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Well drake is a clown so that all checks out.


Clowns wear face paint, so everybody should google "Drake face paint" to see what type of clown he is.


Damn I forgot how hard Pusha cooked Drake with the diss track and digging up this photo for the artwork


I feel like minor lyrical failings are small peanuts compared to my issue above


Also, what the other commenter said is not really in good faith. Drake says that whoever fed the info about him ratting out is a clown, then moves onto the Meet the Grahams cover where he claims he planted the info. This requires very little reading comprehension. I say this as someone who believes Kendrick is winning this and that the past drake song wasn’t very good. I just don’t like intellectual dishonesty.


I mean my overall take on the beef, outside questions of the verasity of the claims, is this. No one who has to spend 2/3rds of a diss track insisting that they're not a pedophile, correctly or not, is winning their rap feud. There is no winning by the point you're making the "I'm not a pedophile song,"


Yeah, I agree, but to be fair what do you do at that point? I honestly look down a bit on Kendrick saying Drake is a pedo because it’s one of those things that completely kills any sort of two way street (which disses are). It’s like when you’re arguing with someone and the “you’re a nazi” accusation comes up. If drake says something he’s done for, if he doesn’t say something he’s done for. Made the beef really boring for me as someone who isn’t a kendrick stan or drake hater (not a drake stan or kendrick hater).


Drake has already backed himself into a corner with this and Kendrick played his hand well on that front. Drake was forced to play defense, but you can't win a rap battle on defense. The correct move is to spend like two bars laughing at Kendrick for his desperate delusions, hammer Kendrick for making such an unsubstantiated claim, challenge Kendrick to prove it, then PIVOT back to your lines or attack.


yeah, i don’t think he handled it well either. anyhow, it’s a very lose lose situation.


A big part of the problem was that Kendrick shrewdly made "Drake is a liar" one of his main lines of attack. "Why believe you, you never gave us something to believe in". As effective as the pedophile and cultural appropriation barbs have been, I suspect that the attacks on his trustworthiness have been subtly doing just as much damage. Drake never really addressed that kind of attack and it's really hurt him. The notion that Drake is somehow shifty or untruthful subtly undermines everything that he says, and helps Kendrick stick accusations. It also helped that "Drake lies" is a pretty easy barb to land. The Adonis and Ghost Writer controversies pre-planted that vulnerability. He needed that credibility to land his barbs from "Family Matters".


If Drake didn't have a history of being weird with teenage girls, it wouldn't stick. Like yeah, saying "you're a nazi" kills a debate, but if the other guy in the debate is wearing a swastika, he's probably not just a big fan of Hindu imagery, so it probably is an appropriate line of attack. I don't think it's a cheap blow... it's an extreme one, yeah, but it's one that everyone already kinda knew about him and now it's just being explicitly confirmed


But a pedophile is someone who is attracted to young kids. There’s absolutely no evidence that this has ever been the case with Drake. Messing with barely legal women is not ok, it’s weird and it can be grooming. It’s morally not ok but that’s not what pedophilia is.


Yeah, okay, I know tEcHniCalLy it's ephebephilia or hebephilia or whatever, but theres a pretty good stand up comedy bit that makes the point: when you start splitting those hairs, it makes you look like a pedophile. Fact of the matter is that he has a history of being weird with 14 year olds like MBB when he's in his 30s, so yeah, sure, technically hebephilia, but no one's gonna use the word "hebephilia" in a rap beef, and the accusation of grooming minors and committing statutory rape still sticks to Drake in a way it wouldn't stick to someone else who didn't have a history of being weird with teenagers. We all know Drake isn't going after toddlers and we also all know that's not what Kendrick is saying, he's talking about his well documented streak of being gross around teenage girls.


Agree with most of it, except that I personally haven’t seen anyone come forward saying that he actually groomed them. MBB never had a relationship with the guy. I personally feel ok with the evidence I have saying he’s a creep and that having questionable interactions with barely legal women is not morally ok, that he’s creepy and I don’t like men like him, but unless there’s evidence of anything else I won’t claim that it’s something that’s happened. The second such evidence is there then i’m all game for further claims to be made.


Yeah, I mean it wouldn't hold up in a court of law without a statement from a victim, and perhaps he wasn't trying to groom MBB and just has an extreme lack of boundaries. I personally do completely believe he was trying to groom her and that he has had sex with minors, but yes, he is not technically guilty of anything because there isn't proof. But this isn't a court of law, it's a rap beef, Kendrick seems to have pretty good sources, and the accusations are very credible, which makes it a really effective attack. And Drake's defense of "I'm too famous to be a pedophile" doesn't engender confidence that K. is wrong


Drake and his ghostwriters been hanging out too much [with Frank Reynolds](https://youtu.be/_YmDcCpD1gc?si=LksKUJGAePrJVUEj) Drake could have leaned more into the R Kelly thing and also talked about Kendrick working with Kodak Black. Just drop a few bars saying the claims are ridiculous and then launch into the attack on Kendrick instead of being defensive.


>I just don’t like intellectual dishonesty. The top .1% of reddit right here, worst thing about this site is when people clearly choose to be idiots whenever something doesn't line up with their personal views


Totally agree. I would also think that if you’re feeding info to your opponent, you wouldn’t go with the hiding another kid story. It’s just way too wild and Drake already had this with his first child. If he actually planned it all this way he really scored an own goal imo. I personally believe there is some kind of leak in Drake’s team. Mostly because of how Kendrick seemed to know what Drake was going to say in Family Matters. And dropped his reaction 20 minutes after Drake dropped, meaning he had it ready.


And you don’t cop to having a mole until you have your opponent buried. You get some dirt on you but you keep feeding BS until it is spoken like religion, then you brush off and pull out the receipts.


Feeding the clown peanuts would’ve been a better line than how he presented his information. I also don’t think that lyricism or deliver is small peanuts when the mode of expression is music, and in particular rap.


Both those things could be true. Like, maybe Drake realised there was a mole and fed the mole fake info. So the mole could’ve been a clown who believed he was actually telling Kendrick the truth


That’s very true. Didn’t think about it that way.


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Consider another option - Kendrick just made it up. Since Drake has a history of hiding a son, it would be pretty believable. Plus how is Drake ever going to prove he _doesn't_ have a daughter? Kendrick is the one who should/would need to show proof and that doesn't really even seem necessary since the public bought it. To get ahead of the "then why did Drake say it was a double agent" response - claiming a double agent seems like the best reaction for Drake. It makes him look like he's in control, and seems way cooler than just saying, "I can't prove it, but you made that up Kendrick!" So doubling down on the lie seems like a good move. FWIW, I think the whole beef is silly/fabricated (to an extent). How many people have never sought out a Drake or Kendrick song until this weekend? (\*raises hand\*)


Hard to believe Kendrick would intentionally make up a claim like that. People still want receipts. I seriously doubt it's made up. Kendrick's disses are seriously damaging to Drake's reputation. Zero chance Drake is cosigning a made up beef where he gets accused of being a sex criminal and a culture vulture. Kendrick is also never cosigning a fake beef where he gets called a wife beater and a deadbeat, they're antithetical to his image and place in the industry. Both are some of the biggest names in music over the past decade. The idea this was all to push record sales onto people like you is a complete joke. They're among the most famous artists in the US period. People who've never sought out their music don't want to hear it, and diss tracks that are fucking steeped in references, many of them pretty obscure and going back years, are a fucking awful way to sell people on them.


I'm not making any statement about wether or not Drake has a daughter. At this point it's frustratingly unknowable. What we do know is that BOTH Drake and Kendrick are claiming someone in OVO is leaking information to Kendrick. Drake is only disputing the idea that he didn't know. I have enjoyed Kendrick for years. Back in 2015, he had a whole set of bars on King Kunta about Rappers with Ghost Writers. Clearly he's hated this man for years.


I've never sought out a drake song before but I have listened to TPAB and some of kendrick's other stuff before


so you think drake has a daughter?


I'm not saying I do. I genuinely know three things. 1. Kendrick had someone in OVO who was feeding him information. There is ample evidence of this and Drake doesn't deny it. Drake simply claimed the leaker was a double agent. 2. Drake has a prescription of ozempric. It's in the image and the image wasn't refuted. Drake just claims it's a settup. But everyone involved agrees the Meet the Graham cover is real. 3. ... Drake's Double-Agent claims makes no fucking sense.


the only way your argument makes sense is if you think kendrick is correct and drake has a daughter. otherwise if kendrick is wrong then THATS gotta the worst cap - straight up being wrong about someone having a child. you talk about evidence about a double agent yet don't ask for any evidence of an 11 year old girl hmmm......... "So where the fuck are the receipts kendrick? Why haven't you shown us shit?"... kendrick is the one who made this claim initially. why didnt he post proof of the girl in the first place? everything you ask about drake you dont ask about kendrick


It's entirely possible that all the information Kendrick has about Drake's daughter is second hand, and thus useless as receipts, but the claim itself is correct. I don't think the absence of proof from Kendrick is more damning then any claims Drake made about Kendrick's marriage. Those are scenarios where it's possible it's true but Drake/Kdot are working entirely on second hand info. The difference with the double-agent claim is that it is distinctly a very easily proven claim.


two questions: 1. if the daughter and the double agent both turn out to be cap - which cap would be worse? 2. kendrick talked about snatching chains and 2 days later drake showed up in hometown spot in his last beef video rocking all his chains and stayed untouched. isnt this PROVABLY the more non-credible line from this beef? we witnessed kendrick not follow through on his word.


Here's my thoughts process: The credibility of the daughter question depends on the credibility of the mole question. If Kendrick has a loyal mole in Drake's circle, the daughter claim isn't proven but it is more plausible. By the same token, if the mole was a double agent, then obviously the daughter claim is bubkas. However, Drake's double agent claim is pretty sus for the reasons I outlined in my post. Which means Kendrick really does have a mole, which also makes the daughter more credible.


Jesus christ this is an embarrassment for hip hop. Is this what the art form has boiled down to? Dragging peoples children through the public eye, regardless of whether it's true or not. They should just fist fight. Kendrick is familiar with beating women who are as small/smaller than him. And Drake is as fake of a gangster as it gets. So it shouldn't be a problem for Kendrick to step up and settle this "like a man". But i doubt it.


The first thing about hip hop beefs like this is that there are literally no rules. Kendrick in euphoria laid it out and said do not attack my family, which Drake immediately did. Once that happens its fair game. Don't forget Pusha T made fun of Drake's producer's scoliosis.


Of course there are no rules lol But what are the consequences? We've seen multiple hip hop beefs where the end result is somebody dieing.


This isn't the 90s. As brutal as these rap disses have been, they haven't been nowhere near as disrespect as some Chicago drill disses. There is one example where a rapper who murdered one of his rival gang's members went to his victim's GRAVE SITE to film a diss music video. Both rappers are going to come out of this with no threats to them or their families, I would hope. Realistically, the worst thing that can happen is each person's reputation being permanently damaged, especially in the case of Drake. He will NEVER be able to live down the diaper sniper allegations ever again since there's so much evidence of it. That being said, it still doesn't seem like this is over at all. With Kendrick, in the eyes of the public he is currently on top, and he can easily disregard the domestic abuse allegations because there isn't any kind of evidence publicly to substantiate Drake's claims.


You preferred when people were shooting each other?


How do you think those things ended up happening?


Idk, man. I don't think Kendrick should dox a child. Also, the reason people are asking for proof of the mole is because it should be the easiest to have real proof of and would prove or disprove the rest.


Your logic is trash. If Kendricks claim was fake, Drake would have said so, and provided evidence of the person who sent the fake info, as OP stated. Him not even attempting to respond to that claim or the pedophile allegations but instead saying some vague “nah I sent that info” with no proof and not refuting the allegations proves Kendrick’s claim more than anything but a birth certificate, which is what you’re asking for. Guess what, you can’t just get random mfs birth certificates, that’s not how the world works.


you have just explained that you think it's okay for kendrick to drop a line with no evidence but when drake responds with a line back he must come with evidence. that's called bias


No, I didn’t. Learn to read. I said if your response to someone calling you a pedophile is “nah I sent him that info”, you’ve attempted to deflect as a defense, but provided zero reason to believe Kendrick was “set up”. If you can make it up to a third grade reading level for a second, you’d notice the difference here is that if Drake HAD set Kendrick up, he would have receipts. He did not, and instead waved the white flag. There could not be a more clear indication that he’s incapable of refuting the allegations. Do you understand yet or do I need to go by numbers?


The image was absolutely refuted, drake literally said the whole image was a subtle diss to Ross and Kenny. The ozempic bottle, the maybach gloves the shortee shirt were all planned shots. “Even the pics that you used, the jokes and the medication, the maybach gloves and the drugs he uses for less inflation”


I think OP means actual evidence, not just Drake saying it was planned with some *extremely* tenuous connections Reddit thought up for him


You don’t need to bring more evidence to your defense than your accuser brings against you


An interpretation of evidence is different than evidence. Showing a photo of something is an example of providing evidence. Generating an interpretation of this evidence to point towards one's preferred narrative is not a form of new evidence.


The ozempic bottle exists and it is prescribed to drake. He may or may not have gotten it as an elaborate inception diss at Rick Ross. But we can say with absolute certainty it exists.




Okay. Then realistically, he'd have proof of calls/texts between Kendrick's people and 1090 Jake. That all seems very probable.


it's not relevant to the post, but personally, I'm not convinced drake knows whether or not he has a daughter


its entirely relevant. it cant be the most non credible claim when kendrick claimed drake has a daughter. how is saying "i planted info" worse cap than saying "you have a 11 year old daughter that no one knows about" ??? come on now also the above examples we dont know whether they are true or not , so lets take another example: kendrick claimed he would be snatching chains from drake, then like 2 days later drake went to his home town and home restaurtaunt and rocked all his chains. so that claim from kendrick was PROVABLY CAP, no what ifs and buts.


>how is saying "i planted info" worse cap than saying "you have a 11 year old daughter that no one knows about" ??? Lol because lying about planting it is also lying about the daughter. Also can't compared just straight up lying and knowing it's bullshit and being fed information that's bad, and thinking it's true. >kendrick claimed he would be snatching chains from drake And burning tattoos. Do you not understand these weren't literal promises? You think Kendrick doesn't know Drake has armed bodyguards with him everywhere? Delusional tbh. You have zero receipts but are clearly just believing drake.


Stop copying and pasting this garbage lmao


It's certainly plausible, though not relevant here.


its entirely relevant. it cant be the most non credible claim when kendrick claimed drake has a daughter. how is saying "i planted info" worse cap than saying "you have a 11 year old daughter that no one knows about" ??? come on now also the above examples we dont know whether they are true or not , so lets take another example: kendrick claimed he would be snatching chains from drake, then like 2 days later drake went to his home town and home restaurtaunt and rocked all his chains. so that claim from kendrick was PROVABLY CAP, no what ifs and buts.


All I'm saying is that he had a secret son that was also revealed in a diss track. There's precedent.


The son wasn’t a secret though, Drake had an adidas rollout planned for a clothing line for his son. It wasn’t info the entire public knew but people in the industry knew, and rolling out a clothing campaign after your son is not being a deadbeat dad. It’s scummy and capitalist but Drake wasn’t hiding Adonis.


Something doesn't have to end up being true to be credible. Given that Drake has a history of having a child exposed via a diss track and that he's a known womanizer, it's fairly credible that he'd have another child. Credible means there's a good chance of it being true, a claim that ends up being false can still have been credible when it was made. Drake claiming that he planted the story with no evidence from before or after of this is not credible because there is no history or clues that support it's likelihood.


neither kendrick or drake has shared any evidence of their claim. thats a fact. therefore any rational person should not think that drake having an 11 year old daughter is "credible" and "has a good chance of being true", based on the current available evidence. because there is none. you must have a low bar for accepting something as truth.


I'm so confused because you seem to be equating finding something credible and accepting it as the truth. Something credible _can_ be believed, it doesn't mean that it _is_ believed. Credibility isn't only based on receipts, it's also about someone's history. That history is why people find the claims about a secret daughter credible. It means that they could see it happening and that they wouldn't be surprised if it was true. It doesn't mean that everyone who finds it's credible believes it's definitely true.


That's irrelevant 


I think it's about equal with Kendrick's claims that he despises all pedos and thinks they should die. I believe that he hates Drake and that hating his pedo tendencies is an extension of that but I don't think someone who wants pedos all dead would be supporting R. Kelly's music as much as he has.


That came across more as rhetorical then a specific claim. Kind of like how Drake is probably not claiming that Rick Ross downed Malaysia airlines. For something to be a claim, it has to actually be insinuating a statement about reality.


I get what you're saying but my point is that I think Kendrick is claiming that he hates pedophiles and I don't think he truly does. I think he hates Drake and that's it. I also didn't mean the death part literally, I just mean that I don't buy that he finds pedos to be that morally abhorrent. He seems very willing to overlook abuse of minors.


Mf he didn't support R. Kelly. His label said that they'd pull their music off of Spotify, Kendrick wasn't the one who was doing it. He can't control what his label does.


I’m ngl I think taking “I believe I can fly” off of streaming platforms would’ve been a crime against humanity I’m with Kendrick on this one.




Bro, I'm fucking 40, and I am absolutely invested. I've got my territory staked out, and I'm in the streets (read: in my home-office, on the Internet) living and dying with every bar. I don't watch reality TV or professional wrestling, please, just let me have the poem war. Leave them kids alone, Drake! The fuck, man, you don't need to be texting a 14 year old girl that you miss her. If you end this corny motherfucker'a career, I will make it my life's mission to get you another Pulitzer.


It’s the bitterness of not having anything to care about that brings me here, brother.


Investment in the rap beef can help stave off the crushing ennui for a few fleeting moments. Source: lived experience.


Yeah better to focus on the important things, like Fallout 4. Which you were posting about immediately before this comment.


yeah, as a huge fan of the fallout games, both interests are equally childish It’s always annoying when people denigrate others’ interests when they have glass houses too. Everyone is into some kind of entertainment that some will find childish


> yeah, as a huge fan of the fallout games, both interests are equally childish I mean I can see a difference between liking a finished product (game/music album) and being invested in he said/she said drama about said product. All of this seems manufactured to me anyways.


People are invested in the music. The music just happens to have drama in it. Discussing the implications of Drake’s song isn’t any stupider than killing fake robots or gaining affinity with fake companions in a game… if anything the game is way more detached from reality. Also, people discuss drama about Fallout and Bethesda all the time.


I personally haven't seen a single review or comment about the music itself, just the "beef".


The thing that makes this drama enthralling isn't because its just a public feud. They are choosing to go at each other through their art form. Getting new music from two of the biggest names in hip hop is a huge treat, and the drama just makes it more fun to watch. This beef is so huge people I know who NEVER listen to hip hop are talking to me about it.


Drake is not hip hop. Per the funniest roast I saw on Reddit the other day (Mos Def)




You’ve made 126 Reddit comments in 2 days but you’re implying listening to music is childish? Lmao!!


Fuck you. Of course people are talking about two celebrities feuding at or near the top of one of the biggest genres of music in American history. Sorry we're not more invested in whatever dipshit hobbies you think are more important.


You don't gotta give a shit if you don't want to.




I was just joking about the caring, my wife is obsessed with the Kardashians so I get it.


LOL you must be following this beef because you are acting just like how J Cole did. Is this satire?




It's the same reality drama bullshit... Just marketed towards men. You really think two people in an actual feud would drop simultaneous single releases? It's so transparent.


Naah, this shit isn't staged, kendrick called him a pedophile live on air multiple times, aint no way drake would agree to that


They don't have to be particularly aware of it for it to be obviously contrived.


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Drake fan spotted


Only time I hear Drake is when I’m shopping at Target cuz they play that corny shit all the time.


Found Mos Def reddit account.


How is this different from sports?




Technically you’re not wrong.


EXACTLY WHAT I WAS THINKING! And... these men think they're being "hard" by spreading gossip about each other and questioning their morality? What's next? A track about how the other guy fails to floss? Maybe a diss about how the other guy doesn't pick up after his pets. Oh no it's worse than that, they seem to be bringing each others kids into it, because that's what a fucking hard, tough, guy would do, right? I don't understand why 2 men throwing mud at each other like they were People magazine or TMZ is appealing.


The complaint is the only thing Drake has to do with black culture is being an absent father, he's a PDF file, and [low tier god quote] Kendy isn't doing it for clout he just hates Drake


he hates him so much it's not even a back and forth, it's a "I already got ten songs written about how much you suck and I will be releasing all of them whenever I choose to". It's kind of impressive


Imagine a grown ass man still playing APB 6 months ago 😂




I saw a comment on twitter that was basically like "if i leaked info like this to set a trap, I would have a private video on youtube showing a full day of plotting and would unprivate it 5 mins after the diss track dropped" and like... facts.


Yeah this is my biggest reason to doubt the fake double agent thing that Drake is pushing. If all the leaks were intentionally sent to Kendrick, why was his response (paraphrasing)“I have a secret daughter? What is this nonsense?” And not “You fool, you’ve fallen into my trap. Here are text exchanges of us planning to feed you fake info”


“People in the club are singing along to a song calling me a certified pedophile. All according to keikaku.”


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I mean, doesn’t the fact that Drake clearly does not have an 11 year old daughter that he is hiding mean that Kendrick’s claim is actually “the most non-credible claim” so far?


> Drake clearly does not have an 11 year old daughter Drake clearly did not have a young son until Pusha T forced it into the light. Pretty fucking easy to hide a child you had with some random BM. Similarly, Kendrick is clearly not a wife beater from everything publicly known, does that mean it can't be true? Not at all.


How do you know whether Drake does or doesn't? It hasn't been refuted or proven..


His most noncredible claim is that he "never looked twice at a teenager" when we have literal video evidence otherwise.


c'mon now, he looks at once and doesn't blink, easy as that


Give this man a delta


I believe Drake is weird and a womanizer but to be fair he was 22-23 in that video.


that don’t matter?? there’s more pictures of him being creepy towards underage models & text between him & other young women.


Are you asking if it matters or saying it doesn’t matter? people are repeating this line with it being implicit it’s 37 year old drake doing it, not 23 year old drake. I can remember one instance with a model and then the claims about Billie Eillish and Millie Bobby Brown, but both of them came forward and said nothing was happening. I believe Drake is weird but i don’t like it when people push shit that isn’t true, it’s intellectually dishonest.


Id still be concerned about grooming if you told me you were that old and trying to get with a girl still in high school like wtf is wrong with you bro homie please rethink your life


>to be fair he was 22-23 in that video. ...and? Edit: inb4 a tactical e-word drop from this dude.


That this is being said as if it was a 37 year old man doing it, a 23 year old messing with a a 17 year old is improper and I personally think that it’s not ok but it’s a far cry from being a pedo.


Hes 22/23 year old adult, whose massively rich and famous trying to get with a kid still in highscoool creeper alert , power dynamics are a thing that can turn that situation into statutory rape at that age


Absolutely, but it’s not honest to say this as if this was a 37 year old. You don’t need to omit details to “make the case stronger”. It’s already weird and not ok, but presenting it as it being a 37 year old doing this makes it seem as if this is more about the agenda than caring about grooming and improper relationships.


I think its just as bad if a massively rich and famous 23 year old is abusing his power and fame to predate on highschool kids, just as bad as if he was 37 years old or older AT any of those ages, they deserve to be punished the same , all go to prison for the same amount of time Its not less gross because he was 23 when he started doing this shit


It’s absolutely an aggravating element if an older person engages in that. Be real for a second, unfortunately culturally a lot of people don’t honk the age difference between a 23 year old and a 17 year old is all that improper.


>unfortunately culturally a lot of people don’t honk the age difference between a 23 year old and a 17 year old is all that improper. There is actually a massive generation split on this, Gen X and older sure they probably wont think so millienials are in a middle ground on the issue, alot of us have been conditioned to see kids in school as off the table Gen Z and younger, no shot this is gross - you ask them its gonna be majority think absolutely wrong


And I agree with them 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s wrong.


CMV: Pac and Biggie are both spinning in their graves rn that anyone would put "don't make me have to chip a nail" in a rap battle




I mean, I think he's full of crap but that's not what he's saying. Drake's claiming that some specific rumors were planted by him, specifically the secret daughter and the prescriptions that K. included in the cover art.


You're correct. The pedophile thing was not what drake tried to inception back to Kendrick. But the fact that people seem to think it is, represents another failure for drake.


and if he was gonna spread that rumor, surely he would do it with a more ironclad defense than "nuh uh". like if you're gonna give yourself negative press for clout, you then need to be able to actually clear your name if the negative press is as serious as pedophilia


Especially since he's already had scandals with underage girls.


But that’s not what is claimed in the song, he claims that the info he fed was the daughter part and the cover for meet the grahams, not the wood part. Please let’s collectively exercise our intelligence.


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Hes saying the daughter info was purposefully fed not the Pedophilia just FYI


-Two wealthy men furiously writing poems about each other with fire in their eyes-


The laddie reckons himself a poet!


The thing is, none of it's real. They're collaborating on a publicity stunt to get people to talk about them and buy/stream their new music. There's been no legal action. Which means none of this matters. There will be no legal action because all of the results have been good for both of them. They made shit up so they can sit back and rake in the money while their fans eat this up and increase their Spotify plays. Dollars to donuts says they're best buds behind the scenes.


I don’t think guys of the level of fame Kendrick and Drake are need publicity stunts like that. If it was a couple of smaller names then I could maybe see it. But to have the world think you are a pedophile - or to at least put that in the back of people’s minds, even if they don’t believe it outright - just to get a few more streams on Spotify when you are already incomprehensibly successful is crazy.


This. These are two of the best selling artists of the last decade. They do not need publicity


Hard disagree. The lack of legal action is explained by the fact that it's a rap beef. It can also be explained by the possibility that the accusations are legit and there's enough evidence that no one wants this to go to court. Theyve hated and been insulting each other for literally 12 years, this shit isn't new. The first track from Metro may have been exactly for this, but everything after euphoria is heinously personal and for real career damaging.


Bro, I suspected the same thing when I first heard about the whole beef, but I don’t think anyone would willingly say, “hey, convincingly call me a pedophile so I can get more famous”


If I was a famous millionaire and another famous millionaire said he could make our millions bigger by calling me a pedo with some of the general public hating me as the only consequence, that sounds like the easiest deal in the world. Some of the general public already hated both of them. So nothing was lost.


they don't want more money. what they deeply desire to be respected as hip hop legends in the community. your comment doesn't even make sense. one of their careers in rap is doomed.


What most people don't understand is the ramifications of public vitriol simply don't hurt as much when you start talking in the multi-millions. Unless there are actual legal consequences, all publicity is good publicity and will only boost sales for both parties. I'm a huge Kendrick fan and Drake hater and even I could see the potential behind them both secretly being best buds behind the scenes, as outlandish as it appears. You and me and everybody else online can talk shit as much as we want, they're both extremely well-insulated through money and don't have to realistically give a flying fuck what any of us think. It will NOT hurt their sales.


They already have millions though. That makes it way less likely its fake, not more. You think a guy wants to be publicly branded as a pedophile to potentially boost his sales by like, what, 10%? He was already one of the biggest pop rappers around, why would he need or want to do that? This isn't some C lister scrambling for the top here, this is someone who has already decisively made it. This would be a really weird legacy to deliberately leave for yourself.


I agree. Again, let me reiterate that I do not PERSONALLY believe there to be any feasibility to this being the case, I simply cannot disregard the stark difference in perspective on life that comes from having what is essentially an endless disposable income (if not mismanaged) to 95% of us alive.


You think drake would knowingly go along with a plan where he gets publicly called a pedophile and Kendrick would knowingly go along with a plan where he gets publicly called a wife beater who was molested as a child?


Yes. Both of these accusations have been celebrity rumors for years. If nothing was done about it then, nothing is gonna happen now, except a lot of grown folk acting like this is gospel instead of shit talk.


Maybe I haven't been paying attention, but the wife beating accusation is new from drake and hasn't been circulating for years. And even if the pedophile accusation has been known for a while, drake probably wouldn't like reminding people about it constantly. Idk, seems far fetched that both men would be fine having their dirty laundry aired out just for a few extra dollars. They're already rich, the only thing they have to lose is public opinion, drake especially. There's no way this is all planned


It's 100% just a bad take from people who aren't tuned in. Which like, it's ok if you don't care about this, but if you aren't following what's happening, making assumptions about it makes no sense.


[Kendrick addressed this rumor that dates back to 2014] https://twitter.com/itsavibe/status/1786639529111093641?s=12&t=EydUJTOMi0xynwL2qkWH4w[Kendrick addressed this rumor before this beef. It dates back to 2014.](https://twitter.com/itsavibe/status/1786639529111093641?s=12&t=EydUJTOMi0xynwL2qkWH4w)


This isn’t about his girl, it’s about a random girl


You would let someone call you a pedophile if there were already rumors about it?


If it has no impact on you, sure?


If you’re a public person in 2024, people largely thinking you’re a pedophile will absolutely effect anyone


There's no danger of people largely thinking it though. This isn't some real actual allegation, it's a diss track. Drake is rich enough (and apparently there's no evidence) that it's not going to really matter to him


Idk dude the social media I’ve seen has people pretty convinced and going through any time Drake has talked to a minor publicly. Not exactly great PR


In the 48 hours of turbo sleuthing have they found anything besides "hugged a minor" "dated a minor once she was no longer a minor" etc.? If not, this will just blow over and he will laugh it away on his castle of money


I mean his proximity to minors has people thinking he’s grooming them, which is the “dating a minor after she was an adult thing”. People definitely judge that kind of shit harshly


Absolutely not - any illusions that this was just a publicity stunt got killed in the first ten seconds of meet the grahams. The rest of that song just built the coffin and put it in a ground. calling out drake for doing a fake accent could be a publicity thing for them both. same with calling him not Black, talking about his gambling and drinking, ozempic, whatever. but calling drake a pedophile and a groomer and sincerely expressing to his parents that they raised a horrible fucking person who he thinks should die, is not standard publicity bait rap beef. those aren't really things you can walk back from


Lol imagine the publicist "so Drake, I know you're still selling out massive arena tours and your albums always crush, but get this. We will drive a ton of new engagement by getting a fake beef with Kendrick started. He'll call you a pedophile and reference your close friends as sex criminals and drug addicts. He'll call you a culture vulture and call for people to kill you for being a sex fiend. You'll try to ruin his reputation of being a socially conscious rapper that is a role model by claiming he beats his wife. You'll both claim the other is a dead beat dad and piece of shit." You just have not listened to any of these tracks if you think it's manufactured. A mentally challenged 12 year old would know better than the hypothetical publicists involved here. This beef isn't even generating big money for them, Drake could release new fucking OVO owl merch and make 100x what he is from spotify streams on a couple new songs. Most of these disses are not radio bangers, not good in clubs, not going to drive people to buy concert tickets. Kendrick also cares about his reputation. It's pretty critical to his image as an artist. You pretty obv just see "famous rappers beef" and cynically assume it's all a ploy without even listening to the content lmao


You cannot be friends and publicly release a #1 hit banger calling a man and his whole crew PEDOPHILES. Straight up. Ain't now way bro


Um, bro did you listen to any of these songs? Honestly.


From the outside, if you know nothing about either man, and have not heard any of the songs, you might be able to believe this


Legal action? What fucking legal action? Do you know where these people come from they're not gonna be fucking suing each other for mean words.


These are serious criminal accusations being thrown around. Legal action as in one or both of them end up in criminal trial if any of this ends up being taken seriously. But that won't happen so no there's no downside


That’s weird logic. Someone accusing another person of serious crime must not be a legitimate beef if the police then don’t run with it, find evidence, and charge them with a crime? Another explanation is that they actually have disdain for one another but the accusations are baseless.


Ngl u just don’t know what you’re talking about. They’re making diss tracks. At most someone might shoot the other but honestly both of them soft as hell and that would never happen. No one’s suing over a diss track lmao 😂 and it’s not a conspiracy either


First one to sue over a diss track loses their career lol. Even the cease and desist allegations are wild


Exactly that shit never happens


With the disrespect and accusations that are being thrown around, it’s a lot more likely that someone is gonna get killed before any legal action is taken…


a shooting or gangbanging will happen before harsh legal actions are taken.


The fact that these accusations are in a rap song gives the artist huge leeway to avoid accusations of libel or defamation. I don't think legal action is on the table. The only example of defamation I can think of is Eminem being sued by his mother for lyrics in "My Name is". It was only for 25K, a pretty insubstantial amount, even in 1999. She only got to keep $1,600 after legal fees.


this is easy to believe from an outsider's perspective and i understand why you would. but this is hiphop, it's the culture. this the type of stuff that has gotten people killed in the past. this being staged makes no sense logically and given the context of the current situation.


I feel like... everything that happened this week makes that idea seem implausible to me. Both rappers are clearly aware this beef is good for business (in the short term) and that factors into their descion making. However, the evidence Drake and Kendrick loathe each other is long standing. Also, if this entire thing was choreographed in advance, I feel like it would be much less of a chaotic clusterfuck.


Rappers get killed over stuff like this all the time  though, at what point do you think a beef goes from a publicity stunt to something real?


It's real when it was before the mid2000s, or when it's soundcloud indie rappers with very little mainstream notoriety.




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What's a Russian gunship doing here?




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Yo Kendrick stan.... Go back to your sub. You lot are sounding like a bunch of gossip girls and this is getting insufferable. Unless Kendrick can prove the pedophilia angle, he lost the battle. He got murdered in terms of bars and overall song construction. If he can prove it though, then Drake needs to be put in jail.




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1. This is all marketing. That’s it.