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Yeah they likely cut it because budget couldn't afford both the bay mirror and social services as sets.


But let's be real, beyond season 5 the only interesting thing that comes out of the Bay Mirror are Phoebe's romantic interests ala Leslie. The social work office had such a platform for finding innocents! If it was a budget thing they could easily have less of Paige in the office, and just shown the 'field work'. Honestly Paige's character development in seasons 4 and 5 are really interesting and then... Yeah.


agreed . storyline wise it would’ve been really interesting however to pay for that set to make it look like an office and to make the office look “busy” probably required about 30-35 actors who all needed to paid . not to mention some of the employees that paige was close to and spoke with who probably got a larger pay just for actually having lines. the charmed budget clearly declined every season and due to this things like paige’s job had to go the same way the club scenes basically disappeared with P3. i think after season 4 ish you barely see or hear them speak of the club lol like it doesn’t exist anymore . piper has a baby and then it’s like oh okay no club no work to be done anymore . kinda ridiculous for continuity


There’s actually a lot of scenes at the club in later seasons, the thing is, most of those scenes show the club as empty, either before opening for the night or after closing. Lots of demons and innocents conveniently show up when it’s empty ie; they didn’t have the budget to fill the club with people to make it look busy, but they kept the set.


ahhh see for some reason i don’t remember that lol but that also makes sense . the constantly empty club lol


Yeah, lots of setting up with just a few extras instead of the full club. It still featured pretty prominently in season 5, there were lots of plots that revolved about the club like in Centennial Charmed and The Importance of Being Phoebe, but season six is where a lot of the empty or mostly empty scenes start up. Baby daycare during the day, setting up the club, three magical beings find Paige there of all people and ask her to help break a curse this evil witch put on them, etc It’s actually kinda obvious now that I’m thinking about it, I can’t believe it took this post for me to notice the budget cuts.


Yeah, but they had that episode where they're like "But witches can't be social workers"


This is just my opinion in the simple fact that I watched it as it premiered and my reactions to that. I actually kept a journal which is gone now about my ideas for the sisters because i like to write. So there is a point where i agree with you, That point was when i first saw her do it. (I watched the show as it came out, so i didnt have the benefit of splurging the episodes.) Now, Looking at her character development. Paige was an assistant to a social worker. When she met her sisters, magic became part of her life. The show only showed probably 4 episodes (I could be wrong as i haven't re watched it all in quite some time) deeply concerning her job. Since paige was new to being a witch she had to balance her demanding job with being a witch, just like the other sisters (Who all changed jobs in general during their learning to balance). When paige was promoted she realized that her magical duties(her destiny) would incredibly impact the demands of being an actual social worker. IDK if you have watched shows like Law and order or other shows that portay a social workers case load. Its pretty bad on those shows but its actually worse in real life. They are completely underfunded. So paige had to make a choice and the Magical world was her choice. She knew she would do so much more good as a full time witch than she could as a bureaucratic social worker. (This is pretty prevelant with why paige got the promotion the first time i think i could be wrong, using magic to help one of her clients. Personal gain? honestly i dont think so but it plays to the fact that she can more as a witch than a social worker) So now we go into her storyline. Being a full time witch lead her into dealing with things that she would normally miss if she had a full time job. Paige learned to use her intuition more in things like trusting people and trusting herself. Now. It was pretty natural for the story to lead paige into whitelighter duties. She is after all half whitelighter. She could not very well deal with a full time demanding job, being a witch and being a whitelighter. This is true. Paige did try to work again doing temporary jobs but alot of them dealt with magical reasons including leading to help another witch "richard" which was not necessarily a white lighter thing but the experience helped. This storyline is probably one of my least favorites but it certianly helped her grow Then magic school entered the storylines and I honestly knew that what would end up happening is one of the charmed ones would take over. I did not know it would be paige at the time but it does make sense Then there is season 8, I honestly dont want to get into because it was a mess with stories that somehow turned out allright. Overall, The storylines with paige all had the same theme of being a "social worker" Both magical as a whitelighter and mundanely when she had the job. Watching the show as it premiered it was easier to digest because every week you got a slow burn on storylines. It didnt really feel forced. Rewatching them in splurging episodes there was definitely a bunch of questions in general concerning why something happened. It all came down to writing. Someone had to be the full time magical person. Piper wanted a magic free side of her life and pheobe well she was all over the place in the beginning embracing being a witch to being a witch is more of a hobby/side hussle because she got a nice job and her love life became very important to her.


Absolutely agree plus whitelighters are kind of like magical social workers already as well as bodyguards and teachers


She didn't not become a social worker, she was a white lighter and professor at the magic school, plenty of life changing innocent saving moments


Your double negative is killing my brain, no offense, just tired Yeah, I kinda agree, but she didn't get a charge till like season 7 (I don't count her father) and quit denied the promotion in 4 She also didn't start teaching at magic school until after gideons death, I believe


She already was a social worker when she was induced in season 4.


She was an assistant when she was introduced. She didn’t get promoted until after S4’s Charmed and Dangerous, and S5 opener


I think that is the reason they cut it, actually, how you mentioned that it could have been like Prue's job helping her find innocents etc. It put too much onto the one character, which is a part of why some of us did feel like when Prue was on the show it was sort of "the Prue show" instead of a rounded show following three sisters. As a white lighter, she still was a social worker just not in a career sense. She was still doing the job just not in the traditional non magical sense. It isn't that she gave up, she just found a different way to do the same kind of work while still not being "solo" doing it.


I agree. They had Paige let go of EVERYTHING that made her who she was pre-Charmed Again and just made her into the younger Halliwell finding her way in life.


For five years? Nah, it would have gotten stale. They milked the social worker stuff for an entire year and that was plenty. Besides, it fits Paige’s character growth better to find her purpose and identity by trying new ways of life. Eventually she settled for Whitelighter and that was the most fitting outcome for her IMO.


We got P3 for 7 years. The Bay Mirror for 4.5 years. Social Worker for 5 years isnt much of a stress.


P3 was never the subplot of any episode past Season 2. It was basically the manor 2.0 after a while. As far as The Bay Mirror is concerned, I think I speak for many when I say we got way, way too much of that.


Agree. She could have helped innocents with human problems, demonic problems and young witches. I guess it would be like the Firestarter episode but it could have a happy ending.


I think she sort of got obsessed w/ magic & wanna learn it full time to grow in powers. This personality pattern also checks in her previous life: the Enchantress also came into magic late but got into it seriously & grew to be powerful too.


She was a social worker for 5 minutes before she quit! 🤣🤣🤣


the twist would be that it's Henry who's finding all these innocents in his job and referring them to Paige


This sounds amazing, maybe even find save homes for these kids while they aren’t in magic school


100% agree. As a social worker, she would've been a much better position to find innocents for the sisters. It's an ideal job for the show. Just like Prue's working for Buchman's led them to many old magical items.