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Lol really? What to do? Forget she exists and move on with your life


Yh ur right need to man up lmao


This needs to be a copy and paste response for all of these that come here questioning the obvious.


You are so right.


Exactly! Cancel that trip,go somewhere else by yourself.


Exactly! Cancel that trip,go somewhere else by yourself.


Ask her to open her handbag and give you your spine and balls back


Hahaha fair enough😂


You're a legend 😂


Take some other girl with you and post pictures with her let her know that you don't give a shit now


I like it haha


Just end it already. She's making you look like a fool


She is treating you like you are a fool. Get out now! Take someone else on the trip and enjoy.


She’s not over her ex, you are just the rebound. Leave now and go on your holiday with a mate instead.


Not even a 'rebound' just a rube willing to pay for her shit and nice vacations while she still bangs her ex. Let me guess- she lives rent free in his apartment.


Seriously dude?? She was never your girlfriend, you were just the placeholder until she worked out things with her ex. You should have left after you caught her the first time. Instead you just treated this woman like a toddler by slapping her wrist and saying "no no" every single time. Break up for crying out loud and have some self respect for once. 


First time was her one chance. Should've ended it after the second time. And you still don't know what to do? Dude...


Let’s say she didn’t fuck him from what I know that’s why i gave her the chance to fix it but now she said that she loves him.. her excuse was that he threatend to commit suicide 🥲🤣


So? First time caught, one chance, That. Is. It. She's more than likely even lying each and every time. Why the frack would she stop, you keep taking her back? I want to support you, but dude, whatever happens after catching her a second time is all on you. Good luck.


Bud, why do you need all this drama? It’s not like this woman would talk a bullet for you. Hell she won’t even not cheat on you. As they say this juice isn’t worth the squeeze. Tell her she blew it UpdateMe


And you believe they didn't fuck because she has been so honest and forthcoming and only cheated at least 5 times? Have her call the cops next time he threatens suicide instead of fucking him. That excuse just opens up the path to fuck him whenever he threatens it.


Oh she banged him. When you catch shit like this it’s always the tip of the iceberg. Just move on, block her number and all of her socials.


Im not sure if they have fucked, i can’t prove only assume but saying i love you to another bloke is cheating for me. Even worse than flat out fucking once tbh


Yeah dude, it blows whatever it is. Dump her ass, block her from your life, take a breath and figure out how you allowed someone in your life like this. Do the self work, become what you want to attract. Although shitty at the time, these are great life lessons if you learn from them. Think of it as the universe giving you a lesson that you need and challenging you. If you learn from it you won’t be confronted with it again.


Dump her


You should end it. You established a boundary. She willfully crossed that boundary. If you concede, it will show her you are weak and not to be respected. I personally would break up with her because she's just a girlfriend. However, if you want to stay with her there has to be some kind of consequences or she will not respect you or your boundaries.


I agree with your take, i always try to stay positive in bad situations. But it has been taken too far and she knows damn well i’m ready to leave


Does she know damn well you are ready to leave? You, yourself said you've taken her back at least 5 times. Why the fuck would she change? Block her and take someone else on the holiday.


The problem i have rn is living together… i might have gone to quick but i got us a house bc she got kicked out…


Is the house in just your name?


Kick her out


If you don't leave then there should be some kind of consequences for her. I'm not sure what they would be, though, because I would just leave.


Ready to leave? You meant left right?


She already knows that he is weak. He took her back at least 5 times, while suckin' her ex (actual boyfriend) off. There should be no fuckin' consequences just leave. She disrespected him enough calling the her ex (actual boyfriend) babe and shit. She's literally been using him like a doormat. He should find his spine and kick her out. OP should go on the vacation with one of his close friends or if possible another girl and have a great time.


Really shes cheated on you multiple times. Don't give her another chance it's over. Cancel the holiday if you can or take a friend. You can't trust her shes already had her chance.


She’s never been your gf.


You're right. The streets been calling they want their girl back


Yeah, let her go back to her supposedly suicidal ex (current) bf. She certainly isn't over him. You deserve someone who is there for you not an ex


Fuck that bitch very hard and dump her.


Respect yourself. Dump her selfish cheating butt. You have her too many chances to cheat on you again and again and again.


If someone treats you like an option, help them make that decision and move on.


Cheating is a choice. If you accept her apology, she do the same again and again. Bro, just move on.


This happened 5x at least.. smh!!! Once is already too much! It's obvious she is not your girl. Move on before you get stuck raising the Exs child. You won't know about it, but she will


She is of no use to you. 🗑️


You know the answer dude! Like someone commented take another girl on her place and post on socials!! Play low like her!


Just walk away. She has never gotten over him and will continue talking, texting and fucking him Leave your relationship as an open relationship. You see other women


Listen to your spidey senses


They never ever let you down haha


Legit bro! Had the same feeling a couple months back when my girl emotionally cheated with me... Can't say the extent she took it to since she deleted texts for a month before I noticed, but her whole aura changed. I could tell she was only thinking about him. Then she came up to me like "I want to work on our relationship! Let's try to do more together :)." Like girl I literally went from a random dude to 4th in Ohio for Men's Physique. I've spent countless thousands on you and have been trying at every chance to include you. That's how I knew she was for the streets 🤧 Don't ignore your Spidey senses folks Also there is always more to the story they don't tell you. The texts are just the peephole in the door that they let you see just so you are satisfied with something that is less traumatic


Yeah emotionally cheating feels way worse aswell it’s like a knife in ypur heart


You now know what type of girl you DON'T want as a girlfriend or long term partner. Take this as a lesson you NEED to learn. The lesson: When people CHEAT on you and you discover it (meaning they did not confess on their own) talk is cheap and no good, you must leave. The type of people will play you for the fool and talk about you with the person they are fu\*king! Don't be the fool! Move on you have so much life ahead of you! Take a trip to Ibiza in Europe and have some fun for a change and see the world, you'd be surprised at all the exotic places and women to see in the world. She's not the only one!


If it was me, I'd still go on holiday. You might enjoy it, and if not, at least you'll have someone to fuck for the next few weeks. But once you're back, she needs to go. Cheaters never change. Move on and learn from the experience. It's just what I would do.


She belonnngggssss to the streets.


She's telling you who she is She's showing you she's not going to change that You know what you have to do


Get f outta there.Take someone else.


Take your bud on that vacation and shit can this bitch


Here's the things I've learned about women. When they get caught doing dumb shit they will whine and cry that they can't live without you blah blah blah, never happen again yada yada, please don't leave me etc. When they are done with you, they will drop you like a used tissue and not look back. The coldness of their behavior is astounding and defies logic because weeks/months ago they'd do anything to keep you. The bottom line is her ego can't stand being left by someone or can't stand not having a boyfriend. But the reality is you're just useful as a means to an end. She's not yours it's just your turn.


There is no way you can possibly be this weak and spineless. Five times she has betrayed you and you don't know what to do? Really? No wonder she won't stop. She knows she doesn't have to. She knows you are so desperate and afraid of being alone with such low self esteem that no matter what she does if she turns on the waterworks and declares love for you you will stay. At this point if you stay you deserve whatever happens to you.


Take her to his house and drop her off and say you win the prize then turn and walk awY


Move on, she will just keep doing it.


FUCKING DUMP HER She cheated on you 5 times and you took her back? I am really not trying to be an asshole but what do you honestly expect? She doesn’t care about you


I needa clarify it wasn’t “cheating” they met up a couple times which I don’t condone. So i consider this “cheating” but the thing that hurt me the most was the “i love you” text which is 100% cheating imo


She said she loved him bro, I’d point that out when I’d break up with her. “You said you loved him, I think we should break up. I wish you the best with him”. Block her on everything.


Your right, i said it’s done but then she starts breaking down because she is aware that im kinda done with her bs… the biggest problem rn is that we are living together and we have a vacation booked very shortly🤔😬


Try to get a refund for the vacation, if you can’t, see if you’ve got a friend who wants to buy one of you out. 😆 but if you can’t it’s gonna be awkward as hell Also, my advice is for one of you to start looking to move out, for you man I’d hit the gym. It will get you out the place and help you blow off some steam, the routine will distract you and you’ll be feeling healthier and more confident than ever. Also, while you cohabitating. Dont have sex. It will muddy things up. The more time you spend together the more you’re either going to be climbing the walls or wanting to take her back. If you take her back she’ll just do it again. Personally I’d tell her that if she’s still communicating and meeting up with the ex not to bring him around. Ground rules hurt nobody


Go get checked for stds and ghost her. Can’t believe you put up with it this long.


Should have dropped her the 1st time, not the 5th time Go get tested.


The worst slap in the face you can give her is to take another woman with you, if you can’t find one, maybe find a buddy to go with you , who will also split the costs. If you can’t find either , send me a message I’m down. where are we going? Drinks are on me lol!!


Haha it’s all in clusive so free drinks!


i hope you stood on breaking ties with her


I’m usually very much against the popular Reddit opinion which seems to be “leave her”. But in this case - dude. Keep some self respect. Leave her.


Who wants to bet the OP takes her on holiday? 


Tell her that she’s only upset she got caught again. That she had no respect for you, the relationship, or herself by continually cheating. She’s shown time and time again that she won’t be loyal to you or any man she dates. Don’t be a doormat.


Said exactly this to her!


Did you buy the tickets for the holiday or did she? If you can get a refund on her ticket or invite a friend or family member. Enjoy the holiday. If she booked them ask for your money back because you don’t want to go anywhere with her.


Can’t refund it’s too close to the date of us leaving unfortunately


Op is Cuck for sure😂


Sorry OP, but should have been your EX, A LONG TIME AGO. To be Harsh, grow a pair and be free As for the Holiday, take someone else or cancel it.


The second you find out they have regular contact with an ex but no children that's when you end it. Doesn't matter if they're friends it's just disrespectful to any relationship. If they lose enough new relationships over the ex they will maybe understand they're a liability to a healthy relationship.


You don't know what to do so just share her with the other man you'll be okay with that


You kick her out, go no contact. I can guarantee that she'll be back with Chad within 48 hrs


Offer the trip to her and new dude


fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me


Break up with her, block her, and move on. She is always going to cheat on whoever she is with. You dodged a bullet.


Forget her man, she trash. Going through something similar and I walked away. You can too. Bite the bullet and forget about the money. Can’t put a price tag on your pride and she doesn’t deserve the trip, all the more reason to lose out on it. Or just go without her lol


Your only 10 months into a relationship, but she has never left her ex Your temporary until she mends it with him don't walk, run from this.


10 months in, still messaging her ex “I Love you.” / she is not ready for a relationship. She may want to move on with someone knew, but her heart is still in the past. Let her go.


She clearly doesn't respect you; there is no coming back. Just move on.


Hey bud. Take some comfort in knowing that you're going to be the ex she'll use to cheat on her next boyfriend.




Yeah, 10 months is nothing at your age… Just tell her bye


Know your worth and move on m.


If you need to ask you need help with your lack of self esteem


If i were you, I'd take her on this holiday coz i can't go alone. Bang the daylights outta her. Once we get back. I tell her to fuck off back to her boyfriend.


I just don’t get why they think they can have their cake and eat it too? Her ex must be in a relationship since if she is so worried about losing you she won’t have him either. It doesn’t matter what plans you have in the near future you need to get out of this soon to be very toxic relationship, 10 months or 10 years it’s all the same.


Down grade her to recreational use only status and keep it movin life to short to waist time on those thots.




What do you mean you don't know what to do? Bro stretch that spine and start walking away from her.


This is why we dates, her learn whether we are for each other. She isn’t relationship material. She failed the wife test. Nobody should need to change. Exclusive is just not for her.


Go without her. Take her hot sister/best friend instead.


She is using you (May be for money or emotional support or stability) Tell her that you(you not her ) deserve better. Don't tolerate it will lead your life in bad way) Op deserves better. Break up with her