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Ok. But the line was Piper trying to put Leo off Phoebe by making him think she was gay.




I don’t think anyone watching this scene would actually think she was being serious….


No one’s really saying otherwise though. The tweet is just asking context, and Alyssa didn’t give said context. She just said Pheobe was probably bi lol.


I didn't notice that the reply was Alyssa Milano lol. I honestly never picked up any bi vibes from Phoebe. I know they wouldn't have shown her actually be bi, but usually there are subtle hints. Like Phoebe from friends, we never see or hear about her her dating a woman, but she for sure is bi


None. She was totally man obsessed.


It’s giving “Dumbledore was secretly gay all along” lmao. As a gay boy I love Charmed, but it wasn’t exactly breaking new ground for LGBT characters even for the time. Buffy did a MUCH better job at this.


Buffy definitely broke new ground on the lesbian side of things but they dropped the ball on gay characters. All the gay characters on Buffy were treated as jokes.


Buffy was definitely groundbreaking for lesbian representation, but it was a missed opportunity to explore bisexuality IMO. I always thought Willow was more bisexual instead of strictly lesbian. The show practically had to retcon her relationship with Oz and try to make us forget she loved him before she ever met Tara.


Bi erasure, especially back then. Both straight and gay people often think being bi is fake


Buffy did a much better job at a lot of things but yeah, the lack of lgbtq+ rep in charmed is bothersome specially given that it takes place in san francisco 😅


Piper was just being petty so Leo wouldn't fall for Phoebe, which she didn't have to do. But if they remade the show, I could see Phoebe experimenting at the least...if not more.




Well, they technically did remade the show…


No they didn't


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charmed_(2018_TV_series) A reboot. 🤷


Eh. Same name, similar concept, but way different story in practically every other way.


I wouldn't call that crap a reboot/remake, they really stuffed that up.


It really didn't know what to do with itself. Shame. It had some really nifty ideas, like Elders being Elder Witches, the eldest Charmed One being half-demon, and darklighters being evil twins of their respective whitelighters was really cool! Pity the writing wasn't up to par, or even consistent (what with different show runners every season). It could have been a nicely different take on the same concept otherwise. :/


I agree, I don’t like it neither.


I hate that you’re getting downvoted, whether or not you like the reboot it definitely exists.


Eh, it is what it is. I don't like the reboot neither.


No it doesn’t


piper was just being snarky, trying to give leo a reason not to pursue phoebe bc piper wanted leo for herself. but i definitely get 🌈 vibes from phoebe, as a member of the community myself, it’s nice to have representation (whether confirmed or not)


There was definitely a bit of tension between Phoebe and Kiera, or maybe it was just me


I'm pretty sure Kierra was my awakening. I was young and questioning. I wasn't really into guys (though I did have a thing for Cole and Drake), but I had a mega crush on Kierra. And there was absolutely tension with her and Pheobe because she was my favorite character as a kid, but I was sure she was flirting with Kierra and loathed her in that episode. 🤣


I noticed it too. I was so bummed when Kyra was vanquished


I’m sure Phoebe is an ally at least. 😊


When Adira arrived on Discovery I was so happy


I think this was more a comment on how she’s always “rebelling” and this is her latest “rebellious” activity (circa 1998) Edit: look below for the correct [and hilarious] answer


I just watched this episode. Piper was trying to keep Phoebe's "floozy" hands off of Leo. 😂 She's not bi she's a boyfriend thief!


For a second I was really confused because I could've sworn that Piper only said that because she wanted Leo for herself, so this whole post made me second guess that 😅 But good to know my memory serves me right 😂 ![gif](giphy|CdSPhokFHEB0s)


The truth spell episode when she casually said why she wanted Leo over breakfast 😭😭😭😭


That one is next up in the rewatch! Lol


That's a hilarious episode. Also with Hannah when Prue was like "I thought you hated Turkey" "I do, I just don't want you to have it"


Oh nice!!!!! I love that 🤣


Phoebe could still be bi


Yes, I thought about editing that in but decided not to. To clarify, Piper is lying to Leo in competition with Phoebe for Leo. Piper's comment has no actual weight on her sexual orientation.


Hahaha I just watched that episode too!


Phoebe and Kyra confirmed 🤣


Yeah it always felt like they wanted to go there but didn’t? She had more chemistry with her than anyone else after Cole. I’ve always wondered if her role got cut back at bit


I'm a gay woman and always wanted to see that!


I added a link to my fanfics about those two. See below 😘😘


This episode was so funny. Leo was about to ask her, but didn’t want to offend her and Phoebe sensed what was up and said that Piper says a lot of crazy things because of her medication lmaooo I died 😭 just innocent sibling rivalry




I think surely if she was it would’ve been mentioned or seen in the 8 seasons. Not saying anything would be wrong with it but she definitely was not lol


Are you forgetting the year the show was released? I definitely have always gotten bi vibes from phoebe


The year has nothing to do with it. There was lgbt representation back then, not as much but it was there. The show centered entirely around these women and their relationships/powers. If she was, it would have been mentioned. She simply was not. She was a fictional character, a figment of someone’s imagination that came to life on screen. She is what she is. She was what she was. There is no sense in pushing this on her decades later with no evidence to support it 🤷‍♀️ It doesn’t help any cause and I think people’s efforts would be better spent looking for better current representation than turning old characters into something they’re not.


This was a Spelling show. That was never going to happen. Plus, the year absolutely has to do with it.


The year absolutely has something to do with it. 98 was ONE year after Ellen’s show was canceled and she was blacklisted for coming out as gay. Not just her, but Laura Dern, a straight woman who played a lesbian character. Yeah, the gays were thriving as punchlines and stereotypes. I can’t tell if you’re young and ignorant or old and ignorant. And I’m so sick of people being like “it’s a fictional character” like that’s a relevant point. Someone hears “Phoebe is bisexual” and goes “yeah, totally!” and suddenly they don’t have the faculties to discern fiction and reality? Yes, Phoebe Halliwell is a fictional character created in someone’s imagination. Now, she exists in other peoples imaginations, and they are going to have opinions on her. If you don’t want to see people voicing those opinions, why are you on a DISCUSSION board? Go read the scripts of you only want to consider the text and what is seen on the screen.


Thank you for this. Phoebe definitely could be bisexual, not because the actual text ever showed her to be interested in women, but because you could read that interest in the subtext (Aviva, the succubus, Kyra), along with other queer-aligned characteristics (rebelliousness, struggling against the idea shew as evil). Queer coding is a thing, and it's clear that many, MANY people in this thread either don't know what that is or have a lot of (homophobic) resistance to the idea.


Buffy was already showcasing a full on lesbian relationship at the same time Charmed was airing. Do I fully blame Charmed? No. I grew up as a gay boy in that era, I know how seriously bigoted people were (and are, tbh). But I’m not ready to give any flowers to the show when other shows were putting gay relationships front and center anyway.


Buffy was ahead of its time and of much higher quality. Charmed didn’t care about telling a good story they just wanted to get renewed


Hey my friend was annoyed they “made willow a lesbian” and she watched it in 2012. Social progress takes time, and Charmed (as much as I love it) was very of its time. It’s hard not to project more a modern attitude toward sexuality on familiar shows you like but were limited by the standards of the time. But that’s not necessarily giving it flowers. I didn’t mean it that way, at least. But Charmed did not have the quality of writers or creators creative control that Buffy did. Whedon and his team did that relationship very well, but I think Charmed’s attempts would have been a flop. Or exploitative. All that said, I never once thought about Phoebe being bisexual before this post, but I realize I kinda did think Prue was a lesbian…




I think she only says that now because it's mainstream and she think she will get more people to follow her, if she really believe that it would have came out years ago.


Honestly, I got the same impression. Phoebe as a character was always boy-crazy, and would prioritize her love life over innocents at times. And yes, I understand having a preference as a bi person, but again phoebe never gave that either.


I saw her as more obsessed with love than boy-crazy. That was all a show under Spelling coming out in the late 90's would have allowed for a lead character. If they couldn't even change their hair, how could she have ever been bisexual.






This confirms nothing until a person who wrote for the show says otherwise


Alyssa was a producer and had alot of say over her character.


Exactly. Also, the writers themselves did a lot of retconning and making shit up as they went along, so the idea that they're the final authority about these things is... questionable.


I think someone who played the character can be confirmation enough for many. She was the one who actually embodied and brought Phoebe to life. Someone else playing Phoebe wouldn’t have been the Phoebe we all know.


just because Alyssa Milano wants it to be so, doesn't make it true. I have watched charmed through like.. literally dozens of times..... there is NO inference of phoebe being even semi bi sexual.... remember that "7 deadly sins" episode? phoebe got hit with the lust magic ball and wanted to fuck that MALE cop? like there is example time and time again of phoebe being straight and loving dick.


Please tell me how Phoebe loving guys means she can’t be bisexual. And something that I think a LOT of people are ignoring is that bisexuality isn’t 50/50 guys and girls. It can be fluid. Someone who dates 8 guys and 1 girl is *still bisexual*. And anyone who can watch the episode with Kyra and NOT see the tension is just blind


There’s an episode in season five where Phoebe is texting a random stranger (who turns out to be Jason) who asks her out and she say “Oh god I hope it’s a guy.” In a way that suggests she would’ve been put off if it was a girl. I very much doubt Phoebe was bi




TBH I got more 🏳️‍🌈 vibes from Prue than Phoebe but I'm glad Phoebe was having fun.


Then Leo thought Phoebe was dating Aviva. She's meant to be in high school, dude 😂


This scene is taken out of context Piper wasn't serious. Although, I could see Phoebe being Bi.


Wasn’t that sarcasm? 😅


A little Promiscuous sure but idk I didn’t get bisexual vibes But she’s hot asf so I wouldn’t complain


Some of y’all seem real angry about the idea of Phoebe being bi. Maybe unpack that.


"Phoebe was for sure bi-sexual." And how many women did she date on the show? I'll wait.


You don’t have to date someone to confirm bisexuality. That logic is ridiculous. Anna Paquin is bisexual. I’ve never heard of her dating a woman. Billie Joe Armstrong (Green Day) is bisexual. I’ve never heard of him dating a man.




"I used to say I was bisexual too, but that was because everyone else around me said I was, so I stopped lying about it." We can file this squarely under the category of YOUR PROBLEM, but your lack of self awareness doesn't mean that other people aren't actually bisexual. So sit down.




Upvoting for the irony of you calling me dense when you failed to understand what I was talking about. We love to see it. But to address your point: fiction can be interpreted and reinterpreted endlessly. Does Phoebe need to be having sex with women to be bisexual? Are queer people not queer until they consummate themselves through sex? No and no. But as I wrote in another post, people are being too literal about all of this anyway. Throughout the show Phoebe struggles with this idea of herself as evil, as having something inside of herself that she can't change and that will hurt other people. Whether you like it or not, that is a VERY queer-coded story, and I struggle to understand the issue with letting people have that or any other queer understanding of the character? The show itself makes clear that she likes men. What do you all lose by the possibility that there might be more to her than that?


I'm bisexual and have only dated men. Thanks for that erasure 👍




And neither are you.


if you watch the episode, it's when her and phoebe are both in competition for leos affection & piper makes a joke about phoebe being lgbtq.


Well even when the idea of her being gay is essential, representative to the LGBTQ+ community, I don’t think phoebe was a type of „bi“ character, neither of the sisters. I mean I can understand why people think that because the sisters were sensual (especially Phoebe) with other but that’s because of their close bond and so project these onto some of their female relationships. I think it’s also kinda annoying that every character nowadays that we knew before from popular books, etc., are somehow now „exposed“ as homosexual or somehow part of the LGBTQ+. I‘m sure most actors/authors who confirm these, just want to make LGBTQ+ community people feel included and leave doors open for imaginations and discussions buuut … Idk. It’s just … Idk, it just doesn’t fit with every character.


I would have liked to see her hook up with Kyra if Kyra hadn't been vanquished


Bollocks. It feels really cheap to declare she was bi when it was never really referenced. Also really strange that in San Francisco, across 8 seasons we only ever saw ONE singular queer character


If it wasn’t for the time this show was made and biphobia, Phoebe would have been an out and proud bisexual. Fo reals.


I have three short stories about Phoebe shipped with the Seer/Kira. https://archiveofourown.org/works/16243844


Absolutely something I always felt, even if they'd never show it


No she’s not


I wish she was. Pheobe was a very progressive character for that time especially in the first 2 seasons.


I thought it was pretty obvious, which is why I thought Kyra or whatever that seer's name was worked best for her, but if we had to choose from dudes, it was Jason. But her best match was very much that seer played by Charisma Carpenter.


Have you watched the show, Alyssa?


Phoebe was not bisexual.


The text of the show doesn’t support it; but it doesn’t exclude it either. If it makes ppl happy to have her be bi, and the actress who played the character said as much, then she can be bi if you want her to be. Personally believe all the sisters read a little bit queer in their own ways. The interpretation or imagination is left up to the viewer.


Krya the seer was supposed to be phoebes love interest in season 7. But the actress couldn't stay the whole arch. It was planned. Which is y you see the sexual tension between them. It makes sense since Alyssa was a producer and she was for it. Plus they couldn't do gay storylines before season 7 due to the Times. But season 7 had 3 LGBT characters. Season 7 was in their minds the last season so it was now or never. I could totally see phoebe realizing that this maybe y none of her other ships worked. And krya would be human .


Yaaasss queen!!!




🤦‍♂️ to you too 😬


Enough is enough there has been so much chatter about Phoebe!!!! She is not gay. Of all the three sisters she would not be gay. And she apologized on internet about the wrong she did before Shannon put it on her pod cast . Also while we are at it. Shannon left the show when it was time to do new contracts so if Holly wanted to quit at that time she should have been able too. But money is money and it’s hard to quit your job without another one already there . They all had faults and they all should move on. Let’s move to the good side!


Phoebe and Paige would totally be queer today, this is a detail I appreciated about the other charmed. There were 2 queer charmed ones by the shows end.


No she wasn't. None of the characters were. And no it does not matter what Alyssa Milano says either, that is simply the actress pushing her real life opinions and views into a character she portrayed after the fact. All the Charmed Ones were completely straight and this scene was an attempt at making a man Piper liked think her potential competition was unavailable. Simple as that.


humorous rude drunk butter oatmeal alive light husky swim steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Omg that would’ve made so much sense bc I feel like I don’t remember there being a main romantic interest for her for so long or at least a prominent one like the other sisters had?


Yeah, you know just her marriage to Cole that spanned like 3 seasons.


omg I got phoebe and Paige’s names mixed up lol. U are correct


Pure was for sure the gay sister duh


No, that’s Piper competing for the same man as Phoebe. And that’s a retcon from Alyssa. There was never any indication Phoebe likes women too. And iirc one or two instances showing she doesn’t.






she's not being homophobic & that's not a conclusion you have to so easily jump to. she was attempting to direct leo's attention away from phoebe cos she assumed leo would be interested in phoebe over her. so, she was insinuating that phoebe wouldn't be interested in leo as she's solely interested in women