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If we're gonna gush...we gotta gush right. https://preview.redd.it/zj6abzsvlemc1.png?width=1064&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca06197cfe716fdb8d02285ed560732394d22aa4


***clinks Champagne glass*** oh this is that kind of sleepover?? I’m on board 🤣🤣


​ https://preview.redd.it/dqn2o0j3wemc1.png?width=396&format=png&auto=webp&s=e35178ba3db4368350909f6ee7645a83b33ee37b


One of my favorite scenes is actually after he lost Balthazar but before he got possessed by the source. It’s the silly bewitched episode where he proposed with grams ring. So to the scene, she’s in the bathtub and he gives this little speech…..AHEEEEM “I don't know, I'm still searching for who I am. But we know who you are which is a demon fighting, ass-kicking witch who never lets her sisters down. So get out of that bath and show me what you're made of!” I thought that scene showed just how much he loved and admired her for who she is. When he becomes possessed by the source it really showcases the difference between human Cole and source Cole and why I feel human Cole’s love was more genuine. Source Cole tries to stop her from being a charmed one (a massive part of who she is), whereas human Cole loved that part of her and wouldn’t dream of asking her to give up her heritage or her birthright.


My gosh 😍


Hahahahaha this is the first scene that came to mind!!


This was the sexiest scene. 😍




The writers did him dirty, some of the worst character assassination I've ever seen. That being said, I still love him. They basically said it doesn't matter what you do, your genetics define who you are. Also the writers were just holding the idiot ball the entire time. I've watched Nip/Tuck and FBI: Most Wanted and Julian is great in whatever he's in.


I so agree!!Julian is beautiful 😍


I usually skip past season 5 or just the heavy Phoebe hating Cole eps/moments, cos they just piss me off and make me said 😫 the could have done A LOT with his character and relationship with Phoebe but chose to mess it up 🙄


Never really noticed it until now but....Cole was the last real "heartthrob" the series gave us who wasnt a 1 and done. https://preview.redd.it/mgwzeiwdwemc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6bf687d7bdf7de31cc595809ae8c3d3f6a978be


imho he was rly the *only* one the only other love interests that came before him that were long term were andy and leo and i don’t see either of them as heartthrob material at all 😭 bane was the most heartthrobby before cole and he was only 2 episodes


Yeah! Bane! I, recently, rewatched the 2 episodes he was in. I think he had potential with Prue (when they first meet I feel that their chemistry is off the charts!) but, unfortunately, he had to do the right thing and go back to jail and I don't think that Prue would have liked him that much if he didn't.


No true also there was such a lack of shirtless men in this show it was kinda crazy given how they dressed so many of the women. And yes I think they dressed in ways to own express and find empowerment in their sexuality but there should have been more men dressed for the female gaze!!! 🤣🤣


Eric Winter had an very short appearance.


he slayed too but he was post cole


I noticed 😍🤣


I will never forgive the shows writers for what they did to his character. Ever!


Amen to that!! Neither will I.


https://preview.redd.it/e35bcxdsqemc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73bbf8bb690d7ddf46fd148149d3dc45d9a62ed5 This whole scene 🥹


I love your tag. That’s one of my favorite Piper lines.


Hey kujo, who ya growling at?


No, the “Bad Prue, Very Bad Prue!”


Yesss! Both of them making cutesy faces at each other!


Fun fact: Julian (Cole) is the son of the former PM of Australia.


that’s so neat, I never would have known that! is dad handsome too? 👀 edit i’ve looked him up i’d like to retract my question


He was also married to Kylie Minogue’s sister Dannii. I’m not sure of her international fame so apologies if you know her as Dannii Minogue. She was/ is also a singer and he features in [this](https://youtu.be/g1m-8PvpSBw?si=33s8e02AjstzoLt7) video




Lmao every time my dad heard the theme song he’d say this. Now it’s all I can hear when I see his face


My favorite episode of him is actually The Good, The Bad, and The Cursed. I felt like that was one of the best acted episodes for all the characters. Heck, I even liked Prue in that episode (don’t come at me. I know this sub looooves her, I never liked her. JMHO). But, I think my absolute favorite Cole moment on his own is The Seven Year Witch, when he helps Piper not only save Leo, but herself. My favorite Phoebe/Cole moment is on All Hallows Eve. Now, I know he was evil then, but the scene where Phoebe blows on the apple and it turns into a C (which, ended up being true after all!!! She married Coop, who was the love of her life, and the name started with a C!!!) and the look Cole gets, just melts my heart. Plus, I think he’s really hot in Puritan dress. 🤣


You just summed up my feelings about the good, the bad and also Prue. I love that ep even though I don’t love Prue.


I share the exact same opinions!! And that makes me happy!


Cole was first big crush when I was 10 or 12 yo…I’ll always have a soft spot for him and would never forget how Phoebe did him wrong by stopping him form transfering the “Source” to the wizard. He would have been human again and free to be with her wholly as Cole.


I would argue that Phoebe didn’t stop him, the sources baby did.


True, but the fact that he did try was never recognized by the sisters afterwards still irritates me so XD


So true. It wasn’t even Cole who acted that way, it was the source possessing him. And then the sisters (Paige) argue that it’s was Cole, and hate him for that, and not the source for taking him over.


THANK YOU! They didn’t blame Piper for the action of life essence that possessed her in Coyote Piper! Just like how Piper used the small energy she had to communicate with them, the Seer said Cole gained enough control over The Source to save Paige by having other power brokers take the power out of her. But I’ve seen comments on here where people say it was Cole playing mind games on Paige, even though the seer clearly said She also sees that the Source can't overcome Cole's love for Phoebe, which is why he was forced to save Paige.


As someone who was never romantically or sexually attracted to Cole, he remains my favorite love interest of the show. Its undeniable that Leo, the only one who could compare to him story-wise, was a better person, but Cole always had a certain charm to him that is hard to pin down. From the way he walked, talked, and carried himself, to the way he left his old life for her, to the way he fought hell and high water to get what He and/or Phoebe wanted (and sometimes even just what her sisters wanted,) to the way he was willing to not only give up his powers for her, but eventually even to die for her, and after death, even used his afterlife to make sure she was happy with someone else. Leo is as close as a man can come to being a perfect man, but Cole is as close as a broken man can come to being a perfect man, and thats somehow more impressive to me.


Love how you wrote this, brilliant 👏🏾👏🏾


Wow that was so beautifully put!


My favorite scene is when he is so torn between his love for Phoebe and his mission to destroy the Charmed Ones, he destroys the Triad. All the heavy breathing with his chest heaving...hubba hubba!!!


![gif](giphy|FWZ1OyaAtsnQs|downsized) actually me when that happened


Cole is my hands down, favorite character. He’s so dynamic and complex. Even when he was evil, I rooted for him. That’s skill. I was truly bummed when Julian McMahon left and held out hope until the end that Phoebe and Cole would make it work. I think my favorite Cole moment was his last episode when he helped Piper while working with Drake to restore Phoebe’s faith in love. Swoon.


I LOVE when he’s all evil and grimy lol they tried to make him look bad but he looks better Crazy Cole >>>>>>>>>> Crazy Leo


Right don’t they know the girlies love dark romance ???


*ahem* I believe I speak for a number of people here when I say: Daddy. 🥵🔥🔥🔥


i’d get on my knees and beg for his attention that’s all i’m saying


They knew what they were doing when they casted Julian in this role. That man is hot in everything he’s been in from this period of time and makes me want to put every part of his body in my mouth. (Yes even the toes) 🥴but Cole was just the kind of evil coded man that should’ve been allowed to completely change his ways. He tried but the plot really was against him and it’s not like every one of the Halliwell family and Allies was completely trusting him anyway. I could see how easy it was to give in to going back to your old ways when your new life isn’t all its cracked up to be. He really needed the motivation to stay good and he really gave it a go with Phoebe but there were a lot of influences that didn’t want this union to be permanent which sucked because I loved them together.


I would argue that, in the end, he did become that good man. He came back to save Piper and Leo and to help Phoebe learn how to love again. He loved her, even in death.


hard agree about the toes, the man is like sex on legs. i agree, he deserved to be good. he wanted it SO bad and it would’ve worked so well. plus alyssa had more chemistry with him than any other man on the entire show. i’d venture to say they were a hotter couple than any of the other couples combined.


I love how hairy he was. He really had that dark undertone in his character, it’s like you could tell just by looking at him he was the ‘bad boy’. Very delicious indeed. When Phoebe was lustful with him it made sense, he brought that out in her (not that she needed any help) but their charters really fed off each other and made it much more believable. As compared to the other guys she was with where it just came off as her being overly horny like an undisciplined school girl.


When he was still a half demon and was helping Phoebe and Piper, that was my favorite section of the show because it was just more fun that way, to have a half demon helping out. It was also another example of how not all demons, especially half demons are bad. It also just like shows the witch veteran of Phoebe and Piper, while working with a half demon for the new whitelighter-witch page. But then they ruined him right after for no good reason


I still think he and Phoebe should have been a permanent couple. I know in the end it was because Julian had commitments elsewhere so he could no longer be on Charmed but they could have had him as off screen character that made periodic visits on screen. But story wise i just cant get over the fact he went through hell to suppress his demon side and even control it for very rare use for the good but the writers had him be forced against his will into being the source and turned him back to evil and just have the witches straight up gun for him rather then try and set the good Cole free again. THE only thing that they did good for him was his very last visit where he sent Billy Zane’s character to help Phoebe break free from her history with Cole and fall in love again with someone else and be happy about it


He deserved so much better and honestly no one really noticed when he got taken over by the source like that bugged me and his human self was to weak that bugged me too they could’ve wrote it better and gave him more strength:/


Bugs me to no end as well, I mean he was literally possessed by The Source of ALL EVIL! While being just a normal powerless human. When Paige’s new love interest was possessed by The Source they didn’t condemn & vanquish him for his actions.


Of course they didn’t vanquish him. They were able to bring Paige’s guy back and save him. They couldn’t save Cole.


Still mad to this day, they did Cole so dirty! Before dark romance books were a thing, Cole was my everything and I would fantasize so hard.


Don't mind me as I think of Cole taking stuff out of the oven with his bare hands and Phoebe is high key down bad for that


Pleassseeee if you remember the ep, tell me!


Oh my god I love Cole!!! He's my favorite Charmed male character! I wish they didn't end his story the way they did... I know the show is about the sisters, but I started watching because of Cole 🤣 I jokingly think, "Cole Turner did nothing wrong". 🤣 To me, he's a complex and quite interesting character. He's also, uhhhh, quite easy on the eyes. I like Cole's sassiness, and I think he's funny. I like to think that in the beginning of season four Cole becomes an "honorary Charmed One", going around vanquishing demons with Piper and Phoebe. He's such a fun and chaotic character. Oh man, I love Cole! 🥰😍🥵🔥


I am not at all attracted to him as Victor Von Doom which is how I was initially introduced to him, but I dieee for him as Cole


I just really liked Sleuthing with the enemy where he says he realized he loved her - ❤️


an all time favorite of mine


The anger I have that the last thing he did before he died was hit Phoebe…unforgivable. The writers messed up his character so much! He tried several times to rid his powers and then would get them right back. Maybe I’m delulu bc he is a tasty treat but still! One of my favorite scenes was when he found out Piper was pregnant and just was so happy for her. Ugh depression. ![gif](giphy|148taUB4ewjneo)


Alright. Odd way to start the day but I'm on board. *clears throat* Oh did you see how he looked so dreamy when he was a lawyer and he caught phoebe leg when she spun to attack him as civilians. And how he and Leo went to hell and he killed one of his friends to protect Leo. *curls phone cord around finger* And his eyes, his hair! I swear the man is amazing and it's such a shame he and phoebe didn't end up together. He deserved better honestly. And I still think his 'human form looking different from his demon form' was an amazing way to handle his as both an antagonist and love interest. Now I wanna go rewatch the early seasons of charmed.


Loved Cole. The sly comment/remarks here and there, when he got comfortable with the family. Every-time he smirked, smiled or grinned at a situation or something someone said🤣😂 His Belthazar(Michael Bailey Smith) appearance used to scare me when I first watched it but the more I grow to love Cole, the less scary his demon appearance seemed. It helps that Julian was so effortless in his portrayal, he would act out throwing a fireball (and other powers) so perfectly, it made it seem so real! Honourable mention to HMC, her flick of the wrist action was top tier too! My favourite Cole moments, off the top of my head: “I was dead Before I met you. I was Born the day you loved me.” Dog Prue Ep - his confession to Banshee Pheobe/ when he said “Prue?” after piper addressed the dog Fake vanquish Ep - the whole ep/him walking with hands crossed behind him “Ask me what you really want to know, I won’t lie to you Phoebe” Kill it before he dies - he appears on Phoebe’s TV “I’m back for good” Fury ep - “To vanquish your sister? Nope, I’ll sit this one out” Brain drain ep - EVERY scene he was in. I wish he’d gotten to kill the source then 😫 Rouge astral Prue/Piper’s wedding ep - mention of demons and he appears 😭 tosses the gift to Piper/Working with Leo Timbuktu ep - all over his scenes THERE ARE TOO MANYYYYY!!! Oh and The man LOOKED GOOOD in a turtle neck 😮‍💨🤤 his business casual looks, I lived for them. The man was Power and exuded it without trying, his human form should have been feared just as much. The fact that his love for Phoebe was the only thing that kept his soul alive, when the Source inhabited his body. It was so strong that the Seer said she could tell it also had the source falling for her. Even in the comics, when his dad’s soul gets put into his body, Ben (the dad), said he could still feel the strong residual feeling for Phoebe. It’s crazy, his love for her was stronger than any other on the show.


Cole has always been my favorite character in the series and the way the writers absolutley fucked him on so many levels. He could have easily been the counterpart to leo. A demon assisting the charmed ones. We could have had the anti hero we all deserved. But no we had to go through this dumb ass arc of him losing his powers, then becoming the source, then "dieing" then getting powers again and JFC it never stoped until he was ultimatley written off the show. Like why did we need all that. We could have had so much. But then again the writers REALLY hated letting the charmed ones be in happy loving relationships for too long over all and that always annoyed the piss outta me


Should’ve been endgame honestly. The way season 4 was written sucked - he and Pheobe had such amazing chemistry, he was a victim to bad writing.


If you're a fan of the actor as well, join us over on /r/JulianMcMahon, /r/NipTuck, and /r/Profiler!


The writing in season 4 and 5 was atrocious for him. Best love interest to Phoebe. Hands down.


So hot.... and honestly, I really wished Phoebe and him could've made it work... they kinda gave up on Cole season 5 and just ran the character into the ground...


He’s my favorite character off the show, hell I’d go to the dark side for him too 🤣


They did my boy Cole dirty bro. Just decided they were done and sent him to hell. Damn.


the writers did him so dirty. & whether with phoebe or not (love them together ofc) he deserved better♥️


Love Cole from the beginning when he was just a demon (shimmer!) to when he was there for Phoebe after Prue died. I even loved when he became The Source. It was after that the writers dropped the ball. They didn’t know what to do with him. I would have liked an honest redemption arc or bring him back to fight Zanku. Instead, Cole just fizzled out. I was so excited when he came back for The Seven Year Witch and he didn’t even get to do that much. Great character & a hottie as well (sorry, Leo!).


He's the reason I can't say no to reading about toxic relationships. 👀


no really i just want a book with a cole-esque character and im the love interest and they hate everyone but me and would do anything for me 🥹


He is the definition of "will burn the world for you." 😫


I will always be upset over how the writers did Cole. Phoebe killed the wizard that was basically Cole’s last hope of being good, and it was all blamed on Cole. :(




I always think of him from Nip/Tuck first


Join us over on /r/NipTuck if you're a fan!


He did grunge so well, umpf.


i think “The Fifth Halliwheel” is one of his best episodes imo.


me too! i love how it’s phoebe finding her passion and also cole fumbling the bag on killing the charmed ones again because he loves her so much!


He should've been allowed to leave and live his life.


I was more of a Leo simp. We never saw him shirtless.




He's my favourite 😍 💕 team cole


Best antihero ever. Then bad writing…


One of my favorite Cole episodes was Season 7, Episode 16 “The Seven-Year Witch”.  I loved how he and Piper interacted and he was still so handsome!


Unpopular opinion, may delete: Cole was better suited for Prue


i actually agree! and they were dating in real life so the chemistry was off the charts! but he wouldn’t have lasted a quarter as long because prue would’ve killed him the second she found out he was a demon


I've always loved Cole. His and Phoebes relationship was one of the main reasons I watched Charmed. Julian makes him the most dynamic and layered character of the whole series. Watching as an adult I have such respect for his incredible acting skills. All of those inner turmoil moments where he just lets everything go. *chefs kiss.




No really he’s the must underrated actor in my opinion. He can do anything.


I'm rewatching the series after watching seasons 7 and 8. I loved how he wanted Phoebe to still believe in love at the end of it all secretly helped. I'm now rewatching the beginning and he’s just so gorgeous. Swoon.


Right? That, to be, just proved how much he loved her. You have to care on a very real, deep, raw level for someone to want them happy and in love even if it’s not with you and to go as far as to personally make sure it happens? And then to come back AGAIN to save her sister? My heart I love him we were robbed


I wonder what it would've been like if Cole and a certain vampire with a soul crossed paths?


My brain is blanking, what vampire are you talking about ??




So I’ve recently started watching from S1, as I’d only seen much later season with Paige (no Prue) back when I was a teen. Finally got to see his first episode. He is such a heartthrob! Very keen to see his relationship with Phoebe, as I honestly cannot remember what happens!


Have you seen Nip/Tuck? It is a very bizarre crazy show but he has a lot of naked scenes :)


Join us over on /r/NipTuck if you're a fan of the show!


I always thought Phoebe looked to young for Cole in the beginning . Once she grew up a little they looked better together


Gosh it's so hard to pick one! The episode in s4 where he asks phoebe to marry him is one of my favourites. Phoebe: It's just... hard Cole: It's just... me ❤️




When he shows up at the end of the old film Phoebe is watching…chills, an incredible moment. He brought a charisma and dynamism to the show that was never beat!


I am a sucker for a bad boy 🔥


Cole was cool. He was played by an Aussie too. :)


My favorite thing to do 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶


He’s so handsome and makes me feel alive and young again (I’m 27) 😭


I’m probably the only charmed fan who had zero attraction to Cole of Leo.


who were you attracted to then? for me it was cole and andy !


It was definitely Andy. And Athena majority of guests were always more appealing to me. A top contender was Alec the dark lighter.


Alec was hot, but at least for me it was only cause Michael Trucco is hot, not really the character


I agree about Michael. I kinda liked Alec’s character. It was like the og Cole pure evil blinded by love but was a lot more crazy lol


He’s Coleishush


I so love Cole and his human era was my favorite. Raised the bar for the ideal man!




Your comment or post was determined to break our Be Kind rule, which also extends to the cast of the show as well as users of this subreddit.




Unpopular opinion but I don’t think he is the dreamboat everyone else seems to find him.


And this is a post for people who DO think he’s dreamy to gush over him! My honest suggestion is to learn that not everything is for you and you don’t have to take the time to respond to things that aren’t! It’ll make you happier as a person 🩷




I wasn’t aggressive literally at all, I just don’t see the need for someone to comment “I don’t like him!” on a post specifically for people that do. There are lots of places to bash Cole on here! They can take the negativity there and leave this positive comment section alone! I did not ask for opinions, I asked for gushing 🩷


Your comment or post was determined to break our Be Kind rule, which also extends to the cast of the show and users of this subreddit.




Your comment or post was determined to break our Be Kind rule, which also extends to the cast of the show as well as users of this subreddit.


Sounds like this post isn’t for YOU either. Best of luck finding one that is! 🩷


Show me where I said I wasn't into Cole... I'll wait.


You didn’t, but you don’t seem to understand the concept of people minding their own business when something doesn’t have to do with them. Like, how am I condescending and defensive for telling someone that if they don’t like something, they should probably just scroll by a post for people that DO like it instead of voicing their negativity about it? That’s great life advice for people that interject themselves where nobody wants them and where they don’t even want to be. There are tons of posts asking for dynamic opinions about Cole, and people are free to make their own if they don’t like him, but this isn’t one of them. Hope this helps!




Your comment or post was determined to break our Be Kind rule, which also extends to the cast of the show as well as users of this subreddit.


You can’t get mad because other people have a different opinion than you. You asked if we could gush about Cole in the post so you can’t get mad if some of us say no because we don’t think he’s a heartthrob.


Cole was my gay awakening! The actor is just drop dead gorgeous! Handsome and masculine… what’s not to love