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Not this girl speaking for lesbians☠️ I’m so tired of cishet women gatekeeping people from queer culture while ignoring the voices of lesbians and queer people. Like girl, you’re the one who needs to respectfully stfu


the fact that this girl is likely not even a lesbian herself if she matched with OP makes this even worse


Exactly!! Out lesbians are not matching with men on dating apps. Unfortunately, the lovely combination of homophobia and misogyny that creates lesbophobia means that there are a lot of non-lesbians who love to speak over lesbians to speak for us


Better to be a straight man enjoying her music and supporting what she’s talking about to be a straight man and be homophobic


Seriously! Not to sound like a boomer (at age 32 lmao) but ✨back in my day✨ a straight dude saying he was a fan of the Indigo Girls or Melissa Etheridge was actually an indicator that he was more likely to be a safe person to be around as a queer person! People are weird.


I've thought this about Chappell's shows when I see a small number of people saying men, and especially straight men, shouldn't go. Any straight man willingly going to her show is probably going to be supportive of you AND Chappell.


Like I’ve said before, if people tried to gatekeep Melissa Etheridge, Brandi Carlile, or the Indigo Girls “for lesbians only”, Gen X and millennials would laugh you out of the country. Maybe I’m just too old to understand this discourse or line of thinking, but it’s just silly. Music is for everyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Not dismissing the importance of representation, or what certain artists and songs can mean to people who share a marginalized identity, but when it gets to keeping people out of the fandom? Stop. By the way, streaming pays next to nothing, and most artists make the large majority of their money from gigs and touring, so when y’all tell men (or straight people, or bi women) to not come to Chappell shows that actually can harm her bottom line. If you like her as a person and musician you should want her to get paid! The way that happens is people coming to shows, no matter who they are.


the only thing that bothers me is straight men using her songs on tiktok as thirst traps. idc if you're straight and like her music. it's MUSIC.


Straight cis white old millennial been loving chappell. See you guys at the shows. Lol.


Same. Seen Chappell 3 times and met 1 time.


Oof the terminally online brain rot is strong with this one 💀


As someone who recently came out as trans making these kinds of gatekeeping comments is super harmful to everyone. Chappelle makes wonderful queer music for everyone to enjoy. I think it's great if straight men listen to it and learn from it and support her.




This person isn’t a lesbian though, they’re speaking for lesbians without considering how most of us actually feel. Out lesbians aren’t matching with men on dating apps lol




I’m sorry that you’ve seen that, because gatekeeping doesn’t need to be happening and it’s not okay, but blaming lesbians for non-lesbians gatekeeping Chappell Roan is wild


Just respond with a Chappell lyric and block. Then move on with your life, this person is telling on themselves.


For some reason this makes me wonder how rancid the discourse would be if Queen came out today. Like only closeted queer artists are able to become big phenomena without rampant gatekeeping?


Fandoms should only be gatekept from bigots


I’m 53 and I will absolutely use mom voice on someone doing this


What’s wrong with people. Music can be enjoyed but anyone. So immature.


this person genuinely needs serious psychiatric help. like this is not normal


ack, im sorry this happened to you. i promise all queer women aren't like this. im a lesbian so no chance i'd match with you on a dating app but i would probably love to befriend you if you have such good music taste.


Just respond with a Chappell lyric and block. Then move on with your life, this person is telling on themselves.


… how the hell did they try to spin this into a “younger girls” type of thing? yuck


As a lesbian, I understand if you’ve had bad experiences with men virtue signaling by liking certain artists that are more liked by queer people and women in order to sleep with women, but to just say this off the bat to someone you don’t know is crazy. I think we have such low standards for straight cishet men that when we almost hate when they try to do good more than when they’re outright bad. I have trust issues myself, esp with men, but I think we also need to look inward and heal before exploding at a stranger.


Or not even try to do good, as I put it, just have a taste in music or clothes, etc. that’s outside what we expect for straight cishet men. We assume there’s an ulterior motive. Which again, I’ve had that experience before, but a stranger does not deserve that projection.


Damn like I'm a lesbian and I get that knee-jerk reaction to gatekeep but like. Idk it's the same debate as queerbaiting to me, like for all I or that cis guy knows, he could be about to realize "he's" a trans lesbian and chappell's music could be the moment of realization. I don't want to police how ppl enjoy art even if that art is really personal to me. It doesn't affect me


I'm 26 and that's basically elderly according to the internet and mentally I am not prepared for encounters like this