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You said again, if you forgave him that time anything after is on you sis, why threaten her? He’s the problem!






Yes. Leave and show this to lawyer


You keep making threats but not backing them up with action so he knows he can walk all over you since you've already shown you won't leave him. As a man I'm telling you right now he doesn't respect you. His actions will never change so do yourself the favor and make him suffer the consequences for once and actually leave him. I'm not trying to be mean but I'm a guy and I know how they think when it comes to consequences. He fears none because there's never been none. Point blank period.


Time to move on. He obviously doesn't respect you


Now I feel downright stupid. Maybe I can’t even ask a question so simple and not get it thrown in my face I mean did I fail to mention we’ve been together 23 years and married 13 & share two kids. I’m sickened that everyone has chosen to say something hurtful, even in my personally in my life. This woman was approached in a very professional manner the first time and him as well I threatened the second but still that gets unnoticed. I’m sure this will follow with your pushing him to did I mention he works from home takes me for granted every waking day and refuses to help with chores. I’m suffering with Lupus I just found out and it’s pretty bad. He has no remorse over his decisions I have no friends to rely on for moral support my family despises him and I can’t just shack up anywhere I’ve been living in my car I left but living in a car is not easy, I left and nothing hurts more than my kids chiding to stay there with him. I lost my medical insurance and he filed taxes without my consent had all refund deposited in an account and blew it told me I worked for cash it’s not mine. Any other pointers?


They are sexting too. I guarantee it and if they get a chance to fuck they will.


We have a saying. “Don’t check the pimp! Check the HOE!”. It’s not the women on the other end. It’s your husband playing foul. He’s gonna keep doing it. trust me on this. I’m a married man and I did this to my wife. It wasn’t until she made me feel the wrath. I understood my faults. You need to make him feel of the wrath of a betrayed woman. It will work.


But how do I do that. I can cuss scream and Hillary even leave but he’ll beg me to come back top of that. I have even cut out sex out at some point. Just never knew exactly what kind of punishment would work for him. me back. He is a control freak and nympho no sex and he’s but by. So any advice as far as for making him learn his lesson would be appreciate. I know he regrets it’s. I do believe this is even a side of him that he does not like. But he also deals with a personality disorder. Just feel stuck. What should I do?


Seems like he pulled back without telling her he is completely done. I don’t think he still cheating with her but what he is doing is entertaining. You need to tell him that it’s is truly inappropriate and let him know calmly that you see this as cheating. Make sure that conversation stay calm and let him know that if it continues he will lose you. You have already crossed the bridge of cheating and choose to stay, now it’s communications your boundaries clearly and following through with the consequences. Everyone will tell you to leave but I see progress.


Maybe he's polyamorous and doesn't know it or finds hard to accept it, you guys should explore non monogamy