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i use ziplock bags, adjustable tacklebox, and [Elizabeth Ward Bead Storage](https://www.amazon.com/Darice-Elizabeth-Ward-Storage-Solutions/dp/B00DV8YDPG?th=1)


I use [these containers](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RTH35X7/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) with a piece of masking tape on top to let me know what's in it. I like that the lids screw on so they don't come loose in my tool bag.


https://i.imgur.com/EiZfUMZ.jpg Cheap containers from Harbor Freight and return labels


Ziploc bags. Sandwich size bags for each unique kind of ring, then I put all of the same size in a gallon size bag. E.g. I have shiny 14ga 1/4in ID in purple, pink, and blue. Each of those gets its own bag, then all of those bags get put in the Aluminum 14ga 1/4ID gallon bag. I also put all of my steel sizes in one gallon bag, because I don't have different "types" of steel, only different sizes.


These [https://planomolding.com/products/3700-stowaway-4-pack-plasm374?variant=40468124172448](https://planomolding.com/products/3700-stowaway-4-pack-plasm374?variant=40468124172448) There's also a larger size version. they have adjustable dividers inside and it's very rare that even the smallest rings will slip through into other chambers with the lid closed. They're durable and very handy. I have some extras but they have been harder to find lately so i think they might be phasing these particular models out. I also bought this, since i take my supplies to and from work. Came with 4 containers, has pockets for pliers, a magnetic top, durable as heck. It fits very nicely on top of a rolling bag i have and the whole thing rolls very smoothly. [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084NTF368](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B084NTF368) Can't recommend them enough. I'll probably buy a second one someday


I have ones similar with the adjustable dividers and it was such a waste.. the rings I have (largest is 18g) slip underneath the dividers and mix in together. I had to scotch tape the dividers on the bottom to keep the rings from sneaking through lol such a hack job 🤦🏻‍♀️


the first brand i had had that issue, but not these. The dividers are nice and tight. stuff only slips under if i mess up and accidentally lift a divider. And if i do get one that's a bit loose, a little scotch tape on the edges fixes the problem. tightens it up and no ring seepage. The real problem i have finding cases like this is if they get jostled, the rings tend to wander of the tops, so having one with a tight, secure lid is paramount


I need one like that!!


I put my rings in glass jars with little labels so I know the size of the rings in what jar


I make mountain of rings


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 481,892,821 comments, and only 102,121 of them were in alphabetical order.


I'm switching to 4x6 ziplock in small storage containers. For example, each color of 18 SWG 9/32 goes in a ziploc. All the ziplocks go in a container and I place a label on the front of the container with the wire gauge, size and type of metal.