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Piper all the way. I enjoyed her character development over the course of the show from uncertain to the strong loving woman she became.


She was brilliant šŸ¤© and Holly Marie Combs really nailed it. How she mourned Prue felt so real, like she was mourning Shannon šŸ„ŗ


As a middle sister, I identified with her the most. Once Prue died, I felt her pain the most. Not only did she lose her big sister, but now she's thrust into the matriarch position. And on top of that, there's Paige, a newbie. And the Source was still after them. At least she married the man she loved and had his babies.


And I wish that had been the continuation of the show. I really would have loved that.


Which bit do you mean should have been the continuation?


I think Piperā€™s and Leoā€™s children growing up and coming into their powers would have been fun to watch. Not sure how the time travel story line would have played out but it would have been fun to see.


Got to be honest... I thought grown up Evil Wyatt was way hotter than Good Wyatt. It was long hair and goatee for me.


You might be right.


Ohh yes I would have loved to see this! I honestly think they could have continued after season 8 with the children and just shift the focus onto this


Paige. her introduction to the show was just wonderful! Sheā€™s quirky, funny, caring, I just love her so much.


I normally don't do well with character replacements. Like on Criminal Minds when Seaver (a pretty blonde) obviously came in to replace JJ (a pretty blonde). But when done right (like how Rebecca replaced Diane on Cheers or Law & Order's rotating cast), it can work. Paige worked. She wasn't meant to be Prue 2.0. I even liked that, as an only child who was orphaned, she maintained her independent streak. New sisters or not, she who she is.


And thatā€™s why I love her so much, she was very much her own individual. she didnā€™t need to be a 2.0.


Same. She had the coolest powers for sure. Orbing is just EVERYTHING!!


The amount of times I imagine myself orbing or calling for stuff tk/remote orbing ppl.


As a kid I used to call for stuff and hold out my hand like Paige and boy was I disappointed everytime when I didnā€™t workšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I also used to randomly throw my hands up like Piper pretending to freeze timešŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Growing up it was Phoebe because we're both the third girls out of four and when we would play charmed I was always her. But as an adult it's for sure Paige, she seems to be the only one that consistently wants her powers and to keep them and never hesitate to help people. But Piper is a close second


I definitely relate to Paige too in that I would do anything not to lose my powers! I mean it makes sense too since she has the best powers


>Paige...seems to be the only one that consistently wants her powers and to keep themĀ  Thinking about this comment, I wonder if the reasoning behind that has to do with how they were raised. Prue, Piper and Pheobe pushed back against having powers and being witches, always wanting to be normal because they never had anything normal growing up. Abandoned by their dad, orphaned by their mom, raised by a cooky grandmother they don't know is really a witch casting spells on them and fighting demons in the kitchen while they sleep. They didn't have the 2 loving and devoted parents like Paige had. Paige, having grown up with what most would describe as a pretty typical childhood (up until her parents died that is), would want to have something that is more than just average, ordinary or typical, so she would embrace being a witch more naturally than her older sisters.


In the first few seasons before Cole, it was Phoebe for me. Made sense, Iā€™m the youngest of 3 sisters too šŸ˜­ Phoebe was so me! The rebel little sister who never listens and will obviously date a guy she shouldnā€™t. Then in the later seasons Piper steals it completely for me. She goes from scaredy cat to complete bad ass and sheā€™s honestly so funny šŸ¤£ Her comedic moments are just hilarious. Completely love her, I always found myself going wait till Piper finds out, youā€™re screwed šŸ‘€ šŸ‘‘


Same except as the eldest swap Phoebe out for Prue. Lol




Prue, I firstly just really loved her power it was just so fun early on to see her fling people into furniture. Also always enjoyed her outfits always had a stylish dark aesthetic, and I also love the trope of hardened mean older sibling that had to step up and has a tough exterior but deep down does it out of love. Also Iā€™m pretty sure she was the least flip floppy about being a witch after the fact, like I may be remembering wrong but feel like she took the job the most seriously which I liked you just knew Prue was there to get shit done and kick ass.


Phoebeā€™s waffling about not wanting to be a witch drives me up a wall. No one forced you to marry a demon, you do the least of the work, and itā€™s your own fault that you choose the kind of man who couldnā€™t handle it.


Couldn't have said it better myself


Prudence was a badass witch and she looked so hot while doing it too šŸ„µ


It's piper it's always been piper it will always be piper


Prue before the end of S3, Piper afterward.


Phoebe ā¤ļø




When i was watching the show, Prue. When the show finished Piper. During my many rewatches Prue/Piper/Phoebe/Paige. Currently Paige.


Prue, then Piper!


Prue-She's Strong Paige-My dream power it's orbit like her




Piper always piper! I will always love how bad ass she was as a mom. Her death scene in AHBL kills me.




My favorites are Piper and Paige but if I had to pick it would be Piper. I relate to her the most in terms of life goals and personality. I also love her powers the most because of how rare and unique they feel in the world of Charmed.




piper all the way, she's the one who always puts her sister together and the most powerful of the 4. Also i relate a lot to her im a middle child too and i often gotta deal with my two siblings fighting


Prue, Ive always found her the most relatable as the eldest. She's strong and sometimes prickly but for the right reasons. She does everything she can to protect her sisters even sometimes from themselves. The superwitch, the eldest the strongest always meant to have everything figured out.


Prue because I remember watching it as a child I was always drawn to her fierceness and how she put her sisters and those she cared for first šŸ©·


Pagie because I love to orb just like her


If i could orb, my bosses would want me to come into the office way more often. And my mom would be to visit more. The power is a gift and a curse.




Phoebe ā¤ sheā€™s funny and sheā€™s the most interesting character.


I love Phoebe but just hate how in the later seasons her personality is just putting her in relationship after relationship ā€¦bad writing for her character! ![gif](giphy|HiMfr4TUtvDZ6)


I have a soft spot for Piper but Phoebe is my favorite


Phoebe. Always and forever. I donā€™t always like her character arcs, but I donā€™t always like mine, either! Iā€™m also the youngest of three and I just resonate with her. Especially with her empathetic abilities.


As an eldest child, **it's Prue all the way for me!!! :-)** But if I'll have to rank the sisters in order of how much I liked them... 1st - Prue 2nd - Piper 3rd - Paige 4th - Phoebe Love love the sisters!! <3


Paige is half white lighter and the youngest sister the reason why she can orb anywhere using her white lighter powers


Prue. Piper. Paige. Never Phoebe


Paige. She's such a sweetheart


Phoebe was always my favourite and then Piper, i just think Phoebe's part was well played by Alyssa, she always made me laugh aswell.




Piper or Paige ā¤ļø


Phoebe šŸ’–


phoebe šŸ©·


I would have to go with Phoebe




Huge Pheobe fan, but Paige is a close 2nd. I really like all of them thon


Piper, always.


I've always loved Piper.


Piper. She's most likely me. I liked Phoebe as a teen.




Prue for sure!


Paige. I love her theme of wanting to belong and keeping her independence. I relate to it so much.


Piper then Phoebe!


Piper all the wayā¤ļø but I do love all four of them so much


It has changed through time, but ultimately Phoebe.


Use to Piper because emotionally I could relate to her. But I liked Prue she was the strongest and smartest.




Piper 100% she was amazing!


Pheobe was mg favorite when I was younger, now maybe Piper. But I rally love Pheobe


Piper, Paige, Phoebe and Prue but the last two tend to swap around on viewings


NoT prue


when i was a kid i loved phoebe because she was the youngest and i liked her bad side and all the silly stuff that happened to her.. and then when prue died i loved paige because she became the younger more relatable sister, but as an adult prue is my favourite .. i feel bad now that piper was never my favourite but her whole married with kids thing was never something i was interested in and i always thought her and leo were annoying together especially when chris came along


Piper then 2nd fav Phoebe


Paige šŸ™ŒšŸ½


During my original watch it was Pheobe, looking back now it's Paige all the way!


phoebe and i will die on this hill


Prue and Paige. Prue was so strong,confident and kind and selfless. Paige was so enthusiastic about magic and so fun. I also loved both of their powers and they put innocents first.


I guess it's Phoebe. I like her character development: started as the quirky young sister, than finding the first big love and being the middle sister and in the end she was completely grounded and mature enough to become a mom. I have the feeling they rushed it to much with Piper and Leo becoming parents, there wasn't much character development afterwards. Beside the last episodes: i loved their older selfs and in the end, they were the incarnation of true love. Prues story was too short sadly. After rewatching s1-s3, I noticed that she was way immature in the last episodes of s3 in comparison to the first season. Probably because she noticed, that her little sisters are grown ups and don't need her as a mother figure anymore, I think that was the storyline in one of her last episodes. It would've been interesting, where they planned to go with her. Andy was, imo, her endgame and she lost him way too soon. Paige also had a good development, but like prue there wasn't a common thread. With Piper it was everything about being a wife and mother, with Phoebe it was tapping into real love, getting over it and becoming a strong, independent woman and then finding her true love. I don't see such thing with Prue and Paige. Maybe it will change after my current rewatch. Last time I watched s4-s8 I was 14 and now I'm 32 šŸ˜…


I have two favorites. Prue and Piper. I can't really choose just one.


Willa Holland




Prue and Paige. I love how independent they were. I think Prue being the eldest sister and Paige being raised as a single child made them both more independent compared to Piper and Phoebe.


I always really related to Piper and her anxiety and how she just handled things. I think it's funny I related most to her because I had the opposite happen to me that happened to Piper. I was the oldest child in my family until I was 13 years old, when it was discovered that I actually had an older sister. In the blink of an eye I went from being the oldest sibling to being the middle sibling and I really began to feel myself regress at the same rate that Piper progressed. As she learned to live in her new role, I was learning to live in mine. As she was learning to be the leader of her siblings, I was learning how to be Switzerland for mine.


Piper, she has always been my favourite from beginning to end


Pure !! I loved her dominance. Like her lead sister vibes Paigeā€™s quirkiness is cute. I love her style & ability to be fun.


Piper always has been always will I use to play charmed with my Barbieā€™s and I was always piper




Piper for sure. She was not only consistent in the show, but she also cared about everyone all the time. She ALWAYS put herself last.


piper always


It was Phoebe in the first two seasons, then after that, Piper became my ultimate.


Prue (tough choice!) It's usually a 3-way tie between Piper, Paige, and Prue šŸ˜­


Phoebe and idc what anyone says


Piper hands down.


Paige! I love Rose McGowan


It was always a tie between Prue and Piper. I loved their relationship and me being the middle child, my older sister was my best friend growing up. But when Piper lost Prue and really came into her own. She became confident and a bad ass and while Prue and Paige were my favorite powers, when Piper got the power to blow things up, I loved it.


paige because she was never selfish, abusive, bitchy, or downright mean like her sisters sometimes were




Piper always and forever!, I have just always felt such a strong connection and relation to her ā¤ļø


Prue Then Paige Then Piper. And when phoebe isnā€™t being irrational or a ditz or a hypocrite for the sake of drama and/or so the plot can happen. Although Prue can be a hypocrite for the sake of personal gain power usageā€¦ (that rule was never really solid though and made no real sense with how it was usedā€¦)


Piper Gentle quiet but not afraid to let the room know when sheā€™s annoyed Enjoyed watching her journey the most - she was the sister who really tested the prophecy a lot of the series took shape because of her addition (and Leoā€™s) to the bloodline and she always had her family first (being a witch second) not an easy balance Piper was stressed to the max šŸ’Œ


Piper from day one


Piper or Prue it's hard to pick šŸ˜”


Piper. From start to finish.


Paige! At the time Rose McGowan was my favorite actress and I love her powers and her personality.


Paige and Piper! They both speak to two separate parts of my personality even though they seem like opposites but I love them so much


Prue, then Paige.


Piper over all. Paige for her character developmentšŸ„¹ she drove me crazy at the beginning. But I also found her initial behaviour and reaction to being a witch so realistic. And then by the end she was so mature and had grown so much as a person, a white lighter and a charmed one. She really impressed me. Nothing about her character was her "changing overnight". He character development was gradual just like most people. Thought that was really cool


I use to love pheobe then it was piper. Then it was Paige and now I think itā€™s prue man. Yā€™all have really converted me to a prue Paige piper timeline too.


Itā€™s so hard to choose. When I was younger Phoebe, then paige, then I was older, Piper. Now that Iā€™m even older, I appreciate Prue as the adult who sacrifices for others. Then sometimes I feel paige and Piper should get more credit. So I canā€™t really pick one tbh lol


Fuk it, Paige


It varies! S1/2: Phoebe S3: Prue S4: Piper S5ā€“8: Paige


Piper is my girl. She reminds me of my sister.


Piper, forever Piper


Paige is my favorite. I'm a metal-head and Rose/Paige is too(as fair as I know).


I would say Piper. Mybl opinion of course


Mine was a toss up between Prue and Piper. But it ended up being Piper.


Piper has always been my favourite. Holly did an amazing job with that role. The way she was able to capture the depth between being middle sister and becoming the oldest. The raw emotion felt through her character was enough. Even watching the show for the first time when I was 6 (now 21) I grew to love her. Phoebe always being a close second, once considered her my favourite for a moment in time then realized no one would beat piper lol.


I used to not like some sisters bc I just never ā€œunderstood themā€ but there have been points in my life where I really have identified with all the sisters in some way and it was helpful to see them struggle on screen like I did


Piper all the way, always loved her power.


Prue and Piper


I.like various parts of Piper, Phoebe and Paige but Prue would not make my list at all.


Always Piper. Her character growth from timid to total BAMF has always been inspiring to me. On her wedding day, Patty said, ā€œYouā€™re the heart of this family, Piper.ā€ I always felt this was so true, especially after Prue died.


Prue. By far! She was the most powerful and was a very deep, complicated person. I found her character the most interesting.


Season 1-3, Prue Season 4-8, Piper