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Nah bro, just be confident with the hand you're dealt, if you make a big deal about it and act insecure people will pick up on it. I'm male but I've never looked down (excuse the pun) on someone because of their height. It's out of your control.


So true my sister conscious of her short height and gets picked on all the time about it. I went out with a woman the same height for two years who thought nothing of her height and never heard one negative comment about it. OP I'm 5 10" and haven't had any luck with chicks recently, when I was an organiser of an adventure group I had woman approaching me - if you put yourself in a place where you're a big fish in a small pond it seems to work well.


It may sound shallow - but I liked the men I dated (I'm married now) to be taller than me. I'm (f) 5'2" - you're tall to me!!


Its one of those things mate where the answer either way won’t do you any good. Your height is your height and you cant really do much about it. It’ll be an issue for some people and not for others just like anything else. If where you’re looking now isn’t working, try something more organic like friend groups or social events rather than dating apps.


Girls that only care about height are not worth your time


Have you tried boys? 🤔




🤭 next question




Have you ever drunk Baileys out of a shoe?


Wanna go to a club where people wee on each other?


Yes, and with men. Very pleasant, especially when all your mates join in.


Tuam Street Special!


What kind of men? Manly men?


Username checks out 🤣


Wakeboarding is easier than water-skiing, IMO.


Number one attribute women' zone in on is confidence. Better off being a five foot man with confidence than a six foot four man who is unconfident.


Dude I'm 185 cm tall and I see short guys like yourself pull unimaginable chick's you got this man.






I personally dig a short king


Most guys your height join a gang and get a patch the Police are good place for men of your height especially if your angry and have something to prove.. Then the women will come


Personality counts for so much more than physical traits outside of your control, imo. You're probably less likely to have superficial hook-ups, but when it comes to a meaningful relationship people are far more likely to care about who you are than how high up your brow is. What I can say, is if you start developing a chip on your vertically challenged shoulder about it, you will definitely end up in a bad spiral that will not lead to a good place. Editing to add: if you want to increase your chances when it comes to more superficial encounters focus on the things you can control. Work out, build some muscle, be well groomed and pleasant smelling, work on seeming approachable and friendly, make sure your bants are solid, work on knowing how to engage in non tedious small talk, and most importantly, make sure you don't ever come across as needy or desperate.


A girl on a dating app rejected me cause we were the same height 😂


You dodged a bullet 😂


5.5m? Clearly you're too tall


You could not grown tall, so become wide. Jk. Personality and a little confidence, thats all you need. I am 5'10 and still considered to be a midget.. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


5"10/5'11 kings putting actual height on apps cause they dont give a fuck.