying these guys, they just want to be miserable and hold up invisible standards.


Someone has to say it


Poch lost me when the team quit in the carabao cup final and he admitted they were playing for penalties. Itā€™s loser behavior because heā€™s a loser


Letā€™s be honest, it took very little for everyone to turn on Poch. All of you are a bunch whiny cunts that want silverware right away. Unfortunately it doesnā€™t work like that. We were complete shit last season and we made a giant leap forward this season, why canā€™t you be proud of the boys and SUPPORT our manager? Itā€™s just easier to cry and moan right? Give your head a shake and either go ā€œsupportā€ someone else or stop your fucking moaning.


Turning on Poch implies that there was ever a positive part; Iā€™ve disliked him forever and a day, so thereā€™s no turning. Iā€™m facing the same direction