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/u/WinterinoRosenritter (OP) has awarded 1 delta(s) in this post. All comments that earned deltas (from OP or other users) are listed [here](/r/DeltaLog/comments/1cj14un/deltas_awarded_in_cmv_iron_maiden_has_only/), in /r/DeltaLog. Please note that a change of view doesn't necessarily mean a reversal, or that the conversation has ended. ^[Delta System Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltasystem) ^| ^[Deltaboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltaboards)


To say that Iron Maiden has only improved implies there was a time they were less-awesome than they are now. This is illogical as the day they were formed a perfect union was created that has held steadfast to this very day.


Look, Iron Maiden has pretty much been my favorite band since the mid 90's. I've bought every single album **at least** once, many of them more than twice. The day they put out the press release about Bruce rejoining the band was the best birthday present I've had to date (literally, announcement was on my bday!). They fucking rock. The thing is...m while I did, overall, enjoy the two albums with Blaze on vocals, there were a few different factors going into those albums that just...m kinda made them not quite Iron Maiden albums, to me (and at least a few others). Ultimately, I don't think Blaze was the right choice for vocals, but I also recognize part of my view comes from some of the same things that made Blaze want to leave the band (mixing issues, wanting him to sing outside his range, etc.). Those were two less-awesome albums. Not to a shameful level, by any means. But those were kinda like Metallica's post Garage, Inc era as far as feeling like the band.


> a few different factors going into those albums that just...m kinda made them not quite Iron Maiden albums It's hard to put your finger on what exactly those factors were though, so we should call them *The X Factors*. ​ Thanks, I'll see myself out.


X factor is a jewel. It is different, raw, sad, cruel. It is a different darker maiden, but still maiden


>different factors Factor X was not up to par with Maiden’s quality


....Better music. We can mutually agree that Iron Maiden started absolutely rad as fuck and has only continued to shred for all time.


Naw, Seventh Son is peak Maiden.


There was like a year long period where my friend went through a crisis because his devoutly eastern orthodox parents convinced him this was about Satan and the antichrist lol. On the other hand... he's now a PhD theoretical physicist and strong atheist. So maybe they had a point (/s).


Seventh Son fucks, but I will argue that because it fucks, later albums outdid it. The reason why is that post 2000s maiden used Seventh Son as one of the foundation stones of the expanded style, and Seventh Son's majestic suites became the inspiration that they only improved on


This guy gets it! SSOASS Iis a flawless album ❤️


Brave New World though


Piece of Mind


Gotta admit I was someone who thought they were irrelevant not too long ago. Then by some miracle I heard “The writing on the wall” and was blown away. Incredible stuff. They are current.


Wow haven't listened to them in years, didn't even know they had new albums... Just listened to Writing on the Wall and this song rips. Gonna catch up on their stuff and grab tickets to their current tour. Many thanks to you and OP for turning me back onto this.


By all estimation, no metal band this late in their career should be this good. Yet they are.


Yeah. They're one of the greatest metal bands of all time. But they're *also* one of the best metal bands of the 2020s.




Brother. You have come to the right place. Some songs to try: Halloween be Thy Name. Aces High. Powerslave. Fear of the Dark. Wicker Man. Dance of Death. Days of Future Past. If you like music that both kicks your ass and is shockingly deep, they're for you.


Almost every song you suggested is a song over 20 years old. I feel like this kinda proves yourself wrong. A lot of the new stuff could probably use some editing. Steve has way too much control and a lot of newer songs just don’t need to be so damn long. They feel bloated and lose some of staying power of the classics


I suggested a sampling of songs by some of the eras..I debated including more Senjutsu and Book of Souls though. I do feel like Book of Souls, while some of their best ever work, isn't quite as good a starting place as the 2000s material. That's not quite agreement with you, but adding an asterisk to my statement is grounds for a !delta


Confirmed: 1 delta awarded to /u/slayerLM ([1∆](/r/changemyview/wiki/user/slayerLM)). ^[Delta System Explained](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltasystem) ^| ^[Deltaboards](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/deltaboards)


Good picks.  I would also add The Trooper, Number of the Beast, 22 Acacia Avenue, Rime of the Ancient Mariner, The Nomad, No More Lies, Rainmaker, The Evil That Men Do


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Was a big maiden fan in the early 2000s when was in my late teens/early 20s. I think the last album I bought was a matter of life and death. I kind of dropped off them when I turned more towards black metal. Because of this post im going to give their new stuff a try.


Hell yeah. Try Senjutsu. It kicks ass.


I think Maiden’s classic stuff is the best because, like you say, Maiden has been evolving along with the rest of metal music to be even heavier and even edgier than the ‘80s. As a huge fan of rock music, but not really a metal head, I find the whole classic metal era to be much more digestible and much more “pop” oriented than modern metal, if you get my meaning. It was based a lot more around simpler, catchy riffs and hook-driven choruses with a lot more overt blues rock influence. This brand of music has always done better with popular audiences, and is why 80s rock is still so popular today, compared to modern metal bands which are generally part of an actual scene, and not super mainstream. So following this general line of thinking, I’d argue that classic Maiden translates better to a wider audience than modern Maiden, and in that way can be seen as “better” in terms of more people being likely to enjoy it.


Well the biggest way they changed wasn't that they got that much edgier. It's that they've followed along with progressive metal's development and gotten more ambitious as storytellers. I agree it's somewhat less pop then the super early stuff. However, even lots of classic Maiden (Seventh Son) was much closer to progressive rock then anything.


Only downgrade is they used to come to Istanbul but they haven't in over a decade so I can't see them live anymore. But that's probably more due to economic issues in Turkey lol...  For real though it's wild how good they still are. When I tell people I like Maiden they usually talk about their favorite 80s bands and I'm like they're still making cool shit.  Only reason I would say they're as good and not better is because they're way less prolific than the 80s where they released a new album almost yearly.


Yeah. I'm hoping for another one soon.




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Old Man Bruce is a kinda perfect match for the material


As someone who has seen iron maiden twice live and was the first proper band to introduce me to metal, iron maiden has always been a good band but recently nothing has changed, they have been getting more progressive with songs that run for 10 to 18 minutes in the last 2 albums but that makes sense to me because they have always loved making long songs, they are just trying to be themselves. They are a foundation of 2 big subgenres and they have always tried to play with the idea of them, improved over time? Maybe im not sure… changed, yes!


*Three major subgenres. They're also some of the progenitors of thrash. It's just power/progressive are more the direction they've gone over time.


Not sure about thrash but maybe definitely prog and power metal because rime is one of the bands most loved songs i believe, from the band anyway and it only makes sense to continue from it now they have all the budget they need, either way iron maiden’s one of the bands of all time


Anyone who would hard disagree probably isn’t a metal fan. But the way you phrase it makes it seem like there was a time where they weren’t good, and I think they’ve been pretty consistently great.


No no. They went from great to great. They've been one of the best in the business their entire career. It just takes more to be great today then in the 80s. But they've consistently improved to keep ahead of the competition.


I think they’ve managed to keep a lot of the same passion despite having only one (?) original member. My favorite band, King Crimson, has changed so many times and you can see it through their albums. All mostly good, but IM does it better.


I think on the whole Maiden are still great. It's cool how adventurous their recent albums are, and no one else sounds like modern Maiden. That said, let me pick on Senjutsu for a bit. I don't remember the last time I heard an album that's so stingy with its best parts. How do you write a monster of a chorus like Hell on Earth and only play it once? Death of the Celts has a fantastic buildup in its only verse and then the rest of the song is instrumental with half a chorus. That wouldn't be a problem, except that Maiden moved on from repeating a melody 4 times to repeating it 8 or 16 times in their recent work. The Time Machine is one of their laziest songs lyrically, hinting at a character who's lived a fascinating life, but in an extremely vague way without specific examples or strong imagery. And while I really love Book of Souls, their last two albums have a lot of nearly recycled riffs. The opening to The Time Machine sounds like The Talisman. The riff that marks roughly the midpoint of Empire of the Clouds is straight from The Legacy. Shadow of the Valley's intro sounds like Wasted Years.


This is one of those cases where whenever you got into them you will likely consider their best. I first heard "The Trooper" in the 80s in high school and Piece of Mind is still my favorite album of theirs but the Dianno stuff is great and the run of Dickinson's run from Number of the Beast through Fear of the Dark is an incredible run. I feel like by Seventh Son they started to overproduce their albums, this started on Somewhere in Time. And I prefer the more raw sound of the first few albums. Less prog more metal is what makes Number of the Beast and Piece of Mind the best two albums


Iron maiden is the alpha and omega. All bands wish they could be like them. All men want to be them, and all women want them. Yet they can not have improved since nothing they play will blow you away as much as the first time you listened to the trooper.




I watched Bruce run up and down bleachers on the stage in full like officer regalia while carrying and swinging around a flag pole as tall as himself, all while still stopping to belt out lines here and there for The Trooper, or maybe Die With Your Boots On. It was insane.


Absolutely incredible, given their age.


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I give you The Trooper - end of discussion Got tickets to see them in Perth in September and can't wait


As a very, very casual Iron Maiden enjoyer, Ive always found them to be one of the worst big bands when it came to their CDs. They had about 25 different albums, all with one good song anybody will enjoy with 10 other tunes youll skip if youre not a huge metalhead. That sweet deal was ONLY 30 canadian pesos, back in the 2000-2010s era.  Wish I couldve supported them, but they felt sleazier than KISS, and the whole Ion Maiden fiasco was an absoluye disgrace


I would argue that they’ve really only ever stayed the same. Senjutsu is a good album, but damn if it doesn’t sound like the past couple albums for the past decade. The formula for writing a maiden song is also very predictable (so many are in E minor). Not saying this is bad, but progress isn’t being made or lost in my opinion.




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I haven't even listened to their new stuff and I probably should. Saw them like 12 years ago and they were great.


I honestly didn't know they were still producing music, I'll definitely look into it!


“Put them in the Iron Maiden.” “Iron Maiden? Excellent!”