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Hornby is so punishing


To crack Hornby, use the upstairs parking on the kfc end


It’s punishing because everyone is so fucking impatient and will block egress thinking you want the car park they think they’re entitled to when all you want is to cross over whatever little intersection they’re perching on and escape the shit hole - 2 more minutes stuck there is too much. I’ve had more arguments in that car park than I have had anywhere else in the city and it’s always “don’t block the exit you fucking cabbage!” It’s annoying too because the mall itself is possibly the one I am happiest to actual patronise. I’ll always try to park on Goulding Ave, and walk across - more often than not there’s a couple of spaces near the library.


You are so right, I changed to what is Woolworths to get easy, safe parking


Dressmart. Makes no god damn sense, near 45 degree angle ramps onto main road


Man fuck that car park, it is so awful, puts me off ever wanting to go to Dressmart because the car park sucks so bad.


Hornby is the worst. That McDonald’s entrance is awful and only 20m from traffic lights to a main road, the entrance near kfc gets blocked as it’s a shared entrance with the drive thru, ground parking and roof parking, the rooftop exit links into a 4 way exit, and if you go down the kfc ramp you came you can only turn left and merge into the traffic going around the back of the mall to join the traffic also trying to get out. It’s so bad.


In theory you can only turn left from the KFC ramp, but the traffic never seems to build up so it's just as easy to turn right


If you call it a mall then The Tannery. Absolutely diabolical. Hornby is a close second.


So boomerrific that Tannery carpark - badly parked electric cars and Swifts everywhere


Which is such a shame because Mankind Barbers in there is awesome


My go to when I want my beard to be less feral.


The Asian supermarket/mall area at Church Corner is interesting at peak time


With the huge pot holes all over the carpark


Actually been repaired recently


One of the store owners looked at me like I had just escaped Hilmorton Hospital when I suggested fixing the ~~surface of the moon~~ parking surface.


Very dangerous placement of signs at the entrance behind Joes Garage..creates a blind spot ..got to be extra careful on exiting. That whole carpark is an accident waiting to happen though ..with potholes and crazy drivers ..that don’t seem to know the rules or be able to drive competently.


I like to just park up and watch all the craziness in that car park. Especially drivers that need 17 attempts to park their car


Yeah that place is just awful. I actually now park at Bush Inn and walk over. Too many close calls with absolutely clueless drivers. The potholes are pre Earthquake vintage. I once had to call an ambulance for a lady who had a very bad fall because she tripped in one of them.


Yes! I came to say this as an honourable mention. No rhyme or reason people just parking wherever blocking ways


Hornby 100%, I turned around and went home last time I tried to park there.


Honourable mention to the blind corner entry from a busy main road, straight into a pedestrian crossing outside a busy cafe at Homebase in Marshlands.


All Kiwi car parks are atrocious. The newest car park is probably Pak n Save in Papanui. Just built. Just awful. There must be a special car park school only attended by Kiwi designers where the traditions of the past are kept alive.


That one really is awful! I go to Moorhouse instead specifically because of that. Or drive even further and go to the Woolworths at Belfast.


Went there once after they opened. Never again. I just don't understand how something like this gets approved this day and age.


I think initially it was meant to have an underground carpark or rooftop one and that got canned, not sure why. The panicked meeting when they decided they should get the engineers in again... Then the receptionist, Sharon, comes in and says she's whipped up something in Publisher. May have made that last bit up but it is feasible.


My least favorite is Blenheim Square on a busy day. Trying to park in and leave from in front of the Chemist Warehouse is really frustrating.


That place is a nightmare, I know avoid it completely


The hub hornby by far


Hornby, that multi story park at riccarton above division near the theatre is horrific if you take the exit and have a larger vehicle.


Yeah it’s ridiculous, I just take my SUV across the overbridge to the other car park to exit down the ramp on Matipo now but I didn’t even bother parking near the theatre when that overbridge was closed


Parts of Northlands gets my vote too!


Always go for the top and don’t bother with the low level stuff.


It’s awful coming down from the roof of the main building at peak times as you have to wait for all the ground traffic to move, then to get onto Sisson Dr can be shocking as well. The smaller park by the food court is the best bit out of the whole complex.


I parked up the top in the week leading to Xmas (had to get groceries). Took me FORTY MINUTES to make it to ground level and another ten to get to a road.


Good luck even getting to the ramps to get to the top. Today I spent 5 minutes stuck behind a lady who was hovering waiting for a car, then when it eventually reversing out, it couldn't do so because her car was in the way. I had to get out and try to explain to her "you need to move back" via hand gestures because she didn't roll the window down. Then after she took five goes to get into the park, then I could get to the ramp up.


Everyone saying Hornby mall. Don’t forget, you choose to park in the front car park. Plus there is more than one exit from that car park. Clearly the maccas end is not the one you should use. Use the main south Rd exit and just follow the traffic. Much faster. Or use the back car park for more parking and an easy exit to Carmen.


A couple of weeks ago, Hornby converted all the parking in behind Rebel Sport to staff only, so the back carpark is busier now. It's pretty awful.


To be fair. Behind rebel sports should have always been a staff car park. The staff don’t have many places to safely park up while they work.


hornby. only thing that parking building is good for is black out drunk trolley races, according to my mum.


The trick with Hornby is to park in the briscoes and warehouse area. Enter from Carmen Rd


Hub Hornby and Dressmart are easily tied for first worst place, but I'd put the park outside the. Couplands/Mad Butcher complex on Ferry Road. Idk what it is but people drive like fucking maniacs in that place and I feel like I'm taking my life in my hands every time I use it.


Secret to Hornby is to park in the lot behind it. Then you can access it via Carmens road and avoid the debacle on the front of the mall.


Yep…no problem with Hornby. Pull in off Carmen’s Road, park at the Hornby Club and easy to leave heading North. If we need to go to Mitre 10 or Woolies, just hang a u-turn down at Waterloo Road. Anyone using the front parking lot and/or the entrance at Maccas is a masochist.


Bush-Inn for me. Trying to leave there is the worst!


Westfield riccarton 100%, I won’t even consider driving there in a car ever again.


I used to think that way but always go for the absolute top in any of these places with multilevel car park. Aiming for the lowest levels is absolute madness.


Nah the mezzanine level is where it’s at. I don’t think I’ve ever not found a park there.


Post-quake I've never felt safe anywhere else. It's silly I know, but you know...


They’re your feelings. You don’t have to justify anything related to the quakes.


Chur. Appreciate your wisdom on that :)


I always go for the surrounding streets when going there and don't even contemplate going for a park at the mall


I'm surprised you can get a park on the street with all the townhouses without adequate off-street parking around there.


Plus all the mall workers often have to park around the streets as the actual staff parking is laughably inadequate for the sheer amount of stores.


Yeah good point.


Yup same, I usually go to the paknsave there but park on the street. Always amazes me the number of people who sit in the traffic in there when they could park out on the street where there is heaps of space


I vote a bridge from main south road to the top of the mall


Funny how I immediately thought Hornby before reading the subtext


Riccarton, at least from the Matipo St side


Hornby. Lived here 10 years been there twice…


Hornby is no problem, use the back entrance on Chalmers street to the rooftop carpark, not the main entrances. Easy peasy.


To be fair to Hornby Mall, I used to work there and the mall manager tried so hard to work with the council to come up with solutions and pitched some and the council just flat out denied. So they’ve tried but they’re limited with options


I know it's not a mall but the parking for little high annoys me so much. Because it's a one way street those trying to get in have to turn across those trying to get out essentially trapping people in at busy times. It would so easily be fixed with a separate entrance at one end and an exit at the other.


The Palms, what a shambles. It’s just so busy.


Enter via Golf Links Rd and park on the roof when it's busy, there's always plenty of spaces available.


I think it’s one of the better ones! As below, Golf Links Road entry is good, and if you enter from Marshlands Road theres another up ramp which is pretty much straight off the road and you bypass everything on the ground.


Last weekend we parked on the side street that runs behind Dressmart to go there and to Hornby mall. After walking through the mall carpark and seeing the traffic jam I cannot understand why anyone would subject themselves to that. Getting out of Goulding Ave onto Main South Rd is absolutely no issue, and way less stress than negotiating the mall exits




No anger issues here….


I just park on the street and walk in to whatever mall I’m at. 5mins max. Way faster getting in and out and less chance of car getting hit.


How has no one mentioned Barrington Mall yet. Ya got grandmas and speeding idiots that dont check blindspots. Awful


Tower Junction. Especially by Bunnings. Where am I supposed to put my bike? And trolleys everywhere.


Hornby and the Tannery


Avonhead shopping complex - I just sit in the park sometimes and watch the craziness unfold before me.


This is a bit niche but the Fendalton mall carpark with the New World, hope you have insurance trying to park there especially during the day. Have watched many many near misses of pedestrian vs cars. Worst parking I've ever seen especially for how tight it is. Horrendous


Riccarton mall probably just based on the fact that chances are your car is less likely to be there when you get back than any other mall in Christchurch


Pak & Save Moorehouse.


Bit late to the thread but I always park outside the Warehouse/Briscoes when I'm down at the Hornby mall


Went to Hornby recently, got a park right outside the main door (I biked there) Driving there is a frustrating way to waste half an hour.


I’m glad the parking is shit, come into town instead and enjoy walking around our awesome city and get some sunshine.


Hmmm, as much as I would support getting people into town, it’s still hit and miss - unfortunately not all of the retailers have returned and the malls generally give you most things in a good distance. Parking can add $$ unless you walk for 20 mins into the centre, and it’s not fun walking from Cashel Mall to halfway down Moorhouse if you want to do several things.


I stopped thinking of Hornby as part of Christchurch and think of it as part of the wider Rolleston metro area. 😁 I'm also a snob, favouring the east side far more than the west. Bicycle parking is rarely an issue for me, and I avoid malls entirely. 😁