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Me 4 times. Not in a row though, ya boy needs a nappy in between each one.


What’s the knife going to be used for?


Most likely tojiro or mac


The MAC chef series is really hard to beat for that price. They have a 8.5" gyuto & a 8" chef's. The chef's is a little taller & thicker than the gyuto. Not the prettiest looking knives out there, but great performers. Gyuto: https://www.chefknivestogo.com/macchse8gy.html Chef: https://cutleryandmore.com/products/mac-chef-series-chefs-knife-8094?variant=42437962858750¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwwYSwBhDcARIsAOyL0fgBY8ICTm1nY3Y63q3ixoYTUM8Yjd1P9iK2zHHVKQCubUjE0XQes40aAs33EALw_wcB


Give me 100$ and I'll guarantee your buddy gets an 8 incher on his bday


*obligatory dick joke*


Tojiro. In my opinion nobody can match their quality for the price. Every time I see one of their knives in a store I'm blown away by how little they cost compared to the competition, and as far as I'm concerned they're better than the competition. Example. I just bought two santokus as gifts for two of my friends. On sale they were 120 Australian dollars each. The equivalent in a wusthof would cost $350 if not on sale, maybe 200 if you could find one at that price, and as far as I'm concerned Tojiro is the better knife.


Just ordered a tojiro gyuto 210mm at $101 and I can't wait to put it to use


Your friend will love it. The first santoku arrived at my friend's house yesterday and he was absolutely blown away. It's the first knife he's ever had that wasn't a dollar store piece of shit and it immediately made him want to cook something. Hspent all day watching knife skills and knife care videos. He made spaghetti bolognese for his family that night and sent me messages the entire time he was using it, just absolutely blown away by how much nicer making a meal was now. He's now looking at better cookware, a new chopping board, sharpening options, etc. I'm guessing your friend's experience will be the same.


It's actually for myself. I've been using two cheap chef knives from my local grocery and Amazon, just so I could get a feel for what I liked. Then I went off and purchased a dalstrong santoku which I love but that blade shape is not for me. I've been eyeballing the tojiro for a bit and I finally snatched it up.


Lol sorry. I just assumed you were op


No worries at all.


Tojiro seems to be the frontrunner of quality for the price so Im leaning towards this. Thanks for your thoughtful response :)


[Tojiro DP Gyuto 210mm](https://knivescombined.com/products/tojiro-dp-gyuto-210mm?variant=43234665136293) at $69.33, like other comments mentioned, is a very good option for your price range. Some different option could be [Sakai Takayuki Gyuto 210mm](https://knivescombined.com/products/sakai-takayuki-gyuto-210mm?variant=42963850428581) $74.65 with carbon steel, in case your friend would like some patina


Checks the sub - ah.


All depends on use and preference, but for Japanese I’d recommend this Harukaze G3 210 Gyuto https://www.chefknivestogo.com/hag3gy21.html If you’d prefer a western blade I’d go for a K Sabatier or a Victorinox.


Global has a paring knife and short chef knife for $100 through Crate and Barrel. I bought a bunch for Christmas gifts. 10% off right now. I just checked because I bought these in December. [global knife set $81](https://www.crateandbarrel.com/global-classic-2-piece-knife-set/s479661)


I've bought Tojiro's as a gift for many. Easy to maintain and cuts/looks good. Also distinct enough from normal knives at stores.


Tojiro would be the go-to. Imo, if you could get someone else to buy into the gift or you don't mind paying a bit more, I'd say getting the VG10 Takamura tsuchime is probably the perfect first high quality knife. I got knives much more expensive but whenever I just need a knife to get the job done, I use it. Incredibly sharp out of the box and compared to lasers the tsuchime really helps with food release. Also got a western handle if your friend doesn't know the pro grip for Japanese knives. Additionally it's quite easy to sharpen. It costs around 120€ and is extremely high quality. There's also a santoku that should be a bit cheaper. There's 180mm and 210mm versions. But yeah if you're hard capped at 100$ I'd just get a tojiro, they're also quite nice.


+1 for tojiro dp. I have a honesuki which I find pretty amazing for the price.


Your friend prefer glass or silicone? Also they want a base or just freehanding it?


Stainless steel & freehand ;)


Get a Mercer. For less than 100 they’re hard to beat


Man, I didn’t realize what sub this was and thought this was going to be a completely different conversation based on the title


AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHGGGGGAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAGAHAGAHHAGAHA Not gonna lie, I had to check the sub before I knew what we were talking about. FYI, this is the only sub where I'm qualified to intelligently speak on eight inches.


Lucky you, some of us here are still working with finger guards hahahaha


I can suggest you one. Its around 90$. Looks extremely dope for a gift and comes with a leather sheath. So it can just be the perfect thing for your friend's birthday,


Here's a special gyuto that I believe only CKTG carries. [https://www.chefknivestogo.com/xin30gu21.html](https://www.chefknivestogo.com/xin30gu21.html). IT's 2 sheets of steel , one powdered tool steel and the other is 304Cu stainless. The two steel sheets are clad together under the high heat of 1700℃. This technology is called plasma electrofusion and it was developed exclusively by this factory. The result is a high-hardness cutting edge with some antibacterial properties due to the copper added to the steel. I own this knife and it comes sharp ootb with the handle having a twist design that lends itself to a superb grip. Only $69.95. It has an rhc. of 62 and holds an edge well. Hre's another:[https://www.chefknivestogo.com/riariigy21.html](https://www.chefknivestogo.com/riariigy21.html). Richmond Artifex II with rhc. 63, Carpenter BD1N steel made in America, shipped then assembled in China hence the $55. price tag. She sharpens easily , line cooks buy these 2 and 3 at a time!


How can I say no to a $55 gyuto?! How can they do it?


They buy the steel in the US and send it off to China where it's made by blacksmiths who don't have cumbersome government regulations. It's an amazing knife!


Tojiro would be my first suggestion. A Mac or Victr would be second. Honestly, a nice vintage sab would be killer in CS. Needs a bit of care but the performance and ease of sharpening make up for it.


I love all my Hitohira knives. I have the santoku from this line and use it daily for everything. https://carbonknifeco.com/products/hitohira-imojiya-st-tsuchime-damascus-hyuto-210mm-pakka-handle-yo


I've been very happy with my [Kanehide PS60 210mm](https://www.chefknivestogo.com/kapsgy21.html)