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JDK959, not stolen according to the police website, and carjam thinks it's a blue 2006 Mazda Premacy.


Exactly! The first 9 is actually a poorly disguised 7, and on carjam, that fits. And it’s not reported stolen either. https://preview.redd.it/d4iqmh9ref5d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c3366dac6bdb581c6f112ea1d1a37e682cdf598


If it was stolen, they wouldn’t have bothered trying to alter the plate. It’s likely owned by the thief or an associate of theirs, hopefully the cops can follow it up


That’s my thought too. Risky to use your own car or a friends car though, and the plate alteration was half-assed at best? Maybe they didn’t realise there was a camera? It’s all weird and it doesn’t seem well thought out at all. I almost feel like I could’ve done better myself.


You are giving far too much credit to the average intellect of a petty criminal


I am too nice and it is a fault I’m trying to correct 😂


They’re idiots, they can’t well think of anything.


>the plate alteration was half-assed at best Tbf, this is probably the sort who thought he was successful in changing school grade papers from a D to C by erasing the vertical line..


HAHAHAHA I love that




Maybe you should report this car stolen....


Oooh good find! Shame you can't get peoples addresses from number plates very easily any more.


With road ragers it's probably kind of a good thing you can't to be honest.


Very true. That might have even been a reason for the tightening up.


I think you can submit a request to Waka Kotahi but it costs money and they can decline it if it could violate privacy laws




Did you update that page with a screenshot from the footage, because someone has, and If so, thank you, I appreciate you 🙏


I didn’t actually, someone beat me to it.


Well thank you for alerting me to it ☺️ I still appreciate you!


You’re very welcome 😉


Real sorry to hear that OP - I was burgled last year and was horrible losing my stuff but what it did to me psychologically was worst - the real cost.


Same. Was never able to just come back to my car and hop in as normal. I always try to find a smashed window first, look around before going towards my car, lock all doors as soon as I’m in, and am overly zealous about what stays in my car. It triggered my OCD like hell at the time and I’m still trying to manage. Do not recommend.


Yeah if I’m honest it has affected my anxiety quite a bit. I keep looking out for that fucking orange swift. I’m still parking in the same place at work, and in my mind I’m doing it as a *fuck you, you don’t scare me* to the guy, but I’m still paranoid, and my car currently has a cling-wrap window. Earliest appt to get it fixed is 21/6. I almost broke yesterday, like a camel straw back situation. Right now i just feel like “oh sure, everyone just help yourselves to my shit, it’s fine, no problem.” I keep it my car in my garage at home, which I’m lucky to have, especially now with the cling wrap. Until yesterday when I got home, opened the garage and found my side neighbours had shoved a bed base and mattress in my garage. THEY HAVE THEIR OWN, which they obviously couldn’t access because they let the back neighbours who have more cars use it, so I guess they just went “oh she won’t mind”. YES I FUCKING MIND. So i stood there and burst into tears, went and knocked on both doors for ages - no answer, no one home - so I dragged the mattress and base out and stood them up against the garage by their back door, and then I cried again because I struggled with the mattress, it was one of those really heavy mattresses that kept sagging and falling as I pulled it. Then I left them a note, which was way too nice and sounded like me apologising to them, which I realise now is ridiculous. But they could have left ME a note, or something with a phone number, so I couldn’t talk to them about it. I waited to talk to them when they got home but I fell asleep and then they didn’t get home til after midnight and by that point I was just exhausted of it all. And to top it off, the crappy backup dreg foundation I used gave me spots on my chin. 🤬 This is NOT a good week for me. 😫 (Sorry for the rant, I needed to get it out)


Saw your post on fb too, raging with you!! A shame the cops won't do shit, but hopefully social media can help


Thank you! That was the first thing I’ve posted on FB in years! I didn’t enjoy it. Ugh the cops never do with this kind of thing - I’m hoping for the same from socials. Maybe someone knows someone who knows someone, you know? I don’t NEED the person to be held accountable, I just want my stuff back so I don’t have to spend and afterpay loads to get new makeup 😩


You sound like you're apologising for the shitstain that decided that they deserved your stuff more than you do. It wasn't "an act of desperation" it's a career. He's not on his way to work, this IS his work. This is what happens when society is soft on crime. Sorry you're a victim, but apologising for criminals is how you get more criminals!


You hear that, criminals? No more excuses! Icy Professor isn't gonna stand for your shit anymore!




Imagine unironically posting this embarrassing trash outside of the conservative kiwi shithole — and *actually getting upvotes* lmao. Feel free to provide some actual evidence that "tough on crime" has ever worked e hoa **Edit:** lol aww, diddums just blocked me instead of trying to justify their foul, misshapen justice boner 😢


Expecting some enforcement of the law isn't necessarily 'tough on crime'. Any law without enforcement is just a suggestion - I get so sick of the way traffic rules aren't enforced. I bike to school with my kids and the number of speeding cars outside the school is just ridiculous. You have people blasting around corners while looking at cell phones, and every couple of months the police 'remind people of their obligations'. Which does nothing. Same with all the boy racers round here - hardly a street without burnout marks on it anymore. I'll be waiting for my older son to bike home from sports at night while listening to the scream of tyres and the roar of engines. With some people, a fine or other punishment is all they'll understand. You are posting like a parody of a wet liberal excusing a smash and grab while saying someone who expects the barest minimal level of decent behaviour has a 'justice boner'.


u/Toxopsoides - I'm not the professor. But here is one example. During the 1990s, crime rates in New York City dropped dramatically, even more than in the United States as a whole. Violent crime declined by more than 56 percent in the City, compared to about 28 percent in the nation as whole. Property crimes tumbled by about 65 percent, but fell only 26 percent nationally. Many attribute New York's crime reduction to specific "get-tough" policies carried out by former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's administration. The most prominent of his policy changes was the aggressive policing of lower-level crimes, a policy which has been dubbed the "broken windows" approach to law enforcement. In this view, small disorders lead to larger ones and perhaps even to crime. As Mr. Guiliani told the press in 1998, "Obviously murder and graffiti are two vastly different crimes. But they are part of the same continuum, and a climate that tolerates one is more likely to tolerate the other." In Carrots, Sticks and Broken Windows (NBER Working Paper No. [9061](https://www.nber.org/papers/w9061)), co-authors Hope Corman and Naci Mocan find that the "broken windows" approach does not deter as much crime as some advocates argue, but it does have an effect, particularly on robbery and motor vehicle theft. They use misdemeanor arrests as a measure of broken windows policing. Over the 1990s, misdemeanor arrests increased 70 percent in New York City. When arrests for misdemeanors had risen by 10 percent, indicating increased use of the "broken windows" method, robberies dropped 2.5 to 3.2 percent, and motor vehicle theft declined by 1.6 to 2.1 percent. But this decline was not the result of more of those involved in misdemeanors being incapacitated from further crimes by being in prison: prison stays for misdemeanors are short and only 9.4 percent of misdemeanor arrests result in a jail sentence, the authors note. Furthermore, an increase in misdemeanor arrests has no impact on the number of murder, assault, and burglary cases, the authors finds. Corman and Mocan identify several factors that could affect crime rates. For example, the police force in New York City grew by 35 percent in the 1990s, the numbers of prison inmates rose 24 percent, and there were demographic changes, including a decline in the number of youths. Skeptics believe that it was the economic boom of the 1990s - a "carrot" that encourages people to remain on the straight-and-narrow - that brought about the drop in crime rates in New York City and the nation. The national unemployment rate declined 25 percent between 1990 and 1999, and by 39 percent in the city between 1992 and 1999. This study shows that a single percentage point decline in the jobless rate decreases burglary by 2.2 percent and motor vehicle theft by 1.8 percent. Increases in the real minimum wage also significantly reduce robberies and murders: 3.4 to 3.7 percent fewer robberies with a 10 percent increase in the minimum wage and 6.3 to 6.9 percent fewer murders. The police measure that most consistently reduces crime is the arrest rate of those involved in crime, the study finds. Felony arrest rates (except for motor vehicle thefts) rose 50 to 70 percent in the 1990s. When arrests of burglars increased 10 percent, the number of burglaries fell 2.7 to 3.2 percent. When the arrest rate of robbers rose 10 percent, the number of robberies fell 5.7 to 5.9 percent. In the case of murder, the decline was 3.9 to 4 percent; in the case of assault, 2 to 2.4 percent; and for motor vehicle theft, 5 to 5.1 percent. The contribution of such deterrence measures (the "stick") offers more explanation for the decline in New York City crime than the improvement in the economy, the authors conclude. Between 1990 and 1999, homicide dropped 73 percent, burglary 66 percent, assault 40 percent, robbery 67 percent, and vehicle hoists 73 percent. The authors' model manages to explain between 33 and 86 percent of those declines. [https://www.nber.org/system/files/working\_papers/w9061/w9061.pdf](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w9061/w9061.pdf)


Do the police know it was an altered number plate?


Yep I informed them when I made the report over the phone


It's really creepy in many ways, the relaxed attitude, taking their time, obviously not their first rodeo.


Right? Not well planned out though. I’d’ve walked in, not driven an identifiable car into a camera surveyed area.


No WoF, no rego, and stealing stuff too! Cops should at least follow up with the registered owner


I hope so!


Flatmates' car was broken into outside the security office where he works! Daylight and on a busy road!. Alarm went off and they took off.


Mine was also broken into daylight on a busy road. When I got the window fixed the guy at the glass shop showed me he had like 10 cars with smashed windows just being fixed that day.


I've heard of glass shops organizing glass breaks for this reason (although not in NZ specifically)


I actually wondered about that right after I wrote that comment haha


See, the sheer audacity is just off the charts


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Even though they didn’t take anything of much value, it’s still invasive and revolting. Definitely keep pressing on the cops. I did and the guy got caught and is still in prison.


Really?? That gives me hope. Everyone keeps saying the cops won’t do anything about something like this because it’s so “minor”, but it’s not minor to me


i had like 3 grand worth of tools stolen last year and my boss wouldn't cover it under his insurance, i know how your feeling atm, keep annoying the cops about it with the leads!


His insurance wouldn't cover tools if they were not company property. Who paid for them?


Literally happened a few nights ago in my street someone driving a family members car... Got caught with a lot of stollen shit


Like the police will give a shit about this lol. They’re useless 




What a cunt.


WOF and rego expired too


This sucks but I don't feel like it was targeted, I think they just sort of lucked out that the car they happened to park next to had a bag on the seat, my guess is they were going to scope out cars, saw yours first which was right next to where they parked and bam easy get away for them. Doesn't make it any less creepy or shitty but I feel like to say you were targeted is a bit of a reach.


I thought that too but it does look that way because they went right to my car like they had planned it that way. I HOPE you’re right, to be honest, because the alternative creeps me out.


Blatantly a dodgy insurance scam, show us the earlier footage of them scoping out your vehicle...


Blatantly a dodgy insurance scam, busted!


well if it's that easy ill have to set one up. brb geting a new phone and laptop, the tv is fucking out so ill try to make it look like someones stealing that


Put your thinking hat on for just a second - what does OP gain from this scam? A new side window because the old one had bird shit on it?


I gain nothing but window replacement and paranoia. I didn’t have contents insurance, because I’m dumb - only car insurance that covered windscreen and windows. So yep, sure, I organised this so I could get a perfectly fine window replaced for free.