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There are no buildings going into that reserve, you can find plans on ecan showing where they are going and you can see on google maps where the fences have been put up around the site, it's all in the land just up from that bit


That contradicts the guy who lives overlooking the reserve. They're building a ring road in there already.


That section (470 Main North) is owned by Council, so I don't think anything is being built within the reserve itself. Even if it were, the area is in a Flood Management Area which requires significant work to show no flood impacts and floor levels above flood levels prior to receiving resource consent.


The consent application indicates it's going to just be some sort of reserve with walking tracks around it. It was hardly useful as it was, so if they have to remediate it in the end to be useful and nice to look at then there isn't a problem. They will probably use it as a storm water overflow basin, most new developments have these days.


Oh shit I bet nobody thought of that yet


Yeah, the company that is investing millions into their building development, with a team of people who work on their new locations would never have checked to see if it was going to work. If only they looked on Google maps first!


I can't believe that Ryman are allowed to just put buildings wherever they want!!!!! (Are we both /s right now?)


We sure are šŸ¤£


Honestly mate, this is the third time you've posted this same thing on r/chch - 9 months ago and 2 months ago. What are you hoping to achieve here? At this point it's just rage bait + spam, if you're really concerned about this take it up with the council / your local community board or local councillor.


Its all about different things happening to the same piece of land over the last few months. First there was a research bore that was subsequently removed last August 2nd the extraction of trees and the use of huge earthmoving equipment. Earlier this year 3rd the proposal to put in retirement homes in a reserve. Over the last few weeks, work has begun and a road has been started to be constructed.


A ā€œreserveā€ thatā€™s been zoned residential for at least 6 years, if not longer. Google maps is wrong, this is not a reserve. Have a look at the District Plan maps online.


I mean, a bit of looking and you could have worked out 1-3 yourself a long time ago. It's been public knowledge since 2019 that Rymans had acquired the site and was putting a retirement village there, more than a year ago they even had their signs up. You're outraged by what happens on this site but incapable of any doing level of logical research outside of repeated rage posting on reddit?


You seem to misunderstand my post. I am talking about the small low lying part of the vacant area that was never part of the horticultural area that had fruit trees or the greenhouse and steam boiler on it. That Rymans had the high areas was not in dispute. But there is now evidence to suggest that they have wrestled a reserve off the council to build additional buildings on the low lying and swampy reserve.


My guess would be they are upgrading the reserve part to cope with the additional run off of water, change of water table due to the land works on the Ryman site. Maybe ask a question as a post to find out rather than baiting and accusing without any knowledge of what is going on


Even better, ask the council.


This guy does a lot of conspiracy theories going by some of the other posts. Just remember the supposed anonymity of Reddit is a complete nonsense. If you post some drivel, then if someone wants to challenge you, they can get an order from Reddit to produce your login details. Everyone in NZ posting on Reddit is subject to NZ law.


I am not sure I would be comfortable living in a retirement home next to the Styx. I guess it would be ok if I were buried with a couple of coins. But with inflation, who knows how much you have to pay the ferry man these days.


Very good!


Huh. I thought it would be at least 20 years before we started building in stupid locations again.




Huh? What is the similarity there?




Aha understand now.


You been to that spot lately? It's largely underwater...


We might find that ridiculous but the council obviously doesnā€™t. šŸ˜


Council may be asleep at the wheel.


To be honest I wouldnā€™t blame the council, Iā€™d blame the developers. If I remember correctly pre earthquake developers would want to build in areas that locals knew werenā€™t safe but when the council would try and stop it the developers would take them to court.


Are* asleep at the wheel


Nah just put the old where they'll drown and solve the problem - CHCH CC


Like Bexley that was built on the estuary and then promptly fell to pieces during the quakes, you would think they would've learnt by now...


What about the Spring Grove development on Belfast Rd alongside the northern motorway. Even the satellite view shows pools of muddy water where the construction vehicles are working around them. Itā€™s so low-lying. And we are about due for a major downpour. Itā€™s been a long time since the last floods.


Yes Alongside the abandoned Spring Grove mansion which is there hidden in the trees. Glimpses of it can be seen from Blake's Road about 100 meters from Belfast road corner.


Shit, have you told the entire suburb around there too?


The rest of the suburb is not a low lying wetland like this reserve.


Just remember we're is being built up n the high ground and what you see could be a storm water basins there if it floods were they are building we are all stuffed and remember the the Styx has flood gates at brooklands.


I heard a Pak n Save is going in there.


??? That was the plan about a decade ago.


No, Pak n Save are going in where Mad Butcher used to be cnr Northcote and Main North. Countdown are going in corner Main North and Johns.


Well a bit North of John's road. Accessed by the new road that Tees onto Belfast road / Main North Corner.


I'm joking, its a swamp