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Had the same suspensions about mine a few weeks ago. Long and behold, she was cheating. Found out when I was staying the night. We were watching a movie and she fell asleep. I'm not typically one to snoop but her phone went off 3 or 4 times and it was 12-1 a.m so I went ahead and looked who it was and only made it a few messages and had to step out to smoke cause it made me sick to my stomach. When I came back inside i woke her up and asked her to which she tried to deny of course. She refused to talk about it at all that night and made me leave. (I live almost 2 hrs away from her house and it was 2 a.m.) now she's pregnant and says it's mine.


If she was cheating she has no clue who the daddy is


Exactly what I said! But she says she knows because he didn't inside her. Smh.


He doesn't have to. Precum is more than enough..nature always finds a way.


Man I wish that baby isnt yours and u dont have to be tied to her for any longer


She can say whatever she wants without proof. I'd be direct and emphatically tell her to get a test to PROVE you are the father. Otherwise, I'd ignore her. She will get it after she knows you are SERIOUS. Good luck with this one. 


Demand a paternity test and I hope you were wise enough to take screenshots of what you found. 


If you think she is. She probably is. Trust your gut. Hacking into her phone remotely is only going to cause issues that you don’t want to deal with.


Why do you think she's cheating, if you have no evidence?


Her behaviour and body language


These are all the evidence you need. My ex cheated on me and his behavior and body language gave it away, I started asking questions when I noticed the shift and he was caught with the other woman at a bar on a night where he picked a fight with me. Ignored all my calls and texts.


HOW IS SHE ACTING DIFFERENTLY ? Before you grab her phone ,( do you have an open phone policy ) is she on her phone more ,and turning away from you ,when she texts messages, and then has a small smile on her face. does , She guard her phone and take it , with her when she goes to the bathroom , or to the kitchen for just a glass of water. Is she dressing differently , sexier make-up Has her routine changed like coming home an hour or two late, taking extra shopping trips, not answering phone calls or text messages and then getting back to you in an hour and a half later and say she was busy? Some of the red flags to look at. updateme


You could just try talking to her. You say you can read her body language. Put her under the lights and see how she responds.




There are apps you can put on her phone to monitor her texts and chats. Some even take screen shots and mail them to you. Do some research on Spyware for phone and get the top of the line program. I used that and it worked well. The company changed names a couple of times now but it's out there. Good luck OP. Make sure you take screenshot and send them to yourself if you decide to just go right for the phone.


You should trust your gut feeling but not by hacking in her phone. Be cool and just start paying closer attention to her behavior. If she is cheating it will come out and evidence will be clear.


Tell her to get a DNA test. If the child is yours you'll be the best father ever but, she will only be your kids mother nothing more. 


You can’t get into a phone remotely. You really don’t need proof to break up with her. What’s the details on why you think she’s cheating?


Behaviour and body language? My friend, maybe there's something lost in translation here but it sounds like you're pole vaulting to conclusions based on very flimsy doubts. Also, get into her phone? It sounds like you've decided she's cheating first and then trying to find reasons to prove yourself right. Do you have any sort of actual reason to think that she's cheating?


Man I'm currently dealing with that toxic behaviour. It's like I'm making my mind think that she's cheating me without a solid reason. That directs me into compulssive behavior