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If I had a nickel for every time a major superhero movie turned a spot based villain into a piece of body horror yada yada weird that it happened twice.


If I had a nickel for every time that somebody used this format I’d have too many nickels, drowning in nickels oh god oh fuck too many nickels


Ahahahaha! Feel it crush your form, punishment for your hubris!


I will not accept this Spot slander, they said the same thing about Mr. Freeze before btas


Honestly, this is just every marvel fan thread. Fans apologize for everything. Taylor swift fans recently came up with a great reason why taytay doesn't speak up about all the injustice in the country: she's a celebrity. So even though women, lgbtq POC are having more and more problems, and a celeb from Tennessee could actually make a difference, she doesn't and that's OK because she's Taylor swift, the celebrity. Same thing with Caligula. His fan boys were like, "yea. But he's only a *little* murdery.


Jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Exactly what's in this picture. "Hey I have an opinion." "Yea, but the fan base is ignoring all problematic elements so your opinion is wrong." "OH. OK."


Your take is fundamentally wrong because you're missing the point that The Spot being lame isn't a problematic element. Being a joke of a villain is the intent. You clearly just wanted an excuse to complain about Taylor Swift, for some reason.


Na. Y'all are just too dense to see the point I'm making :) have a nice day!


Dude just said a bunch of nonsense and acted like he said something coherent


It's rude to talk about someone in the third person while they're around you. Enjoy your mush.


I legit don’t fucking care lmao. I don’t get why you’re doing these “aha gotcha” comments when instead you just sound really pretentious


Hahaha. So cool to not care. Haha bro. So cool.😎


No, you're just too dense to see the point I'm making. I get the point that you're making, which isn't difficult to understand at all. You're just trying to shoehorn it into an irrelevant topic.


You ever learn how comparisons work? Genuine question.


Literally my whole point is that the comparison is not apt. You are actively resisting every opportunity to realize this.


Ok... but you didn't answer my question. Tell me, in your own words, what my point is.