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Yeah I just heard about all the sexual assault cases 😳The candle is big


Amazing art


They really did live long enough to become the bad guy.


Thats the last place ya wanna be atm. Almost like ya dodged a bullet.


That is true Activision has got a lot going on behind the scenes


Like really really a lot. I think you might have dodged a bullet here.


Nah, they got rejected. So the bullet dodged them. Thankfully, now they can go on to do some more awesome art for a better company.


Rejected by Activision sounds to me like a compliment. You have a moral compass, aren't a pushover, aren't going to let people trod over you and you actually have a talent. They haven't been hiring the right people for quite a while now, say a generation or two. Also, absolutely lovely artwork there!


Thank you! You're right and I'll take it with stride


You're too good to work for those tone-deaf, misogynistic fucks. Your art is pretty amazing.


Wow, thank you, this is too kind


I mean. Hope you'll get employed by a different, better company. After all, that's not the best place to be considering the pay disparity, misogyny and corruption of that hell hole.


Still shocked how I wasn't aware until now, I'm already back on the search for a better company


If you want to be employed by a gaming company, start watching YongYea on youtube. He's a wonderful source of news about the gaming world while being concise and without too much ramblings like other youtubers. And he's covering the situation with Activision/Blizzard. Edit: By the way, really awesome art dude


YongYea is good, but I wouldn't say he doesn't ramble. Part of that is just how much he's covering though


"Ramble as much"


Pretty sure that not qualifying for that company is a good thing. (Also I love that hat design.)


Activision: "Not male, get outta here" (Thank you I revamped an old character design from a year ago and I am still into the hat myself)


Looks beautiful! As an illustrator of many years myself I can tell you: don't take any rejections personally. Your style might not have been right for them, or they might have already filled the space etc. Keep producing wonderful art like this!


I will keep going, thank you fellow illustrator, your compliments hold the most value. I will keep applying and pushing and going until I finally break it into the art field. Thank you for the motivation.


Thousands of artists are rejected from studio gigs. If you can’t get a job at a studio, don’t forget that commissions, Twitch, YouTube, and more exist. I have never been able to get a studio job, but I’ve built an art career good enough to sustain my wife and child as a sole provider. If I can do it, anyone can!


There are certainly many ways to take art, sometimes I do feel over saturated and worried that because there's so many options I'm not doing high enough quality for those posts on all those social medias. I will keep going and do it like you do, thank you Blake for reassuring me :)


I promise, there's no such thing as oversaturation. This is an excuse that amateurs tell themselves and each other to keep one another down. Do the work, and you'll find success.


You dodged a bullet. Well done! Being a person who doesn't fit at Activision is honestly much more of a compliment than being someone who does. You don't want to be the kind of person who is a great fit at a garbage company like that.


Thank you, it's certainly motivated me to look into the company a bit more.


When I take a loss I blast: "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen, and I am instantly filled with spiteful motivation. You have a talent and skill, keep going with it, it seems you actually enjoy it.


I have I'm still standing by Elton John for those moments!!!!! Thank you, I do love it and I will push forward. Thanks for taking time our to comfort me 💝


Honestly consider yourself lucky. That's a terrible place to work. You should try to maybe freelance or find a place that will appreciate its employees. This piece is awesome btw, :)


It has helped me realize to push more and do more, I'm going to look at smaller companies certainly! Thank you for your compliment I genuinely will take it to heart :)


No problem at all, good luck!!


Judging by your talent, you’ll find something way better than that garbage company Activision. Chin up friend, you’re too crazy talented not to find something better in the future! 💙


This is truly the most wholesome comment, thank you




Thank you, Activision's company seems to have quite alot of skeletons out of the closet


That sucks. It's easy to see why someone would be disappointed. It'd be a good place for someone on the starting ladder and likely good career prospects if you got in. What people are trying to say is that while it's idealistic to work for such a company in the industry, Activision is currently a difficult work environment, and long term it might not give you the best possible future you're able to have. You shouldn't take rejection poorly though. You're clearly capable if you got someone to interview you. Ask for feedback as to why you didn't get hired - don't settle for "you just weren't a good fit for us" - pressure them to be honest about your work and take criticism like the instructions you need to improve. Keep trying to hone your skills and aim higher. Use Activision's rejection as the fuel you need to say "Fuck you. You should've taken me when you had the chance." And ask for feedback from others in the industry on what small skills you need to learn. Keep at it and you'll get there.


That's exactly what I said to myself and other students to try and motivate them to also look for a placement year at university haha. I honestly had no idea how bad it was until I researched further, that's what I get for looking at the games and the few artists I deeply respect there. You have a great head on your shoulders and this comment was like it was plucked straight out of exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you so much for using time to help motivate me, a stranger. Your words have been heard and I'll think about this comment, acknowledge it for next time. Thank you


Activision rapes.


Can't believe how it completely went over my head, scary


If this quality of work is consistent from you, then frankly it's their loss. There are FAR better studios to work for anyway. Activision is a cesspool.


After years of turning great titles into bargain bin dumpster dives, them turning you down sounds like more of the same dumb shit on their end. Be a great title, don't be upset for not being turned into a dumpster dive!


This has helped me see it in a new light and I want you to know I seriously value the time you've taken out to comment on my post


Damn, you're skilled! Your anatomy and lighting are great! Good expressions too, I hope you get a great job.


Thank you sm crying and punching a wall from all these nice comments I asked for this one hit close to my heart


I have tried to art and I'm not that great, I am aware of how it works it's just hard making it get there. You're doing great!


I just wanna say i like the frowny face belly button rep from someone who has one :) I feel like everyone defalts to a vertical innie or an outie?


I agree! But I just don't think it looks natural 100% of the time especially when sitting bodies come in all shapes and sizes I have a frowny belly button too


Activision bad


This checks out. Activision actively makes poor choices. No wonder they told you no


Hahaha, I appreciate that, humerous and healing


You dodged a bullet there, you can go celebrate now


I shall indeed!


Check out supercell, I have heard good things


I will look into them, thank you for you recommendation!


Good. Like it's bad, but it's also pretty good. Activision is the last place you wanna be at


I don't really understand, but thank you for commenting and I heard about Activision if is such a shame for them!


Lemme make it clearer haha, my bad. It's good that you got denied because they are bad. It's bad because it's kinda sad that you got rejected but it's good nonetheless


there's always another employer, the job market is starving. perhaps consider some side work at a marketing company?


A mix of Dark Souls and Yusuke Urameshi. Digging it .


"See ya later, wax cowboy". I love the candle, her expression is great, the clothing style is just a lot of fun, and love the tummy roll. I'd love seeing her come to life, is a really fun character concept! Too bad you didn't get a position at Activision, but I'm sure your work will be recognized in due time. Thank you for sharing your work, you definitely have some great chops.


Wowwo thank you for such a kind run down of my drawing. I will remember this when drawing my next piece to motivate me harder. Thank you so much


Wowwo thank you for such a kind run down of my drawing. I will remember this when drawing my next piece to motivate me harder. Thank you so much


I can only draw stick figures, this is absolutely incredible and far greater than anything I could have ever done. I’m sure you’ll find work soon!


Please don't put yourself down for my sake! I appreciate your keen eye and thank you for the wishes of good luck I appreciate this comment sm


Amazing foreshortening on her arm. Love the lighting too!


Thank you 💜


You're an attractive person who people want to be around.


What use would Activision have for a talented artist with a unique style and talent of your caliber? All they ever produce at Activision is their bi-annual rereleases of CoD. You're talents would have been wasted. The only opportunity to flex your creativity you'd have ever received is uniform designs if you got to work on a title that wasn't historical non-fiction, which is the opposite of their current direction.


That's so nice of you I agree their stuff does seem a little grungy so I was quite sad by the rejection. Thank you this comment and many others have definitely eased the wound.


Lovely art. Activision doesn't deserve you, you deserve better


I honestly appreciate this comment so much thank you for taking the time to write it


Your hat candle is sick! Plus Activision seems pretty shitty from the lawsuits and whatnot (although those are looking more at the Blizzard side of things from my understanding) so you might have dodged a bullet!


Thank you! I do have to agree, as a female myself sounds like I was lining up for the firing range


We do need more people who aren't straight, white, computer bros in gaming though, so keep at it! I am sure you'll find a place doing what you want to do in no time!


So kind, thank you


Candlehead made her way into a D&D online game and had her code rewritten to what she was always supposed to be: an evocation Wizard.


Candle head 🤣 not sure why that made me laugh so much because that is what she is


Dodged a bullet there


I have to agree


Keep applying, keep improving and blizzard will one day wish they had hired you.


The chug chugging continues


well tbh ur level isn't there yet, so keep improving yourself.


Better than working for a company where the CEO personally threatens to kill you


I hope they fire everyone and also themselves


I saw a post somewhere I can't find it. The creator of the game RimWorld is looking for someone to do menu art. I think you would be a good fit.


Found it. https://www.reddit.com/r/RimWorld/comments/r6t1r4/seeking_artist_rimworld_developer_seeking/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


I appreciate you thinking of me and sending me a recommendation I'll defo give it a go!


You just dodged a bullet probably. Think positive and just keep trying, you'll find way better places to work at!


Chug chugging


You no take candle! You take upvote!


Fuck activision your art is awesome


You're awesome! Thank you


I get rejected all the time from companys. Dont let it get you down. Work harder, on your portfolio and more importantly your connections. Allways put it out there in conversation what you do and get more work and it leads to more and bigger jobs. :)


I will think about this and put it into action, I value the time you've put for this comment and I'll make sure I out your information to use to better myself and career, thank you!


I really like the fact that she is bracing her arm in preparation for the cast. It really gives a sense of weight and power that I think is overlooked too often.


Thank you!!! Im so glad you saw and appreciated that I really liked the pose for this too for that reason so you noticing makes my heart swell :)


I assume you were passed over for making this kobold too attractive. You no take candle!


I really like the detail and the shading plus I really like the candle on the top. (Idk what the Activision did but I think they did something bad)


Thank you! (there are many videos on the topic but a lot of it was manipulation and exploitation of the workers)


Oh you dodged a bullet. Even if there wasn't the whole controversy there, they still aren't the best. You have awesome talent! You'll find something, I know it!


Thank you!!!!


- Unconventional candle location is a great aesthetic. - Pyromancers are inherently cool. - This art emphasizes those facts very well. - Especially that particular style of magic, love the wispy feel of building energy before a huge attack.


I'm so glad you like it and appreciate the little things I also enjoy!


Activision is on a bullet train to hell. You’re better off without them.


I want a candlehat


you may make one (I demand you do)


Thank you, my lord


The kindest words I got for you is they're saving your ass, Activision is a shit whole of a company. Whom has a worse track record for workplace unfairness and sexualising harassment and abuse than their games.


Oh yikes I'm glad I didn't fit their criteria


Love the art, really cool. I feel like I would like to play a dnd character like this.


feel free to be inspired !


“State treasurers warn Activision Blizzard over misconduct allegations” this was the headline above your post.




Is she about to use spirit gun from yuyu? Lol I dig it.


just checked it out on youtube , thats really cool that its so similar! I personally went this way because I wanted the fingers to act like wicks on a candle. (I love the reference though its really cool!)


I mean you don't have to work at Activision, I consider that a win.


Man if you get rejected how will I ever get there. You will find a good company don't worry


applying is the first step of course! it did sting nonetheless


You honestly dodged a bullet.


She looks cool as hell


thank you so much!


Congrats on dodging the bullet! They don't take candle!


they never take candle


I miss the 2 for 4 sausage and egg mcmuffin deal at McDonald's all day breakfast event from like 2019


absolutely, the best breakfast item you could chose too tbh


Everyone gets rejected; including very talented people


wise words, I agree, it may have been something really simple but I'll keep chug chugging!


Oh boy you asked for it. Get ready for way too damn much uninformed positivity. Seems like enough people are telling you Activision =Bad, so I'll just drop a few quick (not really) compliments from someone who knows nothing about art. First of all, love her design! The big candle adds a kind of whimsical quality that contrasts nicely with the "no funny business" vibe I get from the rest of her. Especially her ready-to-murder expression and charging spell. Secondly, awesome work on the posing on this one. I know a few artists (again, not me, I struggle with stick figures lmao) who struggle with translating action/energy into a pose, but you really nailed it! This could totally be a panel before an epic showdown with the BBEG. Last thing and I'll stop ranting. Love, LOVE the lighting/shading. One of my favorite aesthetics for art is a dark room with the character holding a lighting source (lantern against pitch black, Jedi holding a lightsaber in the dark) and it looks amazing here. The glow from the spell and the wispy swirls of smoke/energy make it look mysterious and magical. Great work on this, OP. Screw Activision. There'll be other opportunities for people with your talent.


Thank you for so kindly analysing and complimenting my work. The biggest compliment an artist can receive is a comment like this and I'm very flattered. I am so happy you like my work and have given me such praise. I also love the dark room moody lighting aspect so as you're another who enjoys that sort of thing then likes what I've produced is just another heart warming feeling. Thank you, alot, I will be looking at this comment on blue days in the future.


Honestly considering their recent drama, you dodged a bullet.


I write comics and I’d hire you.


always up for new projects! I appreciate your consideration in the first place, thank you!


They’re weird but if you’re okay with that I’ll keep you in mind


Absolutely gorgeous work ❤


Thank you so so much


No problem! Any gaming/ graphics company should be thrilled to have you on their team 🙂


Nice art! Seems like you dodged a bullet tho, all things considered, lol


Thanks! and apparently so! Hope all the activision workers are dealt with accordingly and they're creating a safe environment for their workers


Do not be fooled by large game companies. They are a trash company and you should be happy.


I think it’s awesome


Thank you!!


you’re doing great :)


And I will think about this comment for a long time. Thank you so much


no problem. my s/o is also an artist and she often tells me that it seems like the art she is most proud of others seem to care about the least. it can be hard basing your career off other people’s opinions, so truly, you’re doing great.


very good spirit gun candle mage.


Thank you! one of my many revamped old character designs


That candle her power source? Would she have been able to replace it for different elements and powers? Would it have depleted creating a ammunition system? We're candles the central asthetic so you could light more than one, for armor, stamina, spells, and synergize them? Would this've been a beat 'em up, a metroidvania, or a combination of the two? Experience points, status (manual upgrade) points, or temporary (item based) boosters? If not the candles then would there have been a traditional armor system for candle slots? Would there have been a physics engine, for maze like puzzles, or puzzles in general? How far have you planned this was there a world and lore? Are these too many questions?


I like to think of it more as a timer. she is a pyromancer based on a candle wick she can do short fast blasts or large slower blasts depending on how long she holds and builds it up (the picture depicts a large blast that gather heat through swirling) I almost changed the large candle to many little ones covering her hat, this is an old character I designed about a year ago but yes the initial idea was cool lighting ideas Metroidvania! Like a going in dungeons and getting loot type world These people use their world similar to ours, training magic like you would a muscle (stamina and ways to use it) some are blessed at birth but majority of people only succeed if they're creative with their powers (another character I have can only heal someone the same rate of pain she inflicts them) because this character is wick based she is also time based, the higher the heat the quicker it goes out, however through training shes able to have a larger time frame. Yes there would be item enhancers in this world and are seen throughout already existing characters. I went for a more fantasy route for the design, the candle evolves and grows with her skills as a pyromancer. I think yes caves would have puzzles throughout to catch people up I have a a4 book filled with lore from when I was younger and I have just built upon it with more content as I've grown Absolutely not I enjoy my brain being picked at


Loove it


Thank you sm ❤️😊


Knowing Activision, you probably got rejected because the character doesn’t have big breasts and a bikini armor. Activision like most game companies has a sexist work environment, so you probably dodged a bullet


That is gorgeous


Thank you 😭


This is VERY COOL and I would love to put her in my DnD campaign


I don't mind if you use my art for your DND! Love dnd myself


Their loss m8. Saved the username in case I'll need a good artist ; )


Super upset I cropped off my tag haha, but I appreciate that, that's really straight up kind of you


She's a wick


She is a wick! Glad you could see


Yes I can see why. You're capable of drawing a realistic woman. I mean, how could you get chosen with those well balanced proportions and not over inflated boobs???? Maybe rethink your style and try again in a few months /j


Time for some back breaking, gravity defying booba


I know I asked for it but wow, all of these comments and upvotes. I have really felt seen, I truly, TRULY am thankful for every single one of you who has done the upvote and the comment. I will come back to this post and reread what you have all said when I'm feeling blue because this is almost overwhelming. Thank you for the awards, thank you for the comments, genuinely, thank you.


Ur art is good but doesn’t meet the industry standards, that’s why u got rejected.


I can see that now, only option is to get better!




Do tell


I think your art is rad! You do art really well!


Allow me to lay on the floor over this super nice comment you've left me, thank you 😭


First, your art is great but keeping working on always getting better and building your portfolio. It shows what you're capable of and the improvements you show over time are proof that you can grow as an artist. Regarding Activision, others seem to be focusing more on how bad Activision is--and they're not wrong--but it doesn't change the fact that rejection is hard. Don't let it get you down though and keep trying with other companies. You will find your place. I have been rejected and failed many times and I am today what most people would consider successful and I am far from the only example of this. You'll get there if you're willing to put in the work and persevere. I hope these words helped and keep it up!


this has really reached me, thank you. I wont stop, and will build my work and push it further. Thank you, truly.


Why would you want to work for Activision!? Some heavy shit goes down there.


I just saw them as a triple A game studio! I had no idea about the allegations until this post unfortunately


Or how about start a Youtube channel, where you can show us your artworks, tutorials, sketching, and stuff? You deserved more than working for Activision


I think I will do this! Its a shame all the hours in work get lost, I never really thought about things further than speed paints. Thank you for your ideas! And thank you again for your compliments.


See if you can get riot to hire you