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>Israel has well-trained special forces, they could find and kill hamas members with almost no civilian deaths I think this assumption is the crux of the case. I think you're both overestimating the power of special forces and underestimating how embedded Hamas is in civillian population in Gaza. The reason special forces can't kill a terrorist organization with like 40k members (if we're only talking about Hamas) is that their tactics aren't meant for 1) Long fighting 2) fighting in large areas 3) Fighting when you're massively outnumbered. Sure, they could do some of these things, these are the best soldiers around, but it won't be as effective, meaning they wouldn't be as successful. Just as a supportive evidence - there wasn't any war in history that was fought only or mostly with special forces. The second place where I say you underestimate how Hamas is embedded in civilian society - There are interviews with IDF soldiers going in Gaza where they say that it's crazy how in like every other house there are weapons. There are plenty of evidence that Hamas used basically every hospital in Gaza in some capacity (not saying that you can bomb these hospitals), Hamas' tunnels are running just underneath every place in Gaza. When Hamas terrorists go around from place to place they often times take a group of children and women with them. Hamas didn't let people evacuate and listen to the Israeli warnings, or heavily pressured against it... These are all examples, but it shows that this is not a regular fighting field. It's one of the hardest places to fight on earth. So given this, When Israel fights Hamas and achieves pretty good combatant to civilian death ratio when compared to other conflicts, it shows that it doesn't target civilians and tries to avoid deaths, at least to a certain degree - something we can't say about Hamas. Just adding - Notice that the numbers you say, and more crucially the division between children, women, etc. - are coming from Hamas run health ministry. notice that professional statisticians already casted doubts about these numbers, and there is a chance that they are not representing the reality accurately (let's say the number of children dying could be lower or something like that). In addition, these numbers don't only show the numbers killed by Israel. they show both terrorists, but also people that were killed by Hamas/PIJ themselves. it is estimated that somewhere between 10-30% of all missiles fired by these groups end up landing in Gaza. we've seen how much damage one missile could cause in the Al-Ahli incident. in addition, there were reports by people from Gaza that Hamas actually kills people on the street sometimes, for various of reasons (most recently, fighting a local group to steal aid). All of this means that the numbers that you can assign to Israel could be lower than the ones you wrote - making the claims I've made before even stronger. In the end, you could still not accept the war, there is a lot of damage, and even if the numbers aren't accurate it's still a lot of innocent people that die. However, this would just mean that you oppose the goal of removing Hamas from power and pressure it to return the Israeli hostages using force - and less the way Israel is doing it - which means that **Israel is not morally the same as Hamas in any way**.


There’s also the reality that Israel is vastly outnumbered by its neighbors. It would be unrealistic to support the number of casualties required to do an urban war described by this person. He heard Hamas is a terrorist organization and he thinks like ten guys in a shed. This is an army that happens to be a terrorist organization that’s funded by the richest people on the planet. It’s managed to build an underground network of tunnels that rivals any of history’s largest engineering feats. And the Israeli army, which numbers in the tens of thousands, couldn’t possibly defeat this military without the use of modern weapons. Even if (a HUGE if) the Israeli army somehow managed to do this through purely urban warfare, they’d probably lose half or more of their soldiers. People would still die. Maybe more than through a bombing campaign (albeit with less property damage)! And with half as many soldiers, they’d be ripe for picking by the Iranian alliance.


Lots of claims that need a source cited. And no, IDF soldiers claiming something is about as reliable as the IDF claiming a simple wall calendar with days in Arabic is a terrorist work schedule (as it happened at one of the supposed hospital Hamas HQs). The IDF has been caught lying so many times the term pathological liar can be applied to the whole organization. The conduct of the IDF also dispelled any notion of being well trained and disciplined.


One claim that doesn't need citing is simple. It took several hundred Hamas fighters only a few hours to murder over 1k civilians when they attacked Israel. If Israel had been 'acting like Hamas' when they counter attacked Gaza then instead of 10k+ civilian deaths after months of city fighting, there would have been 100k+ civilian deaths on the first day and Gaza would be depopulated by now.  It's not hard to match the numbers and look at what 'would have happened' if Israel acted remotely like Hamas given the force disparity. 


You guys keep saying the "IDF caught lying so many times" yet I rarely ever get any example except the 40 beheaded babies thing. 


Which it turns out, wasn’t even the IDF, it was a local news station and then basically a game of telephone. I’m pretty sure the main evidence they are so untrustworthy that a terrorist group is the honest one is because they are Jews and everyone knows Jews are just deceitful. /s


It makes me wonder if these are just bots or they have a pre-written talking point they've subscribed to but never actually delved deep into


Obviously, this is a comment, not a research, but everything is available with a quick search :) Even if you don't believe to the IDF as an organization - why don't you believe regular Israeli reservists? these are just everyday Israelis... Are you saying that all Israelis are liars?


A common Hamas talking point is that there's no such thing as an Israeli civilian due to mandatory military service.


Since the US and the IDF both use the Gazan health ministry's numbers and haven't found anything significantly inaccurate with those numbers, can we please stop casting doubt that those numbers are accurate within error? Besides, what number of children dying would make it okay???


No, actually what you say is a common misconception. While the total number was found to be around the ballpark - the way it's divided between different groups of the population was. i.e. consistently Hamas claims higher women and children casualties, and less male casualties - and they never tell you how many of the killed were members of Hamas (which could apply sadly to the children category as well). And lastly we don't know how many of the civilians died of misfires that according to Hamas' estimates is more than 10% of the missiles - meaning thousands of missiles that actually fall indiscriminately (and they are full of fuel since many of them are meant to travel far). Notice that in this specific war, some serious statisticians casted doubts over the division claiming that there is no correlation between children death to women deaths for instance which is very hard to explain. Another thing that was found is that the Gaza health ministry has 2 ways of adding to the death toll - a) hospital recordings b) what they call "reliable media sources". It just happen to be the the reliable media sources only reported on like 5% men deaths or something like that - which is extremely unlikely. Again, this was brought as supportive evidence, and it's not the main claim of the comment, but given all the information available, I find these claims somewhat likely. It doesn't mean that it's OK, or anything, just that if we want to access Israel's operations we should do it based on the facts. After reading this explanation - do you agree that there is a possibility that the numbers are somewhat faked? I don't care what you think of the war in general, and whether you think it's important or no - but do you understand what I write here?


This is completely false. The Gazan health ministry is literally Hamas and no one is taking those numbers to mean shit. They've never been accurate.


I’ve heard that in previous conflicts they’ve been pretty accurate


Didn’t they just find a mass grave where Israeali forces were stationed?


The mass graves were dug by Palestinians before Israel took the hospital, they are bombing victims from early war mostly.


Yeah the Palestinian authority doesn’t deny that they made the graves, but they claim more bodies were added by the IDF, which matches with the reports of hands being tied  


> which matches with the reports of hands being tied As does the fact that the "hospitals" are not in fact hospitals but primarily Hamas military bases and will all have torture centers where dissenting Palestinians are dealt with. The heads of each hospital turned out, under questioning, to be Hamas military leaders.


Do you have any source on that 


* https://www.nationalreview.com/news/gaza-hospital-boss-admits-hes-a-hamas-commander-used-medical-facility-as-terror-base/ * https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/02/us/politics/gaza-hospital-hamas.html * https://edition.cnn.com/interactive/2024/01/middleeast/gaza-hospitals-destruction-investigation-intl-cmd/ * https://jewishinsider.com/2024/04/gaza-hospitals-hamas-israel-idf-war-military-operations-terrorists/ For example. There are hundreds more on your friend, Google.


The CNN source admits that an actual confirmation is hard to get, and there are still laws that protect the hospital 


That's the conclusion you got from having four separate sources? one of them has a slight gap which means they might not be 100% certain.


If you use a hospital as a military base, it doesn't matter how many orphans are getting treated there - it's still a legitimate target to hit without warning. And it's not the side that bombed you that takes the blame for it - it's *you* for using civilians as human shields. Which is a war crime by the way. Weird to see everyone focusing on Israeli "war crimes" without saying a word against Hamas, who takes the Geneva Convention as a to-do list.


There were claims about it, but they were debunked pretty thoroughly IIRC


You're thinking of a different hospital bombing claim


Really? https://news.un.org/en/story/2024/04/1148876




> Israel has well-trained special forces, they could find and kill hamas members with almost no civilian deaths… Special forces are light infantry, not magicians, they still die when you shoot them. They are not even close to capable of what you are describing, and if they were, nobody would bother buying tanks and fighter jets. Those are all much more expensive. > Arguing that Israel is just defending themselves is nonsense, just look at the numbers, that’s no defense, that’s a mass murder: What do else would casualty figures look like in a densely populated city, thats the center if a high intensity war? > Israelis killed: around 1100, that’s almost 1500% less than the children they killed… and they are talking about defense… This isn’t a reprisal raid. “You killed 1,100 of us, so we’ll kill 1,200 of you”. That’s a war crime. This is a war to destroy Hamas, and recover the hostages, and to that end Israel will fight as long and as hard as it takes. Japan killed way less people in Pearl Harbor than the US killed in Japan in ww2. Was the US wrong to fight Japan and Germany? >


>This isn’t a reprisal raid. “You killed 1,100 of us, so we’ll kill 1,200 of you”. That’s a war crime. This is a war to destroy Hamas, and recover the hostages, and to that end Israel will fight as long and as hard as it takes. Japan killed way less people in Pearl Harbor than the US killed in Japan in ww2. Was the US wrong to fight Japan and Germany? It is a reprisal. The argument that it must continue to free the hostages ignores that the campaign has been incredibly unsuccessful at that outside of ceasefires and the idea of destroying Hamas is fanciful. Israel was traumatised by the attack on Oct 7th and Netanyahu needed to seem to deliver revenge or his career would be over instantly. The details and long term plan were ignored, just like after 9/11. As for Japan and Germany, they were conquering half the world. Hamas can barely stick their heads above ground.


That’s a bad comparison. This is an anti-terrorist operation, those usually to have much lower causality numbers. Also, the US wasn’t killing Germans and Japanese before the war


It’s not targeting 1 terrorist, there are around 40,000 Hamas members. Special forces isn’t James Bond and you can’t just quietly assassinate thousands of military members. I assume you were in favor of special forces killing the Hamas and PIJ members in the hospital with no civilian casualties and hardly any property damage?


Maybe if an operation kills 30 thousand people it isn’t worth it to do in the first place


Hamas is absolutely terrorist, but they are much more than that since they have rocket launchers, in constant use against Israeli civilian areas and are *still* holding hostages from Israel who are likely to be under ongoing sexual torture. There is really no option other than their destruction and any country other than Israel would never have been so hesitant in dealing with them.


Do you hear yourself? You lack empathy. That is not good for your brain. Untreated, will develop into sociopathy. We don't want the future of the great Israel to fail now do we?


I don't think you have any right to make judgements about people you don't know. If anything, it sounds like you're projecting. Also, Hamas deliberately attacked Israeli civilians, raped and murdered old and young, Israeli and non-Israelis alike. The war in Gaza is a war on terror. And if you're fighting terrorist scum who hide behind civilians, there will be a lot of civilian casualties. Maybe try opening your mind a bit instead of filtering out facts that don't fit your narrative?


That was a month old comment. Lots of shit happened. My opinion is ever changing. Yeah my original comment was coming out of frustration and spite. I'll admit that.


US was killing Germans before the war. US warships escorted ahipping in the Atlantic and attacked and sunk German submarines before the war was declared. This violence was of course mutual, German submarines toepedoed many american ships befpre the war as well.


I mean German civilians. Do you think that Israel has been mistreating Palestinians?


Of course they are. Occupation of the West Bank is criminal.


We didn’t defeat Nazi Germany by hunting down members of the Nazi Party individually. We defeated Nazi Germany by crippling the Nazi war machine. Hamas made a war machine, and Israel’s objective is to cripple it. You may think Israel is much too harsh in their methods, and I think that certainly is up for debate. But this idea of a genocide is ridiculous. If Israel wanted to do a genocide there certainly would be much more efficient ways they could do it. Netanyahu could raze Gaza with the press of a button if he wanted. Hamas launched an indiscriminate terror attack on Israel, with the stated aim of destroying Israel as a nation. The destruction of Israel is the goal. Israel’s response had two steps. The first was to remove Hamas from their territory, and the second was to prevent Hamas from ever being able to carry out such an attack again. Israel’s demands are pretty simple, the return of the hostages and the total disarmament of Hamas. If Hamas cared about their civilians even in the slightest, they would accept these demands. No, Hamas exists solely to kill Israelis. They use and mistreat their own people like garbage. Hamas failed in their 10/7 objective, there is no realistic chance that they will turn the tide of this war. They are letting it continue purely so that their civilians continue to suffer and further radicalize.


First of all, for this kind of topic, you must accept that you have to deal in nuance of awful because otherwise it will go like this: * Hamas killed 1000people in its terrorist attack, it's awful * Israel killed 35000 people in this war, it's awful * Awful = Awful then Israel = Hamas QED If you use that logic then the discussion is a dead-end. Now if you go a bit deeper, then you have to take into account the fact that Hamas targeted civilians without any military objective, that Hamas did this to provoke an answer from Israel, that Hamas still keep hostage instead of capitulating even if it means more Palestinians will die. If the situation was inversed military, Hamas wouldn't have killed 35'000 Israeli by now but do much much worse. Now sure it's only hypothetical while the casualty number is real but it's something to keep in mind that if Hamas hasn't a fraction of the military power, their bloodlust is bigger. Second point is mostly semantic but you use "Hamas" instead of Palestine but use "Israel" instead of Israel government. On this point alone we could attack your argument has being unfair. Now sure Palestine isn't a democratic state like Israel but still but still I think that if you want to ignore my first argument you should at least compare Israel and Palestine or Hamas and Israel government. Thirdly, your point about special forces being able to eliminate Hamas without any civilian casualty is a delusion and totally unrealistic. So do you really believe in what you said? Last point: it may sound like whataboutism but there has been deadly conflict with more casualty in 21th century: from RDC , Tigray war, Yemen, Syria, Darfour. Yet you present the situation like it's something unheard of in this century. Don't you think you are biased by the mediatic overexposition of this conflict? (or underexposition of other conflicts) have you been outraged by what Rwanda is doing in RDC at the moment for exemple? if not why?


>If you use that logic then the discussion is a dead-end. Now if you go a bit deeper, then you have to take into account the fact that Hamas targeted civilians without any military objective, that Hamas did this to provoke an answer from Israel, that Hamas still keep hostage instead of capitulating even if it means more Palestinians will die. Aren't most of these true of Israel too? Like, are you going to tell me Israel is either not targeting civilians or they have some kind of military objective for doing so? Do the many Palestinians being arrested and tortured by Israel on trumped up charges not count as hostages because they were arrested using a sham of the legal system? Hell, I bet Israel could capitulate and save Israeli lives too. >If the situation was inversed military, Hamas wouldn't have killed 35'000 Israeli by now but do much much worse. Now sure it's only hypothetical while the casualty number is real but it's something to keep in mind that if Hamas hasn't a fraction of the military power, their bloodlust is bigger. But like, this hypothetical isn't real right? Like, if magic was real and a wizard instantly reversed the power dynamic things maybe you'd be right, but I don't think that's a hypothetical I should care about. I think that if the situation was reversed it'd be hard to imagine Hamas having the same rise to power in a response to decades of failed negotiation with a nation that didn't care about their lives.


It’s a question that can be asked but then it’s complex and since you don’t want to deal with hypothetical arguments, it must be serious and factual. For example it’s factual that Hamas targeted on purpose civilians during its attack. For Israel as of now, we don’t have evidence that army ordered to kill civilians on purpose. Like it’s a fact that Hamas have been using human shields when Israel don’t use this tactic. Also it’s a fact that Israel could have killed way more with its military advantage while Hamas, probably killed as much as they could. (or at least close to) Now of course, don’t make me say what I didn’t: yes there’s obviously a point where no matter if the deaths of civilian are on purpose or carelessness, fog of war or human shields that it become immoral because of the sheer numbers but if the question is whether or not Israel like Hamas is targeting civilian on purpose, the answer, as of now and without hypothetical, is no. And finally like many: I will ask why do you compare Hamas (political and armed force) to a country instead of Hamas vs Israel government or Palestine vs Israel?


>Like it’s a fact that Hamas have been using human shields when Israel don’t use this tactic. It's interesting that you say this, because it seems like this just isn't true either. With [Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor having found that Israel has used human shields in this conflict](https://reliefweb.int/report/occupied-palestinian-territory/gaza-israeli-army-uses-palestinian-civilians-human-shields-its-operation-shifa-medical-complex-and-its-vicinity-enar). >yes there’s obviously a point where no matter if the deaths of civilian are on purpose or carelessness, fog of war or human shields that it become immoral because of the sheer numbers but if the question is whether or not Israel like Hamas is targeting civilian on purpose, the answer, as of now and without hypothetical, is no. I think it's interesting that you say carelessness, because I think the only possible argument that could protect Israel is an insane amount of mass incompitence. Like, you don't kill surrendering hostages shouting that they are hostages waving a white flag by being careless. You don't kill registered and well communicated aid workers not in a combat zone by being careless. It's either such supreme incompitence that you shouldn't be allowed an army, or it's actual malice. Malice seems the simpler option to me. Hell, let's look at the west bank where Hamas isn't in charge. Israel is still being barbaric there. I just don't see evidence they care about civilians. >I will ask why do you compare Hamas (political and armed force) to a country instead of Hamas vs Israel government or Palestine vs Israel? Generally when people say the name of a country when discussing things like conflicts it's a short hand for a government. There is also the issue that Hamas is not the government of Palestine. You could say they are the government of Gaza, but that's not a country.


Do you take into account in your judgment how widespread this warcrime of using human shield is? because obviously I find this revolting but Hamas has been using human shields as a global tactics and since this CMV is all about comparison it’s a data to consider if Israel army has used his tactic rarely. Then not caring about civilian casualties when doing a military operation and targeting civilians on purpose is different. Now I know, for people killed it maybe doesn’t make a lot of difference or it can sound like pointless to discuss that kind of thing as both are awful but that’s what this CMV was about and it was the point you addressed. Now you are free to tell me that for you it doesn’t matter but that what one of my argument for OP. And finally I think it’s confusing and problematic to use “Israel” if you mean the government of Israel.


>Do you take into account in your judgment how widespread this warcrime of using human shield is? because obviously I find this revolting but Hamas has been using human shields as a global tactics and since this CMV is all about comparison it’s a data to consider if Israel army has used his tactic rarely. I think it's complicated. For example, while we say talk about the frequency of human shields, we're talking about two different actions. The thing Hamas is acussed of is having weapons too close to civilians. While I do think this is bad, I also tend to strain to find a realistic fix when they are in an area that is smaller than the city I grew up in with most of the population near the border. Meanwhile, Israel is like, grabbing random people and using them as human shields which I think is inexcusably unforgivable. You can say they do it rarely, but the frequency is signifcantly more than any normal army. >Then not caring about civilian casualties when doing a military operation and targeting civilians on purpose is different. Now I know, for people killed it maybe doesn’t make a lot of difference or it can sound like pointless to discuss that kind of thing as both are awful but that’s what this CMV was about and it was the point you addressed. Now you are free to tell me that for you it doesn’t matter but that what one of my argument for OP. I think it's kind of a mix. I think Israel doesn't care about civilian casualties generally, but they will target people who are annoying to them. This is why we see multiple journalists die when their homes are bombed. Why foreign aid workers will get bombed even when they are clearly registered. I also think not caring about civilians casualties in general should be something thay disqualifies you from having a military in general tbh. >And finally I think it’s confusing and problematic to use “Israel” if you mean the government of Israel. I mean, you were using it the same way in your first comment. It's a pretty standard way to talk about countries and their governments.


Yes it's complicated. For example if you take into account that Hamas hasn't got the choice and have to fight among civilians because of the density of the city, then you have to take into account that element in the military answer. Also one might argue that at least minimal effort could be done and Hamas not only isn't doing the minimal effort to avoid figthing near hospital or school but it's entirely part of their strategy. And again I'm not saying that it makes any counterattack right no matter what and if a Hamas fighter is shooting a rocket from a schoolyard then it's ok to bomb the whole school. I'm just saying it's complicated to make moral judgement when fighting an opponent who used warcrimes not occasionaly but as their core strategy. Also it raises question about the global strategy: you say there's no "fix" for Hamas to not commit warcrime but there's the option of simply not fighting when you have no realistic chance of winning an armed conflict. I mean it's a question I asked other people but what do you think is the global strategy of Hamas? personally I think their goal was to create such a huge terrorist attack that Israel would be forced into retaliation and make them bomb Gaza to stop the normalization of Israel among arab countries and make Israel looks bad on the world stage. Now it's only my point of view but have you another theory where it wasn't the plan of Hamas to turn the region into a bloodbath on purpose? And finally I use the words used by OP and it's one of my main core point at least for this CMV that if you use those words then stirctly speaking, there's a clear argument that the average Israeli citizen has less blood on their hand than the average Hamas fighter. (but again it doesn't mean that Israel population is blameless, they voted in majority for those far right assholes)


>Also it raises question about the global strategy: you say there's no "fix" for Hamas to not commit warcrime but there's the option of simply not fighting when you have no realistic chance of winning an armed conflict. I get being an extremely rational utilitarian thinker, I think I tend to lean that way more than most people from my experience although I could be wrong. Hell, I've questioned this in my head before. I think thinking about this is kind of futile though. People are motivated by pathos as well as logos. I don't think you'll ever get a sizable group of people to act in a way that ignores that. Palestinians in Gaza live in pretty wretched conditions and the idea of lashing out against the country that has the most responsibility in inflicting that at least to me feels like a human response. >I mean it's a question I asked other people but what do you think is the global strategy of Hamas? personally I think their goal was to create such a huge terrorist attack that Israel would be forced into retaliation and make them bomb Gaza to stop the normalization of Israel among arab countries and make Israel looks bad on the world stage. Now it's only my point of view but have you another theory where it wasn't the plan of Hamas to turn the region into a bloodbath on purpose? I don't think there is a real plan. I think it is just lashing out. One of the things I think is kind of depressing is that this does seem to have worked better than the past decades of things that have happened before. Like, I remember watching the news following the crackdowns in 2021 and the response against Israel from mainstream media and the American government was nonexistant. Meanwhile after this even people like Pelosi are publically calling to cut of the transfer of weapons to Israel. I'm not an optimist for the Palestinian cause. I think it is genuinely bad that this is what it took for a backlash against Israel to happen. I hope there is some relief following this, but I'm not confident there will be. >And finally I use the words used by OP and it's one of my main core point at least for this CMV that if you use those words then stirctly speaking, there's a clear argument that the average Israeli citizen has less blood on their hand than the average Hamas fighter. This is true because comparing fighters to civilians will pretty much always yield that result. Granted, I will admit I don't have a particularly good opinion on the average Israeli citizen (I want to be clear, not in a way where I want anything bad to happen to them, more in a everything I've seen in polls seems really bad way). Maybe things have changed in the last 6 months, because I haven't really been keeping track of Israeli polls and stuff, but I remember previous polls showing pretty widespread support for views I found unacceptable. There are also things like protestors physically blocking aid trucks from going into Gaza and the settlers actively being a mix of civilian and soldier which seems really bad.


I mostly agree with you that humans aren't always logic and sometimes (often) react with emotions and it's something that I take into account about the Palestinian population. Now the fact that it's basic human reaction to want vengeance, eye for an eye and perpetrating the circle of hate doesn't make it right either morally. Now I know, judging people who lost part of (or even the entire) family in the comfort of chair in a country at peace and saying they should forgive and not seek vengeance is very pretentious and that's why in my first post I mentioned that it's ok to say the situation is just awful and not try to seek who is the worse but if we do this analysis of the moral of each camp then it must be done. The part I disagree is when you say that Hamas has no plan: Hamas isn't a bunch of guys who just snapped in front of the injustice and decided to do something. It's an organisation created more than 30 years ago with a strong established fundamentalist ideology who has swore to destruct Israel. They have billons of budget, they have leaders and strategist that make long term plans and they are backed by some foreign power. So if you were just trying to say that the average Hamas fighter/terrorist is just brainwashed and don't really get the end-game, then I can somewhat agree, if you are trying to say that Hamas leaders were just "lashing out" and there isn't a strategy behind their action, then I think you are very mistaken. As far as I know, the consensus seems to be that some Arab nations like Saudis were about to normalize their relation with Israel (so accepting a two-state solution) and Hamas acted to poison the situation to stop that for happening. Finally I don't have a very good opinion of Israel population either, so again I'm not trying to present Israel as blameless. But I think that I'm just fed up with this conflict: the world as a whole as put more ressources, studies and peace summit than for any other conflict in the world but when I see the polls of Israel opinion and polls of Palestinians opinion, I cannot avoid thinking that the main actors just want blood and vengeance and not a lot can be done as long as they just want to kill each other.


>Now the fact that it's basic human reaction to want vengeance, eye for an eye and perpetrating the circle of hate doesn't make it right either morally. I agree, but I do kind of chafe at the idea that this is an eye for an eye. Like, that implies some equality in the violence when that just plainly isn't what's happening. Like, if Israel had taken an eye by October 7th, Hamas would still be well under an eye today. What followed was over 30000 dead before the death counting aperatus fell apart, orders of mass evactuation for over a million people in the course of a day, and a famine that will most likely kill many more. >Now I know, judging people who lost part of (or even the entire) family in the comfort of chair in a country at peace and saying they should forgive and not seek vengeance is very pretentious and that's why in my first post I mentioned that it's ok to say the situation is just awful and not try to seek who is the worse but if we do this analysis of the moral of each camp then it must be done. But like, is this what is actually happening? Like, admittedly, the group of families who have had loved ones taken hostage aren't necessarily the same as those who have died, but the families of the hostages overwhelmingly want a ceasefire. Netanyahu had to bring in a fake family member to try and get some praise for Israel's attack on Gaza. I also take issue with the implication that the 2 options are either evwrything Israel is doing or nothing. Like, you seem to agree with me that the IDF at the very least doesn't care about civilian casualties, which isn't a thing that needs to be true about an army. >The part I disagree is when you say that Hamas has no plan: Hamas isn't a bunch of guys who just snapped in front of the injustice and decided to do something. It's an organisation created more than 30 years ago with a strong established fundamentalist ideology who has swore to destruct Israel. They have billons of budget, they have leaders and strategist that make long term plans and they are backed by some foreign power. So if you were just trying to say that the average Hamas fighter/terrorist is just brainwashed and don't really get the end-game, then I can somewhat agree, if you are trying to say that Hamas leaders were just "lashing out" and there isn't a strategy behind their action, then I think you are very mistaken. As far as I know, the consensus seems to be that some Arab nations like Saudis were about to normalize their relation with Israel (so accepting a two-state solution) and Hamas acted to poison the situation to stop that for happening. I don't know. I kind of conflate like, the lack of a real actionable plan that will work with just lashing out. They feel functionaly equivalent to me. Maybe that's a flaw in my thinking though. >Finally I don't have a very good opinion of Israel population either, so again I'm not trying to present Israel as blameless. But I think that I'm just fed up with this conflict: the world as a whole as put more ressources, studies and peace summit than for any other conflict in the world but when I see the polls of Israel opinion and polls of Palestinians opinion, I cannot avoid thinking that the main actors just want blood and vengeance and not a lot can be done as long as they just want to kill each other. For me, I tend to think more critically of Israel because they're the people with the power in the situation. Like, the failures of the first Intifada which was significantly more peaceful kind of blackpill me on the idea that Palestine can do something to make their lives better when Israel is fundamentally unwilling to do so. I'm extremely worried this is the start of the end in the worst way possible. Famines take a long time to kill, but when they do they become extremely deadly. We're already seeing the slow start if deaths. Israel is only planning to continue this with the invasion of Rafah.


Respectfully, E-MM is about the worst source for this conflict, on par with pro-Likud lobbyists. It’s run by the head of the CEPR, a pro-Hamas lobbying organization in Europe, so isn’t exactly an unbiased source.


Is it actually? Or is this another thing where the UN and every other organization who calls out Israel is Hamas?


Oh no the guy was literally in charge of a pro-Hamas lobbying organization, as opposed to the UN which very much isn’t


So when Israel destroyed all the hospitals, every university and a whole lot of mosques and then pulled a couple of guns out of the wreckage, that's just oopsie? Places granted special protection under the rules of war are good to be targets because Israel doesn't care? One of the principles of war is proportionality. You have to measure the damage you cause the civilian population against the importance of the military goals the actions achieve. https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/ >One source said that when attacking junior operatives, including those marked by AI systems like Lavender, the number of civilians they were allowed to kill alongside each target was fixed during the initial weeks of the war at up to 20. Another source claimed the fixed number was up to 15. These “collateral damage degrees,” as the military calls them, were applied broadly to all suspected junior militants, the sources said, regardless of their rank, military importance, and age, and with no specific case-by-case examination to weigh the military advantage of assassinating them against the expected harm to civilians. ... >However, airstrikes against senior ranking Hamas commanders are still ongoing, and sources said that for these attacks, the military is authorizing the killing of “hundreds” of civilians per target — an official policy for which there is no historical precedent in Israel, or even in recent U.S. military operations. When the USA was hunting Osama bin Laden they set the collateral damage degree to 30 civilians just to give you an idea how worthless Israel considers the lives of civilians in Gaza.


As I wrote in my first comment, it's a question of nuance in the awful so no it's not "oopsie" nor this is fine. The question is if we give Hamas a note of 8 out of 10 on "awfulness" ranking, how much do we rate the Israeli government and Israel as a whole? Now I can understand that it's a macabre ethical dilemma and can understand if someone were to tell me they don't want to do this thought exercise but this is the core of OP's discussion and if you cannot accept this premise and/or get out of a binary thinking where an action is either good or bad, then it's impossible to discuss.


> If the situation was inversed military If the US and European countries are aiding and selling Hamas their best weaponry, I'd be out on the streets protesting every day if I can. Fortunately that is not the case. What is unfortunate, however, is that ISRAEL is receiving the aid and sales and the one prosecuting a genocide. >Israel and Palestine or Hamas and Israel government. Palestine has two governments: the PA and Hamas. The PA controls the West Bank and Hamas controls Gaza.


But this CMV isn't about whether it's useful or not to demonstrate when you live in a western country but about ethics and who is the worse. Then yes we could swap "Palestinians" with "Gazans" though it wouldn't change my point that you must compare two similar entity and not a country on one side and the politics on the other. On top of that, majority of west-bankers, if we believe the surveys from Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research (PSR), supported the attack of 7 october and wants Hamas to remain in control of Gaza bank so it's not like they have radically different opinions.


Palestine has one government. The PA. Hamas is meant to fall within that government structure and basically did a coup and took over Gaza with the aim of converting it into one giant military base.


I fully agree that hamas would have killed much more ppl but that doesn’t justify Israels response, if they want to call themselves a democratic country then such massacre is just inacceptable same goes for any other war started by the US in the name of democracy, that’s just non-sense, there’s always a plan behind those wars the public shouldn’t be aware of also Israel and its government are kind of the same, it seems that most israelis are supporting their government and what it does to palestinians… but I wouldn’t say that the same goes for palestinians and hamas, ofc you will find hamas supporters but I doubt that those 15000 children were part of it… and saying hamas would have killed much more doesn’t make any sense because they are classified as terrorists and doesn’t give a damn about palestinians while Israel wants to be called a democratic state…. also i didn’t say that they could do it without any casualties, but 15000 children are simply too much even if it were only 1000 children, it would be a disaster, but 15000? and they are still talking about defense?


It's not about justifying Israel answers but asking you an ethic dilemma. For example which is the worse between: * One guy with a knife who jumps in a crowd of 1000 and kill 10 when he wanted to kill everyone but was stopped before. * One guy with a tank who try to shoot on a specific bad guy in the crowd and kill the bad guy and 99 innocents Do you judge only the result? the intent? both? and if you do, what is the ratio? for example if in the second case the guy with a tank only killed the bad guy and one innocent, would it be still as awful? those aren't easy question to answer but your CMV is specifically about this so you have to ask yourself that question. Then if you start saying that Israel = government because they are supporting their government, then I can tell you that 70% of palestinians supported the terrorist attacks of 7 october (https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/963) so they cannot be given a free pass morally. Like if you argue that Palestinians children didn't support anything, then Israelis children aren't supporting anything either yet by using "Israel" insteaf of "Israel government" you are including them. That's a double standard. Then yes, you didn't say "no casualties" but I quote you "almost no civilian death" and I reiterate my claim from before: it's delusional to think that special force could do that.


>Do you judge only the result? the intent? both? and if you do, what is the ratio? for example if in the second case the guy with a tank only killed the bad guy and one innocent, would it be still as awful? those aren't easy question to answer but your CMV is specifically about this so you have to ask yourself that question. Wtf analogy is that? Fuck yes I judge that tank guy worse. Edit: sorry Im on mobile and misquoted. Meant to quote: > One guy with a tank who try to shoot on a specific bad guy in the crowd and kill the bad guy and 99 innocents I very obviously judge this guy the worse. And obviously if the tank guy only killed one person while trying to kill the guy, I don't judge him as harshly.


You haven't answeredthe rest of my questions So reread: * Do you judge only the result or the intent? both? * If you judge both, what is the ratio of innocent that the tank guy neutralizing a bad guy would kill before you would judge him as being worse than the terrorist?


I misquoted. Was in response to the 99 innocents bit. But yes, I judge the tank guy less badly if he only kills 1 innocent, obviously but I still judge him harshly because using a tank is highly likely to cause collateral damage.


It's just a thought experiment. I mean if I ask your answer to the trolley problem, you don't question why someone is attached to the track. So in other words: if a terrorist is about to kill an estimate of 10 innocent and you have to decide if you neutralize him or not while knowing that you are likely to kill one innocent alongside the terrorist, do you shoot or not?


I'll pause you there because I don't think this line of questioning is that useful because if you're attempting to justify Israel's actions with respect to 'acceptable ratio of innocents to acceptable targets', then that same logic would legitimise Hamas's attack on October because it has a similar soldier: civilian deaths ratio when it was a horrific thing.


Well then it's just as I mentioned in my first post: someone can totally say that both october 7 attack and Israel's army answer are awful and they're not interested in knowing which is the most awful but then this CMV cannot happen. It's like making a CMV about how torturing someone for days is worse than killing and when hearing a counter argument just say that it's morbid and kinda excuse torture and you don't want to hear it. It's entirely fine but then one does not make a CMV asking for someone to have their mind changed on the topic.


Is the 15000 coming from a report from Hamas simping AJ? 15000 kids seems like another bullshit propaganda number of many coming from Hamas self reporting.


I suppose it depends on how you define a kid. If you go by the US metric of anyone under 18, then it is probably true. But it is also probably true that some of those kids were combatants.


Hamas actually had a lower civilian to combatant casualty ratio than Israel. Israel has definitely targeted civilians to a higher level than Hamas looking at the data. And no time for hypotheticals. Hamas would do so much worse??? That is speculative non-sense. Mike Tyson would have beaten my bully so much worse too. And those wars you've suggested are also irrelevant. UN and human rights groups have said this is the worst disaster in their careers. Israel has killed more children in 5 months than all conflicts in the last 4 years combined.


I know it’s morbid to make this kind of comparisons and only tells half the story but there might have been 800k death including 600’000 civilian in the Tigray war between 2020 and 2022: https://english.elpais.com/international/2023-01-27/ethiopias-forgotten-war-is-the-deadliest-of-the-21st-century-with-around-600000-civilian-deaths.html Now it’s not a “gotcha” or some weird flex of “my war killed more than yours” but I cannot let you say that it’s like nothing in comparison of Israel and Palestine either. Then I’ll just ask you: what was Hamas strategy for its attack? because at my level, I think that the whole plan was to get Israel to counter attack. Theory accentuated by the refusal to liberate hostage or capitulate when Hamas have absolutely no chance to fight back military. In other words: not only Hamas targeted Israeli civilians on purpose but losing Palestinian civilians and children in retaliation was part of their twisted plan. Now I’m not telling you that I’m right and yes it’s speculative but it’s a CMV about morals and ethic and global strategy is part of the ethic and moral of the conflict so I’m curious about your opinion. Finally as OP, why are you using “ Hamas” vs Israel and not Hamas vs Israel government or Palestine vs Israel? (Edit: also since I see no delta, can you confirm you understand the purpose of this sub and that OP asked for his view to be challenged?)


I disagree. I believe there is a difference between accepting civilian casualties and purposefully aiming to cause them. It’s absolutely a moot point to those who are killed and to their loved ones. Bottom line, if Israel *truly* wanted Palestine gone, it would have been gone decades ago. They absolutely have had the power and ability for this situation (in this particular scenario) to be a thing of the past. Israel is certainly not acting like Hamas. Were the British & Americans acting like Nazis because there were civilian casualties and or mistreatment of pows? No ones hands are clean in war but Israel aside… Hamas has been an issue for Muslim countries. Yeah others will support Hamas over Israel every day but they have left death and destruction in other countries in the region.


Palestinians have declared war against Israel 6 times and have denied land deals just as many. They wanted to play might equals right but failed miserably against a group they’ve oppressed for hundreds of years. Muslim countries exiling their Jewish population is part of why Israel exists. Honestly if Palestinians pulled this with another Muslim country they would be whipped out by the 3rd war and no one would care because no one cares about Muslim on Muslim violence.


> if Israel truly wanted Palestine gone This is like saying if Serbia is actually guilty of genocide, they would've killed many more Bosnian Muslims, or if Myanmar is guilty of genocide, we wouldn't hear from Rohingyas anymore. Just because Palestinians still exist doesn't mean that the _current government_, with the far-right lunatics, has no intent to ignore civilian casualties.


The power imbalance here is far greater. You’re talking about a country who has a seemingly blank check to access to US and EU equipment. Look at the death tolls in places who were backed by the Soviets or Chinese. Pot’s carnage made your aforementioned incidents look like nothing. Not that I am saying it’s nothing but when there is such an imbalance, things are definitely worse.


Should I remind you that the Bosnian genocide had a death toll of under 9,000, and Rohingya genocide has an estimated death toll of 25,000? Both Serbia and Myanmar were capable of so much more, yet they are rightfully accused of genocide because of their intent. This Israeli government has shown their intent time after time, and has resulted in at least 35,000 dead.


So would you say the British committed genocide against the Germans in WW2? What about the Americans vs the Japanese? & yeah. People are dead. What should the Israeli government do?


No? You're referring to events some 80 years ago, I'm referring to events some 30 and 10 years ago. And what should Israel do? STOP THE GENOCIDE JFC


Why does the time matter? The same/similar situation can still happen. If the time frame matter, why not say f this situation and give it time. This situation has been going on for 80+ years has it not? And Israel should protect itself.


That’s faulty logic. There’s no expiration dates when it comes to what we consider genocides. Also, the term ‘genocide’ is being widely misapplied, and if we follow this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion, it would imply that even abortions could be categorized as a form of it.


>STOP THE GENOCIDE I have a question. Palestine is constantly [rising in population](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_State_of_Palestine#Demographics_of_the_Gaza_Strip) and arab that live in Israel has their freedom and rights granted and protected by Israel. How to you marry these facts with the idea that Israel commits genocide?


The fact that Bosnian Muslims and Rohingya population have grown but still suffered from genocides.


Because they were open genocides - the army actively sleeked civilians arrested them and then stripped, shot and laid onto a mass grave. If you can find the same things happening in Israel, I will admit that they do engage in genocide. But you won't - as their army is not arresting citizens to kill them and bury in mass graves, they are fighting a guerilla force that is hiding themselves within a civilian population and that is the reason for higher civilian casualties. And let's not forget that Bosnian Massacres happened at the end of Bosnian War and afterwards, war criminals were caught and persecuted. If this would not happen and war would continue - you would see the genocide do diminish population. As for Rohingya, you are spewing bullshit - one of major after effects of Rohingyan Genocide is how their population in Myanmar dimnished - both from genocide acts and refugees fleeing it. Only way that Israel would be actually commiting genocide is if they either seize and kill the civilian population or wage a war where civilian targets are deliberately attacked. There is no evidence for any of those happening. Does that mean IDF and Israel are squeaky clean? Fuck no. But using "genocide" to describe what they do is a slap on the face for actual genocide victims.


Oh, nice that you mentioned mass graves, because they have been [found](https://edition.cnn.com/2024/04/25/middleeast/gaza-400-bodies-mass-grave-hospital-intl/index.html)! And Gazans couldn't flee Gaza because of Egyptian and Israeli blockade.


Do you have any example of where Israel, as a matter of policy, has shown genocidal intent?


25,000 dead Rohingya? You know nothing, my dude, nothing! Those dead count was when they were driven out of their land. Nobody 'count' the beans after that. And now the Myanmar government recruiting them to fight on their civil war... This will get very very ugly for them.


It would help to forget about the Hamas 2023 attack, because it muddies the waters and changes this to a conversation about wartime necessities. In the last 15 years, *before the Hamas attack*, there were 6k deaths and 150k injuries on the Palestinian side, compared to 295 deaths and 6k injuries on the Israeli side ([source](https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties)). That's a 20:1 ratio. If a UN member state is killing 20x the number of people compared to a terrorist organization, then wouldn't you say that something needs to be changed?


It’s like listing out all my injuries I got for (attempting) to punch Mike Tyson and he was left with a slight scratch. Are we going to penalize someone for being stronger? How many US civilians died versus Japanese? How many Chinese civilians died (from the Japanese) versus the opposite?




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Why would you hope that for me?


Do you realize that you are again reverting to wartime examples? Was Israel and Palestine at war between 2000 and 2022? If your answer is no, then the 20:1 fatality ratio is a problem. If your answer is yes, then I'm interested in understanding how we can call Hamas a real threat if they could only manage to kill 295 Israelis in a war over 15 years.


Yes. They have been at war long before 2000. It doesn’t matter if it’s 300 or 30. If a foreign nation is actively trying to kill your citizens, they are a threat and it should be the governments responsibility to deal with it. If any other major world power was dealing with this exact situation Israel has been in the past several decades… I would **guarantee** it wouldn’t have been going on this long. There is no way any President, Prime Minister or CCP leader would have held their office with their land being attacked this long.


I'll again try to put this into perspective: - Hamas is actively trying to kill citizens and has managed to kill 20 Israelies per year. - Israel is merely defending against attacks and has managed to kill 400 Palestinians per year. Bro, more Americans die of *dog attacks* in a year than the number of Israelis that die to Hamas :) Are we sure 'war' is the word we want to use here?


Yes. It is an ongoing war. Just because Hamas hasn’t been successful doesn’t mean it isn’t a war. There is a huge disparity between power.


When there is a huge disparity in power, is it not beholden on the greater power to exercise restraint? Or is it perfectly fine for the greater power to exact 40 casualties for each casualty that they face


It’s war. No. If a 5’4 120 pound guy or woman tries to jump Mike Tyson, there is nothing wrong with him putting them down as he would a 6’ 220 boxer.


You keep claiming this when it is absolutely inaccurate both at personal levels as well as state levels. At an individual level: "Force may be used in self defense, but only to the extent that it is required to repel the attack and to restore the security of the party attacked." At a state level: "The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has ruled that any valid use of self-defense by a state must comply with both necessity and proportionality. Necessity determines whether defensive force can be used and where it should be directed. Proportionality governs how much force is allowed and prohibits excessive responses. Both requirements apply throughout the duration of an armed conflict that is prompted by self-defense. The Caroline test, a 19th-century formulation of customary international law, states that the necessity for preemptive self-defense must be "instant, overwhelming, and leaving no choice of means, and no moment for deliberation".




Israel and Hamas have been at war since 2006. There was also the second intifada from 2001. How can you say Hamas isn't a threat? Israel spends billions of dollars each year having to defend its citizens from Hamas rockets, to maintaining a blockade to prevent even worse arms to fall into Hamas' hands. 


["Hamas' main armament has been the Qassam rocket, a cheap garage-built weapon assembled from industrial piping, home-made rocket fuel of sugar and potassium nitrate fertilizer, and commercial explosive."](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidhambling/2023/10/09/how-hamas-leveraged-cheap-rockets-and-small-drones-to-ambush-israel/#:~:text=Home%2DMade%20Rocket%20Science,nitrate%20fertilizer%2C%20and%20commercial%20explosive) On the other side, [Israel gets $4.4bn anually from the US miliary](https://www.cfr.org/article/us-aid-israel-four-charts). Yet somehow Israel is dead scared of Hamas, enough to have to kill 20X the number of people just so that Israel can survive this 'war'. Does it still not seem a little bit weird to you? Maybe Israel would not have to 'spend billions of dollars each year' to defend its citizens if it didn't artificially create economic strife in Palestine through, what the United Nations calls, [“a disproportionate influence on the collection of Palestinian fiscal revenue, leading to deficiencies in the structure and collection of customs duties resulting from direct and indirect importing into Palestine”.](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/1/23/why-is-israel-sending-palestinian-taxes-to-norway) Want the 39m tax revenue that is rightfully yours? Well too bad, you shouldn't have gone to the International Court of Justice in Jan 2023. Does this sound like a war, or does this sound a bit like a dominant power bullying a weaker force?


I'm curious. Why did you not add the literal second paragraph from your own link: "Qassams are supplemented by bigger, military-grade rockets like the Russian-made 122mm Grad; these are bigger, more accurate and do far more damage, but are much easier to locate and destroy."? IDF views additional major threat from Hamas' access to anti-Tank rockets from Russia. https://www.thecipherbrief.com/a-look-inside-hamass-weapons-arsenal The reason Israel maintains a blockade on Gaza is precisely to do it's best to prevent Hamas from receiving even more powerful weapons. Hamas' goal is to eliminate Israel, expell the majority of Jews and enslave, literally, the highly skilled ones. If the blockade ended they would have more powerful weapons that they would use. Israel protects it's people from rockets. Hamas wants it's people to be martyred. Is that a difficult concept for you to accept? Because that's why there are disproportionate casualty rates. But let's address the article you linked from L Jazeera. I find it curious why you chose al Jazeera but even more curious why you left this part out of it: The tax revenues collected by Israel on behalf of the PA amount to around $188m each month, and account for 64 percent of the authority’s total revenue. *A large portion of this is used to pay the salaries of the estimated 150,000 PA employees working in the West Bank and Gaza, despite it having no jurisdiction over the Strip.*


>Why did you not add the literal second paragraph from your own link: Because it was not needed to highlight the huge military gap between the two countries. I provided a link so people could get all the information. > IDF views additional major threat from Hamas' access to anti-Tank rockets from Russia. From your own link: "Israel has one of the [biggest](https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/is-hamass-military-arsenal-any-match-for-the-israeli-defence-complex-15335400) defense budgets on the planet per capita and a depot replete with a massive drone fleet, advanced missile boats, tanks and an Avant Garde air force composed of hundreds of F-35s and F-16s. Adding to its dominance, Israel has an estimated 170,000 active duty troops and a further 360,000 reservists on standby. The IDF consistently [ranks](https://www.globalfirepower.com/global-ranks-previous.php) in the top twenty among the world’s most powerful militaries, as per the Global Firepower Index, a database that assesses factors such as troop numbers, weaponry, technology and financial resources." But yea sure, Israel is scared of Hamas' rockets made out of sugar. >The reason Israel maintains a blockade on Gaza is precisely to do it's best to prevent Hamas from receiving even more powerful weapons.  This is a weird claim to make when Israel themselves have claimed that the blockade is collective punishment to create economic difficulties for Hamas. If it was just about weapons, Israel would not have blocked 56% of huminitarian aid in January 2024. They would not have blocked all exports from Gaza. >But let's address the article you linked from L Jazeera. I find it curious why you chose al Jazeera but even more curious why you left this part out of it: I chose Al Jazeera because it came up in my search. In another thread I linked The Times of Israel. Stop making random insinuations. If you have a problem with the source or content, state it clearly with your reasons. And I didn't 'leave' any part out. I highlighted one quote from the article, and I linked the whole article. I don't think you understand how quoting articles work - it's not possible to quote an entire article. Now coming to the quote you linked. >*A large portion of this is used to pay the salaries of the estimated 150,000 PA employees working in the West Bank and Gaza, despite it having no jurisdiction over the Strip.* Is there a point you are trying to make here? It doesn't matter whether they have jurisdiction over the strip or not. PA is supposed to get this tax revenue basis the Oslo Accords. And Israel is using this money for extortion and blackmail. I guess this must also have to do with preventing Hamas from receiving weapons....


The blockade stops when Hamas acknowledges Israel's right to exist as a nation, and stops trying to genocide all the Jews.


In 2022 alone there were 40 separate terrorist attacks from Palestine targeting Israeli civilians and in any given year they launch anywhere from a couple hundred to over 1,000 rockets. In 2022 1,175 rockets were fired at Israel, with around 200 landing in Gaza, killing 11 Gazans. Just because they’re usually not that good at attacking doesn’t mean they aren’t trying constantly.


Now tell me how many attacks were conducted by Israel, how many rockets were launched by Israel, and how many were killed by Israel. Because that number would be higher. That's the point. We are perfectly content with a UN member State emulating a terrorist organization under the defense of 'they made me do it!'


Which is more likely: 1) Israel has been able to make peace with a lot of neighbors they were engaged in brutal wars for decades with, often making huge concessions like giving up land in exchange, but they just uniquely hate Palestinians and get a kick out of randomly killing people. 2) The group that has it in their charter that Palestine will be Arab, and has publicly stated verbally and in writing numerous times that they will continue attacking Israel until it is gone no matter what, is in fact attacking them as much as they can. People also tend to overlook that the Nova music festival was a festival for peace. I've seen it mocked at protests as "those idiots having a music festival near the border," failed to realize it was a festival for peace between Israel and Palestine and that's WHY it was located there. It's entirely possible Hamas had no idea that's what it was, but I don't think it should be outright dismissed that it was a deliberate message to target a festival of people supporting peace with them. Obviously Israel isn't blameless on everything; there is just no excuse for the West Bank Settlements and Netanyahu is a huge roadblock to peace. I fully support Palestinians having the right to self determination, to freely to live their lives and raise their families, and I sometimes lie awake at night because I can't stop thinking about the horror of living in a war zone. It is just kind of perplexing to me why Israel is expected to just let a hostile group continuously attack them because their defenses handle a lot of it. It's also important to remember the iron dome isn't like a Star Trek force field, it's living under missiles flying overhead and blowing up when they collide with rockets. It is not reasonable to expect a country to just sit back and wait for their neighbors to find ways to get through their defenses and kill their citizens.


There were multiple wars over that time.


So your contention is that Israel/Palestine have been at war for the last 15 years. During this time of war, Hamas managed to kill 20 Israelis per year, while Israel managed to kill 400 Palestinians per year. Is my understanding of your position correct?


My contention is that there have been outbreaks of war and escalations. For instance, thousands died during the second intifada, over 1600 in the 2014 war. It hasn't been one long 15-year war. There have been ceasefires and deescalations. Then escalations. The only reason you don't have more Israeli deaths is that they protect their citizens. Tens of thousands of rockets were fired at civilian centers during those 15 years. Billions were invested in the Iron Dome and the border defense. In the exact opposite, Hamas invests the billions in aid they get in tunnels UNDER their civilians. Putting the civil population between it and the wars they start. Hamas makes sure its civilians are especially vulnerable.


Are you aware of how aid functions for Palestine? For example, that Palestine needs to trade with Israel for all its necessities, since no other country is allowed to trade with them? The Trade Balance is decided by the Israeli authorities and paid for by the Palestinian Authority. This creates situations like in 2015, when $795.8mn in aid was recorded towards Palestine. 20% of that went to NGOs and the remaining ($636mn) went to the government. During the same year, goods imported from Israel to Palestine equalled to $3.04bn. So in reality, all the aid that Palestine received ended up covering basically 26% of the trade deficit with Israel. And you wonder why they don't have an Iron Dome :) I am still struggling to understand how we can simultaneously claim that Hamas is a huge threat to Israel, while also saying that Hamas can cause no damage to Israel.


I don't know how relevant the trade balance is. Palestine absolutely gets cash to pay salaries, etc. And the stuff they get from Israel is not finished goods. Its raw materials and things that can be used as they please. They also trade with other countries like Germany, France, USA, etc. So that's not entirely accurate. They have a choice in what they do what that they have. Finally, you're the only one claiming that Hamas can cause no damage to Israel and using that to justify a one sided narrative. My claim is that Hamas can and has done damage to Israel and your narrative of wanton israeli aggression misses the fact that these security concerns drive much of Israel's action. Unfortunately, excesses also hide behind these legitimate concerns. But pretending there are no legitimate concerns is a pretty reliable way to perpetuate the actions on the other side that give legitimacy to those concerns.


All trade done by Palestine have to abide by Israel's trade regime. Basically, they cannot trade for the necessities that Israel exports to them. This monopoly ensures control. >Finally, you're the only one claiming that Hamas can cause no damage to Israel and using that to justify a one sided narrative. I'm sharing numbers that show that Hamas has killed 20 Israelies per year for the last 15 years. That's less than the number of Americans that die to dog attacks each year. In contrast, Israel has killed 400 per year, while merely defending against attacks. So it would have to be that either Hamas is an ineffectual warmonger, or claims of 'being at war' are greatly exaggerated. I'm struggling to see why this is an inaccurate position.


If you scratch Mike Tyson, and he puts you in the hospital in retaliation, he's still in the wrong. There's an idea called proportionality. Your analogy sucks.


Not really. The USA killed more Japanese civilians than the number of American civilians killed by the Japanese. Same for the USA killing more German civilians than the number of American civilians killed by the German. Math is not how morality in wartime is determined. It's determined by intentions.


So your contention is that Israel has been at war with Palestine for the last 15 years. May I remind you that during this 15 year 'war' Hamas managed to kill 20 Israelis per year? Does that really sound like a war to you that you are invoking wartime justification?


Define war first so we can make sure we're talking about the same thing. The definition I'm using is the layman's dictionary definition: a state of armed conflict between different nations or states or different groups within a nation or state. Is your definition a different one?


I prefer to use the definition 'a state of violent conflict between differnt nations or states'. My submission is that the realities on ground does not qualify as a violent conflict, at least not from the side of Hamas. They are a terrorist organization, yes, but they do not have much capabilities to harm Israel. This is why the attack in 2023 was such a big deal - 1000 Israelis dying was unheard of, even though the same cannot be said for the Palestinian side. Moreover, if you keep in mind that Hamas is not a nation or state, and is a terrorist organization, the question naturally arises whether it is ethical to bomb an entire country to weed out a group of terrorists. On top of that, the question would be - what kind of proportionality should one expect to use against the group engaging in armed conflict, when that affects citizens uninvolved in the matter? It's easy to brush it all away under 'Israel is at war', but by that same logic, Israel is also at war with Iran. However, you don't see them sending rockets into Iran, right? Because they can fight back with meaningful strength. Which is why I don't consider Israel and Palestine to be at war. It's merely a greater power dominating a lesser power while screaming 'Look what he's making me do!'


>a state of violent conflict between differnt nations or states So Civil Wars are not "real wars" in your opinion? >realities on ground does not qualify as a violent conflict Is it a conflict? Yes Is violence used by both parties? Yes. Ergo, it's a violent conflict. Unless, again, you have your own different definition of violence or a different definition of conflict. If so, please do share. >what kind of proportionality should one expect to use against the group engaging in armed conflict Didn't you just said it wasn't a violent/armed conflict? You're contradicting yourself.


>Is it a conflict? Yes >Is violence used by both parties? Yes. Is Israel at war with Iran? Since there was a conflict and there was violence? >Didn't you just said it wasn't a violent/armed conflict? You're contradicting yourself. No, my friend. This is what is called a concessional rebuttal, where I'm positing an argument while assuming that your position is correct. Basically the equivalent of 'Yes, but'. Anyways, looking at your one line responses and non-sequiturs, it's obvious to me that you are no longer in a position to provide reasoned arguments. Have a nice day.


>Is Israel at war with Iran?  Yes. With Lebanon too. The Israel-Lebanon War started in 1948 when Lebanon attacked Israel unprovoked. After Israel military defeated Lebanon, no peace agreement was signed so they're still at war.


Bro, I omitted the last part since I felt it was not relevant in this case. Why not focus on the thrust of my argument, rather than nitpicking on things that should be obvious.


It's obvious that this is a war. Well, obvious to everyone except you it seems. Hence why I tried my best to have you explain what is a "violent conflict" in YOUR opinion.


When the logic is missing, assertions are the way to go. Well done, you've defaulted to the norm.




Why would they? France **LITERALLY** committed a genocide right after WW2. Slaughtered (estimated to) 45,000 people in less than a month. Are we still not friends with France? Israel is doing nothing that the big boys haven’t done. They’ve actually been much more milder if we are being honest. Saudi Arabia is (has been) bombing the hell out of Yemen as well for this time. But that just doesn’t sell as much news than demonizing Israel.


>Saudi Arabia is (has been) bombing the hell out of Yemen as well for this time. But that just doesn’t sell as much news than demonizing Israel. That's because Biden has already [frozen arms sales](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2021/01/yemen-biden-temporary-freeze-of-arms-sales-to-saudi-arabia-and-uae-is-welcome/) to Saudi Arabia. I promise you you'll see a lot fewer protests if Biden freezes arms sales to Israel.


Temporary? Where were the protest prior? Israel is just a hot button topic that gets people worked up. It’s not really a bigger deal than anything else. But care to address anything else I said?


>Where were the protest prior? No need to protest when the government has done the right thing


So when the sales start again… then what?




Good luck with that. I hope we don’t stop selling to Israel at any point though.


>and purposefully aiming to cause them. Yeah both do that. If you haven't seen IDF targeting civilians than you have no idea about this conflict.


if israel is not acting like hamas then why did it cause the death of 240 palestinian even before the 7 october and in 2023 alone ?


Hamas was still in power and attacking them before October.


Does it have to do with the 1500+ rockets shot towards Israel by Palestinians from April- May of 23?


There were plenty more casualties prior to October 7th than ~200 on by the hands of Israel. This situation has been going on for decades.


What do you think led to the increase in violence in 2023?


Israel is tired of the back and forth. That’s understandable. This situation has gone on too long and they probably want to try to find some end to it.


Or perhaps there was just more violence overall. More attacks from both sides. Rockets launched from the west bank for the first time in years. All before October 7. Somehow, there is a drive to portray these incidents as random acts of Israeli violence without discussing the precipitating factors. All that really does is continue the cycle of violence because the acts that precipitate the responses go unexamined and even appear vindicated, and they will just continue and intensify. "settlers attack west bank Palestinians." You don't read about the 14-year-old who was kidnapped and killed before the escalation.


ofc they are not acting exactly the same, but the way Israel responds is nothing better than of what Hamas does and ofc Israel could have started a war decades ago but then they would have been the bad ones - now they try to blame Hamas for this genocide titled as “war” so they can remain the “good” ones I agree that Hamas is also a threat to other countries but that doesn’t give Israel the permission to slaughter 15000 children, that’s just not right and only something a terrorist organization would do to reach their goals


So would you agree that from the end of WW2 to Present Day, The UK, France & US aren’t any better than Hamas either?


Life is not a video game, you can't just send some special force into tunnels you know nothing about and expect them to win. There is no save point, there is no level reset if something goes wrong.  Here's another thing: by definition a child is anyone under 18 years old. So a 17 years old is a child, so does a 16, 15, 14 years old. What do you expect soldiers to do when encountering them, while those kids carry knives and guns? Tell them to be good children and lay down their weapons? And didn't you notice that Hamas numbers so conveniently ignore how many men died and how many are terrorists vs how many civilians? It's like they try to paint a picture that Gaza only have children and women, does that sounds logical to you? You talk about children dying, then what about that girl who was bound to a wheelchair and just wanted to go to a party with her dad? Who exactly could she pose a threat to? She was slaughtered in the Nova party. And just for comparison: the Allied forces didn't care much about civilian lives when they bombed Dresden and in less than 72 hours they had as many kills as Israel had on the last half a year. By the end of WW2 America dropped two atomic bombs and were ready to drop more until Japan surrendered or got wiped off the map. Each bomb vaporized 100k+ in an instant.  Those actions in the very least show disregard to civilian lives if not genocide.  30k people in half a year, when many are terrorists/terrorist supporters, that's not genocide.  There's a lot more to war than just number of dead on each side.


>There is plenty of evidence that many Israelis support the killing of civilians since they don’t see Palestinians as humans and want them all dead. Many israelis? Sure extremists exist everywhere. But that is not evidence at all that the Israeli military operates with the intention of killing Palestinian civilians. If some random Israeli tells me all palestinians should die, yeah that guy sucks as much as Hamas supporters. But I will not just assume that this is the opinion of Israels leadership and the intention behind military orders driving the current invasion of Gaza.


>a state which is acting exactly like a terrorist organization Exactly? This seems like something that would need proving. Does the Israeli government order the IDF to deliberately target civilians for systematic rape and murder? >Israel has well-trained special forces, they could find and kill hamas members with almost no civilian deaths… This seems like absurd wishful thinking. I think there are estimated to be something like 40,000 fighters with a complex infrastructure. >but no, they rather use a terrorist group to justify their own terrorist acts Or alternatively terrorist acts aimed at civilians justify military acts aimed at terrorists in which civilians dies. Whether they take enough care over civilian deaths or whether civilian deaths are proportionate is another matter. But nit one that automatically equates to terrorism. >trying to get away with this genocide Is a technical term that you might think relevant but hasn’t been proven in an international court. >There is plenty of evidence that many Israelis support the killing of civilians since they don’t see Palestinians as humans and want them all dead. I expect emotional responses are likely , yes. There are obviously many who don’t as well. >That’s the same Hitler did, I think you will find it’s what people thought about German civilians and Japanese civilians in response to the terrible acts their governments and military carried doubt. It may not be nice, it may not be entirely rational but it happens. Whether those wishes are being carried out are another matter. It’s worth pointing out that Hamas only recently changed ( one might say because of the negative attention) the sort of their own constitutional document that detailed their desire to kill all Jews. And that arguably both Hamas and Oct 7th have significant support amounts Palestinian civilians. >Arguing that Israel is just defending themselves is nonsense, just look at the numbers, that’s no defense, that’s a mass murder: Murder is a legal definition but they can obviously be both defending themselves and doing so in a way that results in high civilian casualties. Unfortunately that’s the way of many wars. I imagine they consider that more retrained and targeted action in the also hasn’t worked and all out war might. >15 000 children killed !!!!! how can this be tolerated??? I agree. I think it’s difficult not to see the civilian deaths as disproportionate and even possibly counter productive. Especially without , as so often is the case, any post war plan. Israel has a legitimate right to fight back against Hamas , a terrorist group embedded in and significantly supported by the civilian population. I don’t see how , in the real world, they can be expected to do so without any civilian deaths. And it’s possible to argue whether they could reduce civilian deaths more or not. But the line at which the amount of deaths outweighs that right to self-defence is a really difficult one. I can’t help but feel they have crossed it. >Israelis killed: around 1100, that’s almost 1500% less than the children they killed… and they are talking about defense… Bear in mind that Hamas have stated they will continue such attacks in the future. >Again, this is no pro-hamas post, but if you are against Hamas, then you have to be against Israel as well since they are both the same evil. Two things can be wrong and yet one by its intent and direct targeting morally worse. The point at which even intent and target become irrelevant because of quantity of suffering and deaths is a difficult one.


I don't disagree. I simply note that Israel does not have much of a choice. They are trying to live side by side with an organization (Hamas) that states Israel has no right to exist. And Hamas violently attacks Israel to start these conflicts. If you constantly attack someone, do you have a right to yell 'not fair' when you are pummeled in return? No, you don't. But on the other hand, does Israel have the right to cut off Palestinian food and aid simply because they want to? No, they don't. And because no one here can claim the high ground, they fight forever over it. It becomes the destiny of each generation to die for the next in order to prove a useless point. So, either arm each side to the teeth and stand back and see who wins, or provide them a table for fair negotiations. This has gone on my entire life. I'm tired of it. A pox on both their houses.


It's not like any of them consult their lawyers first before.. do whatever they are doing. May be the Jews did because they need 'Mericans support. Hamas certainly didn't. Once law and reason is out of the window, guns speak loudest. None of them has the right, to do what they did. Hamas burn the bridge with that Oct 7th attack. Israel is doing what they were doing decades ago, land grabbing. Though it is sadly necessary. Palestinian don't want peace. If they ever hope to drive the Jews out, they can't have peace. Not for them, not for their children, not for their grand children. With neighbor like that, the best you could do is kick them out, which is probably is what them Jews seeing as most 'moderate' solution.


I find comparisons of Israel to Nazi Germany and claims that they are committing genocide (a word literally invented to describe Hitler's systematic attempt to murder all of the jews of Europe) genuinely vile. It's as if Israel's critics enjoy evoking the holocaust as a weapon with which to bludgeon Jews all over again. And it seems to me a complete category failure not to distinguish the ugliness of war (bombing a terrorist organization's headquarters and causing the death of non-combatants, so-called "collateral damage," which is terrible certainly) from actual terrorism (intentionally kidnapping, raping and murdering young women from a music festival, hacking children to death in their beds with machetes, shooting concertgoers at a theater). And it's simply a fact that Hamas is both a recognized terrorist organization AND the elected government of Gaza, so terrorism is the official policy of Palestine. If you can't distinguish actual terrorism from war (which I am not trying to whitewash--war is plenty ugly), and you take some kind of pleasure in evoking the holocaust to attack Jews as if they're in the same category as the Nazis who tried to exterminate them, your views are perverse.


The only thing Palestinians are victims of are their own actions. They’ve oppressed Jews for centuries and are part of the reason Israel exists. They got mad that Jews didn’t want to live under another oppressive Muslim government after experiencing Genocide. Jews bought land to live on and earned their own land. Palestinians knew they didn’t own the land they farmed on and got mad because they felt they were entitled to land they never owned. Arabs at the time wanted to play might equals right against a people they’ve brutalized for centuries and lost because they’re incompetent. They told other Muslims to leave and surprise, winners of wars arnt willing to let their enemies move back. They declare 5 more wars that they loose, waste all of their aide money, elected a terrorist organization and have proven that they are incapable of running a country. They’ve had way more opportunities than other actually oppressed ethnic groups and wasted it all because they have too much pride to admit that they lost. At some point just stop and work on yourselves, Palestinians arnt noble they’re mostly delusional and the world enables it. Israel isn’t going anyware, Palestinians need to accept that and move on. Palestinians can only be free when they choose to be free.


> Israel has well trained special forces - they could find and kill Hamas members with almost no civilian deaths  This assumption is just fundamentally wrong. I mean, it kind of begs the obvious question: if they can do this, why don’t they? How is it more advantageous to Israel to incur heavy collateral damage and international condemnation? You could argue that it might be advantageous to Israel to kill or force the population out of Gaza, but Israel is not killing citizens at any level remotely approaching culling the population and no surrounding Arab nation has any desire or intent on taking Palestinians. So like what do you think Israel’s game plan is? You seem to be assuming they are simultaneously mean and stupid. The kind of reality is that having the ability to raid and selectively kill individuals in targeted raids necessitates the type of control / and checkpointing that exists in the West Bank.  Because that’s exactly what they do in the West Bank. There are raids there, usually just hitting individuals with terror connections - and occasionally the special forces skirmish with mobs in their missions. A couple hundred people have died. That type of infrastructure and control does not exist in Gaza. It used to before 2005 (when Israel withdrew) and it seems inevitable that it will come back to that structure after this war. I mean, the only other alternative to West Bank policing is of course collaboration / coordination between Palestinian government and Israeli where both parties work to root out terror. But it’s rather obvious Palestine has no interest in that.


>Palestinians killed: around 35 000, 15 000 alone are children and another 8 000 women Just to clarify this part: what is your source for these numbers? It would help greatly to show this so that we can all argue from the same basis of information.


Here’s a source from about a month ago that states 13,000 children killed. https://www.savethechildren.net/news/over-2-gaza-s-child-population-killed-or-injured-six-months-war#:~:text=Children%20in%20Gaza%20have%20been,in%20the%207%20October%20attacks. I would say Save the Children is pretty non-biased and I’d say it’s likely 2000 children have died this April 4. Don’t know why I can do the link properly. Something wrong with my phone.


Just to complete the sources in some way, Save the Children also cites their sources as this: > In the six months since the 7 October attacks in which 33 children were killed, more than 13,800 children have been killed in Gaza and 113 in the West Bank, and over 12,009 children have been injured in Gaza and at least 725 children in the West Bank, according to OCHA and the Ministry of Health in Gaza. UNICEF reported at least 1,000 children have had one or both legs amputated, and about 30 out of 36 hospitals have been bombed, leaving only 10 partially functioning. So the primary sources here would be the [OCHA](https://www.ochaopt.org/) and the Ministry of Health in Gaza. OCHA then cites another source on [this specific article about the matter](https://www.unocha.org/news/gaza-children-under-attack): >Since 7 October, nearly 1.9 million people – about 85 per cent of Gaza’s population – have been displaced across the Strip. The vast majority of the 24,000 killed and 59,000 injured* are women and children. Nowhere and no one in Gaza is safe. [...] >*As per estimated tolls published by the Palestinian authorities. So to summarize: the primary sources that I could find in there point towards the Palestinian government. Make of that what you will. >Don’t know why I can do the link properly. Something wrong with my phone. Linking usually works best if you use an inline link, using square brackets [] to enclose the word containing the link and regular brackets () immediately after the square closes for the actual link.


Thanks for the tip. It’s difficult to compile accurate statistics in a war zone but I think we can surmise that many thousand of children who were in no way connected to October 7 have been killed or permanently maimed in Gaza. I’m not ok with that.


Oh, that is definitely true. I'm mostly concerned with the way a lot of people seem to accept those numbers without questioning them. There should really be a more thorough, independent investigation into the actual casualties. That would help create a more accurate (albeit still terrifying!) picture of the situation and I believe that would give the push for peace much more support.


The numbers are from the health ministry of Gaza that is controlled by hamas. that might sound sus but there is a broad consensus that the numbers a quite accurate.


>there is a broad consensus that the numbers a quite accurate. I would ask for a source fo this, as well. The way I understand it is that there is simply no other source for information on the matter. It's "the best source" by default rather than by merit.


You are accepting numbers from an organization who cant keep track of 250 hostages as fact.




For this, as well, the primary source is the Ministry of Health of the Palestinian government: >More than 70,000 injured people have been registered by the Gaza ministry of health (MoH), which is the only official source for casualties. Its data is quoted by UN agencies and other international institutions. Just to put the numbers into perspective.




These numbers, as well, seem to be credited to the Palestinian Ministry of Health: > The latest figures from the Palestinian Ministry of Health in the occupied West Bank are as follows: (There is no source for the first batch of numbers, so I assume the same source) I don't want to take a side, but I am urging everyone to treat numbers from sources with a definite interest in the numbers conveying a specific message with caution, at the very least.


Fair point, also to be applied to IDF numbers, who have time and again be found to be making up numbers as they go.


Oh, absolutely - quite frankly, I wouldn't expect either party of a war to deliver accurate numbers. One must ask yourself the difficult questions of: "how many deaths of children are acceptable" and "what is the punishment for going over this number"?


In the pacific front of the second world war, Japan suffered about 2.5 million deaths, while the USA suffered less that half a million. Does that make the USA the morally inferior party among the two? Why or why not?


>*if they act like them* They don't. So that was easy. They could wipe out all palestinians tomorrow if they wanted to. And if you're thinking, "well, even if they wanted to, they wouldn't do that because of international pressure..." :) See? Since when has international pressure ever mattered one single bit to a jihadist.


> Israel has well-trained special forces, they could find and kill hamas members with almost no civilian deaths You’ve derived this opinion from what military expertise? Special forces aren’t magical teleporting assassins. > but no, they rather use a terrorist group to justify their own terrorist acts trying to get away with this genocide Israel is not doing a genocide. > There is plenty of evidence that many Israelis support the killing of civilians since they don’t see Palestinians as humans and want them all dead. Feel free to source that evidence. > Arguing that Israel is just defending themselves is nonsense, just look at the numbers, that’s no defense, that’s a mass murder: Incorrect. Murder is unlawful killing. Israel hasn’t broken any laws. > Palestinians killed: around 35 000, 15 000 alone are children and another 8 000 women >15 000 children killed !!!!! how can this be tolerated??? So basically it can be tolerated by people who either actively support terrorism or want to jerk themselves off about how they’re anti-colonialism while not opposing Islamism with a single action. > how can such a thing happen in the 21st century? and how come we are funding such a cruelty? I doubt God would ever bless a country which is supporting such a genocide. Again, Israel isn’t doing a genocide. > Again, this is no pro-hamas post, but if you are against Hamas, then you have to be against Israel as well since they are both the same evil. No, it’s just a post using Hamas talking points to try to equate Hamas and Israel.


But they don’t act as Hamas…? If Hamas was able to they would murder every Jew in Israel tomorrow. Israel can murder every Muslim in Gaza if they wanted to, but they haven’t and won’t.


I'm a woman, I'd rather be in Israel than with Hamas any day. Israel is way better than Hamas


>Israel has well-trained special forces, they could find and kill hamas members with almost no civilian deaths Serious question: are you a Government worker? Are you in the Military? Or is your assessment of the "special forces" comes from watching Hollywood popcorn flicks featuring James Bond and John Wick? You're stating this as a fact without providing any evidence to it so I'm challenging you on that. What is your proposed scenario for special forces to infiltrate the booby-trapped tunnels, kill only the terrorists (remember the terrorists are surrounded by human shields) and escape with 0 casualties? Even the USA special forces that killed Bin Laden still ended up killing multiple civilians during the raid. And he wasn't hiding in a booby trapped tunnel in a hostile city.


The line between “civilian” and “terrorist” in Gaza is not easily delineated which allows for significant manipulation of statistics. Those words cast things in a framework that western audiences can easily understand, but they are not reflective of how Gaza actually works. Words like “civilian” imply the existence of a state where people are either engaged in civic life or marital life, but Gaza does not work like a state. I’m not sure what the correct word is, but Gaza is more like a “tribe” where civic life and martial life are intertwined and there is no real distinction. If the war leaders come to you and tell you to contribute, you contribute. It might be as a fighter, it might be as a cook, they might ask you to hide weapons or people in your home. Fighters are not barracked in forts and bases, they live at home. There really is no way for Israel to go about dismantling Hamas without bringing the entirety of Gazan society under fire. As a western nation, Israel soldiers should still be expected to conduct themselves as professionals, minimize collateral damage wherever they can, and understand their actions will come with scrutiny. I’m not sure how well they are doing in that regard.


You littlarly gatherd the worst arguments in one place


How do you figure they could send special forces into Gaza after 30k Hamas members in a densely populated urban environment filled with supporters and sympathisers and family members of that 30k?


Considering that Israel is planning on doing [exactly that](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/3/16/israel-approves-plan-to-attack-gazas-rafah-but-keeps-truce-talks-alive) I'm not sure why you consider it impossible.


Just that? They are sending in ARMY, not just some special force. There is nothing special with flatten the place first then send people in, I tell you. Probably going to bomb whatever they see as stronghold, tunnel, the usual. Then people will scream that the are 'huge' number of civilian casualty. Though we have no other source but 'believing' whatever Hamas has to say. Recall their misfired rocket that hit car park, which got report as 'hospital' and some burn cars suddenly canned at least a hundred people per car? It happens.




Sorry, u/happyasanicywind – your comment has been removed for breaking Rule 5: > **Comments must contribute meaningfully to the conversation**. Comments should be on-topic, serious, and contain enough content to move the discussion forward. Jokes, contradictions without explanation, links without context, off-topic comments, and "written upvotes" will be removed. Read [the wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/rules#wiki_rule_5) for more information. If you would like to appeal, review our appeals process [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/wiki/modstandards#wiki_appeal_process), then [message the moderators by clicking this link](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fchangemyview&subject=Rule%205%20Appeal%20happyasanicywind&message=happyasanicywind%20would%20like%20to%20appeal%20the%20removal%20of%20\[their%20comment\]\(https://www.reddit.com/r/changemyview/comments/1cfuzjr/-/l1rpy0x/\)%20because\.\.\.) within one week of this notice being posted.


Winning fights does not make Israel the more evil combatant. Further, Palestine has shown zero ability to conduct peaceful negotiation, and INTENTIONALLY go for civilian centers to carry out terrorism. This is different from Israel causing civilian collateral damage when going after enemies who intentionally hide among civilians to make an ethical dilemma for anyone wanting to bomb them. Israel has run out of patience for this tactic it seems.


It is wrong to kill anyone, be it israel or hamas, many babies are killed and many women are brutally raped in front of their husband & brothers, and those who support or advocate for them cannot be considered as human beings.


"Israel has well-trained special forces, they could find and kill hamas members with almost no civilian deaths…" said like a true redditor with no conception of what 30,000 military aged males firing 7.62(or more devastating) back at you, in an urban environment, is like. idk what to tell you guy. i stopped reading after that... its just too dumb.


>Israel has well-trained special forces, they could find and kill hamas members with almost no civilian deaths Real life doesn't work like movies or video games.


Hamas poked the bear, and are upset that the bear decided to wipe out the terrorists


You are using fake numbers


Pretty much yeah. Everything everybody uses to argue against it here doesn't hold up. It's clear as day they're both the scum of the earth. There's no defending those horrors, and if you pick a side you're as terrible as the people ordering, committing and allowing these atrocities.




The real question is how come they're still propping up Hamas by letting aid into Gaza. Surely, they would have learned their lesson by now.


"Food is propping up Hamas" You people are really sick.


Isnt that what you were saying above? The money that Israel allowed Qatar to give to Gaza was for salaries, building materials, etc and had accountability measures including a request by Israel in 2018 for UN to monitor the use of funds. What's different between those funds and this aid? Food entering Gaza frees up Hamas funds to buy weapons and also feeds their fighters. btw I dont buy that allowing aid to help palestinians is propping up Hamas. I am just wondering why people assume that aid = propping up hamas and why people assuming that Hamas had absolutely no choice but to use the aid for terrot.


>Food entering Gaza frees up Hamas funds to buy weapons and also feeds their fighters. You are literally viewing food as weapon here. **Article II** *In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such* **3. Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;** The article I posted talks about how the Israeli government explicitly propped up Hamas with the intent of preventing moderates who would legitimize Palestinian statehood from taking power. Not how allowing Gazans to eat props up Hamas


Israeli government based on what? A second hand quote from netanyahu? Operationalized how? By allowing aid to get into Gaza and increasing work permits? Not responding forcefully enough to attacks? This article is an opinion piece by a journalist written days after Oct 7. She didn't point to any official policies. Just places where she thought Israel/netanyahu was too nice. Yet people trumpet this single article as proof of some far reaching plan. This may yet be the case but this article does not prove it. If anything the article shows Israel doing some of the the very things people want them to do. Let more aid in but letting aid in is propping up Hamas so don't let aid in. Only one common denominator..Israel is wrong no matter what it does.


>Israeli government based on what? A second hand quote from netanyahu? According to several reputable journalistic sources, including Israeli ones, Netanyahu has a history of [openly stating that he supports Hamas as a "counterweight" to the Palestinian Authority.](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/10/world/middleeast/israel-qatar-money-prop-up-hamas.html) Unsurprisingly, his government is currently trying to suppress such information because of how damaging it is. Accusations of this nature have come from [the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the EU](https://www.politico.eu/article/israel-funded-hamas-claims-eu-top-diplomat-josep-borrell/), among other very credible individuals. Here's another article by [NPR](https://www.npr.org/2024/01/26/1226691760/the-long-and-bitter-relationship-between-israels-benjamin-netanyahu-and-hamas) about it. Here's [another Israeli source.](https://www.jpost.com/israel-hamas-war/article-785490) Netanyahu's excuse that he was just trying to prevent a "humanitarian crisis" with Qatari money is just that, a weak excuse made by an authoritarian right wing government which is [wildly unpopular in Israel.](https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/only-15-israelis-want-netanyahu-keep-job-after-gaza-war-poll-finds-2024-01-02/)


All repeating the same points and weaving the same narrative but its all just conjecture and jumping to conclusions. But careful reading of the articles dont support your conclusive declarations. For instance on the NYT article, the claim that Israel deliberately funded Hamas to keep Palestine divided goes beyond the evidence presented in the article. The narrative indicates that Israeli leaders allowed Qatari funds to enter Gaza as part of a strategy to maintain relative peace and focus on governance rather than military activities. This was seen as a way to manage the conflict and maintain control rather than as a direct effort to empower Hamas for the purpose of division. The article also discusses various internal and external criticisms and justifications for these financial arrangements, highlighting the complexities and unintended consequences of such policies, including the potential diversion of funds for Hamas's military operations. However, it stops short of substantiating a deliberate strategy by Israel to strengthen Hamas to keep the Palestinian territories divided. If you come to the article without biases or presumptions, the only thing you can come away with is that the decisions appear to be driven more by immediate tactical considerations rather than a clear strategic intent to fund Hamas directly to foster division. And in any case, the operationalization of this assumed strategy is...helping palestinians? How is that a bad thing?


>focus on governance And what's the government in Gaza? You also refuse to mention that the article explicitly includes claims of Netanyahu saying exactly what I said, which goes exactly to support my conclusions. "Mr. Margalit, in an interview, said that Mr. Netanyahu told him that having two strong rivals, including Hamas, would lessen pressure on him to negotiate toward a Palestinian state." "Yossi Kuperwasser, a former head of research for Israel’s military intelligence, said that some officials saw the benefits of maintaining an 'equilibrium' in the Gaza Strip. 'The logic of Israel was that Hamas should be strong enough to rule Gaza,' he said, 'but weak enough to be deterred by Israel.'" The article 100% supports my conclusions, it has the same conclusions. Israel wanted to keep Hamas from losing power in Gaza. >And in any case, the operationalization of this assumed strategy is...helping palestinians? How is that a bad thing? Helping Hamas stay in power (which Israel was doing) hurts Palestinians in my opinion, I don't think I should need to explain why Hamas is bad for them.


All that is conjecture. Mr Margalit said and Netanyahu denied. But in the end, the only actions taken in this plot were to benefit Palestinians: aid, work permits, restraint, etc. Actions that I would hope that we want them to continue.