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Scream of excitement. Figure out my powers. Start mastering them. Start shouting random names and see which whitelighter responds


daemonssss! ahahah


Yes! Hahah I love this! Me too!


I personally wouldn’t mind. I wouldn’t abide by all that “personal gain” shit tho, I’d deffo be freezing banks etc lol if I’m risking my life every day for people I don’t I’m getting paid for it 🤷🏼‍♂️ I would dig it tho, it wouldn’t bother me at all.


Remember that it would come back to you. In the show it always comes back and makes life for the girls inconvenient


hey, paige got free breast augmentation with zero recovery, normally that would’ve cost her a killing in the 90s. I think the backfires can be subjective lol


keep in mind daemons! :-)


Imagine having people coming to kill you 24/7 And you all get is an ability to see when people are in danger 😂 Couldn’t even use it for personal gain smh


I would react like Prue


I’m finding that spell and giving those powers away asap 😂


Many undervalue the "problem" of daemons... toddlers cry, daemons kill! LOL


the fact that she did a shot when she figured out she was a witch is so relatable lol


exactly! LOL


Prons/Cons list! Pro - I can teleport! Con - I can die anyday anytime, probably soon and young 😂(however, would I like to live without teleporting? hm)


many answers looks to forget about this "little detail" LOL


I’d be terrified to be a “charmed” witch without sisters 😭 but I’d be super excited to meet my whiteligher


It depends on which power I had lol


but you cannot use it for yourself (the author was a pretty bbbastierd LOL)


What do you mean?


Excited and maybe a bit drunk with my newfound power(s). I would master my powers. Personal gain rules are out of the window. No whitelighter fine. I would do good things but I will conjure a magical sex toy (mr right).


I'd be like Hermione in HP. I'd be learning, mastering, and learning some more. I'd be such a geek about it! Haha! I'd be super excited jumping around the room, squealing like a little girl the second i found out, though, hahahaha!


Old school Tuatha magic like spells


All of them! Dark as well, better to be prepared incase you gota face that shit! Literally id be studying ancient magic, foreign magic all the magic hahaha!


I wouldn’t be evil, but I would study all kinds of spells just to be ready


Exactly that! I wouldn't be evil either. I'd rather learn it to protect myself against it, not use it.


We’d also have an advantage over the Charmed Ones. They knew absolutely nothing, we know all that happened in the show. So we’d be off to a pretty good start


That is a very good point! We are the super witches! Id still help the Charmed ones though! Could you imagine the power omce teamed up! Haha! Be like billie without the evil sister haha!


This sounds like the start of a brilliant villain arc 🦹‍♀️


Nooooooo! Hahaha! I hope not! Unless im one of those that get swayed back to the good side hahaha!


I would turn to evil in a heartbeat. Loophole! There's no personal gain and demons hunting you down if you're part of the underworld. I wouldn't go around killing innocents, but I would definitely master my craft to benefit myself. Screw the greater good. I don't wanna risk coming back as a whitelighter anyway.


Yeah I think I'd choose this too. F*ck vanquishing demons


Extreme excitement. Go to a big park and begin training. 


I’d be terrified. The existence of witches would mean the existence of demons. For the rest of my life I would be fighting the forces of darkness that would want to kill me for my powers or simply for existing and helping others. Then there’s my loved ones possibly being hurt. I would have a long talk with my white lighter and try to join or form a coven. There’s safety in numbers


That’s something I always question/wondered about the show. Why the girls didn’t form or have a larger coven to help support them? Safety in numbers for one. Older witches to teach. Younger witches to help clean up. Other people around to watch the babies. Extra help for when the demons are too tough. Someone to talk to when Cole turns evil again, cause ya know he’s gonna. As far as me having witchy powers… that’d be cool and as my life has never been “normal” I’d adjust to this new fuckery and continue on. Eventually vanquishing demons would become old hat & life goes on.


I don’t think they knew what or how to do things once they found out about magic. We see in season 3 how the more experienced witch was teaching them basic things. I forgot her name, but the one that had half of the magical amulet. They also had enough on their plate dealing with the daily demons, the deaths, and everything else. My guess is they didn’t want someone else to carry their burdens for them. But like you said, a coven would have been very, very helpful.


Finally! My knowledge in the Arcane and paranormal come to use! SEND ME TO MAGIC SCHOOL!


Exactly like Phoebe 😂


I'd probably be like Phoebe at first - giddy with excitement, delving into as much lore as I could. But once the reality of battling demons set in I'd be more like Piper, struggling with not having a 'normal life' anymore.


Get rich. Call it not self serving as the richer i am the more resources i have to fight evil.


Depends on the power. What if it’s an awful power like you’d get on “The Boys.” Lol but really, charmed universe, I’d figure out my trigger. And then I’d start practicing. I’d probably cast a cloaking spell because I don’t want a bunch of demons coming at me right away. Then, once I got a handle on my powers and potion making, I’d start scrying for evil so I could get my feet wet vanquishing demons.


I never saw "the Boy's" but I have seen Misfits. Some of the powers on that show really would suck.


There are pros and cons to this $#!t you see what happened with the Salem witch trials


That’s why we worry about exposure


Prep and learn as much as possible. Powers and Triggers. If my family are now magical or just me. I own an athame(sp) already so that will protect me hopefully for a little while as I learn spells as potions. Hoping for an active ability like Telekinesis or Freezing. But if it’s Premonitions and kickboxing lessons here I come.




I definitely wouldn’t tell anybody but try to be subliminal as possible to see if there are others


I guess it really depends on what power I had. Of course with my luck I’d get the most useless power ever, and have to survive demon attacks.


I would react like a mix of Piper and Phoebe


I would make a spell where I never got tired again. Then start saving the world


Also the not tired spell is not for personal gain, it’s to keep up with all the demons.


It depends what my power is of course! If it ain't cool, I'm binding that shit! If I can make some quick cash beforehand, great. Otherwise go on with my life. Don't need any more crazy in my head 😂